Add fixed positioned Combobox inside FlowPane - javafx-2

I have a FlowPane which will hold many panels which are based on BorderPane.
I want to create ComboBox which will be used to filter the Panels by type. And the panels will be scrolled by ScrollPanewhen they exceed the visible area.
I want the combo box to scroll along with the FlowPane inside the ScrollPane. I want to get the result which is displayed into the picture. Can you tell me how I can get the desired result. I can very easy create BorderPanes and insert them into the FlowPane and the challenge is how to position the Combo Box and keep it always at this position.

Why don't you simply use another border pane?
Add your combobox to the top ( or additional flow pane with combobox on
Add your Flowpane to the Center
Then scroll the whole border pane using the scrollpane?
What could be simpler?

Here's how you'd do it:
StackPane with 2 layers:
layer1: your ComboBox panel.
layer2: your ScrollPane with your FlowPane inside*.
*The trick is: just make your combobox panel background opaque, and some initial top inset on the flowpane so that it starts at the right place.


How to align the button horizontally and vertically in Document?

I want to align the button horizontally and vertically in Document, i now ho to align horizontally, but i can`t undestand how to align vertically?
In picture bellow, button align horizontal, but how align vertically, in option button i don`t find something about align vertically.
Vertical align is possible in tables only.
Create a table with one row and one column. Set wanted height as "Minimum height" and "Vertically align" to "Center". Content will be centered vertically this way.
I know, it is just a workaround, but it works. Of course, set "Cell Border Thickness" all to 0 so table border is invisible.
If those are 2 buttons, why don’t you just put a ‘return’ (CR) between them. The 2 buttons will be positioned one below the other.
If need be, you can size the buttons, so they have the same width via the properties.
There is no option to "fit to window" vertically in normaal Notes form and document display. It assumes an infinitely long document consisting of paragraphs.
There is, however, the option of displaying a document using the #DialogBox formula or the NotesUIWorkpace.DialogBox method. Both of those have an auto vertical fit argument that you can provide. This will likely require you to redesign your application a bit, but I think it's the only way to do what you want.

how to prevent vertical scroll bar in an owner drawn combo box when only 3 items exists?

I sub-classed a combo-box control to make text vertically centred. Issue here is I am getting a vertical scroll bar when only 3 or 4 items exists in the combo-box that too when I expand the control for the first time, where a vertical scroll is not required.
Control property had been set as follows.
When I removed WS_VSCROLL vertical scroll bar is not coming. But if I remove this property I will not get a scroll bar when too many items exists in the combobox, where actually a scroll is required.
Please find the below Images for your reference how the control is behaving.
Run the MFC application.
Expand the combobox.
Again try expanding the combo box issue is not reproducing. It's happening only
for the very first time when expand the control.
I could not figure out why this issue is happening. I tried removing the existing control and again I tried adding new controls expecting whether it could bring any change in the behaviour but no luck.
Item height is set to 30 as below.
m_ComboBox.SetItemHeight(-1, 30);
And I had two combobox controls in my properysheet application as shown in the image.
Any help is appreciated.

Motif: How to move Scroll Bar automatically without user intervention

I have a scrolled window in my application, in which I have created a drawing area widget. In the drawing area, I have placed multiple images. When the user enters information about an image in a search box, the appropriate image gets highlighted.
My problem is how do I get the application to scroll automatically to the highlighted Image box without the user using the scroll bar. The scrolledwindow should automatically move the view region, to display the region where the highlighted Image is present.
The scrolling policy used on the scrolled window is XmAUTOMATIC.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Try XmScrollVisible() if this does not work then you will need to:
1. Find out the size of the work area.
2. Find out the size and position of the clip window.
3. Find out the max/ min values for the horizontal scrollbar.
4. Use XmScrollBarGetValues() for the horizontal scrollbar to get its position within the max/min values.
5. Do some math magic to determine how much to move the horizontal scrollbar to get the work area to show through the clip window.
6. Call XmScrollBarSetValues() with Notify = True.
7. Repeat for the Vertical scrollbar.

Menus with multiple item-columns javaFX 8

My goals is to create a menu with multiple columns. I went about this by using GridPane, to which I added Labels. Then I inserted the GridPane in a PopOver. I also added action listeners to Labels So when the users click on a cell, I can do a certain action. My current implementation is based on a button. Once clicked, the PopOver will show up.
As an example, font names:
Is there a way to have this in a menu?
I tried making the MyGridPane class that extends MenuItem. It allows me to add the GridPane to the menu, but it only comes in as an ObjectID. If I want it visually, the only way I found was to
But this make the whole GridPane one item. The cells and their action listeners get ignored.
Is there a way to add a grid pane as a menu item?
Is there a way to add a grid pane as a menu item?
Yes, you can try as
CustomMenuItem menuItem = new CustomMenuItem(gridPane);
To visually disable the highlight color for that menu/menuitem, customize the related CSS selectors of menu/menuitem.

Force Extjs grid to recalculate width - after hiding a simple "div" next to it

I have a grid in ExtJS and a div that I place or toggle to the left of it. This div is not managed by ExtJS.
When I show this div, the grid slips to the right and this div shows up on its left.
The problem I have is that when I hide the div, the grid squeezes and looses the full width it had based on the "fit" layout meaning there is some empty space left on the right of it now.
Now, as soon as I resize the window, it catches the event and resizes itself but not before it.
Anyone with any suggestions I could try in order to maintain the grid's stretch, your help is much appreciated.
Try explicitly calling doLayout() on the grid or the grid's parent, when the div is hidden.
