Vectorize string concatenation in matlab - string

I am doing a project where I would like to vectorize (if possible), these lines of code in Matlab:
for j=1:length(image_feature(i,:))
write_file1b=[write_file1b string1b ' '];
Basically, what I want to get is an output string in the following way:
1:Value1 2:Value2 3:Value3 ....
Note that ValueX is a number so a real example would be an output like this:
1:23.2 2:34.3 3:110.8
Is this possible? I was thinking about doing something like creating another vector with values from 1 to j, and another j-long vector with only ":", and a num2str(image_feature(i,:)), and then hopefully there is a function f (like a vectorized strcat) that if I do:
will give me the output I mention above.

Im not sure I understood your question but perhaps this might help
val=[23.2 34.3 110.8]
output = [1:length(val); val]
sprintf('%i: %f ',output)
As output I get
1: 23.200000 2: 34.300000 3: 110.800000

You can vectorize all your array operations to create an array or matrix of numbers very efficiently, but by the very nature of strings in MATLAB, you cannot vectorize the creation of your output string. Theoretically, if you have a fixed length string like in C++, you could concurrently write to different memory locations within the string, but that is not something that is supported by MATLAB. Even if it were, it looks like you have variable-length numbers, so even that would be difficult (unless you were to allocate a specific amount of space per number pair, leading to variable-length spaces between number pairs. It doesn't look like you want to do that, since your examples have exactly one space between all number pairs).
If you'd be interested in efficiently creating a vector, the answer provided by twerdster would accomplish that, but even in that code, the sprintf statement is not concurrent. His code does get rid of the for-loop, which improves efficiency, so I prefer his code to yours.


Collections: How will you find the top 10 longest strings in a list of a billion strings?

I was recently asked a question in an interview. How will you find the top 10 longest strings in a list of a billion strings?
My Answer was that we need to write a Comparator that compares the lengths of 2 strings and then Use the TreeSet(Comparator) constructor.
Once you start adding the strings in the Treeset it will sort as per the sorting order of the comparator defined.
Then just pop the top 10 elements of the Treeset.
The Interviewer wasn't happy with that. The argument was that, to hold billion strings I will have to use a super computer.
Is there any other data stucture than can deal with this kind of data?
Given what you stated about the interviewer saying you would need a super computer, I am going to assume that the strings would come in a stream one string at a time.
Given the immense size due to no knowledge of how large the individual strings are (they could be whole books), I would read them in one at a time from the stream. I would then compare the current string to an ordered list of the top ten longest strings found before it and place it accordingly in the ordered list. I would then remove the smallest length one from the list and proceed to read the next string. That would mean only 11 strings were being stored at one time, the current top 10 and the one currently being processed.
Most languages have a built in sort that is pretty speedy.
in python would work. Then just grab the first 10 elements.
Also your interviewer does sounds behind the times. One billion strings is pretty small now a days
I remember studying similar data structure for such scenarios called as Trie
The height of the tree will give the longest string always.
A special kind of trie, called a suffix tree, can be used to index all suffixes in a text in order to carry out fast full text searches.
The point is you do not need to STORE all strings.
Let's think a simplified version: Find the longest 2 string (assuming no tie case)
You can always do a online algorithm like using 2 variables s1 & s2, where s1 is longest string you encountered so far, s2 is the second longest
Then you use O(N) to read the strings one by one, replace s1 or s2 when it can. This use O(2N) = O(N)
For top 10 strings, it is as dumb as the top 2 case. You can still do it in O(10N) = O(N) and store only 10 strings.
There is a faster way describe as follow but for given constant like 2 or 10, you may not need it.
For top-K strings in general, you can use structure like set in C++ (with longer having higher priority) to store the top-K strings, when a new string comes, you simply insert it, and remove the last one, both use O(lg K). So total you can do it in O(N lg K) with O(K) space.

Removing repeated characters in string without using recursion

You are given a string. Develop a function to remove duplicate characters from that string. String could be of any length. Your algorithm must be in space. If you wish you can use constant size extra space which is not dependent any how on string size. Your algorithm must be of complexity of O(n).
My idea was to define an integer array of size of 26 where 0th index would correspond to the letter a and the 25th index for the letter z and initialize all the elements to 0.
Thus we will travel the entire string once and and would increment the value at the desired index as and when we encounter a letter.
and then we will travel the string once again and if the value at the desired index is 1 we print out the letter otherwise we do not.
In this way the time complexity is O(n) and the space used is constant irrespective of the length of the string!!
if anyone can come up with ideas of better efficiency,it will be very helpful!!
Your solution definitely fits the criteria of O(n) time. Instead of an array, which would be very, very large if the allowed alphabet is large (Unicode has over a million characters), you could use a plain hash. Here is your algorithm in (unoptimized!) Ruby:
def undup(s)
seen =
s.each_char {|c| seen[c] += 1}
result = ""
s.each_char {|c| result << c if seen[c] == 1}
puts(undup "")
puts(undup "abc")
puts(undup "Olé")
puts(undup "asdasjhdfasjhdfasbfdasdfaghsfdahgsdfahgsdfhgt")
It makes two passes through the string, and since hash lookup is less than linear, you're good.
You can say the Hashtable (like your array) uses constant space, albeit large, because it is bounded above by the size of the alphabet. Even if the size of the alphabet is larger than that of the string, it still counts as constant space.
There are many variations to this problem, many of which are fun. To do it truly in place, you can sort first; this gives O(n log n). There are variations on merge sort where you ignore dups during the merge. In fact, this "no external hashtable" restriction appears in Algorithm: efficient way to remove duplicate integers from an array (also tagged interview question).
Another common interview question starts with a simple string, then they say, okay now a million character string, okay now a string with 100 billion characters, and so on. Things get very interesting when you start considering Big Data.
Anyway, your idea is pretty good. It can generally be tweaked as follows: Use a set, not a dictionary. Go trough the string. For each character, if it is not in the set, add it. If it is, delete it. Sets take up less space, don't need counters, and can be implemented as bitsets if the alphabet is small, and this algorithm does not need two passes.
Python implementation:
You can also use a bitset instead of the additional array to keep track of found chars. Depending on which characters (a-z or more) are allowed you size the bitset accordingly. This requires less space than an integer array.

Hash function that hashes similar strings in the same bucket

I'm searching for a "bad" hash function:
I'd like to hash strings and put similar strings in one bucket.
Can you give me a hint where to start my research?
Some methods or algorithm names...
Your problem is not an easy one. Two ideas:
This solution might be overly complicated but you could try a Fourier transform. Treat your input text as a series of samples of a function and then run a Fourier transform to convert your input to the frequency domain. The low frequency part is the general jist of the text and the high frequency part is the tiny changes.
This is somewhat similar to what jpeg compression does: Throw away the details and just leave the important stuff. If you have two almost-identical images and you jpeg compress them greatly, you usually get the same output.
pHash uses a method similar to this.
Again, this is going to be a pretty complicated way to do it.
Second idea: minHash
The idea for minHash is that you pick some markers that are likely to be the same when the inputs are the same. Then you compute a vector for the outputs of all the markers. If two inputs have similar vectors then the inputs are similar.
For example, count how many times the word "the" appears in the text. If it's even, 0, if it's odd, 1. Now count how many times the word "math" shows up in the text. Again, 0 for even, 1 for odd. Do that for a lot of words.
Now you process all the texts and each one gives you an output like "011100010101" or whatever. If two texts are similar then they will have similar outputs strings, differing by just 1 or two bits. You can use a multi-variate partition trie (MVP) to search the outputs efficiently.
This, too, might be overkill for your problem.
It depends on what you mean by "similar string" ?
But if you look for such a bad one, you have to build it yourself.
Example :
you can create 10 buckets (0 to 9)
and group the strings by theirs length
mod 10
Use a strcmp() like function and group them by the differences with a defined String

Best way to sort a long list of strings

I would like to know the best way to sort a long list of strings wrt the time and space efficiency. I prefer time efficiency over space efficiency.
The strings can be numeric, alpha, alphanumeric etc. I am not interested in the sort behavior like alphanumeric sort v/s alphabetic sort just the sort itself.
Some ways below that I can think of.
Using code ex: .Net framework's Arrays.Sort() function. I think the way this works is that the hashcodes for the strings are calculated and the string is inserted at the proper position using a binary search.
Using the database (ex: MS-sql). I have not done this. I do not know how efficient this would be though.
Using a prefix tree data structure like a trie. Sorting requires traversing all the trieNodes of the trie tree using DFS (depth first search) - O(|V| + |E|) time. (Searching takes O(l) time where l is the length of the string to compare).
Any other ways or data structures?
You say that you have a database, and presumably the strings are stored in the database. Then you should get the database to do the work for you. It may be able to take advantage of an index and therefore not need to actually sort the list, but just read it from the index in sorted order.
If there is no index the database might still be able to help you. If you only fetch the first k rows for some small constant number k, for example 100. When you use ORDER BY with a LIMIT clause it allows SQL Server to use a special optimization called TOP N SORT which runs in linear time instead of O(n log(n)) time.
If your strings are not in the database already then you should use the features provided by .NET instead. I think it is unlikely you will be able to write custom code that will be much faster than the default sort.
I found this paper that uses trie data structure to efficiently sort large sets of strings. I have not looked into it in detail though.
Radix sort could also be good option if strings are not very long e.g. list of names
Let us suppose you have a large list of strings and that the length of the List is N.
Using a comparison based sorting algorithm like MergeSort, HeapSort or Quicksort will give you an
where n is the size of the list and d is the maximum length for all strings in the list.
We can try to use Radix sort in this case. Let b be the base and let d be the length of the maximum string then we can show that the running time using radix sort is .
Furthermore, if the strings are say the lower case English Alphabets the running time is
Source: MIT Opencourse Algorithms lecture by prof. Eric Demaine.

Extracting information in a string

I would like to parse strings with an arbitrary number of parameters, such as P1+05 or P2-01 all put together like P1+05P2-02. I can get that data from strings with a rather large (too much to post around...) IF tree and a variable keeping track of the position within the string. When reaching a key letter (like P) it knows how many characters to read and proceeds accordingly, nothing special. In this example say I got two players in a game and I want to give +05 and -01 health to players 1 and 2, respectively. (hence the +-, I want them to be somewhat readable).
It works, but I feel this could be done better. I am using Lua to parse the strings, so maybe there is some built-in function, within Lua, to ease that process? Or maybe some general hints , or references for better approaches?
Here is some code:
for w in string.gmatch("P1+05P2-02","%u[^%u]+") do
It assumes that each "word" begins with an uppercase letter and its parameters contain no uppercase letters.
