Sharepoint 2010 - How to create a reports with multiple filters, such as a user usage report - sharepoint

I am looking at creating some reports using the available analytics in SharePoint 2010. I have admin rights for the site and it's sub-sites.
Looking at the available options, there are useful reports that you can use:
Top pages
Top vistors
Number of daily unique visitors
These are all useful, however I need more. What I need to be able to do is:
1) Create user based report that details all the URL's that a visitor has accessed.
2) Create a report that shows top pages visited, but have the abailable to remove certain users (the admin users that are on there all the time, which doesn't provide a true reflection of the figures)
Looking at this, in the analyze tab > change settings, there is only really one option within the filter, like 'visitor contains'. I was hoping that there would be multiple filters that I could apply?
Is there a way I can the above 2 options in SharePoint 2010 via the 'Site Collection Web Analytics reports'?

SharePoint 2010 analytics is a bit limited.
It will collect lot's of information, but there is no out of the box functionality to display/analyze all the data.
You'd either create your own solution or look for a 3rd parity.
A good starting point is CardioLog, it has a free version and might provide you with some insights on what SharePoint 2010 analytics should look like.


InfoPath migration to SharePoint 365

Good day beautiful people,
Overall description
I have been assigned to a project where recruiters are using excel file to gather information about new joiners, leavers and people changing positions. Later on it is uploaded to SharePoint where this data is connected to some other files, dashboards and so on. There is also a copy of it, in InfoPath, but the program is working terribly wrong so personally for me this is no-go zone.
My goal
I would like to make this more automated and user friendly, so that's why I wanted to move it to the SharePoint. I want users to have one page, subpage, app to fill up necessary data, edit it if needed and then publish to the SharePoint.
I have visited tens of pages how to create SharePoint form without InfoPath, how to create SP form with PowerApps but most of these articles provides nothing useful. Just brief overview and I am not that power user of SP to get this done in no time.
Is there a way, that I can make this working within accepted mater of time (few days) so the end result will be exactly what I need?
Make some lists in SharePoint with the columns they need, use that as your data source. Link your PowerApps application to that source, et voila. Recruitment can now fill their data in with what you need, and via Power Automate you can process the data and send it to the correct locations afterwards.

Mysites like page that lists all doc libraries across all SharePoint sites?

We'd like to create a web page that will list all Document libraries across all sharePoint Sites for the user currently accessing the page. We'd also like to offer a all site search for the user. That is all sites they have access to.
We currently do not have Mysites enabled, nor do we want to.
Possilbe to code this?
All site search is easy. If you are using the non-free version of SharePoint 2007 or 2010, then that capability is baked into the product. Users can use the search scopes to search across all content in the SharePoint farm. It will automatically trim search results that users don't have access to.
As for you list of all document libraries, this would probably be too much effort to generate in real time for any non-trivial SharePoint environment. You are most likely going to have to gather this information ahead of time and then display the appropriate summary of the data in a WebPart of some other similar interface. Code to crawl every web application and every site and every sub-site and then every Document Library isn't hard. Actually it is very straightforward. What will be a little tricky is that you will need to collect ACL entries for each of these lists so that you can compare them to the current end user. The real trick is that the ACLs might contain SharePoint Group names and Active Directory group names instead of individual end user names. That will make your reporting task more difficult.

Sharepoint WebParts

I just finished my first web Part for Sharepoint WSS 3.0 and I'm very excited.
What it does is that just makes a connection to the TFS (team foundation) to get the OPEN and FIXED bugs by Sprint (We actually use SCRUM agile Process). Then takes both values (open & fixed) and puts them in a sharepoint list. A chart is fed with that list (using codeplex's web parts).
In the other side the web part retrieves information about the current team names from the Project Server, it follows the same procedure but it just feeds a Sharepoint list.
Any recommendations on performance or anything else would be much appreciated.
PD. i will set this as a community wiki 'cause there is no correct or wrong answer, just waiting for your feedback =D.
I'm a bit confused... Your webpart populates the list with values from TFS?
If you use a webpart, the list is populated only when someone visits the page and EVERYTIME someone visits the page.
Wouldn't you want to populate your SharePoint list using a console application or a SharePoint timer job that runs every so often?
To go a step further. Use federated search. In SharePoint (MOSS) you can specify locations (content sources) for the search service to index. This data will then be queryable in your sites. Using either custom scopes / customized search queries you can retieve data and then filter / display it on your sites.

Sharepoint - Showing calendar events in multiple calendars in diff't sub-sites

I am trying to show events from a calendar in the main site to a calendar in a sub-site of the main site (or vice-versa)...I can't alter any server files or use custom-built web there anyway to do this w/ OOTB moss 2007?
Altering Server files is a big no-no anyway, so that's good :-D. YOu could try using SharePoint designer to create a so-called aggregation webpart, pulling data from all sites in the site collection (which of course get security trimmed by sharepoint, so people see only what they are allowed to see).
YOu can create use a DataFormWebPart in SharePoint designer to build an aggregation webpart. This is still ootb, but allows you to configure the datasource: i.e. have the datasource query the entire site collection for calendar items, then display them in a list. Disdplay them in a "new" calendar will be a lot of work though.
There is no way to "copy" or deisgnate specific calendar items to be visible in specific other calendars, this will take custom code.
Not strictly OOTB MOSS 2007, but I recenlty wrote an article about syncing any list using a simple workflow. As a Calendar is just a list it works for that as well and it maintains the Calendar look and feel.
Check it out here, it works great and deals with attachments as well. As it is part of a workflow you can add your own logic easily, e.g. Only sync calendar events that have field 'x' set to 'y'.
I wanted to point out that RSSBus Web Part can handle a task like this with minimal code. This, although not ootb is quite simple and does not require use of SharePoint Designer.
<rsb:import lib="RSSBus.SpsOps"/>
<rsb:set attr="url" value="http://mysharepointsite/subSite/"/>
<rsb:set attr="list" value="Calendar"/>
<rsb:set attr="user" value="someuser"/>
<rsb:set attr="password" value="theirpassword"/>
<rsb:call op="spsListItems">
The code above can be placed within the RSSBus Web Part on the main site and through the use of "SpsOps" have access to all lists/items on all sites/subsites.

To Create an Employee directory

We are researching the various options that exist in our environment to create an Employee Directory. We have a SharePoint portal, AD and recently moved from Lotus Notes to Exchange. Our current employee search is a custom Notes DB that has since been retired.
Since moving to SharePoint an year ago, we've used a custom list using SharePoint Profiles that are updated from AD. But the simple list interface isn't very user friendly and is very slow. Sone of the requirements include type-ahead, pictures, and details of skills/certifications and other demographic information etc. We are considering building an ASP.NET or SilverLight application that can consume the information in the SharePoint list. With the introduction of Outlook and the Global Address List, we are now wondering if it might be easier to build something within Outlook.
Has anybody traveled a similar path and what would you advice us to do?
Microsoft has a huge set of offerings for Collaboration and Social Computing in Sharepoint.
See this document, pages 8 and 9 for information about features related to an employee directory, including details of skills/certifications and other demographic information.
A la carte availability of individual features (such as People Profiles and People Search) and pricing may be an issue, but you may want to look into buying something rather than building it (if you can get the pieces you want for a price you can afford).
Sharepoint can connect with Outlook to keep the lists synchronized if you want to use outlook. And there are definitely a lot of different ways to change the way the lists are presented in the Sharepoint portal to make them more user-friendly. Having those details on the portal will certainly be a boon when combined with the powerful search and indexing features in SharePoint so you can identify employees based on their profile details easily.
We use the people search for this pretty effectively. We populate data in AD, then connect profile properties to AD attributes. That's only if you have MOSS, though. If you're working with WSS, you'll have to build something more custom.
One gotcha, though, is that the People Search out of the box doesn't easily do partial searches (i.e. searching for "john" doesn't match "johnson"). That's a big downer in my mind. You can use Ramon Scott's approach of a Content Editor Webpart with a form and some Javascript to work around it, and you can also get there via the advanced search box (albeit indirectly), but it sure would be nice if it were easy to make the default search box do partial name searches.
I recently just discoverd a somewhat easy visual basic script that draws information from the active directory where you can specify which OU to draw from where it displays all user information in a simple .HTM page. it includes a search bar, recognizes patterns (address) (company telephone number) etc... If you would like i can post it for you. you only need to fill in a few sections (display name for directory, OU, OU display, and tags) and you can always change the way things look too.
This should be taken care of by using the My Site feature that's available within SharePoint. You will then be able to search SharePoint users by skills, certifications, projects, and educational qualification.
Please refer to the SharePoint Planning and Deployment material on TechNet for more info.
