Creating a spreadsheet that has a bunch of test cases and at the end says pass or fail.
all values right now are either "Pass" or "fail". I need to be able to have a conditional where I can type in like a number. if it is above 5 i need it to return a pass. if it is below 5 i need it to return a false. any solutions guys?
The following might be the way to go:
where you enter a value in B1, which is then used to condition on. It's usually easier and more transparent to have a column that contains the conditioned value that is separate from the original data.
Another option might be conditional formatting. In this case, you condition on the value in a cell. Here I've formatted the cells to display a green/yellow/red dot (traffic sign) depending on the value in the cell.:
with the output resembling
Another option is to change the formatting of the cell to a specific "Custom" formatting:
Read more about how to Create a custom number format on Microsoft's help page.
A final option (that is a bit more intricate) requires you to set multiple, mutually exclusive, conditional formatting of the cells as well as separate "Custom" cell formatting:
Note that the cell entry A4 has a value of 16, while the display is actually "Pass" (since it's greater than 8 (cell B1). The steps for obtaining this include:
Create a conditional formatting using the "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" option.
Specify the "Format values where this formula is true" as depicted above (removing the dollar signs inserted around A4 by default), while setting the format using "Custom":
Do the same for the other (mutually exclusive) condition by creating a new rule for the same cell ("Format values where this formula is true:" =A4<=$B$1 and setting the "Custom" format to "Fail").
Once both conditional formatting rules are set, change the "Applied to" field to fit your range:
=IF(A2>5,"Pass","Fail") Replacing A2 with the appropriate cell reference.
Suppose I want to color scale complete rows on the basis of values in a column (using excel inbuilt color scale option in the conditional formatting menu). How do I achieve this? Please see the following image
I found a property Range.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color in this post, at Mrexcel. Using this property I was able to get color of conditionally format cell and use it for the other rows. Catch is, it works only excel 2010 onwards. I have excel 2010 so it worked for me.
Here is the exact code -
For i = rowStart To rowEnd
For j = columnStart To columnEnd
Cells(i, j).Interior.Color = Cells(i, 4).DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
If I understood you correctly I have been battling with the same issue. That is to format entire rows based on the values in one column, wherein the values have been formatted via Excel's Color Scales.
I found this truly ridiculously easy workaround that involves copying your color scaled cells into word, then back into excel after which you can delete the values and substitute them with whatever values you want without changing the format:
All credit to user Raystafarian
You don't need VBA to do this, really.
But there are two things to point out from the start:
You won't be able to achieve your desired behavior with a single conditional formatting rule; you'll have to have a separate rule for each sales-based row color definition.
I have found that it is much easier to achieve desired Conditional Formatting behavior in Excel using Named Ranges for the rules instead of regular formulas.
If you're still on board with me after that preamble, follow these steps to create your named range and then create your conditional formatting rules.
First, select the first sales cell on your sheet (uppermost row)
Next, give the cell a name, "SALES". Do this by pressing Ctl+F3, or select Formulas->Name Manager from the ribbon. Then select New... In Name: enter SALES and in Refers to: enter =$XN where X is the column of the first sales cell, and N is the row number. Hit Enter.
Now select the entire cell range you wish to exhibit this behavior
Select Home->Conditional Formatting->New Rule...
Select Use a Formula to Determine Which Cells to Formatand enter =SALES=number where number is the sales number you wish to trigger a color
Select Format and the Fill tab. Now you need to decide what background color you want for the sales number you chose. You can also choose other formatting options, like the font color, etc.
Hit OK, OK, OK. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each different sales figure/color combination you want. If you want a color for "all sales less than X", in your rule you will enter =SALES<number (< is "less than"; you can also do <=, which is "less than OR equal to"). If want the rule to happen when between two numbers, you can do =AND(SALES<=CEILING, SALES>=FLOOR), where ceiling and floor are the upper and lower bounds. If you want a color for "all sales greater than X", you can do =SALES>number.
To make entering your conditional formulas a bit easier, you can use the "Stop If True" feature. Go to Home->Conditional Formatting->Manage Rules, and in the dropdown menu choose This Worksheet. Now you will see a list of all the rules that apply to your sheet, and there will be a "Stop If True" checkbox to the right of each rule.
For each row color rule, put a check in the "Stop If True" checkbox. Now your formulas can be like this (just for example):
=Sales>25 for the green rule
=Sales>10 for the yellow rule
=Sales>0 for the Red rule
Etc, instead of like this:
=AND(Sales>0,Sales<=10) for the Red rule
=AND(Sales>10,Sales<=25) for the yellow rule
=Sales>25 for the green rule
The Stop If True box means that once a formatting rule has been applied to a cell, that cell will not be formatted again based on any other rules that apply to it. Note this means that the order of the rules DOES MATTER when using Stop If True.
You can do this with the standard conditional formatting menu, no need for VBA. You choose the option of specifying your own formula, and you can refer to a cell (lock the column with the '$') other than the one you want to highlight.
Background Reading
I think I have found a solution for this. I can achieve a colour scale of 5 degrees for any range of numbers across all cells in the row with the option of only affecting cells containing data.
This is achieved by creating 5 conditional formatting rules based around the following:
The first argument in the AND function D4<>"" is used if you only want cells containing data to be affected, remove this if you want the whole row of data colour coded.
The second argument, $D4<>"" points to the cell in the row that contains the value to evaluate - remember the $ to lock the column
The third argument, $D4-(MIN($D$4:$D$20)-1))/(MAX($D$4:$D$20)-(MIN($D$4:$D$20)-1))*5<=2 evaluates the position of the value within the entire range of values and converts this into a number between 1 and 5, changing the *5 at the end of this argument allows you to have more steps in your colour sequence. You will need to add more conditional rules accordingly. The <=2 indicates this is the second colour step in the sequence.
Colours 3 and 4 use the same condition but the <=2 is changed to <=3 and <=4 respectively.
The first and last colour stop need a small modification if you always want the lowest number in the range to be the first colour stop and the highest number in the range to be the highest number stop.
For the minimum number in the range, adapt as follows:
the introduction of OR($D4=MIN($D$4:$D$20) catches the first number in the range
Using OR($D4=MAX($D$4:$D$20) catches the maximum number in the range
Note that Stop if True must be ticked for all conditions and the conditions must be sorted from minimum to maximum steps in the sequence.
Image of Conditional Formatting Rules Manager
I'm trying to set conditional formatting in a specific group of cells J9:N12 with a locked cell I9 (110). In Cells J9:N12 I need the conditional formatting to set 1,2,7,8,13,14 as Black Fill w/ White Text, 3,4,9,10,15,16 as Red Fill w/ Black Text, 5,6,11,12,17,18 as Blue Fill w/ White Text. Then if I Change (I9) to 277 the Fills would change to reflect Brown/Orange/Yellow in place of the Black/Red/Blue.
Yes, I can Conditional Format the cells I need based on the information set in cell (I9) 110 or 277.
The series of numbers I need to format is greater than 120. I cannot set Conditional Formatting for each specific number needed. Minimallistically I need to be able to set Conditional Formatting to around 150-160 numbers.
I don't know if I need to utilize VBA or if Conditional Formatting is the way to go.
You could use conditional formatting for this. I'd be tempted to put the number series in an array and test for a find in the array using MATCH. This way, you'd only need as many conditional formatting rules as there are number series.
I'm not certain, but I believe you can't write an array directly into a conditional format rule, but you could refer to it from something like a range name. In any event, a range name would be easier to manage if you needed to change any of the number series.
For example, in the black/brown case, you could create a range name (Formulas->Define Name), called black-brown, and in the Refers To window, have the formula:
Then your conditional formatting rule would be something like:
Note my cell to be tested is in B2 - change that to whatever you need.
You'd just add rules for each of your number series cases, as shown below:
I'm trying to format a row based off a cell within it.
My table runs from A6 to K207 and I want to highlight the row in bold if the cell in B6 starts with SA.
I tested my formula
in another cell and that works ok - but I can't get the formatting to work for some reason...
I removed the yes/no and placed into a conditional formatting rule applying to my whole table and it doesn't work. Even if I apply it to just a row it doesn't work.
Am I using if statements within conditional formatting right? I've looked on Google and here and have found similar issues but not the same one, they've all used set values/ranges but not a 'starts with' condition.
The conditional formatting is an IF statement by default, and formats depending on whether the formula is TRUE or FALSE therefore an additional IF statement is not needed:
This will do the trick, apply this to the entire range as needed.
It will test whether all cells in column a start with "SA" and highlight that cell. If it is applied to a range including more columns, the $ sign fixes the column as A so tests that cell and highlights every cell based on that, effectively highlighting the entire row.
You can also use an OR statement to pass multiple arguments like so:
Welcome to SO. When doing conditional formating (CF) in a formula, you need to apply references.
Switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references
Right now your formula is =IF(LEFT(TRIM(B26),2)="SA","YES","NO"). You are using relative references, so the CF rule will check according to their position. In A6 it will check the value of A6, and I guess you would like the rule to check the value always in column B.
So the first fix you need in yor formula will be (it needs more, hold on)
Now, it will check always the value in column B. But we need to fix something else. To make the CF based on a formula, you need to formulate something that returns a boolean value, True or False. Your values Yes or NO are strings (text), not boolean, so they don't work.
So try this formula and let's see if it works:
An IF Functions allows you to make a question where the answer must be yes/no (true/false) and, depending of the answer, Excel will do an option or another.
With CF rule based on a formula, you just need the question itself, you don't need to choose an option. So the short version of this formula, as #Plutian states in his answer, is just doing:
Try to adapt this to your needs.
I tried selecting the entire range (e.g. A2 to Z400), then put in the condition for instance: =B2<A2 to hope that a "ranged" conditional format would apply, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I can probably come up with a VBA solution, but I was hoping to have an built-in Excel method if possible
Utilize conditional formating is indeed possible.
Select the desired range.
Select Conditional Formatting.
New Rule..
Use a forumla to determine which cells to format.
For the formula, enter
Also, choose how you which to format.
This checks wheter B1 is smaller than A1. If true, it would return 1 which is boolean for true. This logical test should solve your issue. See screenshot below for the rule applied to range A1:B5.
Rule applied to range A1:B5 EXAMPLE
i read some tutorials that help out with conditional (or dynamic) data validation, but its usually dynamically generating list item choices based on previous selection etc.
what i want is, lets say i have
columnA : columnB
telephone_number : 911
name: peterparker
is it possible for me to dynamically specify data validation rules on columnB based on what is selected in columnA? if its telephone_number, i want to check that the corresponding cell in columnB is a natural number, and if it is a name,i want to check for a string for a certain length. of course i limit the string options that the user can input in columnA.
Following formula on custom validation rules will do:
This is example for cell in B1. You may choose a wider range and combine $ to adapt you formula to all range.
An alternative to data validation is Conditional Formatting. The benefit of the latter is that it is more versatile. We can have the following setting:
Then if we define a name, DynamicValidation as follows:
the formula at the validation box is
EVALUATE cannot be used in any sheet cell, but it can be used in Named ranges. However, you will have to save your book as macro-enabled, because it is a legacy macro, originating from Excel 4.0. What it does is the following:
Looks at the value in List1 and finds the formula that needs to be checked (VLOOKUP).
Subtitutes "()" with the cell value of interest (and adds back the parentheses).
Then if you open a conditional formatting box (Home tab, Conditional Formatting, New Rule, Use a formula to determine....) and input the formula =Not(DynamicValidation) like this:
then each cell that does not adhere to the formula will turn red. I tried that with data validation as well, but it does not work unless we build the depencency tree every time we change List 2.. I am not sure why.. But only conditional formatting works :) Here are some screenshots:
The benefit is that we can change the validation criteria without hard-coding.
I hope this helps!