Permissions Issue When Pulling from GitHub - linux

I have cloned a GitHub repository into a new directory on my local machine using:
git clone*****/project.git destination-dir
Clone worked fine but whenever I try to pull or push I git this error back:
error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects
fatal: git write-tree failed to write a tree
What have I done wrong? And how can I fix this. From what I read so far online, the problem is trivial if you are using your own repository (i.e. not GitHub) but what should I do if this on GitHub (there is no ssh access).
Also, I should add that I have another directory on my machine pointing to same repository on GitHub which is fine for pulls and push.

This doesn't look like related to GitHub per-se.
From what you say in the comments, it seems that the write permissions inside the hidden .git folder (which contains all of your local git repository data) were not corresponding to the permissions that your git client had when you ran it.
It can be that you cloned the repository with one user account (or using sudo), but where trying to pull/push from a different user. If that wasn't the case, something could have messed your local files permissions while cloning.
As you stated, doing chown -R login:group projectDir/ fixed the problem because it recursively reset all permissions in your project folder (including those of the .git folder and its contents).
A good experiment would be trying to clone the same repo to a different folder to see if the problem reoccurs. If it does, maybe something is wrong with your default permission usermask and/or your git client permissions.


Backup options for a project under version control with Git

I just arrived in a company which does not have access to GitHub or similar.
I was wondering about ways to backup my code using the private OneDrive which is given to each employee.
I just thought of moving my folder from the "document" directory to the "OneDrive" directory. But I was wondering whether changing the path will break my code.
Will it preserve the .git directory? Should I rerun git init (loosing the past history)?
You can move a Git repository from one path to another without affecting it. A Git repo is a self-contained entity (with the exception of global Git config) and the .git folder containing all Git files is just like any other folder (so it can be moved, deleted, etc.).
If you want to use OneDrive as a backup, there are better options than simply copying your project over. Tools like restic or similar would allow you to keep your backup up to date in an efficient way.
Note that you can also set OneDrive as a Git remote. Since it sounds like you are missing options such as GitHub or Bitbucket for your company, this is probably your best option.
To add a remote called onedrive on OneDrive, you can run:
git init --bare ~/OneDrive/<project>.git
git remote add onedrive ~/OneDrive/<project>.git
And then you can use onedrive as you would any other remote. For instance:
git push --set-upstream onedrive master

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories) for user other than root

when I login with root user and go to the working directory (/home/gitproject), I have no issue running commands but when I login to the server with other users I get the following:
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
How to resolve this issue?
the repo is not owned by root it is owner by another user and even when I use that user to login I get the same error!
It's hard to know exactly what's wrong here, but here are some advice on how to debug this. git does not find a the structure for a repository where you are, which means that it is unable to find either /home/gitproject/.git or /home/.git or /.git.
This may be because the files are missing or because only root can read them. Check with the users which do not work using the following command:
ls -l /home/gitproject/.git
(and so on).
On a side note, as larks mentioned in a comment, sharing a git repository is going to be a huge pain. Try gitolite or other projects of this kind.
so I solved the issue ...
with root user I ran this command
rm -r .git
and logged in with another user and ran this:
git init
git remote set-url origin URL
It solved the issue. But still not clear what really happened there.

How can I determine the URL my git repo is located?

I am to work on a project and I have initialized a git repo on a server. Let's suppose the URL of the server is
and the repo is at
I have created a git repo by running
git init
and then I created a .gitignore file, added whatever needed to be added, committed and from my local computer, which has ssh access to the server I have attempted to clone the repo, but I do not seem to find the correct URL or something is not set for the repo. I tried something like:
git clone
The error was
fatal: repository '' not found
I have tried with various pathes.
FYI: I have worked with git a lot in the past, but I have never set up a repository on a server, I have always received the path of repos created by someone else. Now I have created the repo, but I cannot seem to find out what the correct URL is. I have searched a lot to find this out, but unfortunately I did not find anything which would help me. Any ideas?
If you're trying to communicate via SSH, you need the SSH link, not the HTTP(S) link:
git clone <user>
You need git and sshd (or openssh-server) installed on the remote server, and add your SSH key to the server, under the correct user (with ssh-copy-id, of course).
This is pramar error.
The error is in line:
cit clone
you can try:
git clone
good luck.

Where can I find for the location of the repos managed by Gitosis in Linux

We are using Gitosis in our Linux OS server to manage our projects. One time, I mistakenly pushed the config file which contains errors and then I wasn't able to push changes or clone copies of other projects from the server anymore, including gitosis-admin itself. Now, I need to login to the server using the root user and edit the config file there.
So, when I logged on to the server I saw these files:
Then I cd into gitosis-admin:
Then I cd again into gitosis-admin:
Then I vim the config file. This is what I see:
The content is obviously not what I am expecting, because I should have other repos listed in this config file.
I also double checked with git reflog to see the commit history:
Then I thought there might be another gitosis-admin located somewhere else so I search using the command: find / -type d -name 'gitosis-admin'
This is what I got:
The two directories are the ones that I checked. And they do not match the one I have in my local computer.
I tried searching for one of our projects but still I got no result at all.
Then I thought that the root might not have access to the repo files so I switched to the git user by executing the following command:
sudo git
But still, I can't find the directory of the repos.
So now, I need to know where are the repos located so that I might find the "real" gitosis-admin there.
You might be wondering am I checking on the wrong server here. So to prove that I am not mistaken, this is a screenshot of the host address that I am connected to:
This is the remote address of the gitosis-admin git repo shown in source tree:
A typical directory would be the repositories sub-directory of the git user's $HOME directory, that is
It is possible to change this location using the repositories key of the gitosis section in the configuration file, which typically is a file named .gitosis.conf in the git user's home directory.
To answer the implied question (namely which file to fix to restore gitosis access), that would be ~git/.gitosis.conf as well.
(This is all documented in the gitosis repository's readme file.)

Bare Git repo cannot add files or commit files

So I have been plagued with this weird git problem that myself and a few other developers have not been able to solve. Here it is:
I created a bare repo for managing website changes using git on test server.
For this example the repo is here: /home/website/website.git
The website public root would be here: /home/website
I created the repo by doing this command: git init --bare
inside the git repo directory "website.git"
Next I have my local repo on a machine elsewhere. This is a standard git repo. I build the site get it ready to deploy. When its ready I push it to the bare repo. From my local repo.
There is a post-receive hook that checks the latest file tree out into the public root of the website. So when I change things on the local repo and test them in the localhost environment, once satisfied I can push them to the live server.
Here is the problem I face:
I can push fine. No issues. All works as expected. Code gets checked out to public root. Everybody is happy and goes on with their life.
The site is a CMS site. Users log in to it and upload things. Files get created on the public root of the website which is the GIT_WORK_TREE.
So NBD right?! I can just commit the files every now and then from the live bare repo and pull them back to my local environment like I have before. So I log into SSH on the server. Navigate to /home/website/website.git
Then run this command:
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/website/ git add ../
I get this mess:
error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/cb: No such file or directory
error: error_log: failed to insert into database
error: unable to index file error_log
fatal: adding files failed
I have done this before on other servers and it worked fine from what I remember. So I was like WTF, must be something strange on this server. I went to another server I have and replicated the EXACT same steps. Got the EXACT same problem. So now I fear I am loosing my sanity and maybe these previous git experiences are all made up in my head.... *Well, lets not go that far yet.... :)
Maybe somebody can help me out here. I have used git plenty and can't seem to crack this one.
Oh, some other maybe useful specs:
running CENTOS 6.2
I double checked all permissions. I even tried changing everything to 777 recursively just to make sure Im not loosing it somehow. Made sure all the files are owned by the correct user. chowned recursively. I also tried the standard solution to this problem which is described here:
That didnt work either. Not sure where to go from here.
I feel like Linus is playing cruel tricks on me right now.
You have a bare git repository in /home/website/website.git which is inside of a git repository in /home/website? And then you try to trick the bare git repository into having a working tree using GIT_WORK_TREE?
Maybe it is worth understanding this setup but only if you intend to be a git developer. As you are a user focused on delivering website functionality, I suggest using a standard git setup.
Move the bare git repository elsewhere:
$ mkdir /home/repo
$ mv /home/website/website.git /home/repo/website.git
$ cd /home/website
$ git remote set-url origin /home/repo/website.git
I got the solution. This is it. I was running the above command from the git repo.
Turns out the command should be run from the work tree and altered to look like this:
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/website/ git --git-dir="./website.git/" add ./
