Avoiding CA2122 from Code Analysis in VS2012 with SecuritySafeCritical fails - visual-studio-2012

I have here a C++/CLI solution which isn't mixed with native C++ (although we have this type too). It consists of three projects, where are two relevant for my question.
The first one is a static library (.lib) and deals with Acitve Diretytory matters.
The second one is the executable main project (.exe) which depends on the other projects.
I'm new to Visual Studio 2012 and want to use the advantages of tools like the code analysis. Running the code analysis over the solution reveals several CA2122 warnings:
CA2122 Do not indirectly expose methods with link demands
I understand the security concerns related to this warning and I think I understood how to deal with it, although I'm also new to this security stuff. This warnings are related to the Active Directory code when the whole solution is examined, while examining only the lib-project they will not appear and everything seems to be ok.
Now to the core of the problem:
I tried to mark all methods where I'm warned with the SecuritySafeCritical attribute
--> no changes, same warnings
I've solved this warning in another project by marking the whole assembly as SecurityCritical and adding the SecuritySafeCritical to the problematic method. This will not work since adding a AssemblyInfo.cpp with marking the assembly as SecurityCritical will not affect this problem. (I know that *.cpp seem to be obsolete in managed static librarys since the code seem to have to be complete in the header files making this kind of project obsolete... but we don't want to have .dll for every small part and we also want to have this stuff capsulated in an own project instead of having some loose header files or have it mixed with other regions)
After that I tried to mark the whole assembly of the main project as SecurityTransparent because so far I understand this SecuritySafeCritical marked code can be called by SecurityTransparent or SecurityCritical code (what is for me every kind of security). --> My as SecuritySafeCritical marked methods now are marked with CA2141 warnings and many other methods produce new warnings (most of them are related to exception handling):
CA2141:Transparent methods must not satisfy LinkDemands
CA2140: Transparent code must not reference security critical items
So I decided to try marking this assembly as SecurityCritical too.
--> My SecuritySafeCritical methods finally produce no warnings, but there are still all these other warnings from methods having exceptionhandling.
So I don't know how to solve this problem. I assume that having a managed static library is the problem and when having just a dll-project maybe I could solve the problem as mentionend in 2., but I want to avoid to share another *.dll project with our programs.
I searched for a solution but found nothing which would help in this case. Also informations on this topic are rare, out of date (because related to .Net Framework 2.0 while the whole security thing seems to be changed massively with .Net Framework 4.0) or hard to understand for me. So I hope someone has an idea what I could try or what I should do.


Is there any documentation for ServiceStack.Text.JSConfig with regard to MonoTouch AOT helpers?

Is there any documentation for ServiceStack.Text.JSConfig with regard to MonoTouch AOT helpers?
I Found this...
ServiceStack JIT Error on MonoTouch
and I've had a look at the code but there are no comments and frankly it is a bit mysterious.
From my understanding of the AOT process all one needs to do to make sure a type/method is emitted is to have that type/method in one's source where the compiler thinks it may be used/called. It is not necessary to actually use/call anything at run time. The whole point of AOT is that it is a compile-time process. Consequently putting the use/call inside a method that is not used will work as long as the optimizer does not remove it.
I've been trying to use ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig.RegisterTypeForAot(); (in an unused method) to cure my AOT issues but have run into other weird issues when I have too many calls to it. See other question...
Calling ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig.RegisterTypeForAot<T>(); with MonoTouch causes SIGSEGV on startup on device
Could I maybe be using the RegisterTypeForAot() method wrongly?
What do the other methods do? RegisterForAot() and InitAot()
There is no documentation about JsConfig.InitForAot() other than what's already in-line in the JsConfig, i.e:
Provide hint to MonoTouch AOT compiler to pre-compile generic classes
for all your DTOs. Just needs to be called once in a static
You should only have to call the JsConfig.InitForAot() stub and a JsConfig.RegisterTypeForAot<T>() for each type to let the MonoTouch compiler know what generic code needs to be pre-generated ahead of time so that all the code is available for generic reflection. If you run into a problem submit a small stand-alone test case with the issue on the GitHub project issues so we can see if there are any work around that can be done.

MissingMethodException when using zxing.Monotouch on iOS6

I have updated my development system to the new MonoTouch (6.0.1) and now whenever I'm referencing zxing.Monotouch types I get MissingMethodException on the constructor.
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MyClass..ctor'.
It's been 3 days now...
Anyone got any idea? I'm even willing to give up zxing if that what it takes (even though it's a wonderful library).
When I include zxing.Monotouch in the solution and reference it as a project the problem does not reproduce. If that's a clue I've missed it...
It's likely that the binary version of zxing.Monotouch is trying to access something that does not exists in 6.0.1. That's uncommon as we try to maintain source/binary compatibility unless the code is really broken (e.g. it would cause a crash anyway). I cannot be more precise without more data (e.g. a full build log).
If you include zxing.Monotouch as a reference then it will be rebuilt. If it works then it really looks like source compatibility was preserved (but not binary compatibility).
Whenever you have the source code available I encourage you to use .csproj (not .dll) references. Is has a few advantages, including the source/binary compatibility (above) and the fact that it makes things easier to debug from your project.

adding extra codes at runtime in java

I am developing a library and I need to add extra codes to some of my methods of my objects at run time. there are two points here. first of all, the program I wanted to add extra code, is written before by some body else, and I don't wanted to edit it. second, my work is very similar to adding aspect before calling a method.
After searching and reading on in internet, I found out many frameworks like aspectj, ASPECTWERKZ and etc. that could do this job, but for example the problem with aspectj(when using in spring context) is that it doesn't provide you any API to do your weaving at runtime.
I also found out there are some libraries like ASM and javassist and etc. but they are so general and hard to learn, and my job is more likely to aspects.
So what do you suggest? is there any good library out there? Am I wrong about above libraries i mentioned earlier? Please Help!
With AspectJ you can apply your aspects when classes are loaded at runtime. See Load-Time Weaving documentation. Alternatively, you don't have to change your old code and can apply aspects at compile time.

MonoTouch: Adding DLL references in sub projects

In a way I am looking for best-practice here.
I have a common project that is shared by many of my apps. This project has FlurryAnaylics and the ATMHud DLLs as references.
If I do not also reference these DLLs in the main project, the apps will often, but not always, fail in the debug-to-device test. In the debug-to-simulator I don't need to add these DLLs to the main project.
So, the question is: Do I have to include references to DLLs in the main project that I have in sub projects all the time?
Whenever possible I use references to project files (csproj files) over references to assemblies (.dll). It makes a lot of things easier, like:
code navigation (IDE);
automatic build dependency (the source code you're reading is the one you're building, not something potentially out-of-sync);
source-level debugging (even if you can have it without it, you're sure to be in-sync);
(easier) switch between Debug|Release|... configurations;
changing defines (or any project-level option);
MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj (link to ../Common/MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj)
MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj (link to ../Common/MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj)
Large solutions might suffer a bit from doing this (build performance, searching across files...). The larger they get the less likely everyone has to know about every part of it. So there's a diminished return on the advantages while the inconvenience grows with each project being added.
E.g. I would not want to have references to every framework assemblies inside Mono (but personally I could live with all the SDK assemblies of MonoTouch ;-)
Note: Working with assemblies references should not cause you random errors while debugging on device. If you can create such a test case please fill a bug report :-)

What are the porting issues going from VC8 (VS2005) to VC9 (VS2008)?

I have inherited a very large and complex project (actually, a 'solution' consisting of 119 'projects', most of which are DLLs) that was built and tested under VC8 (VS2005), and I have the task of porting it to VC9 (VS2008).
The porting process I used was:
Copy the VC8 .sln file and rename it
to a VC9 .sln file.
Copy all of
the VC8 project files, and rename
them to VC9 project files.
all of the VC9 project files,
Edit the VC9 .sln,
Load the VC9 .sln with
VS2008, and let the IDE 'convert'
all of the project files.
compiler and linker errors until I
got a good build.
So far, I have run into the following issues in that last step.
1) A change in the way decorated names are calculated, causing truncation of the names.
This is more than just a warning (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/074af4b6.aspx). Libraries built with this warning will not link with other modules. Applying the solution given in MSDN was non-trivial, but doable. I addressed this problem separately in How do I increase the allowed decorated name length in VC9 (MSVC 2008)?
2) A change that does not allow the assignment of zero to an iterator. This is per the spec, and it was fairly easy to find and fix these previously-allowed coding errors. Instead of assignment of zero to an iterator, use the value end().
3) for-loop scope is now per the ANSI standard. Another easy-to-fix problem.
4) More space required for pre-compiled headers. In some cases a LOT more space was required. I ended up using /Zm999 to provide the maximum PCH space. If PCH memory usage gets bumped up again, I assume that I will have to forgo PCH altogether, and just endure the increase in what is already a very long build time.
5) A change in requirements for copy ctors and default dtors. It appears that in template classes, under certain conditions that I haven't quite figured out yet, the compiler no longer generates a default ctor or a default dtor. I suspect this is a bug in VC9, but there may be something else that I'm doing wrong. If so, I'd sure like to know what it is.
6) The GUIDs in the sln and vcproj files were not changed. This does not appear to impact the build in any way that I can detect, but it is worrisome nevertheless.
Note that despite all of these issues, the project built, ran, and passed extensive QA testing under VC8. I have also back-ported all of the changes to the VC8 projects, where they still build and run just as happily as they did before (using VS2005/VC8). So, all of my changes required for a VC9 build at least appear to be backward-compatible, although the regression testing is still underway.
Now for the really hard problem: I have run into a difference in the startup sequence between VC8 and VC9 projects. The program uses a small-object allocator modeled after Loki, in Andrei Alexandrescu's Book Modern C++ Design. This allocator is initialized using a global variable defined in the main program module.
Under VC8, this global variable is constructed at the very beginning of the program startup, from code in a module crtexe.c. Under VC9, the first module that executes is crtdll.c, which indicates that the startup sequence has been changed. The DLLs that are starting up appear to be confusing the small-object allocator by allocating and deallocating memory before the global object can initialize the statistics, which leads to some spurious diagnostics. The operation of the program does not appear to be materially affected, but the QA folks will not allow the spurious diagnostics to get past them.
Is there some way to force the construction of a global object prior to loading DLLs?
What other porting issues am I likely to encounter?
Is there some way to force the construction of a global object prior to loading DLLs?
How about the DELAYLOAD option? So that DLLs aren't loaded until their first call?
That is a tough problem, mostly because you've inherited a design that's inherently dangerous because you're not supposed to rely on the initialization order of global variables.
It sounds like something you could try to work around by replacing the global variable with a singleton that other functions retrieve by calling a global function or method that returns a pointer to the singleton object. If the object exists at the time of the call, the function returns a pointer to it. Otherwise, it allocates a new one and returns a pointer to the newly allocated object.
The problem, of course, is that I can't think of a singleton implementation that would avoid the problem you're describing. Maybe this discussion would be useful: http://www.oneunified.net/blog/Personal/SoftwareDevelopment/CPP/Singleton.article
That's certainly an interesting problem. I don't have a solution other than perhaps to change the design so that there is no dependence on undefined behavior of the order or link/dll startup. Have you considered linking with the older linker? (or whatever the VS.NET term is)
Because the behavior of your variable and allocator relied on some (unknown at the time) arbitrary order of startup I would probably fix that so that it is not an issue in the future. I guess you are really asking if anyone knows how to do some voodoo in VC9 to make the problem disappear. I am interested in hearing it as well.
How about this,
Make your main program a DLL too, call it main.dll, linked to all the other ones, and export the main function as say, mainEntry(). Remove the global variable.
Create a new main exe which has the global variable and its initialization, but doesn't link statically to any of the other application DLLs (except for the allocator stuff).
This new main.exe then dynamically loads the main.dll using LoadLibrary(), then uses GetProcAddress to call mainEntry().
The solution to the problem turned out to be more straightforward than I originally thought. The initialization order problem was caused by the existence of several global variables of types derived from std container types (a basic design flaw that predated my position with that company). The solution was to replace all such globals with singletons. There were about 100 of them.
Once this was done, the initialization (and destruction) order was under programmer control.
