Different syntax on mongodb module in Node.js - node.js

I'm now learning how to use MongoDB in Node.js, but as long as I know, there are two ways to write the code.
One (on some books and online blogs):
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, Connection = require('mongodb').Connection, Server = require('mongodb').Server;
Two (Github page and its documentation page on 10gen):
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
Why does the disparity occur and which one should I take if there are any differences other than syntax? Perhaps it's due to different versions of the module, but if so on what number I have to take one over the other?

MongoClient is the new prefered way for all the different drivers. It has acknowledged (safe) writes on by default and should be the general interface to MongoDB. See http://blog.mongodb.org/post/36666163412/introducing-mongoclient for more information about how and why.


Switch DB dynamically for NodeJS web application

I am trying to implement a feature which a user can decide on login to which DB to connect. As it is a web-app, running on a server which all the clients approach, how can I implement this feature without changing every client DB?
At our company we are using mongoose as the MongoDB API.
I read all the docs, and didn't notice any functionality for using multiple connections to different DB's on different hosts within the same App at once - without damaging other's client work.
The most valuable thing I have accomplished is to open few connections based on multiple mongoose instances, based on this post:
Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project
I have created few files for example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
module.exports = exports = mongoose;
And then I required them:
let stageAccess = require('./databsesConnections/stageAccess');
let prodAccess = require('./databsesConnections/prodAccess');
I debugged the files and checked the connections are establishing.
Further more I checked in the mongoose docs and concluded that I can choose which connection is the default connection, as the docs state:
"Mongoose creates a default connection when you call mongoose.connect(). You can access the default connection using mongoose.connection."
So I tried:
mongoose.connection = mongoose.connections[1];
And it works fine.
So the actual question is, what will happen if client 1 approach the app, select to connect dbNum1 and starts to work,
then client 2 approach the app and select to connect to dbNum2?

Whats an efficient, correct way of using monk / mongo in express middleware?

I have a web app under development. I found CW Buechler's tutorial on how to make a simple one very useful but have a couple of niggling worries that I'd like to know whether they're real issues, or things I can ignore.
The way I connect my routes to my database is straight from the tutorials.
in app.js, this code instantiates the database, and attaches a reference to it to every req object that flows thru the middleware.
// wire up the database
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var db = require('monk')('localhost:27017/StarChamber');
// Make our db accessible to our router
req.db = db;
And in the middleware it get used like this:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
var db = req.db;
var collection = db.get('myCollection');
// do stuff to produce results
res.json (results);
So, to my niggling worries:
Passing the db to the routes by attaching it to the req is pretty convenient, but does it impact performance? Would it be better to have a reference to it in my router file that I could just use? What's the code to do this?
Is it good practice to drop the collection after its been used? The Tutorial doesn't do so, but a collection.drop() call before exiting the route handler looks beneficial, otherwise I think I'll just rack up lots of open connections with the db.
Thanks as ever!
No, it won't impact performance. It's a convenient method to pass a reference to db around, but with Monk it doesn't seem to be especially necessary. See below for an alternative setup.
You are confusing collections with connections. The former are the MongoDB-equivalent of "tables" in SQL, so dropping them doesn't seem to make sense since that would basically throw away all the data in your database table. As for connections: through various layers of indirection, Monk seems to be using the official MongoDB Node driver, which handles connections itself (by means of a connection pool). So there's no need to handle it yourself.
For an alternative way of passing the Monk database handle around: you can place it in a separate module:
// database.js
module.exports = require('monk')('localhost:27017/StarChamber');
And in each module where you require the handle, you can import it:
var db = require('./database');

Is CRUD API of NeDB compatibale with MongoDB?

I am looking for MongoDB API compatible DB engine that does not require a full blown mongod process to run (kind of SQLite for Node).
From multiple candidates that persistently store data on a local disk with similar API ended up with two:
NeDB https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb
tingodb http://www.tingodb.com/
I have worked with neither of them.
I am also very new to the API of MongoDB, so it is difficult for me to judge about comparability.
I need your help/advice on picking only one library that satisfies
It is stable enough.
It is fast to handle ~1Mb JSON documents on disk or bigger.
I want to be able to switch to MongoDB as a data backend in the future or by demand by changing a config file. I don't want to duplicate code.
DB initialization api is different
Now only tingodb claims the API compatibility. Even initialization looks fairly similar.
var Db = require('tingodb')().Db, assert = require('assert');
var Db = require('mongodb').Db,
Server = require('mongodb').Server,
assert = require('assert');
In case of NeDB it looks a bit different because it uses the datastore abstraction:
// Type 1: In-memory only datastore (no need to load the database)
var Datastore = require('nedb')
, db = new Datastore();
Obliviously initialization is not compatible. But what about CRUD? How difficult it is to adopt it?
Since most of the code I do not want to duplicate will be CRUD operations, I need to know how similar they are, i.e. how agnostic can be my code about the fact which backend I have.
// If doc is a JSON object to be stored, then
db.insert(doc); // which is a NeDB method which is compatiable
// How about *WriteResult*? does not look like it..
db.insert(doc, function (err, newDoc) { // Callback is optional
// newDoc is the newly inserted document, including its _id
// newDoc has no key called notToBeSaved since its value was undefined
I will appreciate your insight in this choice!
Also see:
Lightweight Javascript DB for use in Node.js
Has anyone used Tungus ? Is it mature?
NeDB CRUD operations are upwards compatible with MongoDB, but initialization is indeed not. NeDB implements part of MongoDB's API but not all, the part implemented is upwards compatible.
It's definitely fast enough for your requirements, and we've made it very stable over the past few months (no more bug reports)

How to work with node.js and mongoDB

I read :
How do I manage MongoDB connections in a Node.js web application?
How can I set up MongoDB on a Node.js server using node-mongodb-native in an EC2 environment?
And I am really confused. How I should work with mongoDB from node.js? I’m a rookie, and my question may look stupid.
var db = new db.MongoClient(new db.Server('localhost', 27017));
db.open(function(err, dataBase) {
//all code here?
Or every time when I needing something from db I need call:
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDB", function(err, dataBase) {
//all code here
What is the difference betwen open and connect? I read in the manual that open: Initialize and second connect. But what exactly does that mean? I assume that both do the same, but in the other way, so when should I use one instead the other?
I also wanna ask it's normal that mongoClient needing 4 socket? I running two myWEbServer at the same time, here’s picture:
I wanna mention that this isn't a problem ( rather doubt :D), my server works perfect. I ask because I wanna know if I am using mongoDB driver correctly.
Now/Actually I use first option,init mongo dirver at the beginning and inside load put all code.
I'd recommend trying the MongoDB tutorial they offer. I was in the same boat, but this breaks it down nicely. In addition, there's this article on github that explains the basics of DB connection.
In short, it does look like you're doing it right.
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDB", function(err, dataBase) {
//all code here
var collection = dataBase.collection('users');
var document1 = {'name':'John Doe'};
collection.insert(document1, {w:1}, function(err,result){
You still can sign up for a free course M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers, provided by MongoDB guys
Here is short description:
This course will go over basic installation, JSON, schema design,
querying, insertion of data, indexing and working with language
drivers. In the course, you will build a blogging platform, backed by
MongoDB. Our code examples will be in Node.js.
I had same question. I couldn't find any proper answer from mongo documentation.
All document say is to prefer new db connection and then use open (rather than using connect() )

Abstract layer for Node.js database

I have been looking around for simple database abstraction implementation, then i found great article http://howtonode.org/express-mongodb, which old but I still like the idea.
Well maybe the construction, could take some kind of object literal with database settings.
So the main idea is that there could be different implementations of UserService-s, but locate in different directories and require only the one that's needed.
When the Database is needed, I wil get it with var UserService = require(__dirname + '/data-layer/mongodb/user-service).UserService(db); where var db = "open db object"
Would this be the correct way to do it or is there any better solutions ?
There are a few solutions, available via NPM :
Node-DBI : "Node-DBI is a SQL database abstraction layer library, strongly inspired by the PHP Zend Framework Zend_Db API. It provides unified functions to work with multiple database engines, through Adapters classes. At this time, supported engines are mysql, mysql-libmysqlclient and sqlite3". Looks like the developpment has been paused.
Accessor : "A database wrapper, provide easy access to databases." Supports only MySQL and MongoDB at the moment.
Activerecord : "An ORM written in Coffeescript that supports multiple database systems (SQL, NoSQL, and even REST), as well as ID generation middleware. It is fully extendable to add new database systems and plugins."
Since I've posted this answer, I have abandoned mongoose for official MongoDB NodeJS Drivers as it is fairely intuitive and more loyal to the concept of NoSQL databases.
Original Answer:
I though it might be time to update the answer of an old question:
If you want to use MongoDB as your document-oriented database, mongoose is a good choice and easy to use (example from official site):
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Cat = mongoose.model('Cat', { name: String });
var kitty = new Cat({ name: 'Zildjian' });
kitty.save(function (err) {
if (err) // ...
For a rather modern approach, Mongorito is a good ODM which uses ES6 generators instead of callbacks.
As of 06.2015 I reckon that the best ORM for SQL databases with Node.js/io.js is Sequelize supporting the following databases:
The setup is fairly easy:
var sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'mysql'
// Or you can simply use a connection uri
var sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://user:pass#example.com:5432/dbname');
It also provides transactions, migrations and many other goodies.
