How to change node.js debug port? - node.js

How to change it from 5858 to 7000, for example?

You can use --debug option:
node --debug=7000 app.js
You can use --inspect option for latest node >= v8
node --inspect=7000 app.js

For nodejs version >= v8 use this:
node --inspect=7000 --inspect-brk app.js


Nodejs waiting for to be free

When I try to use debugger in node to open debugger, I get an error 'Timeout (2000) waiting for to be free'. How can I resolve this and run the debugger correctly ?
function foo() {
var a = 5;
I have already tried changing the port using node inspect --port=9230 app.js and it doesn't work.
Try this:
node --inspect-brk app.js
replace app.js with your file name that you want to run, and you can insert your additional command alongside with this line.
I had the same problem, it took me hours to figure it out...
Run the following command:
node inspect --port=9228 file.js
I had the same issue by using VS Code. VS code document helps. Replace program.js with your js file name.
if the program should not start running but must wait for the debugger to attach:
node --inspect-brk program.js
Use node --inspect-brk {js file name} instead. It will work.
Enable inspector agent
2.Bind to address or hostname host (default:
3.Listen on port port (default: 9229)
4.Break before user code starts
I think the issue here is the command you give to node, it should be node --inspect..
You are missing the -- in front of inspect :)
npm install --global node-inspect
node-inspect script.js

Issues setting up remote node debugging with WebStorm

I've started my application on my server with pm2:
pm2 start /path/lib/start-server.js --name="cdl-debug" -- --inspect
Which would be equivalent to node /path/lib/start-server.js --inspect
The application starts and runs, although I see no notice in the logs about any debugging like explained here
I've opened up port 9229 in the firewall and setup my WebStorm debug config with Attach to Node.js/Chrome like so:
Then when I run the debugger it tries to connect for a while and finally fails with the message: Connection timed out. No further information.
Is there something else I should do? The WebStorm documentation doesn't mention much about the required setup on the server.
When running node /path/lib/start-server.js --inspect, you are passing --inspect to your application, not to Node.js. As a result, debugger is not started. You need to make sure to pass --inspect-brk to Node.js in order to debug your app:
node --inspect-brk /path/lib/start-server.js
You can specify --inspect-brk in your pm2 process.json, like
"node_args": [
and then start your app with pm2 start process.json

How can I change the default debugger port number in node?

I'm facing an error:
Starting inspector on failed: address already in use
How can I resolve this error?
You can do it this way:
node --debug=5412 app.js
You can also use --inspect option for node version >= v8
node --inspect=5622 app.js
See for More Help.
use param "--inspect"
node --inspect=[your port] app.js

Debug es6 transpiled code using node-inspector or babel-node-debug

When I debug my node rest api, I try to use node-inspector
node --debug server.js
This way I can debug my api using localhost:3000/api...
If I use node-debug, there's no way. It doens't start port 3000.
However my code is ES6, so in my current debug my code is transpiled by Babel.
I've tried to use babel-node-debug but It seems too be the same situation I had with node-debug. I can see ES6 code, but I'm not able to debug through port 3000.
Any workaround?
The options for babel-node (included in the babel-cli package) are the same as for node.
Specify the port for babel-node
babel-node --debug-brk=8010 test.js
Start node-inspector
Navigate to the node-inspector URL, passing the same port as a query parameter
I have tried this and it works well for me.
Disclaimer - I found this information here:

How to debug custom node server with

I am using with a custom server
This is what my entry looks like:
path: ''
port: 3333
base: '/'
I want to use node's default debugger, but when I type debugger anywhere in my, script execution doesn't stop. My debugger statement is simply ignored.
How can I make brunch run my server so that debugger statements are not ignored but pause script execution?
Brunch version: 1.7.18
Coffee version: 1.7.1
Node version: 0.10.30
Thanks for your time!
To use the debugger, it would be best to run brunch watch and your node app in separate terminal instances.
Just run brunch watch without the -s/--server option, and then separately run something like:
coffee --nodejs --debug
