Vim line completion with external file - vim

Can line completion Ctrl+X Ctrl+L be used to show line completions from a specific external file instead of "only" from the current buffer?
Something like dictionaries, but for lines.
To test I did following:
created a file tt.txt with some test lines
placed the file in D:\t1\ (I'm on windows)
included the file with :set path+=D:\\t1\\tt.txt
:set complete ? returns complete =.,w,b,u,t,i
:set path ? returns path=.,,,D:\t1\tt.txt
checkpath returns: All included files were found
typing a line which should be completed with the matching content from tt.txt with Ctrl+X Ctrl+L returns pattern not found
What am I missing?

I think the only way to achieve what you want is with a custom complete-function. See help complete-functions for the (very useful!) documentation. Here's my attempt at a solution:
First you need a separate function to silently grep a file for a string (if you just call the naked vimgrep function you will get an ugly error if there are no matches).
function! SilentFileGrep( leader, file )
exe 'vimgrep /^\s*' . a:leader . '.*/j ' . a:file
catch /.*/
echo "no matches"
Now, here's your completion function. Note that the path to the file you want to search is hard-coded in here, but you could change it to use a variable if you so wish. We call SilentFileGrep(), which dumps the results in the quickfix list. Then we extract the results from the qflist (trimming the leading whitespace) and clear the qflist before returning the results.
function! LineCompleteFromFile(findstart,base)
if a:findstart
" column to begin searching from (first non-whitespace column):
return match(getline("."),'\S')
" grep the file and build list of results:
let path = <path_to_file>
call SilentFileGrep( a:base, path )
let matches = []
for thismatch in getqflist()
" trim leading whitespace
call add(matches, matchstr(thismatch.text,'\S.*'))
call setqflist([])
return matches
To use this function, you need to set the completefunc option to point at it:
set completefunc=LineCompleteFromFile
Then you can use <C-X><C-U> to invoke the completion, which you could easily map to <C-X><C-L>.
This seems to work pretty well for me, but it is not exhaustively tested.

In Vim help for line completion it's written that it only works for loaded buffers. As a workaround, you may open your "dictionary" file in another buffer and Vim will suggest lines from this buffer.

'path' is supposed to be a list of directories so (assuming that's the correct syntax on Windows) :set path+=D:\\t1\\tt.txt should be :set path+=D:\\t1\\ or :set path+=D:\\t1.
The i in 'complete' means that the completion candidates are chosen from current and included files. You must include a file for completion to work: it won't if you don't explicitly include that file.
Say that you have created ~/test/testfile with this single line:
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
You add it to Vim's 'path' with:
:set path+=~/test
To use it as completion source in a C++ file you would do:
#include <testfile>
and be able to do:
to get:
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
As far as I know, it doesn't work with languages that don't have an include mechanism like C or C++ so you can forget about it for Markdown, JavaScript, plain text or, if my tests are any indication, even PHP which does have include.
If you want a more generic mechanism, just add that file to the arglist: it will automatically be used as a completion source:
:argadd ~/test/testfile

If you do
:set dictionary=<some file>
then you can use ctrl + x followed by ctrl + k to complete from <some file>
:help ins-completion
for more info.

As #black_wizard points out, the other file must be loaded in a buffer. With set hidden, you can use the following to load another file and return to the previous buffer:
command! -nargs=? XL silent edit <args> | silent bprevious
To load tt.txt into another buffer and return to the previous one:
:XL tt.txt


In vim toggle case of all characters in a text file with a single command

In Vim I need to convert all lowercase to uppercase and all uppercase to lowercase with a single command. So if my text file looks like this..
Hello World
.. it needs to be toggled to look like this..
I know :%s/[a-z]/\U&/g will change all lowercase to uppercase and that :%s/[A-Z]/\L&/g will change all uppercase to lowercase. But how would I write that to do both at the same time?
In addition I know if my cursor is at the top of the file VG~ will toggle case everything but that's not the answer I need. Thank you.
<Esc> — return to Normal mode; just in case we're in Insert mode or Command line
1G — jump to the 1st line
V — start Visual mode
G — jump to the last line extending selection
~ — toggle case in the selection
g~<motion> — change case during motion; the motion is G (jump to last line)
Looks like you already know everything you need. ggVG~ marks all your code and toggles the case. If you want a single command you can either use:
:nnoremap <keybinding> ggVG~
or use this function, which does the same, but keeps your current position in the file:
function ToggleCase()
exec "normal! mqHmw"
exec "normal! ggVG~"
exec "normal! 'wzt`q"
command ToggleCase silent call ToggleCase()
the first and last exec mark your position in the file and restore them, after the case toggling. See: :h marks
type :ToggleCase to use the function. Of cause you can bind this to a keybinding as well.
:nnoremap <keybinding> :ToggleCase<cr>
Since you mentioned using a single command and you mentioned some :%s/.../ substitutions, I'll offer this one:
:%normal! g~~
This will run the g~~ command to switch case of a single line, for each line of the buffer.
One more way to accomplish this, if you're ok adopting a plug-in, is to use the kana/vim-textobj-entire plug-in for a text object for the entire buffer.
As the plug-in file says:
Though these are trivial operations (e.g. ggVG), text object versions are more handy, because you do not have to be conscious of the cursor position (e.g. vae).
With this plug-in installed and enabled, you can switch case of the whole buffer with:

Using abbreviation to insert comment

I’m trying to set up an abbreviation in my .vimrc that will insert a comment template for heading-level comments in my CSS files.
The comment I want to insert is:
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
I will then jump back to the # and add my title there (e.g. BUTTONS).
The abbreviation I have attempted to set up looks like this:
iab comsec·
\/* ==========================================================================
\<Cr>========================================================================== */
(Where · represents a trailing space.)
Right away this feels pretty crude, but the specific problem is that if try and drop a comsec in my CSS, it starts wrapping it in more comments. The output looks like this:
/* ==========================================================================
* #
* ========================================================================== */
Notice the two * at the beginnings of lines 2 and 3?
Is there a way to tell vim not to try and be clever and to just drop in exactly what I’ve told it? A way to prevent vim from trying to wrap comments around the comment?
I’m not a particularly hardcore vim user, so there’s every chance I’m overcomplicating things, or missing something obvious, or using the wrong tool for the job.
If you are the type of person who can keep track of your personal utilities, this isn't so fancy but works. You can import the output of an external command into your buffer, so I put a mapping like this in my .vimrc file:
"bc = block comment
map ,bc :read! python ~/my_personal_utils/
So, I just have to type ",bc" to add the comment. On my Mac at least, this leaves me hanging in command mode, so that my cursor is after '.py' and I can quickly type an argument like BUTTONS (i.e. the python script takes an optional argument).
Here is a function to do that.
:function! Comment()
:normal! i/*
:normal! 80a=
:normal! o#
:normal! o
:normal! 80i=
:normal! a*/
You can put this in vimrc file and create a command or map for this.
:cmap comsec call Comment()
You can keep the cursor on a line and then call this command.
Or an in insert mode mapping
:imap comsec <ESC>:comsec<CR>
As alternatives I'd suggest nerdcommenter for commenting/uncommenting with a few key strokes.
Or, even better, ultisnips. In which you can easily make your own template for those headings:
open a .css file
exec command : UltiSnipsEdit
create your own snip:
snippet heading "heading comments"
/* ===================================
* ${1}
* =================================== */
Here is a better and simple way to to insert your comment which check everytime if the line is surrounded by the comment template.
All you have to do is to write your comment on new line and then press ; during the insert mode. (you can change the character ; by
any combination you want.)
The comment template is set by the variable l:start, l:begin, l:end
so you can change the number of spaces or = as you like.
If you would like to change the template completely keep in mind that you need to change also the regular expressions for the variables l:matchprev, l:matchhier, l:matchnext .
inoremap <silent> ; <Esc>mx:call Comment()<cr>i<Right>
function! Comment()
let l:start= "/* ====="
let l:begin=" # "
let l:end= " ==== */"
let l:next=getline(line(".")+1)
let l:hier=getline(line("."))
let l:prev=getline(line(".")-1)
let l:matchnext= matchstr( l:next , '^\s*=\+\s*\*/\s*$')
let l:matchhier= matchstr( l:hier , '^\s*#\s*.*$')
let l:matchprev= matchstr( l:prev , '^\s*/\*\s*=\+\s*$')
if l:matchnext != '' && l:matchprev != '' && l:matchhier != ''
return 0
execute ":s:^.*$:".l:start."\r".l:begin."&\r".l:end."\r:"
"the number 3 is the length of the variable l:begin
normal! `xj3l
write this code in another file scriptname and then you can use the mapping in any css file by typing in the command mode first :so scriptname
Another alternative is to put all that simply in your .vimrc file

How to add custom messages to Vim quicklist?

I have a file which contains code review comments by file and line numbers.
I'm writing a Vim plugin which uses Vim quicklist to display review comments when i open a file and navigate to the line number.
I've figured out that i can use :cex command to add entries to quicklist from this documentation
How do i add error message in a format like [file]:[line] [issue category][issue description] which allows me to jump to that location?
The help of :cexpr also provides the hint:
If {expr} is a String, then each new-line terminated
line in the String is processed using the global value
of 'errorformat' and the result is added to the
quickfix list.
:caddexpr printf('%s:%d:%s', expand('%'), line('.'), "entry")
Since the value of 'errorformat' is difficult and may not be completely under your control (ftplugins may change it), an alternative is to directly set / append items via the setqflist() Vimscript function:
:call setqflist([{'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 42, 'text': 'entry'}], 'a')

How to diff two lines in an open file in vim?

I occasionally see very long lines in my code that I need to check if they are the same. Is there a way in vim to select two lines and diff them to show any differences between the two?
For example, given the two lines in vim:
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(That *is, Overloaded *with, Multiple *different, Parameter *lists);
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(That *is, Overloaded *with, Multiple *different, Parameter *1ists);
I would like vim to tell me that the two lines are in fact different because each spells "lists" differently. Is this possible, and if so, how do I do it?
A quick and dirty solution is to just select both lines and sort them while removing duplicates:
select lines
":sort u"
if only one line remains, both were equal
if both remain, there most be some difference
An undo recovers everything again.
An alternative to #sehe's approach would not require the use of temp files:
funct! DiffTwoTexts(text1, text2)
put =a:text1
normal ggdd
put =a:text2
normal ggdd
funct! DiffTwoLines(line1, line2)
let text1 = getline(a:line1)
let text2 = getline(a:line2)
call DiffTwoTexts(text1, text2)
comma! DiffWithNext call DiffTwoLines('.', line('.') + 1)
This will still be pretty hard to read, since it keeps everything on a single line, so I came up with this modification:
funct! EvalTextPreprocessor(expr, text)
let text = a:text
return eval(a:expr)
comma! -nargs=1 DiffWithNextPre call DiffTwoTexts(
\ EvalTextPreprocessor(<q-args>, getline('.')),
\ EvalTextPreprocessor(<q-args>, getline(line('.') + 1)))
This new command takes a vimscript expression as its argument, wherein the variable text refers to whichever line is being preprocessed. So you can call, e.g.
DiffWithNextPre split(text, '[(,)]\zs')
For your sample data, this gives the two buffers
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(
That *is,
Overloaded *with,
Multiple *different,
Parameter *lists)
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(
That *is,
Overloaded *with,
Multiple *different,
Parameter *1ists)
Only the lines that start with Parameter are highlighted.
You can even build up from there, creating a command
comma! DiffTwoCFunctionSigs DiffWithNextPre split(text, '[(,)]\s*\zs')
Notice that I modified the regexp a bit so that it will keep trailing spaces at the end of lines. You could get it to ignore them entirely by moving the \s* to after the \zs. See :help /\zs if you're unfamiliar with what that vim-specific RE atom does.
A nicety would be to make the command take a range (see :help command-range), which you could use by diffing the first line of the range with the last line. So then you just visual-select from the first line to the second and call the command.
I used linediff.vim.
This plugin provides a simple command, ":Linediff", which is used to diff two separate blocks of text.
That is not a feature, however it is easily scripted, e.g. in your vimrc:
function! DiffLineWithNext()
let f1=tempname()
let f2=tempname()
exec ".write " . f1
exec ".+1write " . f2
exec "tabedit " . f1
exec "vert diffsplit " . f2
This will open the current and next lines in vertical split in another tab.
Note that this code is a sample
it doesn't check whether next line exists (there are any following lines)
it doesn't cleanup the tempfiles created
a nice improvement would be to take a range, or use the '' mark to select the other line
You can leave off the 'vert' in order to have a horizontal split
Map it to something fancy so you don't have to :call it manually:
:nnoremap <F10> :call DiffLineWithNext()^M
you could also just create a new empty window buffer and copy line, then make command:
:windo diffthis
this should open a new window showing the differences of those 2 lines

Variable that holds "list of all open buffers" in Vim?

:vimgrep looks like a really useful thing.
Here's how to use it:
:vim[grep][!] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ...
:help says that you can essentially glob {file} to name, say, *.c for the current directory. I may have started Vim with a list of files that is complicated enough that I don't want to manually type it in for {file}, and besides Vim already knows what those files are.
What I would like to do is vimgrep over any of:
What variable(s) would I use in place of {file} to name, respectively, any of those lists in a vimgrep command?
Can't you catch the result in these commands into a register (:h :redir), and insert it back into :vimgrep call (with a :exe).
Something like:
:exe "vimgrep/pattern/ " . lh#askvim#Exe(':args')
lh#askvim#Exe is just a wrapper around :redir ; nothing really complex
some of these results may need some processing (see :args that adds square brackets)
Sometimes there is a function that returns exactly what you are looking for, see join(argv(), ' ') in :args case
Regarding :buffers, may be something like:
function BuffersList()
let all = range(0, bufnr('$'))
let res = []
for b in all
if buflisted(b)
call add(res, bufname(b))
return res
:exe 'vimgrep/pattern/ '.join(BuffersList(),' ')
You can do this:
:bufdo vimgrep /pattern/ %
% substitutes the buffer name.
To [vim]grep the list of files in the argument list, you may use ## (see :help cmdline-special).
:vimgrep /re/ ##
I am unaware of a similar shorthand for the buffer list, but you may be able to do something like:
:argdelete ##
:bufdo argadd %
... and then use ##. Or use :n to open new files (which will be added to the arg list) instead of :e.
Here is a slightly refined version of one of the answers. The following command searches for the pattern in all opened tabs and remembers results in quickfix list:
:cex [] | tabdo vimgrepa /pattern/ %
cex [] sets contents of quickfix list to empty list. You need to call it first because vimgrepa accumulates search results from all the tabs. Also, you can replace tabdo with argdo, bufdo and windo.
To view search results execute:
This method, however, has limitation: it can only search in tabs which already have file names assigned to them (% would not expand in a new tab).
You can also shortcut the command into function in your ~/.vimrc like this:
function TS(text)
exe "cex [] | tabdo vimgrepa /" . a:text . "/ %"
command -nargs=1 TS call TS(<q-args>)
cnoreabbrev ts TS
With last line you can call your function like this:
:ts from game import
where words after ts is a search pattern. Without last line you have to type function name in upper case.
Very helpful script !
A minor fix: The search finds one of the buffers twice - first time as the numbered buffer, second as buffer #0 => alternate buffer.
Hence, we shall change the line to "range(1, bufnr('$'))" to skip the alternate buffer and show the search results once.
