Android Studio: Module won't show up in "Edit Configuration" - android-studio

I've imported a project to Android Studio with several subprojects.
I want to run a subproject.
I successfully made this subproject's build.gradle as a module.
In order to run it, I went to Run > edit configurations > + > Android Application.
Problem: When I try to select a module, none show up in the drop down list.
Why is this?
EDIT: it shows up as a module under Groovy but not showing under Android Application. How do I get it to show up under Android Application?

Make sure your build.gradle is
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''
After you have changed, please sync your gradle again.

I had similar issue when I selected parent directory of my project, I resolved by Close Project -> Delete Project from Android Studio -> Import Project by selecting right build.gradle file.
Make sure you select right build.gradle file while import.

I fixed this by adding facets in Module settings. They were missing.
right click on project > open Module settings > Facets > Add facets ( "+" sign at the top ) > Android.
After adding facets you will have modules.
For latest version of gradle, Facets have been removed, you can directly add modules now.
right click on project > open Module settings > Add module ( "+" sign at the top ) > Phone and Tablet Application (Now you can create a new module and configure it).

In Android Studio 3.1.2 I have faced the same issue. I resolved this issue by click on "File->Sync Project with Gradle Files".This works for me. :)

resolved this issue by clicking on "File->Sync Project with Gradle Files"

New project. Fixed this issue by clicking on "File->Sync Project with Gradle Files"

I have tried all the options with no luck. So I have ended up with my working solution. Just make following steps:
Close android studio if open.
Copy module(project) in your current workspace.
Start android studio.
You will see added module in project structure.
Open settings.gradle of your project and include ':YOUR_MODULE_NAME'.
Sync gradle and you can see module is successfully added to your project.

Files > Sync Project with Gradle Files
Files > Sync with File System
Should do the trick.

goto Android >> Gradle Scripts>>Build Gradle(Module :app)
make sure the first line of this file is like this.
apply plugin: ''
not like this
apply plugin: ''

The following worked for me:
edit the overall project's 'settings.gradle' file and add a line at the bottom to include your new module (include ':myNewModule') - e.g:
include ':myNewModule'
Synch gradle.
Add a build.gradle file into your new module directory. You need to make sure the first line says 'apply plugin: ''. Simply copying a build.gradle from another module in your project, if you have one, seems to work.
Synch Gradle
Your module should now show up in 'Edit Configurations'

This mainly happens when you copy a library project and try to build it. The solution would be to add
apply plugin: ''
in the build.gradle file, instead of
apply plugin: ''
Then do a gradle sync

This worked for me: File > Project Structure... > Modules > Green Plus Symbol > Import > Then Select The Project

In your module build.gradle file make sure you have the correct plugin set. it should be
apply plugin: 'android'

No configuration was deteched because IDE was unable to detech modules (<no module>).My compileSdkVersion and buildToolsVersion was 28 in build.gradle (app module)
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
buildToolsVersion 28
But SDK was not installed. So then I installed it first and it worked for me !!!

It appears different solutions work for difference people, for me just closing the project and importing it again resolved the problem.

I finally figure out why the module is not showed up when I add configuration for AndroidTests for a module.
If you include your library module in your application's build.gradle like this:
compile project(':yourlibrary')
Since for library module it is compiled with release mode by default, you can't run Android Tests for it, that's why it won't show up in the module list.
I fixed it with following modification:
Add following configuration to the build.gradle of your library module:
publishNonDefault true
By make following changes, you can debug compile your library by editing the build.gradle of your application module like following:
- compile project(':yourlibrary')
+ debugCompile project(path: ':yourlibrary', configuration: 'debug')
+ releaseCompile project(path: ':yourlibrary', configuration: 'release')
Then sync it and you'll find it shows in the list.

Android Studio 4+
1- File -> Close project
2- Delete .idea folder
3- Open project again

It was fixed for me after removing and re-adding the Android and Android-Gradle Facets in the Module Settings dialog.

I managed to fix it in Android Studio 1.3.1 by doing the following:
Make a new module from File -> New -> New Module
Name it something different, e.g. 'My Libary'
Copy an .iml file from an existing library module and change the name of the file and rename references in the .iml file
Add the module name to settings.gradle
Add the module dependency in your app's build.gradle file 'compile project(':mylibrary')'
Close and reopen Android Studio
Verify that Android Studio recognises the module as a library (should be bold)
Rename module's directory and module name by right clicking on the newly created module.
Enjoy :)

The following are methods to help you:
Close and Open Project again
Close and Open Android Studio
Clean Project
Rebuild Project
Instantiate and Restart
Make sure you have included :app
Import the Project

I added this line to my app.iml file and it works
orderEntry type="library" exported="" name="appcompat-v7-19.1.0" level="project" />

For me it was fixed by simply restarting Android Studio.. Like the good old days of Eclipse

In my case problem was from a higher (or not downloaded) compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in build.gradle(app).
This was happened because of cloning project in another pc that not downloaded that sdk image.

Close all Android Studio projects
Remove the project from the recent projects in Android Studio wizard
Restart Android Studio
Use import option (Import project- Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.) instead of open an existing
Project AS project
File -> Sync project with gradle files

Sometimes the errors exists in Android-manifest because of that there
is cross like image over run/debug configuration hence try to look
over if Android-manifest has any errors in just case.

For my case, a newbie I boogered up my project, not sure how but it would not longer run and complained about the manifest, the R, everything. I realized that some how in my settings.gradle did not have include ':app' once I added this, I was back on my way.

Well, nothing worked for me from all the answers. Finally, I clicked Run > Edit Configuration. On the left, u can choose a new main module and remove to deleted ones.

Add your module in your applications .iml file like:
orderEntry type="module" module-name="yourmoudlename" exported=""
It works for me.

If all the above doesn't work. Try to update your Android studio version.
1. In Android Studio, select File > Settings (or Android Studio > Preference on Mac).
2. In the left pane, select Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates.
3. Be sure that Automatically check for updates is checked, and then select a channel from the drop-down list.
4. Click OK.

For me it was:
Right click on app project folder & select Load/Unload Modules...
Select app module, click Unload >, & click OK
Right click on app again & select Load/Unload Modules...
Select app module, click < Load, & click OK
app then appeared for me in the configurations list again.


Android Studio “cannot resolve symbol R” but project compiles and runs

Android Studio displays in all java files in red : “cannot resolve symbol R” but the project compiles and runs.
I have tried every solution here:
Android Studio "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles and works, but with no luck.
I tried to :
invalidate caches and restart android studio
delete .gradle and .idea folders
clean and rebuild the project
install a new version of android studio
mess up with gradle file then undo changes and sync project
One thing that I want to try, but I don't know how to achieve, is to reopen the project from scratch as I was opening it for the first time, but I don't know how to do this.
I also tried answers from here:
Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles,
but again with no luck.
Android studio version = 3.2.1
dependency versions in gradle project file:
classpath ''
classpath ''
For some reason that i do not understand ,
this combination of build versions made the issue :
grade version = 4.10.1
classpath ''
when i switched to these build versions :
grade version = 4.6
classpath ''
The issue was solved !
File -> Close project
Open an existing Android Studio Project
Open you project
Hope it will work.
sometimes, R file is not generated because of package name on android manifest is not match with package module that you have.
Is any wrong syntax or spelling in your xml?
Check your layout or any xml file.
Android Studio seems to have a caching issue with occasionally. I rarely have a problem with this, but when I do, I actually open (double press shift and type "") or navigate to under "app/build/generated/source" directory, opening the file and checking if the relevant XML id has been created. If it has, it forces Android Studio to now recognise the id's that are not being resolved. It's quick to try, and doesn't require clean and rebuild.
From your programs menu, open android studio. instead of opening your project from the recent files, select to open a project from your computer and then locate the path to your project. When all else fails, sometimes this works.
Also, try commenting out the support libraries from your gradle implementation, sync your project, and after sync fails comment them back in and sync again. (not sure if that's what you tried already when you said you messed with the gradle file)
In my case,
I am using
- Android Studio version 3.3.1 at home
- Android Studio version 3.2.1 at office
When i pulled projects to my office computer that are firstly created at my home computer ,
Android Studio can not resolved R file but runs application with no error. Because projects gradle and Android Studio version are incompatible.
Only thing that you sholud do, change the gradle version in project level gradle file
classpath ''
classpath ''
I was facing same issue,
first thought the issue might because of some xml file or naming of drawable resources incorrectly. After analysing, this case wasn't applicable to me.
Updating Android studio from older version 3.2 to newer version 3.3.2 along with new build tool version from SDK manager resolved this issue
for me.
I've tried invalidate cache and Restart AS with clean rebuild all the options but didn't work for me.
It says cannot resolve symbol, but it can run.
In my case, I just reload the needed *.jar files to the libs folder.
File >> invalidate caches/restart
Rebuild Project
Works for me!
It looks like the library did not load my "imports" properly the first time.
That's why the import methods cannot be seen in my main_activity.xml.
This happened to me when I was going back and forth between different SDK versions.
Apparently SDK manager copied all the source files but it didn't finish cleanly. As a result I could compile and run my project just fine but IDE didn't recognize the SDK and reported all java symbols unresolved.
None of the above and other solutions in SO didn't work for me, but just uninstalling/reinstalling the specific SDK version did a job.
If you renamed your package (inside java folder), make sure you change your Manifest package name to the same
The only thing that worked for me was,
import package_name.R
import package_name.*
simply go to project settings : settings.gradel and change the to your current name = "write the project name here"

Flutter: How to import existing Flutter project, as a gradle project

How to import existing Flutter project, as a gradle project? 'Import Project' wizard asking for Gradle home path.
I have gradle, installed in my system. But what (which path) needs to set here.
Here is, what I'm trying:
I had also gone through this problem where I have to import the existing Flutter project in Android Studio. I was able to import the project following below steps:
Open Android Studio
Goto File -> Open -> In Open File or Project window select the project you want to import.
Once you have done above steps try to resolve warnings shown in the log window. Warnings may be like update dependencies used in the project, etc.
Hope it will help you out.
I faced the same issue.
The gradle home directory (on my Windows machine) is located under:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-4.1
(please check the gradle version).
This will allow you to open the project. Then, you will most certainly need to "upgrade to gradle".
If this does not fully work, you might also consider using Visual Studio Code, which makes the "import" much easier: simply open the folder where you project resides. Optionally, you will have to resolve missing packages (-> Fetch packages). It should then be possible to run the project.
Hope this helps.
File - Open - Select the project root directory
Open Flutter settings from the tip menu - Click the pull-down menu, then flutter sdk dir appeared
Or you can just use the flutter run command after step 1.
If you first add the flutter plugin for Android studio, then you can directly import the project as an Android Studio project and it should work fine.
In my case, having Android Studio 3.4.2 and Flutter 1.7.8, I only needed to:
1 - Open the project with the option "Open an existing Android Studio project".
2 - Run "flutter pub get" to get the packages listed in the pubspec.yaml file.
3 - Run the project with "flutter run"
If you are using Google services, don't forget to add your google-services.json file in your project. In another case, the project will fail without a clear message when you try to run it.
For Import exiting Flutter project.
Please choose Import Project because of Android Native application mean import use of android app only.
So use File -> Open -> Select Project root directory.
After open if ask for dependencies then Choose to Get dependencies

Why does Android Studio download gradle each time a new gradle project is imported?

Why does Android Studio download gradle every time I try to import a new project?
Initially, I imported one gradle project for which Gradle 2.1 was auto-downloaded. Subsequently, for a second project import, it downloaded Gradle 1.10. Now again while importing a third project, it has downloaded Gradle 2.2.1.
What is happening?
Projects can declare which Gradle they require to run (see file in gradle directory in the root of the project).
Android Studio uses this information to download and run the right version (it's actually not Android Studio, it's the Gradle Wrapper running inside it). And it's a good thing.
What you can do?
Wait. Once you have the version downloaded in ~/.gradle directory, it will be used for any project declaring the same version. It's one-time cache.
Disable the usage of the wrapper when you import the project. I really recommend against it! You project might not build because of that.
Same happens to me.
The answer of JBaruch is allright.
1.- When you're opening a file on the option Gradle project: select the build.gradle that cames on your project
2.- Select the option "Use local grade distribution" and in Gradle home option; go and select in C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-2.2.1
It will not ask you to download it again (except if needs other version)
...well, here's what I normally do to speed up the initial build on opening a project (target):
1- open a project you already have working and open the file a copy the following line (your project most likely will have a different version):
2- paste it and replace the code on the same file on the target project
3- open the file build.gradle (project code) from a project you already have working and copy the following classpath, (again, your project most likely will have a different version)
dependencies {
classpath ''
// ...
4- paste it on the same file on the target project
This way you can speed up the build of the target project while avoiding the usual 100Mb or so Gradle download.
Basically it downloads the Gradle build files for your current project according to its version and this whole work is done by your gradle wrapper which actually looks towards the basic requirement for your project and downloads the files according to that so whenever you are going to use any another projects of same version or with same requirements then it will not download any additional file at that time.Its just a one time shot!!!!
It usually downloads the Gradle updated version & and external dependencies for each project rather than fetching it from the cache.
So follow these steps:-
Go to settings
Search for Gradle
Untick Download External Dependencies Option.

Android Studio project files not showing up

I have a library project in Android Studio that has been working fine, but today I went to work on it and all of the files are missing except for a few git files. The folders/files are there when I look in the project's folder on my hard drive, they just aren't displaying in Android Studio. Here is a screenshot:
I tried reinstalling and updating Android Studio, but it didn't work. Any ideas as to what is going on here? How can I fix it?
Try Import Project... and navigate to your project. Select build.gradle file.
Be sure to wait for a while, so that android studios can load all your stuff. Sometimes a restart will help, but since you reinstalled it, that shouldn't be the problem.
Go to File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules.
Click on the green colored + and add new module. select Application module and set the content root to your project module.
Click next and then finish.
This should do the trick and the complete project structure will appear. It worked for me.
I had to Sync Project with Gradle Files in Android Studio to get my files back after they disappeared in Android Studio's Project window.
Go to
File > Project Structure> click on + > then set it to android
Go to:
File > Sync Project with Gradle files.
It will show up all the files linked with the gradle.
You can reset the IDE configurations by removing the configurations folder manually.
First close your project in Android Studio
In the project's root folder run:
rm -r .idea
Open your project again.
In my case i have a slash in the subproject
As an example, this did not work:
include ":somedir/library"
But changing it to this fixed it:
include ":somedir-library"
project(":somedir-library").projectDir = new File(settingsDir, "somedir/library")
In my case, it was because of the NDK version
In my case only File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart... works.

Android Studio HoloCircularProgressBar Library

I am trying to add the project as a library to my project using android studio. I have added the project as a module and loaded it into the build.gradle file and added the dependency as well.
dependency {
compile project(':HoloCircularProgressBar')
No matter what it won't be able to find the attr 'cicularProgressBarStyle' and even in the xml it says unable to locate class file.
Would appreciate any help on this matter.
Thank you.
To import this plugin in Android Studio, complete the following steps:
Download the latest version of the plugin and extract the library directory
(rename it if you want - I've called mine circularProgressBar)
Create a new directory called libraries at the root of your project in Android Studio
Put the previously extracted library directory into into the new libraries directory
Go to your settings.gradle (also at the root of your project) and add the following:
include ':libraries:circularProgressBar'
Now go to File > Project Structure, select your module and click on the Dependencies tab, then click '+' and select 'Module Dependency'. You'll be prompted to select the holoCircularProgressBarModule. Select it and click OK.
Do a Gradle Sync and the project should be successfully imported.
This was completed using Android Studio 0.5.8
