Compiling my C program with my customized library (.h) using Linux - linux

Hi team,
I have three files which I need to compile for testing, btw im using CentOS linux.
how do I put the library.h in the gcc library, so I can use it?
how do I compile the source_code.c to use that library?
Thank you very much.

This is basic knowledge of your tools, but you can do this:
#include "library.h" in the include section of the library.c code (at top of the file).
gcc source_code.c library.c in the linux terminal will link and compile both source_code.c and library.c. This will generate an executable named "a.out" (if there were no compilation problems). You can change its name, by adding the option -o name to the gcc command (gcc source_code.c library.c -o mycode will generate an executable named "mycode").
If you really need a library that will be used by a lot of other programs, you can look for "shared libraries", but I think that you are asking for a basic thing.

You dont need this library.h while building and executable (with gcc) as you should have specified the exact location of the library in the source file. All you need to do is gcc sourcefile1.c sourcefile2.c -o exename


Use private C++ runtime library on linux

In Windows, the dynamic loader always looks for modules in the path of the loaded executable first, making it possible to have private libraries without affecting system libraries.
The dynamic loader on Linux only looks for libraries in a fixed path, in the sense that it is independent on the chosen binary. I needed GCC 5 for its overflow checked arithmetic functions, but since the C++ ABI changed between 4.9 and 5, some applications became unstable and recompiling them solved the issue. While waiting for my distro [kubuntu] to upgrade the default compiler, is it possible to have newly compiled application linking to the new runtime, while packaged application still links to the old library, either by static linkage, or something that mimics the Windows behavior?
One way of emulating it would be to create a wrapper script
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $(which your_file)) your_file
And after the linking step copy the affected library but it is sort of a hack.
You can use rpath.
Let's say your "new ABI" shared libraries are in /usr/local/newapi-libs.
gcc -L/usr/local/newapi-libs
program.cpp -o program -lsomething`
The -rpath option of the linker is the runtime counterpart to -L. When a program compiled this way is run, the linker will first look in /usr/local/newapi-libs before searching the system library paths.
More information here and here.
You can emulate the Windows behavior of looking in the executable's directory by specifying -Wl,-rpath,.
[edit] added missing -L parameter and dashes before rpath.

How to cross compile a C++ file with LTIB

I have installed LTIB from freescale (by way of Congatec) and would like to compile a "hello, world" program. gcc gives me the native executable. How do I compile for my ARM processor?
You need to install a cross compiler for ARM. gcc on your machine is the native compiler, a cross compiler has a different prefix that determines the target architecture, operating system and libc. In your case, the target system has probably an ARM architecture, is running a Linux kernel with the GNU libc.
arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o hello hello.cpp
Run ./ltib -m shell. In this mode all of the standard tools are setup to allow ./configure and other setups to build for an ARM by default. From this shell gcc -o hello hello.cpp will create an executable for you. It will be setup for your rootfs, be it uCLibc or glibc. You can also take external open-source packages and run the ./configure - make cycle.
The documentation in the LTIB FAQ has much more information on using LTIB. LTIB typically installs tools in the /opt/freescale directory. If you are not using a custom compiler you will find the compiler under /opt/freescale and can use it directly. In this directory, the compiler will be named something like arm-none-linux-gnuabi-gcc. With the ./ltib -m shell, it is aliased to gcc as are many other standard commands for cross-building.
Look at the -march=name option in the gcc man page. The exact architecture you will specify depends on the version of ARM you need to compile for. v5 ARM example:
gcc -o ARM.exe -march=armv5 source.c
First move to the LTIB folder.
cd "ltib folder"
Then enter the ltib shell
./ltib -m shell
then compile using
gcc -static "program name" .c -o "program name".sabre
Then run the command
file "program name".sabre

How to see which static libraries were used for gcc/g++ compilation from the generated binary?

Context: I'm using a linux toolchain (includes g++, other build tools, libs, headers, etc) to build my code with statically linked libraries. I want to ensure that I'm using ONLY libraries/headers from my toolchain, not the default ones on the build machine. I can use strace to see what g++ is doing (which libraries it is using) while it is compiling which would be helpful in a normal scenario - but my build system has many wrappers around g++ that hide all of the output.
Question: is there a way to obtain from a statically-linked binary any useful information regarding the library and header files which were used to create the binary? I've taken a look at the objdump tool but I'm not sure if it will help much.
Just pass -v to g++ or gcc at link time. It will show all the linked libraries. Perhaps try make CC='gcc -v' CXX='g++ -v'
More generally, -v passed g++ or gcc shows you the underlying command with its arguments because gcc or g++ is just a driver program (starting cc1, ld or collect2, as, ...)
By passing the -H flag to GCC (i.e. g++ or gcc) you can see every included header. So you can check that only the heanders you expect are included.
You cannot see what static library has been linked, because linking a static library just means linking the relevant object file members in it, so a static library can (and usually is) linked in only partly.
You could use the nm command to find names from such libraries.
If you can simply recompile, then there are ways (using some of the techniques that Basile explained) to get the headers and libraries (static or dynamic) but, unfortunately, there is no way to know which libraries were used after the compilation is complete.

How to run a *.o file in Android

I currently compiled a set of source code in C in Linux and the output is a *.o file which is a object file. This supposedly does image compression. Now I want to use/test this in Android.
Is this possible? I have only tried NDK examples from the Android NDK developer side. Have not came across any reference on how this can be done.
Thanks In Advance,
You don't run object code files (*.o). You would need to turn it into an executable. To do this, assuming you are using GCC you would run gcc file1.o file2.o -o executable which would convert a two file program with file1.o and file2.o into an executable called executable.
Object files (ending in .o) usually contain code that is incomplete. For example, if your program uses some library to print something on screen, to produce an executable, you must link your compiled code (the .o file) with the library, so that when the operating system loads the executable knows all the code that will be used. You do this linking with a linker (such as ld in Linux, or /system/bin/linker in Android). In your case, it's easier to let gcc call the linker for you, as Jalfor notes.
The answer is Yes. But you have to do some fair amount of work to see it running on Android.
1) If you are compiling on Linux, it means the object file or the final executable is being built for the x86 or AMD processor(Mostly). But mostly all the mobile devices have ARM processors running on their phones. So, though you have an executable you will not be able to execute it in ANdroid if it is not built for ARM Cpu. This is what android NDK does exactly.
2) So, we have to build the same code again for Android(ARM), for which we need a cross-compiler and the source code of the object files you are talking about.
3) If you have source code avilable, you can do 2 things again.
To include it in JNI folder, build the shared library and then do the
stuff of calling and all.
Build the code into an executable(Note you need to have main
inside the code) using the android NDK and then push the executable inside Android using
Now finally you can login and then check the result. In case anything is not clear, please do let me know. I wont mind explaining. Thanks..

passing library argument to gcc

I've a shell on a system without root privileges. I am trying to use a custom library for my new project and it cannot be installed onto the system because I don't have the root privilege. I'm building the library from source. Making the '.o' from the sources has been done. I've tried passing the '.o' file, generated after building the source, as the library argument (-l) to gcc , but gcc says file not found. Any possible workarounds for this?
Just pass the .o as an extra bit just like the rest of your program.
gcc <library.o> <yourprogram.o> -o <executable>
gcc -L/path/to/library/directory
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/library/directory:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./a.out
