Location-dependent vim settings - vim

I work on multiple software projects that have different style conventions. Is it possible for vim to automatically change its settings (e.g. indentation) depending on the directory a particular file lives in?

Vim doesn't have any settings appropriate for what's described.
But there's a plugin for that
However, you may find a plugin that does what you want for example vim-independence:
The plugin is automatic, if the file .vimrc exists in your git project root - it will load it.
(full disclosure: I wrote that script)

you can create some file with settings in each project. .vim_setting for example. and append source .vim_settings to your .vimrc. if you run vim from project directory, settings will be picked up


How are MacVim's settings related to .swp files unique from other versions of Vim and how can I override them?

I have been using Vim casually for around 3 years (mostly for git commit messages) and recently started using it exclusively for text editing and coding while I work my way through a series of intermediate tutorials and resources. Up until a few weeks ago, I primarily used either Vim, NeoVim or iVim (on iOS).
Recently I installed MacVim and started using it exclusively when I'm working in iTerm on a Mac. I have noticed some differences in the way .swp files are created and managed. In the other versions of Vim that I have used, .swp files are only created when I have a file open in more than one instance of Vim at the same time. It seems that MacVim creates .swp files for every open file (I'm guessing for backup/restore purposes). MacVim also seems to put .swp files into the working directory. I don't recall other versions of Vim doing this but it recently led me to add *.swp to my global Git ignore settings.
Before drafting this question I did a quick search for: vim macvim swp files and found one result that gave me a few ideas on how to work around one of the issues that I've noticed:
Vim Swap Files Not Deleting
I also found this post that gives the impression that the following settings are involved:
backup / nobackup
writebackup / nowritebackup
swapfile /noswapfile
But this doesn't really answer my question, which is "What is different?". I am editing my .vimrc regularly and would like to add in the appropriate settings to get the same behavior in MacVim by default (while also understanding what I am adding). What is unique about the way MacVim is setup related to swap files? Is there a specific combination of the three settings mentioned above or are more settings involved? How can I set up the same default behavior I have noticed in Vim, NeoVim, and iVim?
I have read the MacVim FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide but didn't find any relevant information.
The default location for a swap file is determined by :help 'directory'. Given the default value, Vim will try the directory of the file for which the swap file is created first, appending the .swp extension. If it can't create the swap file there, it will try the next location in 'directory':
The file:
The swap-file:
If a swap file already exists for a file you are trying to edit and you decide to edit it anyway, another swap file is created at the same location, with a different extension: .swo, .swn, etc.
What I described above is the normal, expected, behaviour. And that's how MacVim works.
In the other versions of Vim that I have used, .swp files are only created when I have a file open in more than one instance of Vim at the same time.
Those "versions of Vim" are either:
weirdly configured,
not Vim.
It seems that MacVim creates .swp files for every open file (I'm guessing for backup/restore purposes).
You guessed right, and yes, that's the expected behaviour in every Vim.
MacVim also seems to put .swp files into the working directory.
If the file is in the working directory it's normal. If it's not, the working directory may be part of 'directory'. If it's not, you have found a bug.
I don't recall other versions of Vim doing this but it recently led me to add *.swp to my global Git ignore settings.
It's very common to have a Vim section in there.

Avoid dual maintaining vimrc and vsvimrc files

I just discovered keithn/vsvimguide for using VsVim with Resharper and added some useful key-mappings that use Resharper's functionality to a new _vsvimrc file I created.
Unfortunately, all my settings in my _vimrc which I use for gVim/vim elsewhere are no longer loaded. Is there a good way to not have to dual maintain my settings in two files? Perhaps a conditional I can use to check if I'm running inside Visual Studio? I'm assuming you can't load two settings files in VsVim.
glad you found it useful, I keep meaning to update it as I've changed around a bunch of how I use vsvim and resharper.
But to your question, you can load files with source which is a Vim standard way of loading files (you can :source <file> ) but in your vs vim file just put
source <path to vimrc>
you can source any other files you like into your .vsvimrc you can do the same in your actual vim config as well, so you could break out certain things into a "common" file if you wanted as well

How to mange language syntax/indent configuage by vundle?

I just start using vundle, I'm curious that where should I place my
language(may python, ruby, php) syntax/indentation configuration file.
When I put these configuration file in the normal place .vim/syntax,
.vim/indent, they worked, but they didn't work when I put them under .vim/bundle.
I wondering is it suppose to be in somewhere under .vim/bundle if I want vundle help me to manage these configuration scripts?
The best place to put your custom scripts is .vim/after.
The reason is you may always want your custom scripts take the last effect. For example, vim has default actions on python files, then the installed plugins will add more. You may not be satisfied with all them so you roll out your own, which will be the last to call in loading.
You can either version control the /after folder or whole ./vim folder.
Vundle only helps you managing your own configuration if you put it in a (Git(Hub)) repository and reference that in Vundle, just like other repositories. You still need to stick to the normal 'runtimepath' hierarchy; i.e. for a Python filetype plugin, you'd put them into ftplugin/python.vim inside your repository, and that gets installed by Vundle into ~/.vim/bundle/my-python-filetype/ftplugin/python.vim.
On the other hand, if you just maintain your own customizations on the system (without a repository), Vundle doesn't help you much, and you can just keep them in the normal location.

Toggle sets of Vim plugins

Is there a trick or script that allows me to switch between sets of vim-plugins and -settings easily?
I use vim for very different development and writing. It can be really annoying to have certain webdevelopment-specific plugins turn up, when writing a report in LaTeX, for example.
What I'd like to see is something like RVM.
Have a set of "global" plugins and settings; plugins and settings that are always enabled or used.
Per project plugins and settings; pluginss, configurations and settings that will be loaded after activating that "environment".
You may find localvimrc to be useful for point number two. It allows you to have a .lvimrc in your project folder with settings for that specific project. In that file you could load your project-specific plugins by manipulating the runtimepath or by using pathogen/vundle/whatever.
Using this method you would configure your "global" settings and plugins as you would normally.
Nice question IMHO. By the way, using a plugin manager could simplify this kind of stuff too. For example, with pathogen you can do something like:
" To disable a plugin, add it's bundle name to the following list
let g:pathogen_disabled = []
if your_condition
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'myplugin')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'myplugin2')
See this answer for a good example about conditional loading. It would be very nice to see this feature implemented in pathogen.
I'd just make aliases
alias mvim='vim -u myvimrc'
alias ovim='gvim -U someothervimrc'
Ans yes you could use runtimepath inside the vimrc-s to setup very different configurations

how to manage vim plugin

I want to know how do you manage your vim plugins.
As it is,
One of the biggest fun of using is that one can easily try many interesing new plugins, just download it and unzip it in under ~/.vim. But if you try too often and try too much, you might get trouble as confilct of key mapping , in compatitble script version, dpendency between different plugin .....
Then you want to remove some plugin ,kind of like rollback your vim to a sound condition. But, the rollback could be very painful . cus for some "giant" plugin, like perl-support ( it's great plugin, anyway), will consist of many vim scripts which spread in different dirctories. To remove single one giant plugin will be anoying, not too mention if you remvoe many plugin at one time.
In a word , I'm looking for good practice for managing vim plugins.
I have my vim directory in git.
All plugins that have an upstream public git repo are in ~/.vim/plugins-git/ as git submodules. My vimrc sets the runtimepath to include the directories in ~/.vim/plugin-git/ so the plugins can stay self contained and can very easily be updated to the latest git commit.
The rest of my plugins are in ~/.vim/plugin/.
One script that's out there that makes this type of setup much easier is pathogen.vim. pathogen.vim sets up all the runtimepath entries for you so you don't have to. It's worth looking into for sure. I don't use pathogen because by setting the paths explicitly in my vimrc I can quickly disable plugins if there are conflicts or incompatibilities like you mentioned.
Vundle definitely deserves a mention, as it makes vim plugin management ridiculously simple.
1. git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
2. open up your vimrc
3. Add your plugins (Bundle '<link to plugin>') <-- look at the example vimrc on Vundle github page
4. :BundleInstall
I think Vundle was inspired from tpope's Pathogen plugin.
I like vim-addon-manager because it allows me to activate or deactivate a plugin by putting or removing it from the list of active plugins, which eases testing new plugins.
I versionning my vimconfig directory in github. So If I add a plugin I made a new commit. If I want remove it, I revert this commit.
After I link .vimrc in vimrc file in my directory and my .vim directory to this directory
I exclusivley install plugins via Vimballs. This way I can also keep plugins up-to-date across installations.
What I like about vimballs is that I can see directly where files came from. Otherwise I would probably something like git.
I'm working mostly on Windows, so this may differ somewhat for Linux, Unix and co. but if you help vimfiles you'll see that vim has an order of loading files. First comes the ones in $HOME directory (somewhere under Documents and Settings-Username on WinXP machines), then come the $VIM directory (your actual directory where vim resides) and so on ...
So, I have vim in a directory which consists of "stable" stuff. Whenever I wish to try out a new plugin, I put it in Documents and Settings... folder, and it gets loaded before the one in $VIM directory. That way I can easily upon not liking it, delete the new plugin. If I do like it, and it plays nicely with the ones I already have, it goes in the $VIM directory.
(this probably makes no sense the way I put it, but it works ... probably :)
Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen
The pathogen plugin makes it much easier to manage plugins in my case I use with Mercurial. To plugins vimball stile:
:usevimball ~/.vim/bundle/bundle-dir-name-here
see :h :usevimball
I personally use this mappingmanager exactly for the same reasons.
(it allows you to switch between mappings easily)
demo: http://playterm.org/r/vim-mappingmanager-plugin-1318246417
download: http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=3768
