Change Document/Template After Envelope Has Been Generated - docusignapi

I am playing with a sanbox account for docusign. I have created a template in the sandbox website, and am using the API to generate envelopes using that template.
If I edit the document or template at the website after the email has been sent and viewed by signer 1 (but not yet signed), will it invalidate the envelope?

No, it will not invalidate the envelope. Once an envelope is sent it has all the information it needs to process towards completion, even if you modify or delete the template it was created from. The template is simply used to help streamline the sending process and once the envelope is sent there is no attachment to it or anything like that.


DocuSIgn eSign Rest API to disable sending signed document as attachment for completed workflow for specific envelopes

Is there an eSign Rest API available that can be used to disable sending the completed document as an attachment when the workflow is completed for specific envelopes ? I know that there is a settings in the Admin section that can be used to disable sending completed document when the workflow is completed. But this account level setting will work for all the envelopes being sent out from that account. Is there an envelope level eSign Rest API that can be used to achieve the same thing for specific envelopes ?
As you have noted, the Sending account has a setting to determine if completed documents are attached to the "envelope completed" email sent to the recipients. However, there is nothing in the envelope to override the account setting.
I would recommend using the account setting to prevent the completed documents from being attached to the completion emails (because email attachments are not secure), and instead advice signers to use the prompt at the end of signing to save an account that they can log into to securely download the documents at their leisure. It's also worth noting that if the documents in the envelope are too large, attachment may not take place, making it even more important to use a free signer account to securely access envelope documents.
Are you referring to the completed document being attached and sent to the recipients via email? I'm afraid you can't control this setting. It is individual to the recipient's account and only they can change the behaviour for this

Using docusign EnvelopeViews: createSender as preview

createSender creates a URL, which I would like to use to let the sender preview the document before it's send out. Hence the documents are created using templates and and the API.
The link which is created would lead me out of my UI. Does the user need to sign in? Future plan is to have many user's, which have no DocuSign account.
For embedded sending Your app will have to authenticate the user. If you are doing a Service Integration then your Api account will be used as the sender.
Once the sending url is generated using the createSenderView api, there is no authentication required to access the URL.
You also have an option to build a User Application using the docusign Api where your App can support sending from multiple accounts.
The createSenderView requires that the person is a DocuSign user (with their own account and password).
Only DocuSign users can send. We charge for sending, not for signing or receiving.
What exactly do you want to preview? (And why?)
the documents themselves? Use the EnvelopeDocuments resource. You can also preview the thumbnails of the documents.
the documents with the "fields" ("tabs") that indicate where people will sign? I'm not sure that is do-able.
or the recipients and their routing order? Use EnvelopeRecipients: list method.
Another solution is to use a dummy certified delivery "recipient". Add this recipient as the first recipient. This will block the envelope from proceeding on the recipient routing.
Then get the envelope's documents to show as a preview.
Then, if ok, alter the envelope's recipients to remove the certified delivery recipient. The envelope will then continue on with the first "real" recipient.

docusign rest api create an enveloppe in complete status

We would like to archieve documents which don't have to be signed on docusign, is there a possibility to create an enveloppe as complete (skipping the signing part) in order to be able to directly create working view links ?
Thanks !
You cannot send and complete an envelope w/o recipients. A CarbonCopy will create and send and complete the envelope, but what do you mean by create working view links?
If you are referring to using the API to pull the completed documents then yes this is possible.
You could send an envelope with just one cc recipient. That cc recipient could be a blackhole email address on your system.

Docusign : How to send confirmation email with link to embedded signer

I am using the DocuSign API in an embedded manner. I create an envelope and add signers, the first signer always being set as embedded. This allows me to retrieve a URL that is then embedded in an iframe.
However, I also wish, to trigger an email (as soon as the envelope has been created, NOT upon completion) that gets sent to the primary recipient/signer as if they were a nonembedded signer.
I tried adding the signer twice, with the same role, to the recipients, but that didn't work. No email was sent.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I believe there is a setting to enable this but that it needs to be enabled by someone on DocuSign's side, like your account manager. If you do not have an account manager yet please respond to the auto-generated emails that were sent out to you once you created your account, you should have 3 of them.
The account settings available are only for Completion emails. However, the REST API also supports an embeddedRecipientStartURL parameter on the signer object that triggers a normal DocuSign email. The value of this parameter is the URL that should be included in the email. This means you can link back to your own application and request the recipient view as normal.
Check here for more detail: Signer embeddedRecipientStartURL. Note: if you set this to a value of "SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN" then DocuSign will provide its own URL and take care of signing. The trade-off is that you won't be able to initiate any bespoke authentication you are doing in your own application.

DocuSign API : Captive recipient

I am using SOAP based API call "CreateAndSendEnvelope" to create an envelope into my DocuSign account for remote recipients. I haven't used captive recipients and I also have not created any envelopes from templates so far.
My main reason for not creating envelopes from templates is my document to be included in the DocuSign envelope is not static, it gets generated dynamically based upon certain conditions.
If I need to include recipients as captive recipients in an envelope, do I always have to create an envelope from a template?
As I mentioned earlier, I cannot create an envelope using template as then every time I need to create an envelope, I need to create a template first.
Is there a way to create an envelope first and then redirect a recipient to a signing page/console/URL?
I assume that as remote recipients, captive recipients need not be the DocuSign account users.
Yes you can definitely embed recipients without using any templates - they are two separate, unrelated things. To configure embedded recipients through the SOAP API you just need to set their captive info.
On each recipient there is CaptiveInfo property which has a clientUserId element that you need to set if you want to embed them. It's up to you what value to use for each recipient, but you just need to remember that info when later requesting the URL for them.
There's a whole page on the DocuSign Developer Center that discusses Embedding functionality and even though it's tailored for the REST API it will still give you some needed info:
Then to link it back to the SOAP API you can view sample code through the DocuSign SOAP SDK that's up on GitHub. It has 5 sample projects, written in Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby, and Salesforce (apex).
