Concurrent writes to cassandra replicas - Is duplication possible? - cassandra

I have a two machine cluster which is running Cassandra 1.2.6. I am using a keyspace which has a replication factor of 2. But my application demands me to write to both the replicas in parallel and also let the Cassandra do the replication and hoping that Cassandra does not duplicate the key/value on the replica nodes.
For example:
I have nodes Node1 and Node2. I have a keyspace which has replication factor 2 configured on it and a column family to push key/value pairs
I use a python client (pycassa) to write to the cluster.
A key, "KeyX", hashes to Node1 and Node2. (I find out which key hashes to which servers through the node tool command. (`$nodetool getendpoints KeyspaceName ColumnFamilyName KeyHexString`)
I use a client to write (KeyX, Value) concurrently to the nodes Node1 and Node2. (In the connection pool I give only the specific server name)
When writing, I wait for one write to succeed (to the master). (Consistency level ONE)
Now, I monitor through the `$nodetool status` command the amount of disk space that the cluster uses.
I write around 100 keys each having 2MB values.
Ideally this should store around 400MB on disk with some overhead for storing keys which should be marginal compared to the value sizes that I using.
If I do not write to all the nodes that the key hashes to, Cassandra internally handles replication and the data size is around 400MB. (200MB on each node for 100 keys with 2MB value)
If I do write to all the nodes the key hashes to, Cassandra is writing more than the expected amount of data to the disk. It is as high as 15% more. In our tests Cassandra write ~460MB instead of 400MB.
My question is, is the behavior (15% overhead) expected? Is there any configuration that we need to tweak so that Cassandra properly handles concurrent writes to all the replicas.

There are two possible causes of the 15% extra space that I can think of.
One is because sometimes a replica will store two copies of a column temporarily. If you write a column twice in Cassandra at slightly different times, the two copies may go into separate memtables so end up in separate SSTables on disk. At some point later, when the SSTables get merged through the compaction process, the older value will be discarded, freeing up the space. In your test you could run nodetool compact to force compaction and see if the space usage goes down.
Another possible cause depends on how you did the test when you didn't write to both nodes. If you did this at consistency level ONE, it is possible some of the writes were dropped by the other replica, so it doesn't have all the keys yet. You can be sure it does by running nodetool repair. So the space used in your first observation may not be for all the keys.
You should be aware that writing to all replicas at consistency level ONE does not guarantee that each replica holds a copy. The node that is receiving the data does not have to store it to return success for the write, even if it is a replica. It may be overloaded (in your workload, this would most likely be due to not enough I/O to write the data out) and drop the write, while succeeding in writing it to a different replica. This would cause less space to be used in your second observation, but probably isn't happening in your test since it is a relatively small amount of data.
If you need to guarantee you have two copies you should write at consistency level ALL and only write it once.


How to determine the sync status is up to date for particular node in a Cassandra cluster?

Suppose I have two node cassandra cluster and they are reside on physically different data-centers. Suppose the database inside that cluster has replication factor is 2 which means every data in that database should be sync with each other. suppose this database is a massive database which have millions of records of its tables. I named those nodes centers as node1 and node2. Suppose node2 is not reliable and there was a crash on that server and take few days to fix and get the server back to up and running state. After that according to my understating there should be a gap between node1 and node2 and it may take significant time to sync node2 with node1. So need a way to measure the gap between node2 and node1 for the mean time of sync happen? After some times how should I assure that node2 is equal to node1? Please correct me if im wrong with this question according to the cassandra architechure.
So let's start with your description. 2 node cluster, which sounds fine, but 2 nodes in 2 different data centers (DCs) - bad design, but doable. Each data center should have multiple nodes to ensure your data is highly available. Anyway, that aside, let's assume you have a 2 node cluster with 1 node in each DC. The replication factor (RF) is defined at the keyspace level (not at the cluster level - each DC will have a RF setting for a particular keyspace (or 0 if not specified for a particular DC)). That being said, you can't have RF=2 for a keyspace for either of your DCs if you only have a single node in each one (RF, which is how many copies of the data that exist, can't be more than the number of nodes in the DC). So let's put that aside for now as well.
You have the possibility for DCs to become out of sync as well as nodes within a DC to become out of sync. There are multiple protections against this problem.
Consistency Level (CL)
This is a lever that you (the client) have to be able to help control how far out of sync things get. There's a trade off between availability v.s. consistency (with performance implications as well). The CL setting is configured at connection time and/or each statement level. For writes, the CL determines how many nodes must IMMEDIATELY ACKNOWLEDGE the write before giving your application the "green light" to move on (a number of nodes that you're comfortable with - knowing the more nodes you immediately require the more consistent your nodes and/or DC(s) will be, but the longer it will take and the less flexibility you have in nodes becoming unavailable without client failure). If you specify less than RF it doesn't mean that RF won't be met, it just means that they don't need to immediately acknowledge the write to move on. For reads, this setting determines how many nodes' data are compared before the result is returned (if cassandra finds a particular row doesn't match from the nodes it's comparing, it will "fix" them during the read before you get your results - this is called read repair). There are a handful of CL options by the client (e.g. ONE, QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE, LOCAL_QUOURM, etc.). Again, there is a trade-off between availability and consistency with the selected choice.
If you want to be sure your data is consistent when your queries run (when you read the data), ensure the write CL + the read CL > RF. You can ensure that's done on a LOCAL level (e.g. the DC that the read/write is occurring on, say, LOCAL_QUORUM) or globally (all DCs with QUORUM). By doing this, you'll be sure that while your cluster may be inconsistent, your results during reads will not be (i.e. the results will be consistent/accurate - which is all that anyone really cares about). With this setting you also allow some flexibility in unavailable nodes (e.g. for a 3 node DC you could have a single node be unavailable without client failure for either reads or writes).
If nodes do become out of sync, you have a few options at this point:
Repair (run by "nodetool repair") - this is a facility that you can schedule or manually run to reconcile your tables, keyspaces and/or the entire node with other nodes (either in the DC the node resides or the entire cluster). This is a "node level" command and must be run on each node to "fix" things. If you have DSE, Ops Center can run repairs in the background fixing "chunks" of data - cycling the process repetitively.
Similar to repair, this is a DSE specific tool similar to repair that helps keep data in sync (the newer version of repair).
Unavailable nodes:
Hinted Handoff
Cassandra has the ability to "hold onto" changes if nodes become unavailable during writes. It will hang onto changes for a specified period of time. If the unavailable nodes become available before time runs out, the changes are sent over for application. If time runs out, hint collection stops and one of the other options, above, need to be performed to catch things up.
Finally, there is no way to know how inconsistent things are (e.g. 30% inconsistent). You simply try to utilize the tools mentioned above to control consistency without completely sacrificing availability.
Hopefully that makes sense and helps.

Why do tables get out of sync over time when Write Consistency ALL is used?

Iam running a cassandra 3.11.4 cluster with 1 data center, 2 racks and 11 nodes. My keyspaces and the tables are set to replication 2. I use the Prometheus-Grafana-Combo to monitor the cluster.
Observation: During (massive) inserts using Write-Consistency Level ALL (i.e. 2 nodes) the affected tables/nodes get slowly out of sync (worst case on one node: from 100% to 83% within 6 hours). My expectation is that this could only happen if I use ANY (or anything less than my replication factor).
I would really like to understand this behaviour.
What is also interesting: If I dare to use write consistency ANY I get exactly that- and even though all nodes are online Cassandra does not even seem attempt to write to all nodes. In any case (ANY or ALL) if have to perform incremental repairs.
First of all, your expectation is correct: Writes, regardless of what the consistency-level is (ALL or ONE or ANY or whatever), do make every attempt to write to all replicas. The different write-consistency levels only differ on when "success" is reported to the client: ALL waits until all writes were done, while ONE waits for just one (and does the other ones in the background). So unless one of your nodes goes down, or severely overloaded, none of the writes should be missing on any of the nodes, and there should be zero inconsistencies. The "hinted handoff" feature makes inconsistencies even less likely (if one node is temporarily down, other nodes save for it the writes it missed, and replay them later).
I think your only problem is that you're misinterpreting what the "percentrepaired" statistic means. The "percentrepaired" metric is used by incremental repair. In incremental repair, data on disk is split between "repaired" data (data that already went through a repair process) and "unrepaired" data - new data that still did not yes pass through repair. This does not mean that the new data is inconsistent or differs between nodes - it just that nobody checked that yet! To mark this new data "repaired" you'd need to run an (incremental) repair - it will realize the data does not differ between nodes, and mark it as "repaired".

Cassandra difference between ANY and ONE consistency levels

Assumptions: RF = 3
In some video on the Internet about Consistency level speaker says that CL = ONE is better then CL = ANY because when we use CL = ANY coordinator will be happy to store only hint(and data)(we are assuming here that all the other nodes with corresponding partition key ranges are down) and we can potentially lose our data due to coordinator's failure. But wait a minute.... as I understand it, if we used CL = ONE and for example we had only one(of three) available node for this partition key, we would have only one node with inserted data. Risk of loss is the same.
But I think we should assume equal situations - all nodes for particular token is gone. Then it's better to discard write operation then write with such a big risk of coordinator's loss.
CL=ANY should probably never be used on a production server. Writes will be unavailable until the hint is written to a node owning that partition because you can't read data when its in a hints log.
Using CL=ONE and RF=3 with two nodes down, you would have data stored in both a) the commit log and memtable on a node and b) the hints log. These are likely different nodes, but they could be the same 1/3 of the time. So, yes, with CL=ONE and CL=ANY you risk complete loss of data with a single node failure.
Instead of ANY or ONE, use CL=QUORUM or CL=LOCAL_QUORUM.
The thing is the hints will just be stored for 3 hours by default and for longer times than that you have to run repairs. You can repair if you have at least one copy of this data on one node somewhere in the cluster (hints that are stored on coordinator don't count).
Consistency One guarantees that at least one node in the cluster has it in commit log no matter what. Any is in worst case stored in hints of coordinator (other nodes can't access it) and this is stored by default in a time frame of 3 hours. After 3 hours pass by with ANY you are loosing data if other two instances are down.
If you are worried about the risk, then use quorum and 2 nodes will have to guarantee to save the data. It's up to application developer / designer to decide. Quorum will usually have slightly bigger latencies on write than One. But You can always add more nodes etc. should the load dramatically increase.
Also have a look at this nice tool to see what impacts do various consistencies and replication factors have on applications:
With RF 3, 3 nodes in the cluster will actually get the write. Consistency is just about how long you want to wait for response from them ... If you use One, you will wait until one node has it in commit log. But the coordinator will actually send the writes to all 3. If they don't respond coordinator will save the writes into hints.
Most of the time any in production is a bad idea.

Want to spread current cluster data over more and smallere sstables

Our cassandra 2.1.15 application' KS (using STCS) are leveling in less than 100 sstables/node of which some data sstables are now getting into the +1TB size. This means heavy/longer compactions plus longer time before tombstones and their evicted data gets in the same compaction view (application do both create/read/delete of data), thus longer before real disk space gets reclaimed, this sucks :(
Our Application Vendor later revealed to us, that they normally recommend hashing the data over 10-20 CFs in the application KS rather than our currently created 3 CFs, guessing as an way to keep ratio of sstables vs sizes in a 'workable' range. Only the application can't have this changed now we have begun hashing data out in our 3 CFs.
Currently we got 14x linux node cluster, nodes of same HW and size (running w/equal amount of vnodes), originally constructed with two data_file_directories in two xfs FS on each their logical volumes - LVs backed each by a PV (6+1 raid5). Then as some nodes began to compact data skewed in these data dirs/LVs when growning sstable sizes, we merged both data dirs onto one LV and expanded this LV with the thus released PV. So we now got 7x nodes with two data dirs in one LV backed by two PVs and 7x nodes with two data dirs in two LVs on each their PV.
1) Now as sstable sizes keeps growning due to more data and using STCS (as recommend by App Vendor) we're thinking we might be able spread data over more and smallere sstables by simply adding more data dirs in our LVs as compensation for having less CFs rather than adding more HW nodes :) Wouldn't this work to spread data over more and smallere sstables or is the a catch in using multiple data dir compared with fewer?
1) Follow-up: must have had a brain fa.. that day, off course it won't :) The Compaction Strategy doesn't bother with over how many data dirs a CF' sstables are scattered only bothers with the sstables them selves according to the strategy. So only way to spread over more and smallere sstables is to hash data over more CFs. Too bad Vendor did the time-space trade off not to record in which CF a partition key is hashed a long with the key it self, then hashing might have been reseeded to a larger number of CFs. Now only way is to built a new cluster w/more CFs and migrate data there.
2) We could then possibly use either sstablesplit on the largest sstables or removing/rejoining with more than two data dirs node by node to get rit of the currently real big sstables. Would either approach work to get sstable sizes scaled down and which way is most recommendable?
2) Follow-up: well if one node is decommissioned is token range will be scatter to other nodes, specially when using multiple vnodes/node and thus one big sstables would be scatter over more nodes and left to the mercy of the compaction strategy at other nodes. But generally if 1 out of 14 nodes, each with 256 vnodes, would be scattered to the 13 other nodes for sure, right?
Thus only increasing other nodes' amount of data by roughly 1/13 of decommissioned node' content. But rejoining such a node again would properly only send roughly same amount of data back eventually getting compacted into similar sized sstables, meaning we've done a lot IO+streaming for nothing... Unless tombstones were among the original data but just to far apart to be lucky enough to enter same compaction views (small sstable vs large sstable), such an exercise may possible get data shuffled around giving better/other chance to get some tombstone+their data evicted through the scatter+rejoining faster than waiting to strategy to get TS+data in same compaction view, dunno... any thoughs on the value of possible doing this?
Huh that was a huge thought dump.
I'll try to get straight to the point. Using ANY type of raid (except stripe) is a deathtrap. If your nodes don't have sufficient space then you either add disks as JBODs to your nodes or scale out. Second thing is your application creating, deleting, updating and reading data and you are using STCS? And with all that you have 1TB+ per node? I don't even want to get into questioning the performance of that setup.
My suggestion would be to rethink the setup having data size, access patterns, read/write/delete/update ratios and data retention plans in mind. 14 nodes with 1TB+ of data each is not catastrophic (even thou the docu states that going past 600-800GB is bad, its not) but you need to change the approach. LCS works wonders for scenarios like yours and with proper planning you can have that cluster running a long time before having to scale out (or TTL your data) with decent performance.

How does Cassandra partitioning work when replication factor == cluster size?

I'm new to Cassandra and still trying to wrap my mind around the internal workings.
I'm thinking of using Cassandra in an application that will only ever have a limited number of nodes (less than 10, most commonly 3). Ideally each node in my cluster would have a complete copy of all of the application data. So, I'm considering setting replication factor to cluster size. When additional nodes are added, I would alter the keyspace to increment the replication factor setting (nodetool repair to ensure that it gets the necessary data).
I would be using the NetworkTopologyStrategy for replication to take advantage of knowledge about datacenters.
In this situation, how does partitioning actually work? I've read about a combination of nodes and partition keys forming a ring in Cassandra. If all of my nodes are "responsible" for each piece of data regardless of the hash value calculated by the partitioner, do I just have a ring of one partition key?
Are there tremendous downfalls to this type of Cassandra deployment? I'm guessing there would be lots of asynchronous replication going on in the background as data was propagated to every node, but this is one of the design goals so I'm okay with it.
The consistency level on reads would probably generally be "one" or "local_one".
The consistency level on writes would generally be "two".
Actual questions to answer:
Is replication factor == cluster size a common (or even a reasonable) deployment strategy aside from the obvious case of a cluster of one?
Do I actually have a ring of one partition where all possible values generated by the partitioner go to the one partition?
Is each node considered "responsible" for every row of data?
If I were to use a write consistency of "one" does Cassandra always write the data to the node contacted by the client?
Are there other downfalls to this strategy that I don't know about?
Do I actually have a ring of one partition where all possible values
generated by the partitioner go to the one partition?
Is each node considered "responsible" for every row of data?
If all of my nodes are "responsible" for each piece of data regardless
of the hash value calculated by the partitioner, do I just have a ring
of one partition key?
Not exactly, C* nodes still have token ranges and c* still assigns a primary replica to the "responsible" node. But all nodes will also have a replica with RF = N (where N is number of nodes). So in essence the implication is the same as what you described.
Are there tremendous downfalls to this type of Cassandra deployment?
Are there other downfalls to this strategy that I don't know about?
Not that I can think of, I guess you might be more susceptible than average to inconsistent data so use C*'s anti-entropy mechanisms to counter this (repair, read repair, hinted handoff).
Consistency level quorum or all would start to get expensive but I see you don't intend to use them.
Is replication factor == cluster size a common (or even a reasonable)
deployment strategy aside from the obvious case of a cluster of one?
It's not common, I guess you are looking for super high availability and all your data fits on one box. I don't think I've ever seen a c* deployment with RF > 5. Far and wide RF = 3.
If I were to use a write consistency of "one" does Cassandra always
write the data to the node contacted by the client?
This depends on your load balancing policies at the driver. Often we select token aware policies (assuming you're using one of the Datastax drivers), in which case requests are routed to the primary replica automatically. You could use round robin in your case and have the same effect.
The primary downfall will be increased write costs at the coordinator level as you add nodes. The maximum number of replicas written to I've seen is around 8 (5 for other data centers and 3 for local replicas).
In practice this will mean a reduced stability while performing large or batched writes (greater than 1mb) or a lower per node write TPS.
The primary advantage is you can do a lot of things that'd normally be awful and impossible to do. Want to use secondary indexes? probably will work reasonably well (assuming cardinality and partition size doesn't become your bottleneck there). Want to add a custom UDF that does GroupBy or use very large IN queries it'll probably work.
It is as #Phact mentions not a common usage pattern and I primarily saw it used with DSE Search on low write throughput use cases that had requirements for 'single node' features from Solr, but for those same use cases with pure Cassandra you'd get some benefits on the read side and be able to do expensive queries that are normally impossible in a more distributed cluster.
