Is there a concept like late binding in in jsf - jsf

I have a dialog which includes an XHTML page that has a panel with binding variable set.. I wanted to know if there is a way to call that panel after the dialog is called and not before
<p:panelGrid id="ruleSeqPanelId" binding="#{gssociatedBean.SequencePanel}"

I resolved the issue by adding a condition to the ui:include tag ie
<ui:include src="#{bean.state=='somevalue'?'a.xhtml':'b.xhtl'/>
so my page that has the binding attribute will be set only when the particular condition is satisfied other wise a dummy page is shown. This resolved my issue


Is it possible to use <h:link> tag to link self in JSF?

What is the proper value of outcome attribute of tag <h:link> to reference the current page (the page the tag h:link is written in)?
Following rules for return values of action methods i tried
but all of them ends up with error message This link is disabled because a navigation case could not be matched.
I use JSF 2.2 and I want to use default navifation (i.e. my faces-config.xml file contains just the root tag).
The outcome attribute should be completely omited:
<h:link value="self link" />

How to redirect to a page using Primefaces commadLink and file

I have a Primefaces commandLink which I have used it many times in my application. Now I want to store it's URL in a file to make it maintainable. which xhtml attribute should I use to redirect it?
I already tried things like:
Myurl also contains this: sales/index.xhtml
but none of them run as I want!
You shouldn't use command links for page-to-page navigation in first place. Use a normal link.
If you have an internal URL / (implicit) navigation outcome:
<h:link value="link" outcome="#{bundle.Myurl}" />
Or if you have an external URL:
<h:outputLink value="#{bundle.Myurl}">link</h:outputLink>
Your attempts failed because the actionListener and action attributes are declared as MethodExpression attributes, meaning that any EL will be interpreted as a bean action method. The target attribute has an entirely different meaning, which is exactly the same as the generated HTML <a> element has.
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

Action/ActionListener method checked even if rendered=false

I have a composite component representing a table, that depending on the editable attribute (which I have created) may or may not display links to edit a row.
The edit links are of type <h:commandLink> and have actionListeners pointing to a method in a backing bean. The backing bean for handling editing is provided as a <cc:attribute name="editBean"... /> like the attribute editable, when I want the table to be editable.
If I don't need the table to be editable I set the editable attribute to false and the links rendered attribute gets set to false as well.
My problem is that if I set editable to false and therefore don't set the attribute editBean either, I get errors pointing out that there is no method for handling editing (e.g. java.lang.String does not have the property xxxxx).
I had hoped that as the links are set to not be rendered at all, what has been specified in the action/actionListener would be ignored. To me it feels logical to first check the rendered attribute and then, if it's set to true, check the other attributes.
So, my questions are: why does it work like this and if there's an elegant way of handling this scenario?
Use JSTL <c:if> to conditionally build the component in JSF component tree instead of rendered attribute to conditionally render the HTML output (it's that you're using JSF 2.2, otherwise I'd have explicitly mentioned that this requires a minimum of Mojarra 2.1.18 to avoid broken view state).
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.editable}">
<h:commandLink ... />

onclick tag giving error in h:commandLink

I'm using JSF 1.2 and I was trying to add onclick tag to h:commandLink which is throwing runtime error.
The code I'm trying to write in jsp is:
<h:commandLink id="btn" styleClass="button" onclick="performAction();">
<h:outputText value="some value" />
It is giving me an error:" Unable to locate tag attribute info for tag attribute onclick. "
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
From h:commandLink it says...
The commandLink tag renders an HTML "a" anchor element that acts like a form submit button when clicked.The commandLink tag is used to submit an action event to the application.
Use <h:commandLink> tag to represent a link to POST form data.
h:commandLink tag must include a nested outputText tag, which represents the text the user clicks to generate the event.
The generated HTML uses syntax.
The commandLink tag will render JavaScript. If you use this tag, make sure your browser is JavaScript-enabled.
The onclick attribute is automatically populated with Javascript to submit the form.
Setting type = “reset” makes the link a reset button.
Use the action attribute to associate the link with a JavaBean’s method.
You should check the source code via view source and check for java script errors via Firefox.

JSF2 ignores Action attribut [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
my xhtml code:
<h:commandLink action="#{detailController.updateProject}" class="positive" >
<h:graphicImage library="img" name="tick.png" alt=""/>
<h:outputText value="Save" />
This action (updateProject()) is not being called from JSF framework! Even if I delete it in the managedBean there is no exception thrown.
Does anybodyelse has had problems like that? I can't even explain that -.- I mean this action ethod is there!
ADD: Yes it is in a h:form tag! But I have two forms in that view! May that be the problem?
ADD2: I should also mention that if I hit the button it throws me back to the previous view! So my action method is being ignored and instead it opens another view ?!?!
To provide more information, my page is built like that:
panelGroup name=show rendered=!controller.edit
panelGroup name=edit rendered=controller.edit
So I have both, edit and show of one entity at one file! But only the buttons in the bottom form show that strange behaviour (see above).
Answering BalusC:
1. I use two forms (they aren't nested!)
2. In the bottom form I had already placed a h:messages
I'm gonna try putting my controller into viewScop for checking 3 and 4
I don't know how to check 5.
Thank you for that..
This can have a lot of possible causes. #romaintaz has mentioned only the most obvious one (the most common beginner's mistake): UICommand components must be placed inside an UIForm component.
There are however more causes:
You have multiple nested forms. This is illegal in HTML. The behaviour is dependent on the webbrowser used, but usually the button won't do anything. You may not nest forms, but you can use them in parallel.
A validation or conversion error has occurred which is not been catched by a h:message. Normally this is logged to stdout, but you can also use h:messages to get them all.
The UICommand component is been placed inside an UIData component (e.g. h:dataTable) whose value is not been preserved the right way during the subsequent request. If JSF cannot find the associated data row, the action won't be invoked. Putting bean in view scope should help a lot.
The component or one of its parents has a rendered or disabled attribute which evaluated false during apply request values phase. JSF won't invoke the action then. Putting bean in view scope should help a lot.
Some PhaseListener, EventListener, Filter or Servlet in the request-response chain has changed the JSF lifecycle to skip the invoke action phase or altered the request parameters so that JSF can't invoke the action.
Just a quick question: is your <h:commandLink> nested inside a <h:form>?
If this is not the case, you must include your command link inside a form element, otherwise it will not work.
Just for code simplification, you can use the value attribute instead of adding a <h:outputText> component:
<h:commandLink action="#{detailController.updateProject}" class="positive" value="Save">
<h:graphicImage library="img" name="tick.png" alt=""/>
Unfortunately, I don't know where the mistae was. I guess it was about wrong my JSF code.
I solved this problem by simplifying my code. From that xhtml page and that one controller I made 3 xhtml-pages and 3 Controller. After refactoring all that my code looks much easier and it works now :-)
Thank you for your helpful suggestions
