XML attributes order in Android Studio - android-studio

I'm facing problem with keeping proper order of XML attributes in Android Studio. As you can see below, the style attribute is between layout_* attributes, but I want it to be ordered by name (like in Eclipse). I'm using standard Intellij code formatter and the Android Studio gives users ability to set your own rules regarding XML ordering. The settings are located in Code Style -> XML -> Arrangement, but it seems not to work or I'm using it wrong. Any ideas how to order XML attributes by name using default code formatter?
<TestView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

Finally got it.
Choose File > Settings > Code Style > XML > Set from > Predefined Style > Android
Set File > Settings > Editor > Formatting > Show "Reformat Code" dialog
Run formatting on a XML file (CTRL+ALT+L by default)
You will see a popup window, set the Rearrange entries flag
Disable Reformat Code dialog in the settings
This way every XML file formatting will set the attributes in a proper order.
Starting with Android Studio 0.2.6 release the XML Android style formatting is set by default, but you still have to set the Rearrange Entries flag manually.
Automatically apply the Android XML code style if a code style hasn't
already been customized. This will make it possible to automatically
order XML attributes (check the "Rearrange Entries" checkbox in the
"Code > Reformat Code..." dialog.)

UPDATE: the method I described below is an official way to fix this known issue, see: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases
After updating to the newest Android Studio v3.4.2 I found that it doesn't format XML code properly anymore. For instance, attributes ordering didn't work in layouts. It did indentation and namespaces ordering only.
I don't know the reason why it was broken after an update but was lucky to fix this:
Go to Settings (CMD + , ) on Mac.
Type format in Search box and click on Editor -> XML setting.
Click on the Android tab and make the same settings here as it's on a picture:
Settings on a picture quite normal, but of course you can tune this tab setting up to you.
Go to the Arrangement tab and you will see something like this:
The reason why attributes are not getting sorted - sorting rules are empty.
To fix this:
Choose Scheme and play with Default IDE and Project options. Switching between them may help.
Or choose Scheme which suites your needs and then click on Set from... blue text in right upper corner -> Predefined Style -> Android. You will see restored rules in the window:
I also chose Force rearrange - Always
To save result – click Apply.
Also you can click on a gear icon near Scheme and copy settings or even restore defaults.
P.S. To me standard rules are comfortable, but it can be customized further. Here is an article which may help doing this: https://medium.com/#VeraKern/formatting-xml-layout-files-for-android-47aec62722fc

Go to your layout XML
Try Ctrl + alt + shift + L then find checkbox label is Rearrange code and checked its.

To delete empty lines between them:
Preferences > Code Style > XML > Other > Keep blank lines: 0
And then just reformat your XML files.

There is a plugin for IntelliJ which might do what you're after...

File > Settings > Editor > XML > Arrangement Select Scheme and choose Default


Is there a way to ignore code style setting in Android Studio

As the title suggests, I would like to have a code style (for Kotlin) in place but ignore a specific rule (specifically "Chained method calls").
This rule should simply not apply when using the code formatting functionality and just let the developer judge on a case-by-case basis.
You should be able to achieve this with the following configuration inside
Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Kotlin:
You will also want to activate the setting to preserve your line breaks:

How to restore XML code style settings in Android Studio

File > Settings. After I change rules to languages (spaces, wrappings, imports, etc.) and restart Android Studio, they apply again. But if I change XML settings, they will be lost after restart. So every time after restart of AS I have to change these settings again. How can I make AS to save and restore XML settings?
In order to save XML settings do following.
Open Settings: Ctrl+Alt+S.
Find XML in Editor > Code Styles > XML, Android tab.
Select two checkboxes. Select scheme and press Copy to Project....
Now you can redefine a Project scheme. Also check two checkboxes. Now your scheme becomes Project with your settings, and after restart you will have this new scheme.

Android Studio Resetting Changes to Default Code Style

I'm here today because I'm having an issue with Android Studio. I don't know if it existed on previous versions (I don't remember this being an issue, so I doubt it was a problem on a previous version), but currently I am using the Android Studio V2.1 Stable release.
My issue is that if I launch Android Studio (I happen to be on Windows, 64-bit Android Studio) and at the Start Screen/Page, I click Configure>Settings>Editor>Code Styles, and change the default parameters on any of the languages (XML, Java, HTML, etc.), the Default profile is copied to a new profile (Default(1)) and the new settings get applied to each profile.
If I Apply these changes and exit Android Studio, and launch back up and follow the same method...the settings have completely gone back to what they were before I changed them, with the exception of the Default(1) copy profile. But from my experience, Android Studio doesn't build new projects based on this Default(1) copy profile, it builds them on the Default profile. Which means all of my adjustments to using indents and not spaces, keeping indents on empty lines, etc. all do not get carried through to the actual project files, leaving me to have to go back into the settings with the project loaded up and change all of these parameters again. That's just asinine. Please tell me I'm missing something here and that there's a simpler way of achieving the ability to keep a code style template that I can use on all of my projects!
Perhaps it would be better to report or consult on this using the Android Studio feedback site. If that's the better option, I'm willing to do that too.
Thanks everyone!
What I do in that case is
Go to Preferences
Code Style
Select scheme you want
Click Settings cog
Click copy to project
Some OKs and then it works.
After selecting the code style that i want, opened the gradle.properties file in root folder of the project and deleted the following line
deleting the above line, prevents the code style resetting to default.
Go to Preferences
Code Style
Set Scheme to Default [IDE]
Click restore defaults
The simplest way I found to reset the default settings is as follows:
In Android Studio, click on File.
Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S)
Under Editor in settings
Select Code Style
Next to Scheme: select the three dots to access the scheme options ()
Select Restore Defaults
A Confirmation Dialog Box will be displayed to confirm if you want to revert back to
the default settings.

How to set max line length in Android Studio code editor?

How can I set a maximum length for Android Studio's code editor, or may be set a word wrap?
In my Android Studio, no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, but rather a horizontal scroll bar appears.
When I autoformat using the Ctrl+Alt+L (reference), nothing happens.
My SO or Google search found a lot of material on this for Eclipse, but not for Android Studio.
If you need not a soft wrap,
but actually, brake one long line onto several lines you need:
Go to Preferences(mac) or Settings(windows) -> Editor -> Code style -> Java/Kotlin -> Wrapping and braces (tab) -> Check "Ensure that right margin is not exceeded"
Now try to reformat your code:
OPTION (ALT) + CMD + L on your Mac
(or CTRL + ALT + L on PC)
Edit 13.02.19
As noted in comments this option seems not available in settings for Kotlin.
However, there is a workaround to manually add it.
Here is what it takes to make it work:
Export the settings scheme.
Open saved xml file.
Find <codeStyleSettings language="kotlin"> tag (or create)
Add the WRAP_LONG_LINES setting manually:
<codeStyleSettings language="kotlin">
<option name="WRAP_LONG_LINES" value="true" />
Save edits and and import back the scheme.
Here you go!
Click on Android Studio ( left top corner )
Click Preferences
Type Code Style in search
Click on Code Style
There is a filed right to the 'Hard wrap at' - you can enter needed about of symbols you need
In File | Settings, select "Editor", then "Code Style". There is an option "Wrap when typing reaches right margin".
Edit: Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to work. Anyway, maybe the option "Use soft wrap" in the "General" group is more what you want.
#Solace, actually #Fahim Faysal's answer is quite close to what you need, but since you want to solve the problem no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, 2 more steps you need to follow:
[Step 9] type the max length you prefer at `"Hard wrap at" ()
[Step 10] change "Wrap on typing" from Default: No or No to Yes
With version 4.1.2 and with Dart language you need to go to "File/Settings/Editor/Code Style/Dart" and modify the "Line length" to the preferred number.
In Android Studio:
Editor->code Style->java->Wrapping and braces(tab:right side)->keep when reformatting->Line break(make unchecked)
You can change the max column width from:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Right Margin (columns)
Android Studio 3.5:
Mac -
Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > CodeStyle > HardWrap at: ____
The existing answers already answer the question in straight forward way. As a different approach you could set the style guide to kotlin style guide code style. Then if you do alt + ctrl + l as you did, you'll see auto wrap as you expected.
Just open the settings, search for kotlin and look for kotlin under code style.
On the top right hand side of the settings window you'll see Set from..., click on it.
Then on predifined style > kotlin style guide
If you'd like to follow the kotlin formatting style this could reduce more effort. For more information: https://developer.android.com/kotlin/style-guide
My Environment:
Ubuntu 18.04
AndroidStudio 3.3.2
My operate:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style
Scheme -> select Project
Hard wrap at '120'
To move the grey vertical line, that tells Android Studio where to wrap your code, go to
Settings- Editor- Code Style- Java or Kotlin- Wrapping and Braces- Hard wrap at
and enter the number of characters, where the line should be.
For dart
settings => code style => Dart => Line length
In settings/code style/kotlin/wrapping and braces replace the "do not wrap" values with "wrap if long"
You can change the Hard wrap at param

Xpages source formatting

I wonder if there is anything more advanced for source formatting of Xpages than what is built-in to the editor. In particular I would like to remove white space from the code.
Anything out there?
I use the "Clear all blank lines" option in the DDE File > Preferences > XML > XML Files > Editor. There are a couple options there you may find of use, such as ensuring "Insert whitepsace before closing empty end-tags" is un-checked and whether you choose to "Preserve whitespace in tags with PCDATA content". It may not be "advanced", but is usually serves me well.
Reminder, XPage design element formatting (XPages, Custom Controls) is for readability only, as they get compiled into Java classes on project build (visible in Project Explorer, under Local > xsp).
