Windows Azure reliability (my server just lost its drives & sites, then 20 minutes later they reappeared) - azure

I am on a Windows Azure trial to evaluate migrating a number of commercial ASP.NET sites to Azure from dedicated hosting. All was going OK ... until just now!
Some background - the sites are set up under Web Roles (i.e. as opposed to Web Sites) using SQL Azure and SQL Reporting. The site content was under the X: drive (there was also a B: drive that seemed to be mapped to the same location). There are several days left of the trial.
Without any apparent warning my test sites suddenly stopped working. Examining the server (through RDP) I saw that the B: and X: drives had disappeared (just C: D & E: I think were left), and in IIS the application pools and Sites had disappeared. In the Portal however, nothing seemed to have changed - the same services & config seemed to be there.
Then about 20 minutes later the missing drives, app pools and sites reappeared and my test sites started working again! However, the B: drive was gone and now there was an F: drive (showing the same as X:); also the MS ReportViewer 2008 control that I had installed earlier in the day was gone. It is almost as if the server had been replaced with another (but the IIS config was restored from the original).
As you can imagine, this makes me worried! If this is something that could happen in production there is no way I would consider hosting commercial sites for clients on Azure (unless there is some redundancy system available to keep a site up when such a failure occurs).
Can anyone explain what may have happened, if this is possible/predictable under a live subscription, and if so how to work around it?

One other thing to keep in mind is that an Azure Web Role is not persistent. I'm not sure how you installed the MS Report Viewer 2008 control but anything you add or install outside of a deployment package when you push your solution to Azure is not guaranteed to be available at some future point.
I admit that I don't fully understand the full picture when it comes to the overall architecture of Azure but I do know that Web Roles can and do re-create themselves from time to time. When the role recycles, it returns to the state as it was when it was installed. This is why Microsoft suggests using at least 2 instances of your role because while one or the other may recycle they will never recycle both at the same time, part of what guarantees the 99.9% uptime.
You might also want to consider an Azure VM. They are persistent but require you to maintain the server in terms of updates and software much in the way I suspect you are already doing with your dedicated hosting.
I've been hosting my solution in a large (4 core) web role, also using SQL Azure, for about two years and have had great success with it. I have roughly 3,000 users and rarely see the utilization of my web role go over 2% (meaning I've got a lot of room to grow). Overall it is a great hosting solution in my opinion.

According to the Azure SLA Microsoft guarantees up time of 99.9% or higher on all its products per billing month. (20 min on the month would be .0004% loss, not being critical, just suggesting that they are still within their SLA)
Current status shows that sql databases were having issues in the US north last night, but all services appear to be up currently
Personally, I have seen the dashboard go down, and report very weird problems, but the services that I programmed to worked just fine all the way through it. When I experienced this problem it was reported on the Azure Status, the platform status and the twitter feed
While I have seen bumps, they are few and far between, and I find reliability to be perceptibly higher than other providers that I have worked with.
As for workarounds I would suggest a standard mode for your websites and increasing instances of the site. You might try looking into the new add ins that are available with the latest Azure release. Active Cloud Monitoring by Metrichub might be what you require.

It sounds like you're expecting the web role to act as a Virtual Machine instance.
Web Roles aren't persistent (the machine can be destroyed and recreated at any time), so you should do any additional required set up as a 'startup task' in your Azure project (never install software manually).
Because of this you need at least 2 instances so that rolling upgrades (i.e. Windows security patches, hotfixes and so on) can be performed automatically without having your entire deployment taken offline.
If this doesn't suit your use case then you should look at Azure Virtual Machines, but you'll need to manage updates and so on yourself. It's usually better to use Web Roles properly as you can then do scaling and so on a lot more easily.


What does the Azure Web Apps architecture look like?

I've had a few outages of 10 to 15 minutes, because apparently Microsoft had a 'blip' on their storages. They told me that it is because of a shared file system between the instances (making it a single point of failure?)
I didn't understand it and asked how file share is involved, because I would assume a really dumb stateless IIS app that communicates with SQL Azure for its data.
I would assume the situation below:
This is their reply to my question (I didn't include the drawing)
The file shares are not necessarily for your web app to communicate to
another resources but they are on our end where the app content
resides on. That is what we meant when we suggested that about storage
being unavailable on our file servers. The reason the restarts would
be triggered for your app that is on both the instances is because the
resources are shared, the underlying storage would be the same for
both the instances. That’s the reason if it goes down on one, the
other would also follow eventually. If you really want the
availability of the app to be improved, you can always use a traffic
manager. However, there is no guarantee that even with traffic manager
in place, the app doesn’t go down but it improves overall availability
of your app. Also we have recently rolled out an update to production
that should take care of restarts caused by storage blips ideally, but
for this feature to be kicked it you need to make sure that there is
ample amount of memory needs to be available in the cases where this
feature needs to kick in. We have couple of options that you can have
set up in order to avoid any unexpected restarts of the app because of
a storage blip on our end:
You can evaluate if you want to move to a bigger instance so that
we might have enough memory for the overlap recycling feature to be
kicked in.
If you don’t want to move to a bigger instance, you can always use
local cache feature as outlined by us in our earlier email.
Because of the time differences the communication takes ages. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in my thinking?
The only thing that I think of is that when you've enabled two instances, they run on the same physical server. But that makes really little sense to me.
I have two instances one core, 1.75 GB memory.
My presumption for App Service Plans was that they were automatically split into availability sets (see below for a brief description) Largely based on Web Apps sales spiel which states
App Service provides availability and automatic scale on a global data centre infrastructure. Easily scale applications up or down on demand, and get high availability within and across different geographical regions.
Following on from David Ebbo's answer and comments, the underlying architecture of Web apps appears to be that the VM's themselves are separated into availability sets. However all of the instances use the same fileserver to share the underlying disk space. This file server being a significant single point of failure.
To mitigate this Azure have created the WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION which will cache the contents of the file server onto the individual Web App instances. Using caching in lieu of solid, high availability engineering principles.
The problem here is that as a customer we have no visibility into this issue, we've no idea if there is a plan to fix it, or if or when it will ever be fixed since it seems unlikely that Azure is going to issue a document that admits to how badly this has been engineered, even if it is to say that it is fixed.
I also can't imagine that this issue would be any different between ASM and ARM. It seems exceptionally unlikely that there was originally a high availability solution at the backend that they scrapped when ARM came along. So it is very likely that cloud services would suffer the exact same issue.
The small upside is that now that we know this is an issue, one possible solution would be to deploy multiple web apps and have a traffic manager between them. Even if they are in the same region, different apps should have different backend file servers.
My first action would be to reply to that email, with a link to the Web Apps page, (and this question) with a copy of the quote and ask how to enable high availability within a geographic region.
After that you'll likely need to rearchitect your solution!
Availability sets
For virtual machines Azure will let you specify an availability set. An availability set will automatically split VMs into separate update and fault domains. Meaning that servers will end up in different server racks, and those server racks won't get updates at the same time. (it is a little more complex than that, but that's the basics!)
Azure Web Apps do used a shared file storage. The best way to think about it is that all the instances of your app map to the same network share that have your files. So if you modify the files by any mean (e.g. FTP, msdeploy, git, ...), all the instances instantly get the new files (since there is only one set of files).
And to answer your final question, each instance does run on a separate VM.

How does one know why an Azure WebSite instance(WebApp) was shutdown?

By looking at my Pingdom reports I have noted that my WebSite instance is getting recycled. Basically Pingdom is used to keep my site warm. When I look deeper into the Azure Logs ie /LogFiles/kudu/trace I notice a number of small xml files with "shutdown" or "startup" suffixes ie:
While I suspect this might be to do with MS patching VMs, I am not sure. My application is not showing any raised exceptions, hence my suspicions that it is happening at the OS level. Is there a way to find out why my Instance is being shutdown?
I also admit I am using a one S2 instance scalable to three dependent on CPU usage. We may have to review this to use a 2-3 setup. Obviously this doubles the costs.
I have looked at my Operation Logs and all I see is "UpdateWebsite" with status of "succeeded", however nothing for the times I saw the above files for. So it seems that the "instance" is being shutdown, but the event is not appearing in the "Operation Log". Why would this be? Had about 5 yesterday, yet the last "Operation Log" entry was 29/7.
An example of one of yesterday's shutdown xml file:
You should see entries regarding backend maintenance in operation logs like this:
As for keeping your site alive, standard plans allows you to use the "Always On" feature which pretty much do what pingdom is doing to keep your website warm. Just enable it by using the configure tab of portal.
Configure web apps in Azure App Service
Every site on Azure runs 2 applications. 1 is yours and the other is the scm endpoint (a.k.a Kudu) these "shutdown" traces are for the kudu app, not for your site.
If you want similar traces for your site, you'll have to implement them yourself just like kudu does. If you don't have Always On enabled, Kudu get's shutdown after an hour of inactivity (as far as I remember).
Aside from that, like you mentioned Azure will shutdown your app during machine upgrade, though I don't think these shutdowns result in operational log events.
Are you seeing any side-effects? is this causing downtime?
When upgrades to the service are going on, your site might get moved to a different machine. We bring the site up on a new machine before shutting it down on the old one and letting connections drain, however this should not result in any perceivable downtime.

Website going in and out, no activities shown for past 3 days on Azure Web App

Our website (hosted on Azure) has been going in and out the whole morning, works for 5 minutes and then stops loading, then switches back on again. Here's the error message I receive. I've tried restarting the site from Azure Web App a few times and the problem persists.
I've also track activities on Azure dashboard and there is nothing recorded for the last 3 days.
Please let me know how to fix this issue, thanks.
P.S.: We have a Standard subscription, and I'm thinking this might be due to the Service Bus - West US and Australia Southeast - Partial Service Interruption as reported on
This may be caused because you are using the Free tier which limits CPU to 5 min per hour or Shared which is slightly higher. To keep your site up and responsive, enable Always On in the site's configure tab. You will need to scale your site to the Basic or Standard tier first.
I would also recommend using End Point Monitoring to verify your site is actively handling requests. You can set this in the configure tab as well.
Lastly, I recommend you use the /support tool in Kudu as it provides a richer set of graphs to monitor site activity. To access it type in this URL in your browser, where mysite is the name of your site. Best of all is this tool can analyze your site as well and help you troubleshoot issues.
Hope that is helpful.

Intermittent Microsoft Azure Web Site access failure

I have a number of small MVC apps deployed as Microsoft Windows Azure websites. This has been working for several months.
Yesterday I rolled out a new one, and the deployment was unremarkable, everything worked fine. But a couple of hours later, access to the site was unavailable. The symptoms were that when the browser tried to navigate to the URL for that site, it would try to load for several minutes and then just give up with a completely blank page.
I attempted to stop and restart the site, and it worked once, but the symptoms came back several minutes later. Then I tried to stop and restart, and it didn't work.
I deployed the identical app to three additional URLs. Again, immediately on deployment, they all work fine, however, they fail at some interval in the future. They seem to not all fail at once. Sometimes restarting the site will fix the problem, and sometimes not.
IMPORTANT: If I wait for some period of time, the site may start to work again on its own.
However, deploying four versions of the app so that our users can go to a backup one if the primary one is not working is not optimal.
Any words of wisdom as to how I might go about debugging this?
When sites are failing, the IIS logs show either 500 or 502 Internal Service Errors. Our own MVC code is never hit, not even app_start.
You can start by checking the logs and remote debugging
Are the apps working locally?
Might not be the same problem, but from time to time our Azure instances will get the blue question mark of death as a status.
The reason we found out was that Microsoft will do upgrades on instances from time to time. If you have just one instance in a cloud service/role, then from time to time they will do maintenance and during that time it will be dead.
I have confirmed this with their support.
The only way to get around this that I know of is to create two instances. Then Microsoft guarantees ~99% availability.
Of course I also confirmed with them that this means twice the cost. =/
If that's not the issue I would enable RDP and get onto the machine to see what the problem is. Microsoft has these tools to help debug problems:
First, you should always run multiple instances of your web role with more than 1 upgrade domain. This is configurable in the service definition (CSDEF). Without this, you don't get an SLA from Microsoft, so you can't really complain that the VMs go down.
Second, to figure out what might be going on with these boxes, you should have both logs (my preference is to roll my own with page blobs or table storage), AND you should always have RDP access to a pre-production environment (production as well if you're not too fussed about security). Once on the box, look through the event viewer for errors.
Third, when an outage occurs check out the azure service dashboard ( for outages.
Lastly, contact Microsoft support. It may take a few hours, but they are pretty good.
That it is happening repeatedly and for extended periods of time (more than 5 minutes), I would be there's something wrong with your hosted service. Again, RDP in and poke around. Good luck.
To debug your sites try to enable diagnostic logs:
Another nice way to look around your site is using the debug console:

Web Site Availability in Windows Azure [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
App pool timeout for azure web sites
I am working on an mvc 4 app that is hosted in Windows Azure. This app will not have a lot of traffic as people will intermittently (once an hour) use it. I wanted to try using Windows Azure.
My app is currently set to use the FREE web site mode. I noticed that after 30 minutes, the site takes a long-time (> 5 seconds) to load. After that initial load, its fast. Then, if someone doesn't use it for another 30 minutes, it takes >5 seconds to load again.
I then tried upping the web site mode to a SHARED instance. I experienced the same problem there.
I then tried upping the web site mode to a RESERVED instance. The problem then goes away.
While I'd like to use Windows Azure, paying $50+ a month for a RESERVED instance is pretty expensive for a site that few have used up to this point. However, I can't have the initial lag. That will just defer the few users I have. You could say you get what you pay for. At the same time, I have a hard time believing others are experiencing this problem and not complaining. There has to be something I'm missing.
I figure the problem has to deal with the application pool resetting. However, I can't seem to figure a way around this. Is anyone familiar with this issue? Is there a way to fix it on a FREE or SHARED instance?
Thank you!
This is expected behavior based on how Windows Azure Web Sites work. The app pool they live in is spun up "on demand" and then hangs around for a time period.
For a detailed (and shameless plug) you can check out my article on this:
In summary:
Web Sites are hosted in a process on a farm of machines running IIS. If a site is idle for some time then the process is torn down automatically. Also, if the box is seeing a lot of pressure due to the other sites on the box the idle timeout may come down quite a bit (even as low as five minutes). When the next call comes in you'll see the process spun up again (likely on a completely different server). This is because you are in a shared environment (and is similar to how Heroku works). Once you move to reserved then you are the ONLY person on that virtual machine and if you suffer from noisy neighbor issues in processing its' because of your own stuff.
There are ways to keep your site "up", such as having a job that pings the url frequently; however, given that the idle timeout is somewhat fluid it may not solve every case. You can check out a recent post by Sandrino on how to use Azure Mobile Services as a job scheduler: . There are also 3rd party services available that can do the ping for you automatically.
To be honest, the web sites are a great feature for quick development and test, or even relatively low traffic sites as you are talking about. If you need a high level of uptime and better performance then you'll want to look at Reserved, or another option if the cost isn't in line with expectations.
This isn't an Azure problem. It is a "feature" of any web site hosted in IIS. The default time-out for app pools is 20 minutes. Read about App Pool timeouts here - - one method is to create a keep alive page and ping the page every 10 minutes or so.
