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Closed 9 years ago.
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this is my current code to print these cells
Sub printSticker()
End Sub
But this way it keeps the formatting on them, so I can choose where they are going (they have to fit on a pre-printed sticker)
For example
On D4 it will include the cells from A4 B4 and C4 so there is a wide space before D4
I would like to remove this space so A1 D4 and B6 are in a neat line stacked on top of each other
Preview what you are printing by either adding Preview:=True at the end of your expression
Worksheets("Sticker").Range("A1:D4:B6").PrintOut Preview:=True
or File » Print
Ok, you need to align your values using the alignment controls on the toolbar
Also you can hit F1 and type Print Labels to get step-by-step guide.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Require assistance with excel formula to subtract numbers from cells F2 & I2 if no data is in cell K2. If data is in cell K2,then I need formula to subtract F1 & K2 only.
Well, based on what you asked and what I understand, then the following may help:
If you are going to drag this down then you may need to control which cells move.
Edit, just spotted you said subtract so:
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I tried almost everything that I could remember. I have some data like this in an Excel file:
Item 1 Item 2
A1 B1
A2 a2
A3 a3
I want to create a chart that updates constantly with spaces from A1 to G7 that will get this kind of result (kind of like in Battleship):
Any idea how to do this?
You could use a conditional formatting rule like:
with a fill colour of green, and another one
with a fill colour of orange.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to color a specific cell if (for example):
A1 has a value (meaning it is not blank)
B1 has no value (meaning it is blank)
In this scenario I would like to color B1 red.
I want the formula to apply to the entirety of the B-column.
Try clicking Format > Conditional formatting > Custom formula is:
Apply this to range B:B and select a red colour format
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please see my sample excel sheet. I am trying to filter out tasks by projects. For example if i filter Project A then i would want to see all the tasks that falls under this project.
How is this possible in excel?
please help.
Very simple. You have left gaps in column A. While this may improve readability for humans, it creates difficulty for AutoFilter.
Fill-down cells A3 through A5 with Project A Then format these cells so the color of the font matches the interior color of the cell (this makes the text invisible and restores your visual effect)
Finally apply the AutoFilter and all the correct rows will be visible!
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am required to write some VBA code so that, if I assign it to a command button, by clicking it I should be able to match the color of cells C11 and cell C4.
Suppose I change the color of C11 to red, the color of C4 should change to red by click of a command button or automatically.
Can some one help me with this?
The following code copies the color value from cell "C11" to cell "C4":
Range("C4").Interior.Color = Range("C11").Interior.Color
As long as you work with valid Range-Objects, you can use different types to address the cells as fits your needs. For example the active selection (at least one cell or more):
Selection.Interior.Color = Range("C11").Interior.Color