How do I extract information from inner parameters in Haskell? - haskell

In most of programming languages that support mutable variables, one can easily implement something like this Java example:
interface Accepter<T> {
void accept(T t);
<T> T getFromDoubleAccepter(Accepter<Accepter<T>> acc){
final List<T> l = new ArrayList<T>();
acc.accept(new Accepter<T>(){
public void accept(T t) {
return l.get(0); //Not being called? Exception!
Just for those do not understand Java, the above code receives something can can be provided a function that takes one parameter, and it supposed to grape this parameter as the final result.
This is not like callCC: there is no control flow alternation. Only the inner function's parameter is concerned.
I think the equivalent type signature in Haskell should be
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall b. (a -> b) -> b) -> a
So, if someone can gives you a function (a -> b) -> b for a type of your choice, he MUST already have an a in hand. So your job is to give them a "callback", and than keep whatever they sends you in mind, once they returned to you, return that value to your caller.
But I have no idea how to implement this. There are several possible solutions I can think of. Although I don't know how each of them would work, I can rate and order them by prospected difficulties:
Cont or ContT monad. This I consider to be easiest.
RWS monad or similar.
Any other monads. Pure monads like Maybe I consider harder.
Use only standard pure functional features like lazy evaluation, pattern-matching, the fixed point contaminator, etc. This I consider the hardest (or even impossible).
I would like to see answers using any of the above techniques (and prefer harder ways).
Note: There should not be any modification of the type signature, and the solution should do the same thing that the Java code does.
Once I seen somebody commented out getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id I realize that I have made something wrong. Basically I use forall just to make the game easier but it looks like this twist makes it too easy. Actually, the above type signature forces the caller to pass back whatever we gave them, so if we choose a as b then that implementation gives the same expected result, but it is just... not expected.
Actually what came up to my mind is a type signature like:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
And this time it is harder.
Another comment writer asks for reasoning. Let's look at a similar function
getFunctionFromAccepter :: (((a -> b) -> b) -> b) -> a -> b
This one have an naive solution:
getFunctionFromAccepter f = \a -> f $ \x -> x a
But in the following test code it fails on the third:
exeMain = do
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> f (\x -> 10)) "Example 1" -- 10
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 20) "Example 2" -- 20
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 10 + f (\x -> 30)) "Example 3" --40, should be 30
In the failing case, we pass a function that returns 30, and we expect to get that function back. However the final result is in turn 40, so it fails. Are there any way to implement doing Just that thing I wanted?
If this can be done in Haskell there are a lot of interesting sequences. For example, tuples (or other "algebraic" types) can be defined as functions as well, since we can say something like type (a,b) = (a->b->())->() and implement fst and snd in term of this. And this, is the way I used in a couple of other languages that do not have native "tuple" support but features "closure".

The type of accept is void accept(T) so the equivalent Haskell type is t -> IO () (since every function in Java is essentially IO). Thus getFromDoubleAccepted can be directly translated as
import Data.IORef
type Accepter t = t -> IO ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (Accepter a) -> IO a
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- newIORef $ error "Not called"
acc $ writeIORef l
readIORef l
If you want an idiomatic, non-IO solution in Haskell, you need to be more specific about what your actual end goal is besides trying to imitate some Java-pattern.
EDIT: regarding the update
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
I'm sorry, but this signature is in no way equal to the Java version. What you are saying is that for any a, given a function that takes a function that takes an a but doesn't return anything or do any kind of side effects, you want to somehow conjure up a value of type a. The only implementation that satisfies the given signature is essentially:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
getFromDoubleAccepter f = getFromDoubleAccepter f

First, I'll transliterate as much as I can. I'm going to lift these computations to a monad because accept returns void (read () in Haskell-land), which is useless unless there is some effect.
type Accepter m t = t -> m ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (MonadSomething m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t) -> m t
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- {- new mutable list -}
acc $ \t -> add l t
return (head l)
Of course, we can't make a mutable list like that, so we'll have to use some intuitive sparks here. When an action just adds an element to some accumulator, I think of the Writer monad. So maybe that line should be:
acc $ \t -> tell [t]
Since you are simply returning the head of the list at the end, which doesn't have any effects, I think the signature should become:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter M (Accepter M t) -> t
where M is an appropriate monad. It needs to be able to write [t]s, so that gives us:
type M t = Writer [t]
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (M t) (Accepter (M t) t) -> t
And now the type of this function informs us how to write the rest of it:
getFromDoubleAccepter acc =
head . execWriter . acc $ \t -> tell [t]
We can check that it does something...
ghci> getFromDoubleAccepter $ \acc -> acc 42
So that seems right, I guess. I'm still a bit unclear on what this code is supposed to mean.
The explicit M t in the type signature is a bit aesthetically bothersome to me. If I knew what problem I was solving I would look at that carefully. If you mean that the argument can be a sequence of commands, but otherwise has no computational features available, then you could specialize the type signature to:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)) -> t
which still works with our example. Of course, this is all a bit silly. Consider
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t))
= forall m. (Monad m) => (t -> m ()) -> m ()
The only thing a function with this type can do is call its argument with various ts in order and then return (). The information in such a function is completely characterized[1] by those ts, so we could just as easily have used
getFromDoubleAccepter :: [t] -> t
getFromDoubleAccepter = head
[1] As long as I'm going on about nothing, I might as well say that that is not quite accurate in the face of infinity. The computation
crazy :: Integer -> Accepter m (Accepter m Integer)
crazy n acc = crazy (n+1) >> acc n
can be used to form the infinite sequence
... >> acc 3 >> acc 2 >> acc 1 >> acc 0
which has no first element. If we tried to interpret this as a list, we would get an infinite loop when trying to find the first element. However this computation has more information than an infinite loop -- if instead of a list, we used the Last monoid to interpret it, we would be able to extract 0 off the end. So really
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)
is isomorphic to something slightly more general than a list; specifically a free monoid.

Thanks to the above answers, I finally concluded that in Haskell we can do some different things than other languages.
Actually, the motivation of this post is to translate the famous "single axiom classical logic reduction system". I have implemented this in some other languages. It should be no problem to implement the
Axiom: (a|(b|c)) | ((d|(d|d)) | ((e|b) | ((a|e) | (a|e))))
However, since the reduction rule looks like
Rule: a|(b|c), a |-- c
It is necessary to extract the inner parameter as the final result. In other languages, this is done by using side-effects like mutable slots. However, in Haskell we do not have mutable slots and involving IO will be ugly so I keep looking for solutions.
In the first glance (as show in my question), the getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id seems nonsense, but I realise that it actually work in this case! For example:
rule :: (forall r.a -> (b -> c -> r) -> r) -> a -> c
rule abc a = abc a $ flip const
The trick is still the same: since the existential qualification hides r from the caller, and it is up to the callee to pick up a type for it, we can specify c to be r, so we simply apply the given function to get the result. On the other hand, the given function has to use our input to produce the final answer, so it effectively limiting the implementation to what we exactally want!
Putting them together, let's see what we can do with it:
newtype I r a b = I { runI :: a -> b -> r }
rule :: (forall r. I r a (I r b c)) -> a -> c
rule (I abc) a = abc a (I (\b c -> c))
axiom :: I r0 (I r1 a (I r2 b c))
(I r0 (I r3 d (I r3 d d))
(I r4 (I r2 e b) (I r4 (I r1 a e) (I r1 a e))))
axiom = let
a1 (I eb) e = I $ \b c -> eb e b
a2 = I $ \d (I dd) -> dd d d
a3 (I abc) eb = I $ \a e -> abc a (a1 eb e)
a4 abc = I $ \eb aeae -> runI a2 (a3 abc eb) aeae
in I $ \abc (I dddebaeae) -> dddebaeae a2 (a4 abc)
Here I use a naming convention to trace the type signatures: a variable name is combinded by the "effective" type varialbes (means it is not result type - all r* type variable).
I wouldn't repeat the prove represented in the sited essay, but I want to show something. In the above definition of axiom we use some let bindings variables to construct the result. Not surprisingly, those variables themselves can be extracted by using rule and axiom. let's see how:
--Equal to a4
t4 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r2 (I r1 d b) (I r2 (I r0 a d) (I r0 a d))
t4 abc = rule axiom abc
--Equal to a3
t3 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r1 d b -> I r0 a d
t3 abc eb = rule (t4 abc) eb
--Equal to a2
t2 :: I r a (I r a a)
t2 = rule (t3 axiom (t3 (t4 axiom) axiom)) axiom
--Equal to a1
t1 :: I r a b -> a -> I r b c
t1 ab a = rule (t3 t2 (t3 (t3 t2 t2) ab)) a
One thing left to be proved is that we can use t1 to t4 only to prove all tautologies. I feel it is the case but have not yet proved it.
Compare to other languages, the Haskell salutation seems more effective and expressive.


The Monad Challenges - A Missed Generalization

I'm going through The Monad Challenges.
At the section A Missed Generalization, I'm supposed to have at least this code (I've removed parts not relevant to the question), where Gen looks a lot like the State Monad,
-- Imports and other stuff that hide Prelude
-- For instance, the do notation is NOT available at this stage of the challenges
type Gen a = Seed -> (a,Seed)
genTwo :: Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b
genTwo g f s = let (a,s') = g s
in f a s'
mkGen :: a -> Gen a
mkGen a s = (a,s)
generalB :: (a -> b -> c) -> Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen c
-- I've implemented it as follows and it works
generalB f a b s = let (x,s') = a s
(y,s'') = b s'
in (f x y,s'')
The text of the "assignment" reads
[…] you might not have implemented generalB in terms of genTwo. Go back and look at your generalB implementation and if you didn’t write it in terms of genTwo, do that now and call it generalB2. Doing this should get rid of the state threading between generators.
Is unclear to me what the solution to this should be, especially in view of the fact that the paragraph above doesn't mention mkGen. Assuming I'm able to apply f to the inside of a and b, I would still get something of type c, which I have to shove in a Gen, and I don't see how I can do that without mkGen or, alternatively, without using (,) explicitly (as I did in the above implementation).
Even assuming that the text implies that I should use mkGen, how should I go about it to get rid of the state threading?
With some editing I was able to come up with this
generalB2' f a b = genTwo a (genTwo b . (mkGen .) . f)
but I hardly believe this is the intended solution, because it's far from being readable, in my opinion. Also, getting to this form was a bit harder than anything else so far in the challenges, but it was after all just mechanical, so it didn't really pose a difficulty from the point of view of understanding monads, I believe, so I really think I took a wrong turn here, and I'd like some help.
I wonder whether the authors of the challenges hang out here on StackOverflow.
Your solution is probably close to the intended solution, although you might be able to make it more readable by eta-expanding it. You might even consider writing it using do notation, but still use genTwo and mkGen.
As far as I can tell, mkGen is a 'disguised' return function, and genTwo likewise is a 'disguised' monadic bind (i.e. >>=).
The type of generalB (and generalB2) is equivalent to liftM2, which is implemented like this:
liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r
liftM2 f m1 m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (f x1 x2) }
That is, in terms of return and >>= (which you don't see, because it's using do syntax).

How can a function be "transparently augmented" in Haskell?

I have function f, which I want to augment with function g, resulting in function named h.
By "augment", in the general case, I mean: transform either input (one or more arguments) or output (return value) of function f.
By "augment", in the specific case, (specific to my current situation) I mean: transform only the output (return value) of function f while leaving all the arguments intact.
By "transparent", in the context of "augmentation", (both the general case and the specific case) I mean: To couple g's implementation as loosely to f's implementation as possible.
Specific case
In my current situation, this is what I need to do:
h a b c = g $ f a b c
I am interested in rewriting it to something like this:
h = g . f -- Doesn't type-check.
Because from the perspective of h and g, it doesn't matter what arguments f take, they only care about the return value, hence it would be tight coupling to mention the arguments in any way. For instance, if f's argument count changes in the future, h will also need to be changed.
So far
I asked lambdabot on the #haskell IRC channel: #pl h a b c = g $ f a b c to which I got the response:
h = ((g .) .) . f
Which is still not good enough since the number of (.)'s is dependent on the number of f's arguments.
General case
I haven't done much research in this direction, but erisco on #haskell pointed me towards which hints to me that a solution for the general case could be possible.
So far
Using the functions defined by Luke Palmer in the above article this seems to be an equivalent of what we have discussed so far:
h = f $. id ~> id ~> id ~> g
However, it seems that this method sadly also suffers from being dependent on the number of arguments of f if we want to transform the return value of f -- just as the previous methods.
Working example
In JavaScript, for instance, it is possible to achieve transparent augmentation like this:
function h () { return g(f.apply(this, arguments)) }
How can a function be "transparently augmented" in Haskell?
I am mainly interested in the specific case, but it would be also nice to know how to handle the general case.
You can sort-of do it, but since there is no way to specify a behavior for everything that isn't a function, you'll need a lot of trivial instances for all the other types you care about.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DefaultSignatures #-}
class Augment a where
type Result a
type Result a = a
type Augmented a r
type Augmented a r = r
augment :: (Result a -> r) -> a -> Augmented a r
default augment :: (a -> r) -> a -> r
augment g x = g x
instance Augment b => Augment (a -> b) where
type Result (a -> b) = Result b
type Augmented (a -> b) r = a -> Augmented b r
augment g f x = augment g (f x)
instance Augment Bool
instance Augment Char
instance Augment Integer
instance Augment [a]
-- and so on for every result type of every function you want to augment...
> let g n x ys = replicate n x ++ ys
> g 2 'a' "bc"
> let g' = augment length g
> g' 2 'a' "bc"
> :t g
g :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
> :t g'
g' :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Int
Well, technically, with just enough IncoherentInstances you can do pretty much anything:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
class Augment a b f h where
augment :: (a -> b) -> f -> h
instance (a ~ c, h ~ b) => Augment a b c h where
augment = ($)
instance (Augment a b d h', h ~ (c -> h')) => Augment a b (c -> d) h where
augment g f = augment g . f
-- Usage
t1 = augment not not
r1 = t1 True
t2 = augment (+1) (+)
r2 = t2 2 3
t3 = augment (+1) foldr
r3 = t3 (+) 0 [2,3]
The problem is that the real return value of something like a -> b -> c isn't
c, but b -> c. What you want require some kind of test that tells you if a type isn't
a function type. You could enumerate the types you are interested in, but that's not so
nice. I think HList solve this problem somehow, look at the paper. I managed to understand a bit of the solution with overlapping instances, but the rest goes a bit over my head I'm afraid.
JavaScript works, because its arguments are a sequence, or a list, so there is just one argument, really. In that sense it is the same as a curried version of the functions with a tuple representing the collection of arguments.
In a strongly typed language you need a lot more information to do that "transparently" for a function type - for example, dependent types can express this idea, but require the functions to be of specific types, not a arbitrary function type.
I think I saw a workaround in Haskell that can do this, too, but, again, that works only for specific types, which capture the arity of the function, not any function.

Mapping over Either's Left

Somewhere in my app I receive an Either ParserError MyParseResult from Parsec. Downstream this result gets some other parsing done over using other libs. During that second phase of parsing there also may occur some kind of error which I would like to pass as a Left String, but for that I need to convert the result from Parsec to String too. To achieve that I need a function which will allow me to map over a Left with a show function.
The mapping function I'm thinking of looks something like this:
mapLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left $ f x
mapLeft _ x = x
But I was quite surprised not to find anything matching on hackage db. So now I'm having doubts whether I'm using a correct approach to my problem.
Why isn't there such a function in standard lib? What is wrong with my approach?
We have such a function in the standard libraries,
Control.Arrow.left :: a b c -> a (Either b d) (Either c d)
is the generalisation to arbitrary Arrows. Substitute (->) for a and apply it infix, to get the specialisation
left :: (b -> c) -> Either b d -> Either c d
There is nothing wrong with your approach in principle, it's a sensible way to handle the situation.
Another option is to use Bifunctor instance of Either. Then you have
first :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
(Also Bifunctor can be used to traverse over the first part of (a,b).)
This can be done easily with lens:
import Control.Lens
over _Left (+1) $ Left 10 => Left 11
over _Left (+1) $ Right 10 => Right 10
over _Right (+1) $ Right 10 => Right 11
Another simple option is mapLeft in Data.Either.Combinators:
mapLeft :: (a -> c) -> Either a b -> Either c b

Type signature in a where clause

I've written a function similar to that makes an Iteratee compatible with an Enumerator that feeds a different Stream type.
import Data.Enumerator
test :: Monad m => (ao -> ai) -> Iteratee ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
test f iter = go $$ iter
where go (Continue k) = continue $
\stream -> go $$ k (fmap f stream)
go (Yield res _) = yield res EOF
If I omit the type signature for go, this will work just fine.
However, I'd like to include it but I'm unable to determine what the correct signature should be.
Here's what I think it should be:
go :: Monad m => Step ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
but that doesn't work.
I need some advice on finding the correct type signature for go.
You probably can't give go a type signature as-is.
The reason for this is that it makes use of polymorphic arguments bound by test. This means that, inside go, the identifier f has type (ao -> ai) for some specific, but unknown types ao and ai.
Type variables are generally only in scope for the single type signature where they're introduced, so when you give go its own type signature, the ao and ai there are new, polymorphic types, which of course causes a type error when trying to combine them with the similarly named, but fixed (and unknowable) types from test's signature.
The end result is that you can't write the type of go explicitly, which is not very satisfying. To solve this, GHC offers the ScopedTypeVariables extension, which allows bringing variables introduced in a type signature in scope inside the where clause of the function, among other things.
Note that if you only use the where clause to create an internal scope for definitions, and don't make use of identifiers bound by arguments to the outer function, you can write type signatures in the where clause just like you can for top level bindings. If you don't want to use GHC extensions, you can simply pass the parameters in redundantly. Something like this should work in that case:
test :: Monad m => (ao -> ai) -> Iteratee ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
test f iter = go f $$ iter
where go :: Monad m => (ao -> ai) -> Step ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
go f (Continue k) = continue $
\stream -> go f $$ k (fmap f stream)
go _ (Yield res _) = yield res EOF
You probably want that type, but with the ScopedTypeVariables extension enabled and with the variables from test's type signature in scope:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Enumerator
test :: forall m ai ao b. Monad m => (ao -> ai) -> Iteratee ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
test f iter = go $$ iter
where go :: Step ai m b -> Iteratee ao m b
go (Continue k) = continue $
\stream -> go $$ k (fmap f stream)
go (Yield res _) = yield res EOF
See the GHC documentation for more information.

Haskell confusion with ContT, callCC, when

Continuing quest to make sense of ContT and friends. Please consider the (absurd but illustrative) code below:
v :: IO (Either String [String])
v = return $ Left "Error message"
doit :: IO (Either String ())
doit = (flip runContT return) $ callCC $ \k -> do
x <- liftIO $ v
x2 <- either (k . Left) return x
when True $ k (Left "Error message 2")
-- k (Left "Error message 3")
return $ Right () -- success
This code does not compile. However, if the replace the when with the commented k call below it, it compiles. What's going on?
Alternatively, if I comment out the x2 line, it also compiles. ???
Obviously, this is a distilled version of the original code and so all of the elements serve a purpose. Appreciate explanatory help on what's going on and how to fix it. Thanks.
The problem here has to do with the types of when and either, not anything particular to ContT:
when :: forall (m :: * -> *). (Monad m) => Bool -> m () -> m ()
either :: forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
The second argument needs to be of type m () for some monad m. The when line of your code could thus be amended like so:
when True $ k (Left "Error message 2") >> return ()
to make the code compile. This is probably not what you want to do, but it gives us a hint as to what might be wrong: k's type has been inferred to be something unpalatable to when.
Now for the either signature: notice that the two arguments to either must be functions which produce results of the same type. The type of return here is determined by the type of x, which is in turn fixed by the explicit signature on v. Thus the (k . Left) bit must have the same type; this in turn fixes the type of k at (GHC-determined)
k :: Either String () -> ContT (Either String ()) IO [String]
This is incompatible with when's expectations.
When you comment out the x2 line, however, its effect on the type checker's view of the code is removed, so k is no longer forced into an inconvenient type and is free to assume the type
k :: Either [Char] () -> ContT (Either [Char] ()) IO ()
which is fine in when's book. Thus, the code compiles.
As a final note, I used GHCi's breakpoints facility to obtain the exact types of k under the two scenarios -- I'm nowhere near expert enough to write them out by hand and be in any way assured of their correctness. :-) Use :break ModuleName line-number column-number to try it out.
