What is the correct way to hang up a video call in vLine? - vline

I am currently using Client.stopMediaSessions(). Is this correct? From what I read in the documentation, and see in the examples, this seems to be the right way to do it.
This should stop both local and remote streams, correct?
What event(s) is/are fired when stopMediaSessions() is called? From my logs, it doesn’t seem that the handler for mediaStream:end is being called. Should it be? Or is enterState:closed the only event fired? Or are both fired?
My question has to do with removing the <video> elements from the DOM – both for the remote and local elements. In your example for MediaStream in the API Reference, the addStream() function handles both mediaStream:start and mediaStream:end events. However, when using this to add both local and remote streams, you can’t count on the mediaElement variable in the mediaStream:end handler because nothing ties that var to the stream, so you don’t know which element to do a removeChild() on.
Anyway, that’s not a big deal. I am just curious what the sequence of events is when a stopMediaSessions() is called; from that I can ensure the right <video> element is being removed.
But in general, I do want to know what the correct way is to hang up/terminate a video call among a set of participants.
Thanks a lot!

client.stopMediaSessions() will stop all vline.MediaSessions for the given vline.Client, so yes, it will "hang up" a call.
To "hang up" an audio/video session with a specific user (vline.Person), you can use Person.stopMedia().
A vline.MediaSession can have local and remote vline.MediaStreams associated with it, so by stopping a vline.MediaSession you will implicitly stop all vline.MediaStreams associated with it.
Since client.stopMediaSessions() is stopping all of the vline.MediaSession's (and therefore vline.MediaStream's), you should get both a mediaStream:end event (from the vline.MediaStream) and a enterState:closed event (from the vline.MediaSession).
For adding and removing <video> elements and keeping track of them, I'd suggest doing something similar to what the vLine shell example does. It uses the unique MediaStream ID to name the div that it puts the <video> element in:
mediaSession.on('mediaSession:addLocalStream mediaSession:addRemoteStream', function(event) {
var stream = event.stream;
// guard against adding a local video stream twice if it is attached to two media sessions
if ($('#' + stream.getId()).length) {
// add event handler for remove stream events
mediaSession.on('mediaSession:removeLocalStream mediaSession:removeRemoteStream', function(event) {
$('#' + event.stream.getId()).remove();


How can I get who paused the video in Youtube API? (with Socket.io)

Basically, I'm challenging myself to build something similar to watch2gether, where you can watch youtube videos simultaneously through the Youtube API and Socket.io.
My problem is that there's no way to check if the video has been paused other than utilizing the 'onStateChange' event of the Youtube API.
But since I cannot listen to the CLICK itself rather than the actual pause EVENT, when I emit a pause command and broadcast it via socket, when the player pauses in other sockets, it will fire the event again, and thus I'm not able to track who clicked pause first NOR prevent the pauses from looping.
This is what I currently have:
// onStateChange event
function YtStateChange(event) {
if(event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {
socket.emit('pausevideo', $user); // I'm passing the current user for future implementations
// (...) other states
socket.on('pausevideo', user => {
io.emit('smsg', `${user} paused the video`)
socket.broadcast.emit('pausevideo'); // Here I'm using broadcast to send the pause to all sockets beside the one who first clicked pause, since it already paused from interacting with the iframe
socket.on('pausevideo', () => {
ytplayer.pauseVideo(); // The problem here is, once it pauses the video, onStateChange obviously fires again and results in an infinite ammount of pauses (as long as theres more than one user in the room)
The only possible solution I've thought of is to use a different PLAY/PAUSE button other than the actual Youtube player on the iframe to catch the click events and from there pause the player, but I know countless websites that uses the plain iframe and catch these kind of events, but I couldn't find a way to do it with my current knowledge.
If the goal here is to be able to ignore a YT.PlayerState.PAUSED event when it is specifically caused by you earlier calling ytplayer.pauseVideo(), then you can do that by recording a timestamp when you call ytplayer.pauseVideo() and then checking that timestamp when you get a YT.PlayerState.PAUSED event to see if that paused event was occurring because you just called ytplayer.pauseVideo().
The general concept is like this:
let pauseTime = 0;
const kPauseIgnoreTime = 250; // experiment with what this value should be
// onStateChange event
function YtStateChange(event) {
if(event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {
// only send pausevideo message if this pause wasn't caused by
// our own call to .pauseVideo()
if (Date.now() - pauseTime > kPauseIgnoreTime) {
socket.emit('pausevideo', $user); // I'm passing the current user for future implementations
// (...) other states
socket.on('pausevideo', () => {
pauseTime = Date.now();
If you have more than one of these in your page, then (rather than a variable like this) you can store the pauseTime on a relevant DOM element related to which player the event is associated with.
You can do some experimentation to see what value is best for kPauseIgnoreTime. It needs to be large enough so that any YT.PlayerState.PAUSED event cause by you specifically calling ytplayer.pauseVideo() is detected, but not so long that it catches a case where someone might be pausing, then unpausing relatively soon after.
I actually found a solution while working around what that guy answered, I'm gonna be posting it in here in case anyone gets stuck with the same problem and ends up here.
Since socket.broadcast.emit doesn't emit to itself, I created a bool ignorePause and made it to be true only when the client received the pause request.
Then I only emit the socket if the pause request wasn't already broadcasted and thus received, and if so, the emit is ignored and the bool is set to false again in case this client/socket pauses the video afterwards.

How to leave a socket room with vue-socket and rejoin without duplicate messages?

When I join the room, and then leave the route and go back, and then use the chat I've built, I get double messages of * amount of messages as many times I left and rejoined.
This problem goes away when I hard refresh.
I've tried everything I could find thus far, and have been unable to get it to work.
I tried on the client side, during beforeRouteLeave, beforeDestroy and window.onbeforeunload
this.$socket.removeListener("insertListener"); --> tried with all
this.$socket = null
this.$socket.connected = false
this.$socket.disconnected = true
During the same events, I also sent a this.$socket.emit("leaveChat", roomId) and then on the server side tried the following inside the io.on("connection") receiver socket.on("leaveChat", function(roomId) {}):
socket.leave(roomId) --> this is what should according to docs work;
socket.off() -- seems to be deprecated
There were a bunch of other things I tried that I can't remember but will update the post if I do.
Either it somehow disconnects and upon rejoining, previous listeners or something is still remaining, meaning all the messages are received * times rejoin. OR, if I disconnect, I don't seem to be able to reconnect.
On joining, I emit to server the room id and use socket.join(roomId).
All I want to do, is without refresh, when I leave the page, before that happens, the user can leave the room and when they go back, they get to rejoin, with no duplicate messages occurring.
I am currently trying to chew through the source code now.
Full disclosure here, I didn't read the full response posed by roberfoenix, but this is a common issue with socket.io and it comes down to calling the 'on' event multiple times.
When you create an .on event for your socket its a bind, and you can bind multiple times to the same event.
My assumption is, when a users hits a page you run something like
socket.on("joinRoom", data)
This in turn will say join the room, pull your messages from Mongo(or something else) and then emit to the room (side note, using .once on can help so you don't emit to every users when a user joings a room)
Now you leave the room, call socket.emit('leaveRoom',room), cool you left the room, then you go back into the room, guess what you now just binded to the same on event again, so when you emit, it emits two times to that user etc etc.
The way we addressed this is to place all our on-events into a function and call the function once. So, a user joins a page this will run the function like socketInit();
The socketInit function will have something like this
function socketInit(){
if (init === false){
//Cool it has not run, we will bind our on events
init = true;
Basically the init is a global variable, if is false, bind your events, otherwise don't rebind.
This can be improved to use a promis or could be done on connect but if a users reconnects it may run again.
If you're using Vue-Socket and feel like going slightly mad having tried everything, this may be your solution.
Turns out challenging core assumptions and investigating from the ground up pays off. It is possible that you forgot yourself so deeply in Socket.io, that you forgot you were using Vue-Socket.
The solution in my case was using Vue-Socket's built in unsubscribe function.
With Vue-Socket, one of the ways you can initially subscribe to events is as follows:
this.sockets.subscribe('EVENT_NAME', (data) => {
this.msg = data.message;
Because you're using Vue Socket, not the regular one, you also need to use Vue Socket's way for unsubscribing right before you leave the room (unless you were looking for a very custom solution). This is why I suspect many of the other things I tried didn't work and did next to nothing!
The way you do that is as follows:
Do that for any events causing you trouble in the form of duplicates. The reason you'd be getting duplicates in the first place, especially upon rejoining post leaving a room, is because the previous event listeners were still running, and now the singular user would be playing the role of as if two or more listeners.
An alternative possibility is that you're emitting the message to everyone, including the original sender, when you should most likely be emitting it to everyone else except the sender (check here for socket.io emit cheatsheet).
If the above doesn't solve it for you, then make sure you're actually leaving the room, and doing so server-side. You can accomplish that through emitting a signal to the server right before leaving the route (in case you're using a reactive single page application), receiving it server side, and calling 'socket.leave(yourRoomName)' inside your io.on("connection", function(socket) {}) instance.

How to iterate on each record of a Model.stream waterline query?

I need to do something like:
// Do something with each record
Lineup is a collection with over 18000 records so I think using find is not a good option. What's the correct way to do this? From docs I can't figure out how to.
The .stream() method returns a node stream interface ( a read stream ) that emits events as data is read. Your options here are either to .pipe() to something else that can take "stream" input, such as the response object of the server, or to attach an event listener to the events emitted from the stream. i.e:
Piped to response
Setup event listeners
var stream = Lineup.stream({foo:"bar"});
stream.on("data",function(data) {
stream.pause(); // stop emitting events for a moment
* Do things
stream.resume(); // resume events
stream.on("err",function(err) {
// handle any errors that will throw in reading here
The .pause() and .resume() are quite inportant as otherwise things within the processing just keep responding to emitted events before that code is complete. While fine for small cases, this is not desirable for larger "streams" that the interface is meant to be used for.
Additionally, if you are calling any "asynchronous" actions inside the event handler like this, then you need to take care to .resume() within the callback or promise resolution , thus waiting for that "async" action to complete itself.
But look at the "node documentation" linked earlier for more in depth information on "stream".
P.S I believe the following syntax should also be supported if it suits your sensibilities better:
var stream = Lineup.find({foo:"bar"}).stream();

how to remove listener from inside the callback function in node.js

I set up a listener for an event emitter and what I want to do is to remove the same listener if I get certain events. The problem I am running into is that I don't know how to pass the callback function to removeListener inside the callback function. I tried "this", but it errors out. Is there any ways to achieve this? By the way, I am not using once because I am only removing the listener on a certain event.
P.S. I am using redis here so whatever message I receive I would always be listening on the key "message". It would not be possible to just listen on different keys. Channel wouldn't help either because I only want to remove a specific listener.
Also, what I want to do is communication between two completely independent process. No hierarchy of any kind. In process B, there are many independent functions that will get data from process A. My initial thought was using a message queue, but with that I cannot think of a way to ensure that each function in B will get the right data from A.
One cool thing about closures is that you can assign them a name, and that name can be used internally by the function. I haven't tested this, but you should try:
object.on('event', function handler() {
// do stuff
object.off('event', handler);
You should also look into whether your event emitter supports namespaces. That would let you do something like:
object.on('event.namespace', function() {
// do stuff

Can you pass meta data along with a stream?

When I pipe something like an image file through a stream is there any way to send an meta object along with it?
My server gets sent an image from a user. The image gets pushed through a set of streams that perform various actions.
The final stream emits a data event, it passes the resulting image buffer into a callback but I lose all context for the user. I need to keep the resulting image tied to the user's id and some other meta data.
stream.on('data', function(img, meta){
Thanks for any possible solutions!
In short, no, there's nothing built into Node.js to support including metadata with streams. You do have some other options, though, including:
You could use a closure to track the meta data separately from the stream. For example:
function handleImage(imageStream) {
var meta = {...};
imageStream.pipe(otherStreams).on('data', function(image) {
// you now have `image` and `meta` variables at your disposal here.
The downside of this is that the metadata is not available to your otherStreams.
This is a good solution if your other streams are third-party code outside of your control, of if they don't need to know about the metadata.
You could do something similar to HTTP headers, where all the data up to a certain point is meta data, and everything after it is the image. (In HTTP, the deliminator is wherever \n\n occurs first.) All of your streams in the chain have to know about this and handle it though.
If you know your metadata will always be in one chunk and none of your streams split or merge chunks, then you could simplify this a bit and just say that the first (or last) chunk is always metadata.
Switch to an object stream like Amoli mentioned in his answer. Here you would pass {image: imgData, meta: {...}}. You would then have to update your other streams to expect this format.
The main downside of this method, though, is that you either have to pass the metadata multiple times, cache it somewhere for each stream that needs it, or pass your entire image as one chunk (which kind of kills the entire point of "streams"). And, from what I've been told, node.js can optimize text/binary streams better than object streams. So, this probably isn't a good approach for your situation.
https://github.com/dominictarr/mux-demux might be helpful here. It combines multiple streams into one, so you could have separate image and meta streams. I'm not sure how well it would work for your situation though. You'd probably need to update all of your streams to be aware of it.
I know I said that all but the first option require modifying the other streams, but there is a way around that: you could create a generic "stream wrapper" that splits up the image and meta data and passes just the image data through the main stream, and has the meta data bypass it and go on to the next one down the chain. This gets ugly fast though, so probably not the best idea.
Basically, whenever you want to read or write any objects which are not strings or buffers, you’ll need to put your stream into objectMode
Example (source):
function S3Lister (s3, options) {
options || (options = {});
stream.Readable.call(this, { objectMode : true });
this.s3 = s3; // a knox-like client.
this.marker = options.start;
this.connecting = false;
this.ended = false;
util.inherits(S3Lister, stream.Readable);
We set the stream to use objectMode as we want to return not just data but also some metadata.
For more information:
Node.js Docs stream object mode
An introduction to nodes streams
I created a module called metastream for this type of thing. (It is in npm).
