Smart CSS compressor that moves #imports to top - node.js

I've written a little script that gathers up all my CSS files and compresses them:
var cssSources = [];
bundle.input.stylesheets.forEach(function(filename) {
if(isLocalPath(filename)) {
var fileContents = FileSystem.readFileSync(filename, {encoding: 'utf8'});
if(/\.css$/.test(filename)) {
} else if(/\.less$/.test(filename)) {
var parser = new Less.Parser({
paths: [staticDir],
filename: filename
parser.parse(fileContents, function(e, tree) {
var cssCode = UglifyCSS.processString(cssSources.join(''));
Which was working well until I tried #importing a font in a CSS file that was not included first. This means that the #import wound up somewhere in the middle of my compressed CSS, which of course doesn't work.
I'm currently using UglifyCSS as you may have noticed; is there a better alternative that will move all the #imports to the top? Preferably available as an npm package.
Update: clean-css has the same problem.


node-canvas registerFont can't find font file once deployed (works locally)

I have a Node.js server that uses node-canvas to render text on an image on the server-side. Here is the repo: (just git clone, npm i and npm run dev to run locally).
As you'll notice in the code, I am loading the Anton font, which I got from here with the documented registerFont function provided by node-canvas
registerFont('./fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf', { family: 'Anton' })
Everything works like a charm locally, but when I deploy to Vercel (formerly known as zeit), that line throws an ENOENT error:
no such file or directory, lstat '/var/task/fonts'
Is there a path I can use here that will successfully load the font from within a Vercel function?
Can I find a single path that will work both locally and once deployed?
I had the same problem recently and I finally found a solution. I'm no guru, so someone will probably be able to suggest a better way, but here's what worked for me.
Because of how Vercel runs their serverless functions, a function doesn't really know anything about the rest of the project, or the public folder. This makes sense (because security), but it does make it tricky when you need the actual path to a file. You can import the font file no problem, the build process will give it a new name and put it on the disk (in /var/task ), but you can't access it. path.resolve(_font_name_) can see it, but you can't access it.
I ended up writing a very bad, separate api page that used path.join and fs.readdirSync to see what files are actually visible from the api page. One thing that is visible is a node_modules folder that contains the files for modules used on that api page.
fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/')
So what I did was write a local module, install it in my project, then import it into my api page. In the local module's package.json, I have a line "files": ["*"] so it will bundle all the module files into its node_modules folder (instead of just the .js files). In my module I have my font file and a function that copies it to /tmp (/tmp is readable and writable) then returns the path to the file, /tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf.
On my api page, I include this module, then run it, and I pass the resultant path to registerfont.
It works. I'd share my code, but it's pretty sloppy right now, and I'd like to clean it up and try a couple things first (like I'm not sure if I need to copy it to /tmp, but I haven't tested it without that step). When I get it straightened out I'll edit this answer.
Since I haven't been able to improve on my original solution, let me give some more details about what I did.
In my package.json I added a line to include a local module:
"dependencies": {
"canvas": "^2.6.1",
"fonttrick": "file:fonttrick",
In my project root, I have a folder "fonttrick". Inside the folder is another package.json:
"name": "fonttrick",
"version": "1.0.6",
"description": "a trick to get canvas registerfont to work in a Vercel serverless function",
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
"main": "index.js",
"files": [
"keywords": [
This is the only local module I've ever had to write; the keywords don't do anything, but at first I'd thought about putting it on NPM, so they're there.
The fonttrick folder also contains my font file (in this case "Roboto-Regular.ttf"), and a the main file, index.js:
module.exports = function fonttrick() {
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const RobotoR = require.resolve('./Roboto-Regular.ttf')
const { COPYFILE_EXCL } = fs.constants;
const { COPYFILE_FICLONE } = fs.constants;
//const pathToRoboto = path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/fonttrick/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
try {
if (fs.existsSync('/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf')) {
console.log("Roboto lives in tmp!!!!")
} else {
fs.copyFileSync(RobotoR, '/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf', COPYFILE_FICLONE | COPYFILE_EXCL)
} catch (err) {
return '/tmp/Roboto-Regular.ttf'
I ran npm install in this folder, and then fonttrick was available as a module in my main project (don't forget to run npm install there, too).
Since I only need to use this for API calls, the module is only used in one file, /pages/api/[img].js
import { drawCanvas } from "../../components/drawCanvas"
import { stringIsValid, strToGameState } from '../../components/gameStatePack'
import fonttrick from 'fonttrick'
export default (req, res) => { // { query: { img } }
// some constants
const fallbackString = "1xThe~2ysent~3zlink~4yis~5wnot~6xa~7xvalid~8zsentence~9f~~"
// const fbs64 = Buffer.from(fallbackString,'utf8').toString('base64')
// some variables
let imageWidth = 1200 // standard for fb ogimage
let imageHeight = 628 // standard for fb ogimage
// we need to remove the initial "/api/" before we can use the req string
const reqString64 = req.url.split('/')[2]
// and also it's base64 encoded, so convert to utf8
const reqString = Buffer.from(reqString64, 'base64').toString('utf8')
//const pathToRoboto = path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/fonttrick/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
let output = null
if (stringIsValid({ sentenceString: reqString })) {
let data = JSON.parse(strToGameState({ canvasURLstring: reqString }))
output = drawCanvas({
sentence: data.sentence,
width: imageWidth,
height: imageHeight,
fontPath: fonttrick()
} else {
let data = JSON.parse(strToGameState({ canvasURLstring: fallbackString }))
output = drawCanvas({
sentence: data.sentence,
width: imageWidth,
height: imageHeight,
fontPath: fonttrick()
const buffy = Buffer.from(output.split(',')[1], 'base64')
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
The important part of what this does is import fonttrick which puts a copy of the font in tmp, then returns the path to that file; the path to the font is then passed to the canvas drawing function (along with some other stuff; what to draw, how big to draw it, etc.)
My drawing function itself is in components/drawCanvas.js; here's the important stuff at the beginning (TLDR version: if it gets called from the API page, it gets a path to the font; if so, it uses that, otherwise the regular system fonts are available):
import { registerFont, createCanvas } from 'canvas';
import path from 'path'
// width and height are optional
export const drawCanvas = ({ sentence, cards, width, height, fontPath }) => {
// default canvas size
let cw = 1200 // canvas width
let ch = 628 // canvas height
// if given different canvas size, update
if (width && !height) {
cw = width
ch = Math.floor(width / 1.91)
if (height && width) {
cw = width
ch = height
if (height && !width) {
ch = height
cw = Math.floor(height * 1.91)
// this path is only used for api calls in development mode
let theFontPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'public/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf')
// when run in browser, registerfont isn't available,
// but we don't need it; when run from an API call,
// there is no css loaded, so we can't get fonts from #fontface
// and the canvas element has no fonts installed by default;
// in dev mode we can load them from local, but when run serverless
// it gets complicated: basically, we have a local module whose only
// job is to get loaded and piggyback the font file into the serverless
// function (thread); the module default function copies the font to
// /tmp then returns its absolute path; the function in the api
// then passes that path here so we can load the font from it
if (registerFont !== undefined) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
theFontPath = fontPath
registerFont(theFontPath, { family: 'Roboto' })
const canvas = createCanvas(cw, ch)
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
This API path gets used in the header for my game, in the meta tags to create the image on demand when a page gets shared on facebook or twitter or wherever:
<meta property="og:image" content={`${returnString}`} />
Anyway. Ugly and hacky, but it works for me.
I think you were very close with registerFont. Here’s what I got to work using your repo:
In img.js:
import { registerFont, createCanvas, loadImage } from 'canvas'
// …
// Where 'Anton' is the same font-family name you want to use within
// your canvas code, ie. in writeText.js.
registerFont('./pages/fonts/Anton/Anton-Regular.ttf', { family: 'Anton' })
// Make sure this goes after registerFont()
const canvas = createCanvas()
I added a new folder in pages/ called fonts/, and added the Anton folder downloaded from Google Fonts. Click “Download Family” to get the font file from here:
The other file you downloaded ( is actually the CSS file you’ll want to use the fonts client side in the browser, for your previewer.
At first, I would keep using the hosted version provided by Google Fonts. You can add that to the PreviewMeme.js component:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<canvas id='meme' ref={canvas}></canvas>
(You might also want to use something like FontFaceObserver client side to make sure the font has loaded before rendering your canvas the first time.)
In writeText.js you’ll also then change the fontFamily to Anton:
const fontFamily = 'Anton'
That will make Anton available client side via the hosted Google Fonts, and it should be available to you as a file on the server for rendering with the server-side canvas package.
Hope that’s helpful!
The solution ended up being
import path from 'path'
registerFont(path.resolve('./fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf'), { family: 'Anton' })`
See path.resolve
I finally got this working, using officially-documented configurations rather than the hacky top answer!
First of all, I'm assuming your serverless function is at api/some_function.js, where the api/ folder is at the project root.
Create a folder in api/ to put static files into, such as api/_files/. For me, I put font and image files.
Put this in vercel.json:
"functions": {
"api/some_function.js": {
"includeFiles": "_files/**"
Now in api/some_function.js, you can use __dirname to reference the files:
const { join } = require('path')
registerFont(join(__dirname, '_files/fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf'), { family: 'Anton' })
This is based on this Vercel help page, except I had to figure out where the _files/ folder goes in your project directory structure because they forgot to mention that.

pdfmake does not include fonts / text in node.js

I have a problem with pdfmake. I would like to generate a PDF on a node.js server. I would like to load data from a database and draw a nice table and simply save it to a folder.
var pdfMakePrinter = require('pdfmake/src/printer');
var fonts = {
Roboto: {
normal: './fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf',
bold: './fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf',
italics: './fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf',
bolditalics: './fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf'
var PdfPrinter = require('pdfmake/src/printer');
var printer = new PdfPrinter(fonts);
var docDefinition = {
content: [
'First paragraph',
'Another paragraph, this time a little bit longer to make sure, this line will be divided into at least two lines'
var pdfDoc = printer.createPdfKitDocument(docDefinition);
pdfDoc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('pdf/basics.pdf')).on('finish', function () {
The generated PDF is empty. If I add an image, it is inserted well. But no font is included. The path of the fonts (which are given in the sample) is right.
Has anyone an idea, why no fonts are embedded and how this can be done in node.js? There are no valid samples on the pdfmake documentation.
After some debugging, I found out, that the app crashes in fontWrapper.js in this funktion:
FontWrapper.prototype.getFont = function(index){
var pseudoName = + index;
delete this.pdfkitDoc._fontFamilies[this.postscriptName];
this.pdfFonts[index] = this.pdfkitDoc.font(this.path, pseudoName)._font; <-- Crash
this.postscriptName = this.pdfFonts[index].name;
return this.pdfFonts[index];
Does anyone have an idea?
TTF is not issue in your case you can use any font to generate a PDF on a node.js server.
inside pdfmake = function(filename, name) {
var contents;
contents = fs.readFileSync(filename);
return new TTFFont(contents, name);
on contents = fs.readFileSync(filename); this line
fs can't read file on given path
as per This conversation you have to put your fonts at root folder,
but problem is when we create font object we gives root path and this path is not working for fs.readFileSync this line so you have to exact path of font
add process.cwd().split('.meteor')[0] befor font path
I have created example for same functionality please this below link

Copy specified files with condition using gulp

I am trying copy my vendor files to my dev folder using gulp. When I was in development mode, I want copy only the unminified files, if unminified is not present copy minified files. And in production mode I want copy minifed files if files are not present minify the normal files.
my folder structure
Here my basic I had written.
var scriptsPath = '../vendor/';
function getFolders(dir) {
return fs.readdirSync(dir)
.filter(function(file) {
return fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory();
gulp.task('vendor', function() {
var folders = getFolders(scriptsPath);
var cssFilter = $.filter('**/*.css')
var tasks = {
var jsFilter;
if (isProduction) {
jsFilter = $.filter('**/*.min.js');
} else {
jsFilter = $.filter(['**/*.js', '!**/*.min.js']);
return gulp.src(path.join(scriptsPath, '**/'))
.pipe($.if(useSourceMaps, $.sourcemaps.init()))
.pipe($.if(isProduction, $.uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})))
.on('error', handleError)
.pipe($.if( isProduction, $.minifyCss() ))
.on('error', handleError)
.on('error', handleError)
return es.concat.apply(null, tasks);
I am trying the last two days using gulp-if& some methods. But not yet get the solution.Thanks in advance.
You are trying to cram way to much into your vendor task. The stuff you do with your JS files is completely unrelated to the stuff you do with your CSS files. That's hard to read.
Instead of using gulp-filter try splitting vendor up into smaller tasks like vendor-js, vendor-css, etc... and then declare them as dependencies for your vendor task:
gulp.task('vendor', ['vendor-js', 'vendor-css' /* etc ... */]);
Your vendor-js task could then look like this:
var glob = require('glob');
gulp.task('vendor-js', function () {
var js = glob.sync('../vendor/**/*.js');
if (isProduction) {
// use <file>.min.js, unless there is only <file>.js
js = js.filter(function(file) {
return file.match(/\.min\.js$/) ||
js.indexOf(file.replace(/\.js$/, '.min.js')) < 0;
} else {
// use <file>.js, unless there is only <file>.min.js
js = js.filter(function(file) {
return !file.match(/\.min\.js$/) ||
js.indexOf(file.replace(/\.min\.js$/, '.js')) < 0;
gulp.src(js, { base: '../vendor' })
.pipe($.if(isProduction, // only minify for prod and when
$.if("!**/*.min.js", uglify()))) // the file isn't minified already
Adapting this to you specific needs should be fairly trivial from here on.

Using Grunt to Replace Text in a File

I'm trying to get Grunt to replace a path reference and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. This looks like it should work. Essentially, I'm copying a Bootstrap file up a directory and changing the #import paths, so I'm just trying to replace 'bootstrap/' with the new destination path 'MY/NEW/DEST/PATH/bootstrap'. I don't want to use a module for something as straight forward as this, seems needless. Everything works but the replace.
var destFilePath = path.join(basePath, file);
// Does the file already exist?
if (!grunt.file.exists(destFilePath)) {
// Copy Bootstrap source #import file to destination
// Node API join to keep this cross-platform
path.join(basePath, 'bootstrap/_bootstrap.scss'),
// Require node filesystem module, since not a global
var fs = require('fs');
// Replace #import paths to be relative to new destination
fs.readFile(destFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
// Check for any errs during read
if (err) {
return grunt.log.write(err);
var result = data.replace('/bootstrap\//g', 'bootstrap/bootstrap/');
fs.writeFile(destFilePath, result, 'utf8', function(err) {
return grunt.log.write(err);
You wrapped your regex in quotes - don't do that and it should work fine:
var result = data.replace(/bootstrap\//g, 'bootstrap/bootstrap/');

Can't find css.js when using r.js

I am compiling my require.js based JavaScript together with r.js. We use the css plugin. Here is my build.js that I am running:
var requirejs = require('requirejs');
var sys = require("sys");
var prop = require("./node/config.js");
var extend = require('node.extend');
var baseNoC=prop.base.replace("C:/","");
window = {
top: {
path: prop.base + "/uif/trunk"
var amdConfig = require(prop.base + "/uif/trunk/scripts/bootstrap/amd-config");
var config = {
baseUrl: "C:",
name: "/"+baseNoC+"/uif/trunk/scripts/bootstrap/home-main.js",
out: "main-built.js",
optimize: "none",
map: {
'*': {
'css': baseNoC + "/vendor/trunk/require-plugins/require-css/0.0.3/css"
config = extend(config, amdConfig);
config.paths["all-files"]= + "/all-files";
//I tried it with this line in and out.
requirejs.optimize(config, function(buildResponse) {
//buildResponse is just a text output of the modules
//included. Load the built file for the contents.
//Use config.out to get the optimized file contents.
var contents = fs.readFileSync(config.out, 'utf8');
}, function(err) {
//optimization err callback
sys.puts("error! " + err);
When I run my page with my generated JavaScript, I get "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - [domain]/css.js"
The location of the file is in the location specified on my Anyway, I don't understand why it isn't in my compiled JavaScript. What should I do?
We're using Sass and I wouldn't mind just packaging up one big css with Sass and telling it to ignore the !css in the code. (However, those are in there for historical reasons.)
The issue is a bug in the r.js compiler, where it is ignoring the map config. I was just bitten by the same issue. I'm working on getting it resolved.
