Creating a new admin user in activeadmin - activeadmin

I'm using active admin on rails 4, I white-listed the parameters for admin users in the controller using:
ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do
controller do
def permitted_params
params.permit(:admin_user => [:email, :password, :password_confirmation])
but when I try to add a new user, I get the error "cannot be blank" on the email and password fields. The logs read the following:
Unpermitted parameters: utf8, authenticity_token, commit
Unpermitted parameters: utf8, authenticity_token, admin_user, commit
Is there something I'm missing?

I was also facing the same issue.
params.permit(:admin_user => [:email, :password, :password_confirmation])
params.permit(:user => [:email, :password, :password_confirmation])
solved the issue. devise in active admin creates model with name user and in active admin user model, its mentioned as admin_user.

In my case it was happenning because i had a validation for an associated record on that model. Disabling that validation fixes it, will need to check how to disable validations for active admin only.


How can I protect the loopback explorer by username and password?

I've just started using loopback4 and I would like to protect the /explorer from being public. The user would initially see a page where username and password must be entered. If successful, the user is redirected to /explorer where he can see all API methods (and execute them). If user is not authenticated, accessing the path /explorer would give a response of "Unauthorized". Is there a way to easily implement this?
There is issue talking about a GLOBAL default strategy is enabled for all routes including explorer in
The way is to specify a global metadata through the options:
defaultMetadata: {
strategy: 'JWTStrategy'
registerAuthenticationStrategy(this, JWTAuthenticationStrategy)
But in terms of enabling a single endpoint added by route.get(), it's not supported yet, see code of how explorer is registered. #loopback/authentication retrieves auth strategy name from a controller class or its members, but if the route is not defined in the controller, it can only fall back to the default options, see implementation

Error Message: MongoError: bad auth Authentication failed through URI string

I'm trying to connect to my mongoDB server via the connection string given to me by mongo:
In my code I am calling the connection through mongoose like this (obviously putting in my password):
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const db = 'mongodb+srv://david:<password>'
.connect(db, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useCreateIndex: true
.then(() => console.log('MongoDB connected...'))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
When I run the code I am getting the following error
"MongoError: bad auth Authentication failed."
Any ideas of what that could mean?
I had the same problem, and in my case, the answer was as simple as removing the angle brackets "<"and ">" around <password>. I had been trying: my_login_id:<my_password>, when it should have been my_login_id:my_password.
I think you're confused with the mongodb account password and user password.
You should use user password, not account password.
That was the reason of my case.
It happens because your provided password in connection string is wrong and most probably you have mistaken cluster password with your login password, in simple words while connecting with Atlas Cluster we can't use our account password by which we login to the Atlas website. In both case we can reset our cluster password and solve this issue.
To Solve The Issue Follow Below Given Steps
Step 1:- Click Database Access From left Side Navigation of MongoDB Atlas page.
Step 2:- Select your username and and click on the edit button from right side.
Step 3:- Click to change password.
Step 4:- Click update user.
While changing password try to keep password only alphabetical because special characters need encoding.
that's all now you can connect.
Don't use creds in the URI, use like this instead:
mongoose.connect(mongodb+srv://, { user: process.env.MONGO_USER, pass: process.env.MONGO_PASSWORD, useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true })
In my case left and right characters are there
like this:
so changed to:
Checklist to follow:
1) Make sure you're using the correct password (the DB user password and not the Mongo account).
2) When entering your password, make sure all special characters are URL encoded (for example: p#ssword should be p%40ssword).
3) If you don't remember your password of your DB user - go to Database Access (if you're using Mongo Atlas) -> select your DB user -> edit -> create a new password -> don't forget update to click on 'Update User'.
(!) Security warning: Do not write the password in plain text inside your code - Follow the suggestions given here.
Are you writing your password in the place of <password>? If your aren't, a good practice is to create a environment variable on your operating system and call it using process.env.[your variable]. Ex:
const password = process.env.YOURPASSWORDVARIABLE
const db = 'mongodb+srv://david:'+password+''
Better yet, you can also put your whole url connection string inside a env variable:
Adding to above answers, the issue seemed to revolve around a wrong Database password input for me, because of a distortion of what i read as my current password from the Atlas menu and what MongoDB Atlas really saved as my current password.
There seems to be a "bug" when using the "Copy" button when choosing a new password.
What helped me was the following:
Open Atlas in the web
Go to "Database Access"
Click "Edit" on the Database user
Choose "Password" for authentication method
Click "Edit Password"
Click "Show" in the password field
Click "Autogenerate Secure Password"
DO NOT press "Copy" button to copy, but use manual selection via mouse and copy the text via right-click of your mouse or keyboard command
Click "Update User" below
Go through the list of Database users to make sure that no other Database user has the same password you just newly generated.
Now try your Username/Password combination again using this connection string (leaving out the placeholder characters '$' and '[]':
I noticed that when I autogenerated a new password by clicking and then clicking the "Copy" button, that the autogenerated password was reset to the old password. Therefore I assumed the new autogenerated password is correct, but in reality it was my old password, which in addition was the same as for another Database user. I could not comprehend that until I clicked "Show" on the password input field.
Not only the password
Check all the fields it could be the password the user or the database. If you misspelt any of these you will have an authentication error.
Go to the database access on the left pane under security:
And in case change the password using edit button. Let's say your password is: P#sW0rd
You can compile the URL using the information contained in the Database Users screen:
client = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://")
The other answers did not say that even if you mispell the database name you have a authentication error.
This worked for me
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
Create a ".env" file (you need to install dotenv before this ) in the parent directory(if you choose a custom location, add the following in server.js / app.js).
require('dotenv').config({ path: '/custom/path/to/.env' }) //uses custom location
Otherwise, add this in the server.js / app.js (the one that initiates server).
require('dotenv').config() //uses default location
In the ".env" file, define the user, password and database like this
I faced a similar issue, weirdly enough it got resolved when I created a new user in database access. This time though I clicked on autogenerate password. It should not matter but in my case it solved the issue.
I forgot to update the user after generating and copying the password and was wondering why it wasn't working. I saw the update button later. I was not visible to me earlier. lol. Solved the problem.
Database Access => edit user => generate/copy password => update it!
It worked for me.
remember to make sure you have updated it.
Just remove the angle brackets from both sides of your password.
Wrong Answer :
const db = 'mongodb+srv://username:<password>'
Correct Answer :
const db = 'mongodb+srv://'
Finally, it worked for me to used that connection string with a lower grade that NodeJs versions(2.2.12 or later) cluster url. And After that make sure you have to whitelist your current IP Address from Atlas MongoDB. It should display like (includes your current IP address) in Network Access section in Atlas MongoDB.
Connect to cluster NodeJs version 2.2.12 or later
And the main issue was where I am storing that connection string url in a constant that part. So initially,I was storing that connection string value in single/double quote but every time I was getting Authentication failure error as it was unable to parse that "Password" value from Atlas mongoDB . So I used backtick (``)instead of single/double quote to store that connection string.
Sample code where I am connecting mongoDB Atlas through a NodeJs application.
const DB_USER = 'your username in atlas mongodb';
const PASSWORD = encodeURIComponent('your password in atlas mongodb');
const url = `mongodb://${DB_USER}:${PASSWORD},,`;
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
useFindAndModify: true
.then(() => {
console.log('Connected to database !!');
console.log('Connection failed !!'+ err.message);
I just had this problem knowing that I was using the correct username, password and DBname.
I tried to change the password for the db user to double check, but it still didn't work.
I then instead created a new user, gave the user admin role, set the password etc, and then used that new user and password (same dbname) for the connection and it worked.
I don't know exactly what the issue was, but hoping it can help some of you save some time :)
After spending almost an hour messing with the URI, changing permissions and configurations and whatnot, I found out I was getting this error message because of a VPN connection I had active. After shutting down the VPN I was able to connect.
So if nothing else works for you, there might be something in your system preventing a connection to be successfully established and mongodb is just responding with bad auth
I had this same challenge but I discovered that making my IP address set to my current IP prevented me from accessing the services. Making the database accessible from anywhere was appropriate to access the database either using mongo shell or mongo compass.
The same problem i faced with mongoDB password authentication failed.
"Error: bad auth Authentication failed."
As per Pawan's suggestion given above i replaced my login password in MONGO_URI link with database password and it works. be sure to check that one also.
If you not generated the generate new one or if created earlier then replace with new one.
In my case, my password was wrong, to diagnostic the error, I have been follow the next steps:
I have to try connection by command line:
Whit this command: mongo "mongodb+srv://" --username :
The response was again: 2020-04-26T11:48:27.641-0500 E QUERY [js] Error: bad auth Authentication failed. :
then I'm change the password for my user, in my case, root user. and thats it, I'm authorized
Delete all of password part
Use like this:
You can also get rid of this error by creating a new database user by going to Database Access from the left side and then go to Add New Database User from right right.
Now create a new username and password, click OK. Now replace this new username and password into the MongoUri.
In My case the above error got resolved by setting password variable directly.
DATABASE = "test"
#PASSWORD = os.environ.get("YOUR_PASSWORD") #This line was causing an error in code
PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD" # I added directly password variable
client = connect(
Changing password worked for me
nB: Not the atlas password
Replace 'password' with the password you registered for the username specified.
Replace 'test' after net with the name of the db you created in collections.
For me it turned out to be, that I had to tab out of the password field on the MongoDB Atlas page. Before clicking "Update User"
Just go to the "MongoDB Users tab" where you will find the user list. Click on edit where you can reset the password. Sometimes resetting the password can resolve the issue.
if you having this issue and learning mongo by official mongo trainings use m001-mongodb-basics as password for your db. And the correct db name is Sandbox (if you followed all steps)
This happened to me recently, I found out if you have updated your Mongo Db Password recently, your older databases will still be using the old password.
You can get around this by adding a new user to your Mongo db account or just use the old password.
Go to Database on the left hand side
click on browse collection
click on Add My Own Data
provide database name and collection name
Again click on database
click on connect ,connect your application
Select node.js
copy the connection string and keep it in your server.js
9)click on database access , edit password, autogenerate password
Copy the password with mouse , click update user
replace in the url string with this password and you are done
First, check your password(regenerate)
if not solved.
please check your MongoDB connect URL
this piece of code is unique,

sailsjs waterlock get jwt on login successful and signup with more fields

I am using waterlock for authentication in sailsjs application. Everything is working fine. I need two customization.
Here to get token we need to follow two steps. and then . What we need is token should return after successful login , i.e. should return token after successfull login.
When user try to login with credential by this URL :
If email id is not present waterlock create a new user with this email. We need to stop this because we have another mandatory fields to sign up a user like name, phone number etc.
Please tell me what needs to be done here.
I had exactly these issues yesterday as well and I was able to solve them:
I needed the user as well as the token on loggin. Go into your config/waterlock.js and look for the postAction on login and change the section to the following. Change success: 'default' to success: 'jwt'.
If you dont want to create a user if it doenst exist yet edit the following line in config/waterlock.js in the authMethod: createOnNotFound: false
I hope this helps.

LDAP with gitlab: Undefined method persisted

I'm currently setting up a gitlab server using a LDAP backend.
When I try to login as a user present in the LDAP db, I get the following error:
"Could not authorize you from LDAP because: "Undefined method 'persisted?' for #"
Peeking into the source code (specifically app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb) the villain seems to be:
#user = Gitlab::LDAP::User.find_or_create(oauth)
#user.remember_me = true if #user.persisted?
It is totally correct for him to fail here because there is no method persisted? (neither in lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb nor lib/gitlab/oauth/user.rb). Changing the second line to
#user.remember_me = false #true if #user.persisted?
doesn't work either since remember_me is an invalid function for ruby.
I really have no clue about ruby, let alone Ruby On Rails, so I stopped digging here.
Since I certainly am not the first person to try using LDAP auth in gitlab I consider this an error on my side. Since authentication seems to work (if I enter a false password for the user gitlab happily tells me so), I don't have any idea where to start looking.
I appreciate any help from you guys,
Best Richard
Edit: My gitlab.yml is here.
Solved the problem myself. The database lookup yielded a nil object due to the user creation failing (whenever a ldap user logs in, gitlab uses the ldap data to fill its own database).
During creation of the user database entry the query got an invalid email entry resulting in a failed insert query. Unfortunately this was very hard to debug.
In case anyone should have this problem, try changing the following code in lib/gitlab/oauth/user.rb:
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
raise_error ("(OAuth) Error #{e.to_s}") # <-- add this line "(OAuth) Email #{e.record.errors[:email]}. Username #{e.record.errors[:username]}"
return nil, e.record.errors
This will - in case gitlab is not able to add your user - print the error message the database backend returned as the usual red error banner when trying to log in. Keep in mind to remove this line when you no longer need it.
I can suggest a patch (tested on Gitlab 7.1.0). This code sets the gitlab_rails['ldap_uid'] as username when a ldap user is connecting for the first time :
in /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/lib/gitlab/oauth/user.rb (see INCLUDE START and STOP) :
user = model.build_user(opts)
# Services like twitter and github does not return email via oauth
# In this case we generate temporary email and force user to fill it later
elsif provider != "ldap"
# Google oauth returns email but dont return nickname
# So we use part of email as username for new user
# For LDAP, username is already set to the user's
# uid/userid/sAMAccountName.
email_username = email.match(/^[^#]*/)[0]
# Strip apostrophes since they are disallowed as part of username
user.username = email_username.gsub("'", "")
# if LDAP config "ldap_uid" is set : we pick this attribute to set the username :
if ldap_conf['uid'].present?
user.username = auth.extra.raw_info.send(ldap_conf['uid'])[0]
In my case the problem was importing (copying file) fro old gitlab repositories to new one.
Gitlab wasn't able to create clean folder for the new user.
remove imported repositories
create new, empty repository by first login with LDAP credentials
start gitlab server on your repository ie. 'git daemon --verbose --export-all'
import data from old gitlab using API:
curl -X POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: xxxxxffxxxyyxxxxzzz" http://testserver07.lq/api/v3/projects"?name=project01&import_url=git://localhost/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories-old/repos/project01.git"
First, check if your email address in Gitlab DB is correct:
# login to Gitlab DB (MySql)
mysql -u gitlab gitlabhq_production -p
# check user email address
select email from users where username like 'foo';
Then remove stored LDAP objects from Gitlab DB for the user:
# clear ldap data
update users set extern_uid = '' where username = 'foo';
On next login Gitlab write a new extern_uid.

Grails - Spring Security Account Creation

I am using the Spring Security Core plugin and can successfully log users in and out of my application. However, when the user successfully signs up, I don't understand how to set that user's security context on the signup postback so that they can be redirected to a secure page without having to log in again. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
The other link you reference is 2 years old. Since then I've added a reauthenticate method to SpringSecurityService. See section "6.2 SpringSecurityService" in the docs:
I eventually came upon this link, which does the trick:
Here are the contents of that link:
If you don't have the password, you can load the user via
def user = User.findByUsername(username)
and setting the authority array in the 3-parameter constructor. Create the auths via
GrantedAuthority[] auths = user.authorities.collect { new GrantedAuthorityImpl(it.authority) }
Then you can omit the call to authenticate() and use:
SecurityContextHolder.context.authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, 'unknown', auths)
