WSImport WSDL artifacts in same package - wsimport

I have a WSDL which has 3 schemas say Schema 1, Schema 2 and Schema 3 .
Schema 1 - Target_namespace_1
Schema 2 - Target_namespace_2
Schema 3 - Target_namespace_3
When i run the WSImport in cmd line on the WSDL file , it creates java artifacts in folders namely
Target_namespace_1, Target_namespace_2,Target_namespace_3.
This WSDL is used in another project and all the artifacts appear in a single package.
I have tried using the options in wsimport.exe but still not able to generate all the packages in a single package. Any advise in this regard will be very helpful

Assumed below WSDL includes multiple XSDs with different namespaces calling wsimport this way:
wsimport.exe -d C:/temp/generatedClasses -s C:/temp/sourceFiles C:/temp/myWsdl.wsdl
will give you a package structure like described in your question (e.g. own package per namespace)
You can use the parameter -p this way:
wsimport.exe -d C:/temp/generatedClasses -s C:/temp/sourceFiles -p blob.der.bob C:/temp/myWsdl.wsdl
And any output resides in the same package (your .java files would reside in C:/temp/sourceFiles/blob/der/bob)


how to avoid mixture of \ and / in file paths when joining paths in Docker containerized Python code

As far as I'm aware I'm using best practices to define paths (using raw strings) and how I go about joining them (using os.path.join()), e.g.
import os
fdir = r'C:\Code\...\samples'
fpath = os.path.join(fdir, 'fname.ext')
and doing so has not caused me any problems when running my code within a Python or command shell. If I print fpath to the console I get consistent use of \s in the path:
But when I run a Docker containerized version of the code and run the image I get the error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
I don't understand why os.path.join() has used a / to join fdir and fname.ext when the rest of the path included \\. It doesn't do this when I run the code outside of the container.
I have tried using os.path.normpath():
fpath = os.path.join(fdir, 'fname.ext')
fpath = os.path.normpath(fpath)
as discussed here, and os.sep.join():
fpath = os.sep.join([fdir, 'fname.ext'])
as covered here, and Path().joinpath():
from pathlib import Path
fpath = Path(fdir).joinpath('fname.ext')
as well as Path() / 'path_to_add':
fpath = Path(fdir) / 'fname.ext'
as discussed here, but in every case I end up with the same result using os.path.join().
Can someone please help me to understand what is going on and how to create consistent paths that will work whether I run the code in Python in a Windows environment, or in a Docker container?
Update Nov. 16:
In trying to keep my question brief I think I've left out details that are crucial. Apologies to those who have kindly taken the time to offer suggestions based on my incomplete description of the problem.
My code needs to import/export files from/to directories that are defined within a user-specified configuration file.
So the configuration file has a section of code where the user defines variables and paths, e.g.
samplesDir = r"path-to-samples-directory"
The variables are stored in a dictionary of dictionaris and stored as a .json.
At the start of the code the user defines the key that selects the dictionary of interest so that at various parts in my code when a file needs to be imported/exported, the paths are at hand.
So back to my example, samplesDir is stored in the configuration dictionary, cfgDict, so all I need to do is append the file name:
sampleFpath = os.path.join(sampleDir, sampleFname)
and sampleFname is determined based on other variables.
Because of the dynamic nature of the variables (including directory paths and file paths), I think it rules out the use of static path defined in a .yml with Docker Compose.
Update Nov. 18:
It may help to include a few more details and some screenshots.
The above screenshot shows the file and folder structure of the src directory containing the source code, the main script for command-line use, the Dockerfile, etc.
The configs folder contains JSON files that includes variables, paths to directories and files. The user can create configuration files either by copying an existing one and modifying the entries, or configuration files can be generated by calling
Within I have pre-set variables and paths, so that the directory path to the configuration files (configs), sample files (sample_DROs) and others (e.g. fiducials) are all within src.
I don't anticipate any reason why the user would want to store the config files anywhere else, nor do I expect them to want to use different sample files (or move them elsewhere). However, they will undoubtedly create their own fiducials and may decide not to store them in the fiducials directory (i.e. somewhere not within the src directory).
Likewise I have pre-set the download directory (based on the parameters stored within the configuration files, files are fetched from a server and downloaded) to be the default Downloads directory:
rootDownloadDir = os.path.join(Path.home(), "Downloads", "xnat_downloads")
Those files are later imported, processed, and the outputs are (by default) exported into sub-directories within rootDownloadDir.
Within Dockerfile I set the working directory of the container to be that of the source code and copy all of the contents of src (with the exception of some directories defined in .dockerignore):
WORKDIR C:/Code/WP1.3_multiple_modalities/src
COPY . .
so that the structure of the container mimics that of WORKDIR:
Hence I have allowed for flexibility in import/export directories, and they are by default a combination of paths within and outside of the src directory. And so, the code executed within the container will need to access files both within and outside of src.
That said, I don't know what rootDownloadDir will look like when os.path.join(Path.home(), "Downloads", "xnat_downloads") is run within the container.
This has got me thinking - Is it bad practice to set the download directory outside of src?
Returning to the original error:
the sample file is in the container:
From the actual behavior I can suppose that the container is based on Unix-like image. Path separator is / in such systems.
To build an environment-independent path which works inside and outside of the container you need the following steps:
Mounting of host folder to container directory.
Environment variable inside and outside the container.
I can show an example of how this is achievable via docker-compose tool and its configuration file docker-compose.yml:
# docker-compose.yml file
version: '3'
<service_name>: # your service name here
image: <image_name> # name of image your container is built on
- SAMPLES_PATH=/samples
- C:\Code\somepath\samples:/samples
In your python code you can use the following structure:
import os
fdir = os.getenv('SAMPLES_PATH', r'C:\Code\...\samples')
fpath = os.path.join(fdir, 'fname.ext')

Referencing a directory outside of current directory. "Modules does not exist in the module map." in node/react-native

I have the following directory structure
I want to be able to use components from ComponentLibrary in MyProject1 like:
import {Button} from 'ComponentLibrary/components/button';
Is there a way I can alias ComponentLibrary in MyProject1? I imagine there's some flag I can add in package.json
Currently I get the following expected error
Modules does not exist in the module map

Version when creating strong named assembly

We're building a C# wrapper for a C library in embedded Linux, and we want to install it into the GAC of the target system.
To do that, I've used sn to create a keypair and mcs to compile the code:
sn -k keypair.snk
mcs /target:library -keyfile:keypair.snk -out:MyLib.dll src/*.cs
Now, once that's built, I use gacutil to inject it into the GAC with:
gacutil /i -gacdir /path/to/gac MyLib.dll
What I end up with is the correct file structure but the version number is set to
I want the version of the wrapper to match that of the underlying C code being used so my question is (hopefully) a simple one. Where is that current version coming from, and how do I get it to be (for example)?
Add an assembly level attribute called AssemblyVersion to your C# source. This is usually added in a file named AssemblyInfo.cs :
Note: This is a cut/paste of an auto-generated project file, I updated the AssemblyVersion attribute and you only have to include the attributes you want the CIL assembly to contain
using System.Reflection;
//using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
// Change them to the values specific to your project.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Sushi.Task.Lib")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("SushiHangover")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("SushiHangover - 2016")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("SushiHangover")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
// The assembly version has the format "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{Revision}".
// The form "{Major}.{Minor}.*" will automatically update the build and revision,
// and "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.*" will update just the revision.
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
// The following attributes are used to specify the signing key for the assembly,
// if desired. See the Mono documentation for more information about signing.
//[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
Add that source file to the others that you are compiling.
Install it:
>gacutil /i Sushi.Task.Lib.dll
And retrieve the details:
>gacutil /l |grep -i sushi
Sushi.Task.Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral,....
File system:
ls -Rl /Frameworks/Mono.framework/gac | grep -i sushi
drwxr-xr-x 3 root admin 102 Jun 8 20:25 Sushi.Task.Lib

cucumber jvm CucumberException: No features found at []

In my cucumber -jvm, Maven, junit Setup I have my testRunner file as
package com.lebara.testrunner;
import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
glue = {"com.lebara.stepdefs","com.lebara.framework.main", "com.lebara.testrunner"},
features = "C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources",
format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:target/cucumber-report.json"},
tags = {"#UserJourney"}
public class RunCukesTest {
I have my feature file in the above mentioned directory.
If I run it, I get the following exception:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources/cucumber]...
If I remove the "features" option in the testrunner, it tries to look for feature files in the same directory as my
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [com/lebara/testrunner]
And if I put the feature files there, it works.
My question is why is my feature file not being picked up from my previous location, which I thought to be the default file structure for cucumber - maven setup.
How do I make it pick up from there? Help appreciated.
Where exactly are your test runner and feature files? I've got the following setup which works perfectly:
The Maven/Cuke conventions will have the tests executed from the tests/java directory and the feature files found in the test/resources directory. My test runner is basically the same as yours but with less options:
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
#Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty"})
public class TestRunner { }
Hope this helps if you hadn't already found an answer.
I have a setup similar to yours (not using the Maven/Cucumber conventions). In my options, I don't specify the path from root, but from the project's source folder where the features are held. It makes sense, since otherwise the tests would only be runnable from your machine.
In your case, I think it should be:
features = "src/main/resources"
Just add features = { "classpath:features/feature.feature"}, and the feature must under test/resources/features/feature.feature.
format = {"pretty", "html:target/html"},
features = {"classpath:features/feature.feature"},
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
Note classpath.
When you compile your code if you are using maven open up target/test-classes/features and you will see feature.feature
//Removing the space between "**classpath**" and "**:com/**" helped.
features = {"classpath:com/tk/feature/"}, //NOTE: NO SPACE
glue = {"classpath:"},
plugin = {
public class RunAPITests {}
If you are providing the complete path of the feature file i.e.
"C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources" as in your query, try again by replacing the '/' character with '\\'(double back slash) as below.
This is a git repo which uses the latest cucumber version : Cucumber- Example
Clone this repo and run it in your local machine. The #Given is defined and it should pass. The #Then and #When should be shown as undefined.
This is how the output for it should look :
Output for the Belly feature
Use the structure mentioned :
src / test / java/ io /cucumber / {Step definitions java and run cucumber test files here}
src /test / resources/ io/ cucumber / {feature files here}
You can run the gradle build using ./gradlew clean build
and the cucumber test using ./gradlew clean test --info
If this works, then use the same format in your project.
Just changing .Feature to .feature the problem got resolved for me.
Also make sure the path for feature is righly mention in CucumberOptions as per your feature folder
Some of the online tutorial have mentioned .Feature which brings this problem
so changing the case will solve this problem
There is another instance in which 'Feature Not Found' error occurs. I am posting the solution under this answer as there is no similar question.
I got this error when trying to run the Runner file first time after setting up Cucumber project in Maven. The solution i found was as follows: Go to the folder in which the 'feature' file is present in Windows Explorer. Check the size of the feature file you are trying to run. If the size is '0' KB, it will show the 'Feature Not Found' error. Make some changes to file until a value greater than zero is displayed. Run again after making changes.
features = {"src/main/resources/cucumber/features"},//your feature path
tags = "not #Wip",
glue = {"classpath:steps"},
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/html"})
You must set the feature directory correctly
By putting the feature file under src/test/java where the runner and steps file or
by putting it under src/main/java the problem will get resolved.

Warbler config.java_classes and

I'm packaging up a rails app with warbler and I want app specific logging. I've added the log4j and commons-loggin jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory, and I want to add to the WEB-INF/classes directory. The problem is, I also want environment specific logging, so my staging/production use different properties (ie. INFO instead of DEBUG) than my devel. I can't just do a:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/log4j-#{RAILS_ENV}.properties"]
because Tomcat seems to look for the specific file Is there any way to get warbler to rename this file to just Or is there a better mechanism for app specific, environment specific logging?
And for the final answer. RAILS_ENV doesn't seem to work in warbler, but looking through the docs on warble config, there's a webxml attribute that contains rails.env, modifying my code to pull the file like:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{config.webxml.rails.env}"]
Worked like a charm!
Guess I should just read further down in the warble file itself. You can configure pathmaps for the java_classes. Here's what I used:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{RAILS_ENV}"]
config.pathmaps.java_classes << "%n"
The only problem I've found is that this doesn't actually put the in the WEB-INF/classes directory anymore. It now puts it in the Root. Seems odd that it specifically says in the docs:
One or more pathmaps defining how the java classes should be copied into WEB-INF/classes
I wouldn't think I'd have to add in that WEB-INF/classes path manually but I did. So finally then, this worked:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{RAILS_ENV}"]
config.pathmaps.java_classes << "WEB-INF/classes/%n"
using the files{RAILS_ENV} in the lib/properties directory
