Rich suggestion box trims extra spaces - jsf

I am calling a suggestionBox for an inputText element. Before it sends the input string to the backend method, its trimming the spaces after the end.
Even if i enter 'Rudy '
it will just send 'Rudy'
How do we stop this from happening?

Are you sure that the suggestionBox is trimming the input? I've tested it in my environment and the whole text including the spaces at the beginning and and is transferred to the backend and stored in the variables.
Although, if I output the entered text somewhere on the webpage again, the spaces get trimmed during the output-rendering.
Edit: you are right - now I can reproduce your problem


Unicode character order problem when text is displayed

I am working on an application that converts text into some other characters of the extended ASCII character set that gets displayed in custom font.
The program operation essentially parses the input string using regex, locates the standard characters and outputs them as converted before returning a string with the modified text which displays correctly when viewed with the correct font.
Every now and again, the function returns a string where the characters are displayed in the wrong order, almost like they are corrupted or some data is missing from the Unicode double width spacing. I have examined the binary output, the hex data, and inspected the data in the function before i return it and everything looks ok, but every once in a while something goes wrong and cant quite put my finger on it.
To see an example of what i mean when i say the order is weird, just take a look at the following piece of converted text output from the program and try to highlight it with your mouse. You will see that it doesn't highlight in the order you expect despite how it appears.
Has anyone seen anything like this before and have they any ideas as to what is going on?
You are mixing various Unicode characters with different LTR/RTL characteristics.
LTR means "left-to-right" and is the direction that English (and many other western language) text is written.
RTL is "right-to-left" and is used mostly by Arabic and Hebrew (as well as several other scripts).
By default when rendering Unicode text the engine will try to use the directionality of the characters to figure out what direction a given part of the code should go. And normally that works just fine because Hebrew words will have only Hebrew letters and English words will only use letters from the Latin alphabet, so for each chunk there's a easily guessable direction that makes sense.
But you are mixing letters from different scripts and with different directionality.
For example ך is U+05DA HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF, but you also use two other Hebrew characters. You can use something like this page to list the Unicode characters you used.
You can either
not use "wrong" directionality letters or
make the direction explict using a Left-to-right mark character.
Edit: Last but not least: I just realized that you said "custom font": if you expect displaying with a specific custom font, then you should really be using one of the private use areas in Unicode: they are explicitly reserved for private use like this (i.e. where the characters don't match the publicly defined glyphs for the codepoints). That would also avoid surprises like the ones you get, where some of the used characters have different rendering properties.

Python 3: I need to type a long text as input

I'm currently working on a program that check whether a given string is palindrome or not.
As I input this long string (it's a huge palindrome made in the 80's), Python shell keeps splitting the string, running another input in which he keeps working on the text.
How can I have all the text in one single input entry?
I think the problem you are facing is due to the newline (\n) commands hidden in the text you copy-pasted. The shell interprets those as you press the ENTER button. So you should try to remove those \n's from your text. Therefore you can either use python tools (for more about that click here), but since you directly want to paste the text into the shell I would suggest using websites such as this one. Otherwise reading out the text from a file, as khelwood suggested, should do the job as well.

VBA string comparison failure

i met interesting issue when im comparing two strings. Im reading data from file and everything works well. But then co-worker send me input file, which is just CTRL+C and CTRL+V of working file. And then miracle happend! VBA is so confused, that cant compare two simple strings and i fell of chair.
If you take a look at image you can see that comparison passed if condition where are two same strings, but it should not. Im a bit confused how this can happen.
So met someone something like this? Im realy start thinking about something like machine revolution from Terminator. (files are both saved in notepad++ and there are no strange characters or something like that)
Progress update
So i tried hints from guys in comments below. and ended with something like this
If CStr(Trim(rowArray(4))) <> (CStr("N/A")) Then
Contentent of rowArray(4) is still "N/A" string as on picture above and excel still thinks this strings arent same. I also saved file in pspad, netbeans, and normal notepad and issue is still same.
Use the immediate window to test the contents of the variable:
For i = 1 To Len(rowArray(4)): Print Asc(Mid(rowArray(4), i, 1)): Next
This will print the ASCII value of each character in the string - you can use this to determine what the extra character(s) are causing the issue.

What kind of sign is "‎" and what is it used for

What kind of sign is "‎" and what is it used for (note there is a invisible sign there)?
I have searched through all my documents and found a lot of them. They messed upp my htaccess file. I think I got them when I copied webadresses from google to redirect. So maybe a warning searching through your documents for this one also :)
It is U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK. (A quick way to check out such things is to copy a string containing the character and paste it in the writing area in my Full Unicode input utility, then click on the “Show U+” button there, and use Fileformat.Info character search to check out the name and other properties of the character, on the basis of its U+... number.)
The LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK sets the writing direction of directionally neutral characters. It does not affect e.g. English or Arabic words, but it may mess up text that contains parentheses for example – though for text in English, there should be no confusion in this sense.
But, of course, when text is processed programmatically, as when a web server processes a .htaccess file, they are character data and make a big difference.

JTextArea setWrapStyleWord(true) does not work if appending text

According to Oracle at JTextArea documentation, if you wish to wrap lines AND wrap at word boundaries and not character boundaries you must use code as follows:
Please note that the jtaOutputPrimes is the name of my JTextArea on my JPanel.
The issue comes in when I use the method append to add text to the JTextArea as follows:
In this case, the setWrapStyleWord setting does not work. It continues to use the character boundaries and not the word boundaries.
I have found another person experiencing same issue here: setWrapStyleWord issue
Now, lets say you are running an JApplet that has this JTextArea. If you type in the text area, it will word wrap fine, but any passed text from the append method does not work.
I believe this is a bug, and I cannot find Oracle acknowledge it as such anywhere.
Can anyone help? Thanks!
I found out why this was happening, and this simple fix may be beneficial to others. The issue came into play because when I appended the comma (,) to the JTextArea it was eliminating the white space between words. To fix this, I simply placed a space after the comma like so, and it worked.
jtaOutputPrimes.append(", ");
