reading data from an excel sheet in perl [closed] - excel

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a hash of result messages. Each message has 4-5 different parameters. I want to match parameter values with the values stored in an excel sheet. If they match its pass or fail
Can you help me how to read from an excel sheet and match it line by line with my current message in hash.

The best way to read from an Excel file is using a CPAN module, like Spreadsheet::XLSX

If you are using MS Excel 2003 or earlier, you can use - ParseExcel
If you are using excel 2007 or higher (xlsx), then Spreadsheet::XLSX does the job.
If you want something very quick and simple try - Simple Its an easy to use wrapper around ParseExcel.


In Perl, what is the efficient way to replace a String dynamically with something else? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a file containing many lines like
"resourcename" : "myfile.pdf",
I want to replace everywhere myfile.pdf with an URL like But the file name keeps changing. So if myfile.pdf becomes yourfile.pdf, I want to replace it with
What is an efficient way to do global replacement(/g) without affecting the file's encoding like UTF-8?

Adding cifres from left excel [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a sheet with some datas in D column. I need to extract the values that have less then 11 characters and adding from left many 0 untill reach 11 characters.. I explain with an example:
12345678912 --> this is correct
123456789 --> this is incorrect and has 9 characters so i need adding from left 2 zeros
00123456789 --> now is correct
Is there a macro or a formula that could be useful for my goal? Thanks
Assuming the data is stored as numbers, you can simply use =TEXT(A1,"00000000000"). If it's stored as text then use =REPT("0",LEN(A1)-11))&A1

Java open source library to generate pivot table out of excel [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Given an excel file I want to generate a pivot table programmatically. I have heard of Aspose.Cells but it is paid version. Can someone suggest some open source libraries similar to Aspose.Cells or atleast any tutorial link where I can get some help to generate pivot table programmatically.
Please try, it is open source and it is designed for pivot reports with huge details sheet.
There are several other open source libraries to achieve the same thing but we developed this library to workaround performance issues, we use temp file to avoid unreasonable memory consumption and write XML to stream as raw bytes to avoid overhead caused by XML API.
See samples, it needs XLSX template, XML descriptor and several lines of code to implement basic pivot report.

Plotting Lines in Excel [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have data in the following format:
Variable - Value
A 1
B 2
A 3
B 4
and so on.
Notice how the variable is recurring for different values. I want to draw a line for each variable that shows its different values assuming the X-axis is time.
Please any help.
I would start off by creating a Pivot table based on the data that you have and then create the line graph from there.

Automate Excel to fetch data from web url [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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For example lets take imdb(movie rating) website -I have an excel sheet with 10K movie name in column A
I copy a name from sheet-
Search it in url ( in search box.-
Copy the result(rating / actors) & paste in the sheet at column B,C,D
Is there a way I can automate this process.
Note:the URL I have to use requires login id/password.
Excel can connect to web pages to get data. This can be utilized in your code with VBA, external .qry file, or using the 'get external data' interface. Check this link
