Tabs repeat on click page action - google-chrome-extension

// Called when the url of a tab changes.
function checkForValidUrl(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
if(changeInfo.status === "loading") {
if (tab.url.indexOf('') > -1) {
// ... show the page action.;
chrome.tabs.create({url: "", "active":true});
// Listen for any changes to the URL of any tab.
So, I go on google, click page action, in new tab opens facebook. I make new tab with google again, click page action and it opens 2 facebook-tabs. Its strange, because I need - 1 click on page action - 1 new tab. How to fix it?

The problem is that you're adding an event listener every time your tab changes.
Since you're calling checkForValidUrl every time a tab changes, chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener is also called every time a tab changes. Now your pageAction has two event listeners doing the same thing. You can verify this by changing tabs multiple times and see that it will open as many Facebook tabs as you have changed tabs.
To fix this, of course, you should remove the following from checkForValidUrl:
chrome.tabs.create({url: "", "active":true});
and put it outside, for example, after you set up your listener for chrome.tabs.onUpdated.


How to cause a chrome extension to close only by clicking on the icon or a button

I am developing a chrome extension, in which I have used iframe, which I want to keep open even if we do some activity on the active web page itself or open a new tab or a new window. The extension should get closed only on clicking on the extension icon again or by clicking a close button, present on the extension itself. I am hinting on something like join pouch extension.
Other questions pertaining to this topic only caters to opening a window through extension which remains open or keeping the extension popup open just for debugging purposes, by inspecting the popup.
I know there is a way to do this, since I have seen some extensions as such, but am unable to find.
You can embed that iframe into the DOM structure of every single page you open. Unfortunately, Google doesn't provide any solution besides a default popup that disappears when the first click outside of it happens. The flipside is, you'll need to run one instance of your content script per page, which might mean there will be hundreds of them running (at least for me as I'm a compulsive new-tab-opener).
This is one of the ways, how you can approach this.
Step 1. As I've already said, the default action on icon click is opening a popup. You can disable that behaviour by including the following entry in your manifest.json:
"browser_action": {},
Step 2. The next thing would be creating a content script that runs on every page. In your manifest, it would look like this:
"content_scripts": [
"run_at": "document_end",
"matches": ["*://*/*"],
"js": ["path/to/your/content/script.js"]
Step 3.
Your content script should embed that iframe you mentioned into the currently open page (when the DOM fully loaded).
window.addEventListener('load', function load(event) {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
/* some settings, these are mine */ = "250px"; = "#eee"; = "100%"; = "fixed"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "1000000000000000";
iframe.frameBorder = "none";
/* end of settings */
iframe.src =
Step 4.
You must make sure, people can access iframe.html. Add this line to your manifest file:
"web_accessible_resources": ["path/to/contents/of/your/iframe.html"],
(or just add that file to the list if it was already there.
Step 5.
Create a function in your content script that knows how to hide your iframe. Something like that:
function toggle_iframe() {
if ( == "0px"){"250px";
} else {"0px";
Now, the only thing left is to know when to call it.
Step 6.
Unfortunately, background script is the only place that can get information about extension icon being clicked. Add this snippet to your background script:
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs){
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { action: "must_toggle_iframe" });
It sends a message, when the icon has been clicked.
Step 7.
The last part is to allow your content script to receive that message. Your content script needs a listener.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, sender) {
if (msg.action == "must_toggle_iframe"){
Of course, the solution is not ideal, but you could refine it. For example by remembering in the whether the iframe has been hidden.

Chrome extension keeps resetting

I'm new to chrome extension development but I'm running into issues debugging and with the extension itself. I currently have a form with a submit button and after the user hits submit I change the html to show the data that was just submitted.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementById("submitButton").addEventListener('click', myFunction);
//getCurrentTabUrl(function(url) {
// renderStatus(url);
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("formOutput").innerHTML = document.getElementById("formInput").value;
In this, 1 and 2 are displayed to the extension debugging console and the alert runs as well when the button is clicked. The test shows up very briefly and then it disappears.The formoutput value changes very briefly as well and then changes back to the default value I have. Does anyone know why my code/the chrome extension would be doing this?
When button with type submit (This is the default if the attribute is not specified) is clicked, the form data will be sent to server and page will be redirected to new page. Then your content script will be injected again, that's why the it changes back to default value.
To avoid this, you could change button with other types, or calling e.preventDefault to prevent default behavior. Then you would want to use Ajax to send data to server, which ensure the whole page won't be redirected and only parts of UI can be updated.

How find to whether my Chrome extension was called by shortcut?

I have a Chrome extension with a popup that can also be opened by a shortcut. When the popup gets opened, can I find out whether the user has used the shortcut or whether they have clicked on the extension icon?
The reason is that I'd like to hint users to use the shortcut, but I don't want to show that hint to users who already know and use the shortcut.
Popup and shortcut are defined like this in manifest.json:
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "images/icon48.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html",
"default_title": "__MSG_tooltip__"
"commands": {
"_execute_browser_action": {
"suggested_key": {
"default": "Ctrl+Shift+Space"
Not available, because:
Fired when a browser action icon is clicked. This event will not fire
if the browser action has a popup.
We has popup.
Not available, because:
The '_execute_browser_action' and '_execute_page_action' commands are
reserved for the action of opening your extension's popups. They won't
normally generate events that you can handle.
May try inject press listener to some page and track pressed of keys (on each page).
var isPressed;
document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
if (!(e.keyCode != 17) || !(e.keyCode != 16) || !(e.keyCode != 32)) return;
isPressed = true;
From popup in moment expand send message to content_scripts:
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function (tabs) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {action: "isPressed"}, function (responce) {
if (responce) {
After message receiving, listener in content scripts send variable isPressed as response:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message, sender, response) {
if (message.action == "isPressed") {
If variable is true, means called via keystrokes, else on click on icon.
can I find out whether the user has used the shortcut or whether they
have clicked on the extension icon?
There seems to be no clean direct way of detecting that.
Since I put some effort into trying to find a workaround, I would like to share what I have considered/tried and reasons why it doesn't work:
Attach the keyboard shortcut to some custom command, modify popup page and then open it programmatically.
Doesn't work because there is no way to open the popup programmatically, at least not in current stable version of Chrome (v50).
Create a custom command with the same shortcut as "_execute_browser_action" and use it to send a message to the popup.
Doesn't work because two commands cannot share the same shortcut.
Try to capture keyup in the popup page immediately after loading.
I tested this and it seemed to work at first, but it is definitely not reliable. If the user only presses the keyboard shortcut very briefly, the keyup event is fired before the popup page gets a chance to register a listener for it.
Capture keydown on pages using a content script and then send a message to the popup page to let it know that the keyboard shortcut was pressed (as suggested by UserName above).
This should work on most pages, but the content script won't be able to capture the keypress in address bar and on certain pages (chrome://, chrome-extension://).
Difficult to implement because you need to take into account the fact that users can customize the shortcut on chrome://extensions page. Finding the currently assigned shortcut programmatically to test against it in the content script is surprisingly difficult, because chrome.commands.getAll() provides localized key names (eg. "Ctrl+Shift+Space" in English, but "Ctrl+Shift+Mezera" in Czech) There are languages where even Ctrl and Shift don't stay in English.

Safari Extension: Display a local HTML, instead of the default or blank page, when the user opens a new tab

I'm trying to port a simple Chrome extension to Safari extension. It should display a local HTML when the user opens a new tab, but the path to the file should not appear in the URL-bar.
The code for the Chrome Extension is:
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"newtab": "main.html"
"permissions": [
Hello World!
In Safari, the close I get is to create a button on the toolbar an redirect to an URL.
How can I achieve the same functionality? I've tried to find examples, with no luck.
This may not be possible to do reliably. You can detect when a new tab is opened using the open event that is fired on safari.application or on a SafariBrowserWindow object, but then you have to make sure the new tab is not going to have a page loaded into it right away. That you can do by listening for a beforeNavigate event on the new tab...but then there are complications.
If the tab remains truly blank, no beforeNavigate event will be fired right away, so you can use a timeout to stop listening for the event and then proceed with loading the page of your choice. But new tabs may not remain blank. They can show the Top Sites page (the default behavior), they can show the user-specified home page, or they can show the page that is loaded in the previous tab.
In the home-page and same-page cases, a beforeNavigate event will be fired on the new tab, and its url property's value will be the URL to be loaded. Whether or not to hijack these types of new tab and load your own page into them is up to you.
In the Top Sites case, a beforeNavigate event will be fired on the new tab, but its url property will be null. So you might think you can detect that and then load the page of your choice in the new tab. However, there is a problem, because this same behavior (a beforeNavigate event with a null url) happens when any extension opens one of its own pages in a new tab. Therefore, if you were to hijack all tabs with a null beforeNavigate URL, you would make it impossible for other extensions to open their own pages.

Cool way to reset the browser action badge?

I have an extension that implements a browser action.
Of course, the browser action is allways visible, but it has a special significance in certain urls. So, I use filtered events to listen to those urls and set the proper badge
tabId: tab
{'url':[{hostSuffix: '', pathPrefix: 'somePath/'}]}
Is there some "elegant" way to reset the badge when the user navigates out from that page, without listening every single tab navigation?
Should I execute a content script to hang on some exiting event and send a message?
Thank you very much,
It seems to me that a good solution would be to use chrome.tabs.onUpdated.
In your background page, you would have something like that:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
// using a regex or however else you want to test the URL
if (/somedomain\.com\/somePath\//.test(changeInfo.url)) {
text: 'bdge',
tabId: tabId
} else {
text: '',
tabId: tabId
I know you wrote "without listening every single tab navigation" but I'm not sure why you want to avoid this.
This is what documentation doesn't tell you: Chrome actually resets badge automatically when user navigates away.
When you set a browser action's badge only to a specific tab, like
text: 'ABCD', // My badge's text should be only 4 characters long
tabId: 1234 // Any tab, ussually a var here, not a constant
Chrome shows the badge on the browser action button only when that tab is the active tab in the window. Its text resets to '' when the user navigates away in that tab. No need for special action to reset it.
