Windows Phone Emulator error - visual-studio-2012

I am getting this type of errors often. But when I restart the system and run the app again there is no problem. Whats the cause of this problem
And Visual studio says the error as this sometimes this error differs...

I'm guessing as Harush says that your don't have enough free RAM available after you've been running the computer for a while and have many processes running. As for the second error I don't really understand from your question as to when it happens (always, randomly, or with the RAM problem?) but as the link below states it happens most often when you mess with the project file manually (when you unload and change the project in the xml editor).


Visual Studio 2017 crashes after 10-20 minutes

For over a month now I've been experiencing problems with VS2017 on my home PC. I even tried submitting the feedback to Microsoft. There's more info about the problems I'm experiencing there.
The problem:
The gist of it is that VS is eating RAM like crazy. As soon as I start opening files, adding new files, using IntelliSense, building or (especially) debugging, the RAM usage skyrockets.
After that it's only a matter of time before the VS crashes and restarts without any error message. Though there are numerous error messages throughout these breif ~20min I have with each session.
Additional details I observed:
Doesn't happen with Python projects, as these don't have to be built constantly. It might be eventually happening if you debug a lot, but I didn't have the chance to check that because most of my Python coding is debugged on an external device
Size of the loaded solution doesn't matter;
UWP and WPF seem to crash the most. Console Projects take longer to crash.
Also affects .NET Core;
It doesn't matter which version of .NET Framework I use;
VS2015 worked perfectly, but I don't have it anymore after the format
What I already tried:
I reinstalled VS;
I refreshed Windows;
I reinstalled Windows;
I checked my drives and RAM for issues - none found;
I switched from Community to Enterprise;
I tried disabling extensions;
I applied some shady hotfix I found somewhere;
Finally, I installed Rider which seems to be the best solution as of now. It still lacks many important features, though.
Is there anything else I can do/try/check? Did anyone experience (and fix) a similar issue?
You get a System.OutOfMemoryException, this means your Visual Studio runs out of free virtual address space (4GB on 64 Bit Windows for the 32Bit Visual Studio because Visual Studio is configured to be large address aware and MS refuses to release VS as 64Bit program which would fix this issue).
To analyze the memory usage, you need to run WPRUI.exe (part of Windows Performance Toolkit (which gets installed by VS2017) for some scenarios, if not, install it on your own), select Reference Set (Note: expand the Resource Analysis entry first to see all options).
and click on Start. Capture the memory usage grow for some 100s of MB and click on Save.
Open the generated ETL with the analyzer (WPA.exe) and analyze what the process devenv.exe is doing.
Also zip the ETL + NGENPDB folder (important) as zip and attach it to your bug report so that Microsoft can analyze it.

Eclipse locks up PC on first launch

I've just downloaded Eclipse on elementary OS and attempted to launch it. After doing so, I saw the loading screen for a few seconds before it disappeared and left me with the desktop. Since then, my computer (an old Dell with 4GB of RAM and an Intel Core Duo) has been very unresponsive and the disk activity indicator is almost constantly lit up. I've been looking at the desktop for around 30 minutes now! How can I solve this problem and launch Eclipse?
EDIT: Running eclipse -clean from the command line produces the following error: The org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized. Will retry after the state location is initialized.
First, you might review your installation steps. If nothing is obviously wrong, check the following:
check for any error logs
check that you're using the proper Java version
make sure that there's enough memory allocated for Eclipse (see the eclipse.ini file)
as a last resort, try reinstalling it
See also the following guide for installing on Elementary OS: how to install
If that's not working submit more details of your specific problems.
NOTE: You may have to find the right Java and install it "by hand" rather than relying upon the distribution's package manager. You can "point" Eclipse at the right Java by editing the .ini file.
Some related links are as follows:
a similar symptom related to multiple screens and/or corrupt workspace
General trouble-shooting related to your issue and symptoms

My app runs very slow after using debugging tools

I was trying to debug a heap corruption issue in our app, and used appverifier, gflags and _CrtSetDbgFlag to try and track it down. now i've cleared the gflags, removed our app from app verifier and removed _CrtSetDbgFlag, yet on my computer now the app is horrendously slow (over 15 minutes just to start it up).
It doesn't matter how i run the app, even with visual studio closed and double clicking a release executable i get the same slow behavior.
Can anyone point me to what i may have screwed up on my machine to have this issue?
I've solved the problem for myself by using system restore to go back to before i used gflags. I notice now that gflags does come with the warning:
Note Incorrect use of this tool can degrade system performance or prevent Windows from starting, requiring you to reinstall Windows.
So i probably should have been more careful.
If anyone has a better way to fix this than system restore, like a list of the registry entries that gflags changes and what they should be by default, that would still be very helpful.

"A remote operation is taking longer than expected" x64

First off, I think I've been to every website and forum there is that's discussing this issue and I've tried many different things. I'm at my wits end. This is the dumbest thing and I just want to start coding again!
I'm using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop. I have a x64 project I'm trying to run in Debug mode using the local windows debugger. The only external library I'm using is that of which is required to run DX11.
I attempt to run my program and it freezes. A window pops up saying "A remote operation is taking longer than expected."
I click Terminate and another window pops up asking if I'd like to terminate the remote session. Why yes, I would.
Then it says, "Unable to start program (my path leading to my .exe). The network connection to the Visual Studio Remote Debugger has been closed."
To my understanding, because Visual Studio itself is a 32 bit application, it needs to use the Remote Debugger to compile to x64. Is that correct?
Regardless, I'm still failing to see where that would break down. I've ran several repairs on VS and upgraded to Service Pack 2 (or 1, whichever is the latest).
I've ran a windows repair and uninstalled any VMWare type stuff on my computer. I'm not using a VPN.
I've even copied msvsmon.exe from my laptop (working instance of the project) over to this computer and still no luck.
I'm about ready to Nuke my OS and do a clean install on everything. sigh
Found the problem. It wasn't Windows Firewall like other threads describe. It was my internet filter. I guess it decided to try and block msvsmon.exe because it was using the network. Adding it, along with WDExpress.exe to the application exceptions list did the trick.

cin.get() causes access violation error under Visual Studio

My Visual Studio 2013 console application has suddenly started causing an access violation error just before exiting. The popup error window tells me "Access violation executing location xxx" and it breaks in the VC library function _callthreadstartex. If I comment out the lines I added:
cout << "\nHit Enter to finish\n";
it works. Also, when I run it from a command window instead of from the Visual Studio debug environment, it works. (The project file I'm working with does not contain a Release configuration--debug version is all there is.)
The rest of the program is an example from a large open source package, which is too elaborate to list here. The operating system is Windows 7, freshly installed on an older computer.
While I know that this type of error is usually cryptic and intermittent and may not have anything to do with cin.get() at all, can I rule anything in or out? Since the only things I added are standard library calls, programming error on my part is not likely. The package I'm working with is very complex and fragile, but I don't know where to start in using the error information I'm given to track down the problem. Is it possible this is an operating system setting matter that doesn't require a code fix? Is it a threading issue that's outside my expertise?
