Adobe Dreamweaver CC freezing on start up [closed] - dreamweaver

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just installed Adobe Dreamweaver CC through Creative Cloud and everytime I open it up the program freezes and goes black. However, Photoshop opens perfectly. I'm wondering am I the only one having this problem?

Same thing happened to me after it run great for a long time. My solution was to run Dreamweaver as administrator and it loads up fine now (Windows 8.1 64bit).

I've had used MS's ProcessMonitor tool to see what's going on while Dreamweaver stuck at "Initializing Assets" screen.
And what I discovered is that DW generates millions of queries to registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2015\Temp File List.
Over the time Dreamweaver accumulates here thousands empty entries like pathXXX and infinitely loop over them when starting.
So, removing all this entries makes DW start in 3 seconds.
And no need to remove site cache, winfilecache etc.

i've just get on this error now...
and solved it by deleting registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2015
you can also delete this folder just in case the problem still exist..
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2015
this steps will delete configuration and preferences..
but your sites will still there...

Okay here is my solution that worked for me, delete the Configuration folder in
C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe
Since AppData is a hidden folder you will very likely have to hit the windows button, and type in %appdata% to access the folder. Hope this helps.

I was having a problem with Dreamweaver (CC 2017) hanging (grey screen) during loading the site cache.
After it hung I had to kill all the Dreamweaver processes in the task manager. Clicking the X to close the window didn't completely kill Dreamweaver.
I then just deleted the contents of the cache folder.
goto this directory and delete the contents, making path substitutions for your username, dreamweaver version and language.
c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver (your version)\en_US\Configuration\SiteCache
When I restarted Dreamweaver it reloaded the site cache and everything worked again.

Dreamweaver does this thing where it checks for changed or moved links when first starting one of your sites in the right panel. It will do this same thing when you first start the program (because you typically leave the most recent site still open) but will not give you the popup option to "stop" this process like it does when manually switching them. This is why it freezes on that gray screen. None of the other solutions will prevent it from doing this except on the first time you deleted one of the suggested files and open Dreamweaver.
My solution was to create a new site and simply call it "!NONE" pointed at a local empty folder. Then, before closing my Dreamweaver, after working, I would switch to that site. Now when I open Dreamweaver later, it opens almost instantly because it is checking a folder with nothing in it.

The same thing happened to me.
I followed the instructions at: .
I ended up needing to rename the Configuration folder and let the program recreate the folder when starting up next time (this can take a while if you have large sites as cache needs to be recreated). It then opened with no problem.

My Dreamweaver is hanging on start up but if I turn off wifi / internet it works OK!


How to open or switch between files in Android Studio using shortcuts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm using android studio for developing flutter apps. I use multiple files but find it hard to locate them in the project folder every time I have to open them (again).
Is there a way to open files in android studio with a shortcut?
original post for reference:
i'm using android studio for develop flutter app
i usually , open pubspect.yaml file when I add packages.
i added yaml file at favorite folder ,
but it little bit annoying to click it to open it.
so , is there a way to solve this little problem?
i tried macro but didn't work.
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The shortcut I use to navigate is: Shift+Shift.
As shown in android studio key_maps. You can use Shift+Ctrl+N will be used to navigate through files.
If it is easy for you then, Go to Settings -> KeyMap. And, you can edit your own key shortcuts. Specifically, to your question:
You can search navigate, you will be able to see File and its corresponding shortcut key, there you can edit another shortcut key too.

Excel 2007 Issue: Pre-programmed Buttons suddenly not working [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Microsoft Excel ActiveX Controls Disabled?
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Today, out of the blue, a form that the company I work for uses, suddenly had an issue with it's buttons. Strangely enough it only is affecting what I'm pretty sure are the ActiveX Command Buttons and not causing a problem with the other shapes or drop downs.
The issue. The buttons are non-responsive. When you click, they don't access the code and checking them via the shapes menu and selecting "view code" causes them to open the developer menu, but not the code associated with them. The really big issue is that for some reason they ALL seem to have started failing at the same time. The version on the server no longer works (the primary copy), the copy the user uses (notorious for breaking things) and the version I use (which is on my local computer).
Is there a way to take them an re-associate them with the proper code, without deleting them completely re-making them or is there possibly someone who's had the same issue and figured out a fix?
I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions or help - please note: I'm 99.9% sure that the issue is not code based.
The problem is caused by a recent Office update. Here is the fix posted on
To fix it, do this:
Close all Office applications.
Do a search in Windows Explorer – make
sure to include hidden and system files and folders – for *.exd files
(note: that’s not *.exe !!) and delete any you find.
Make sure you get these:
Reboot the computer (this is not always necessary, but probably better safe than
Restart your Office apps and test the controls again.

Dreamweaver falsely prompting about modified files

I use Dreamweaver 8 at work, and recently I've been having an issue with open files. When I move focus away from Dreamweaver to another piece of software (usually firefox for testing the results of uploaded files), and then move back to Dreamweaver I get a prompt saying: "This file has been modified outside of Dreamweaver. Do you want to reload it".
Edit: this is for every single file I have open in Dreamweaver so is quite unbearable!
Clicking yes or no both show exactly the same page! Nothing's changed, and nothing should have!
Any ideas why this might be happening? It's causing some issues because I work with another developer at work and I don't want my work overwriting. I assure you that he's not working on any of the same files or anything, and we've worked together for months and this has never happened before.
I'm very well aware that I can turn this prompt off, but in cases where files have actually changed, I'd want to be prompted.
I know Dreamweaver 8 is a joke.. but it's what we've got, and it's been fine up until now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
That behavior exists in CS5 too, so I'm pretty sure it is a bug. Are you working off a shared network drive?

Can Vim/GVim Show Other Files within the Same Project while Editing a File? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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While I am editing a file in Vim, I need to see other available files to edit within the same project. Are there any project management features for Vim (GVim actually, if it makes any difference), either natively or in plugin form?
I'm not looking for anything extravagant, just something which will keep my files under one project name, and some sort of buffer which will display what files go under what project. You know what I mean, you see it in every IDE.
NERDTree with bookmarks does the job for me. It's popular and has been updated recently, whereas Project hasn't been updated in a few years.
:Bookmark proj1 " to bookmark a directory
:NERDTree proj1 " opens NERDTree with bookmarked directory set as tree root
Even has handy filesystem commands for creating/deleting files/directories etc
I have used the Project plugin for quite sometime. I've been fairly happy with it. I did make one modification to mine, so that I can generate tags over a whole project. It's fairly easy to add a new project to the Project window with the "\C" command inside the window. It will prompt you for certain parameters such as path, target directory, project name, and file types to include, then it will recurse the path to find all your files and then display them in the window. Be sure to save it!
The downside of Project plugin is that it only keeps track of files and does not track certain environment variables related per project. Not a big deal if you only have one project. The Project plugin can keep track of multiple projects in it's window by adding more, but you can't really "switch" between project environments seamlessly.
That is why I find SessionMan indispensable for project session management. Comes in handy when jumping back and forth between different code projects. I basically give each session a name similar to my project name. With each session, I map the project plugin command (:Project YourProject)) to a key where I can retrieve the project in each session. Also, it helps to keep your paths saved on a per session basis. This facilitates tag lookup for omnicomplete and tag navigation as well as the "gf" key combo for opening header files.
Those two plugins work great together.
There is a newer plugin called MyProjects, but the last I tried it had some window and buffer issues that I'm not used to. It also didn't work well with my session management plugin. It's still in early development.
EDIT: I also just found exVIM online. It looks interesting and might be up your alley. I may have to try it out myself. Note that there are multiple install options.
The exVim may fulfill your demand. It have a project window can browse a specific directory, also some useful plugin to ease the develop.
Here is the link:
Found an interesting link here. It's primarily Python-focused, but I think it'll get you started.

How do I get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard" error? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Right now, I'm getting it in Excel 2007, but I've gotten the same error in pretty much every version of Excel I've used since 97. The only discernable similarity is that happens on my office PC. It's never bothered me on my home PC.
In Excel 2003, I was able to mess around in the clipboard options until it went away. In 2007, though, the options seem to be seriously limited and generally useless. Google wasn't much help, either.
check this tip. worked for here
This might save somebody some time and headaches if google picks it
up. I was getting a 'Cannot empty the Clipboard' error every time I
moved cells around in Excel - eventually I mucked around with the
settings and made it go away. Here's how; In the excel main menu
(glass globe w/logo), click Excel options, then Advanced, then turn
off 'Show paste options buttons'
How exciting was this as my first post of the year?
Update: I still haven't found a permanent solution but I found another
thing that seems to help. In Excel 2007, from the "home" tab, the
first thing on the left is the clipboard tool panel. Expand the panel
to view the clipboard and in the clipboard you might find "cannot
empty clipboard" as an entry. Empty the clipboard, keep the panel open
for a second or two while you do a few cut and pastes/drags etc. and
then the bogey seems to go away.
I call this the cable dance because back in the day I had a printer
that only worked if you unplugged the cable, shook it out and plugged
it back in.
Good answers by Paul Simon and Steve Homer, I shut down team viewer and that did the trick.
Skype or other programs may trigger the same glitch, but in this instance, I recalled the problem occurred when I tried to cut n paste a 2MB file from remote system through windows right click rather than using "File Transfer function in TV. An error message appeared, then the problem with Excel "'Cannot empty clipboard' message.
This problem occurs when you are working on a remote system. After copying and pasting a huge amount of data it shows the error. I have found the solution to this problem.
Go to remote systems task manager and perform the following task
Go to Task Manager > Processes
Look for "rdpclip.exe"
End that process
Your problem will be solved.
I found this advice:
There are a few steps to solve your
First thing to do is Clear items from
the Office Clipboard. If the Microsoft
Office Clipboard is not displayed in
the task pane, click Office Clipboard
on the Edit menu. On the Office
Clipboard task pane, do one of the
following: To clear all items, click
Clear All .
Next thing is to switch off the
clipboard show option. To do this,
what you can do is to again display
the Clipboard menu (select Office
Clipboard from Edit Menu). And in the
selection button "Options" at the
bottom of the screen, select this
particular option: "Collect Without
Showing Office Clipboard"
and now, you are relieved of the bug.
Hope this helps.
here. I have the problem, but it's sporadic. I just tried the technique, and I don't see the problem, but since it's sporadic I won't know for a while if it's gone for good.
I got rid of the problem by unchecking the option for "Alert before overwriting cells" in Excel options. I'm using Excel 2007
If you can't find the clipboard, then close that excel sheet and reopen it again. This will solve your problem.
which will work for 2007 if you follow v12.0 in the registry.
Are you running Skype? This has been the best solution I have found to get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard error" in Excel 2007 & 2010. Delete the Skype add-on in IE and/or Firefox and good-bye annoying error!
In reply to rjacobs7 post on February 28, 2011
Cannot clear clipboard error - Windows 7, Excel 2010 -
This error occurs nearly every time a drag and drop of cell contents is attempted. I've had this same error over the past 10 years on older computers and older versions of Windows and Office. It has now reoccurred with a new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit and Office 2010. The issue can be replicated only if a browser - IE or Firefox - is open at the same time that Excel is open. Having Word and/or Outlook open at the same time will not cause the problem to occur unless a browser is also open. This error is extremely irritating and no solutions from Microsoft or other posts on this issue resolve it.
I have a solution - at least for me! Delete the Skype add-in in IE and Firefox and the "cannot clear clipboard" error after a drag and drop goes away when IE and/or Firefox are running. Apparently some sort of memory-management issue with Skype, Office and the browsers.
I've read lots of blogs on this subject going back to 2005!!
I'm sure that Paul Simon is right (see his submission to this thread) and it's a question of finding which program on your machine is locking the clipboard. I do not run the programs listed in various solutons suggested (eg on Microsoft website) nor am I in a networked or virtual environment so for me those aren't the locking programs (but might be for you). Similarly I don't have the RDP task going in my processes. For me the locking program is the Skype Add-in.
I am not a sophisticated user and am scared of altering my registry so didn't want to go there.
I have now been able to reproduce accurately the "cannot clear the clipboard" message by turning on and off the skype addins in internet explorer. This is easy for amateurs to do and might be one of the more common clipboard locking programs:
I first confirmed that I can turn on/off the problem in Excel by opening/closing internet explorer.
Then I disabled the skype addins:
Internet Explorer: Tools menu --> Internet Options ; Programs Tab ; Manage Add-ons button; Toolbars and Extensions selected in panel on left - scroll down to find skype add ons. Press Disable button.
NB have to restart Internet explorer before this works.
.... 4 days later.... it's still working
I copied a picture (instead of text) that I had in my excel 2007 file and that solved the problem for me. The picture copied to the (then empty) clipboard. I could then copy cells normally even after clearing the clipboard of the picture. I think a graph object should also do the trick.
I have seen various answers which say when I uninstalled this or that it worked. I think that the uninstall is probably just sorting out an issue in the registry, rather it being an issue with the particular application that is being uninstalled.
I have also seen cases of people saying kill the RDP task but I don't have that and I still have the error.
I have seen cases of people saying clear the clipboard in Excel, but that doesn't work for me - nor does changing the settings in the Clipboard.
I believe that the issue is that an application has a lock on the clipboard and that application is not releasing it. The clipboard is a shared resource, so that implies that each application has to get a lock on it before changing it and then release the lock once it has completed the change, however, it looks like sometimes the lock is not released.
I found that the following cured it. Close down all MS applications including IE and Outlook. Check Task Manager processes to make sure that they are all gone.
Then restart the application where you had the Copy and Paste issue and it will probably then work.
Paul Simon
