Reading CSV files located on LINUX server and updating the tables in SQL Server Database - linux

I was wondering how do we ingest CSV files located on a Red Hat LINUX server into SQL Server Database Table.
I know we can write a Stored Procedure/Bulk Insert to read the files that are located on the same Windows Server as SQL Server and update the database but not sure how to do it when the files are present in LINUX.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Since you know how to proceed once the csv file is on your Windows box, it seems this question amounts to how to get the file from a Linux server to a Windows server. I suggest rcp or rsync. There are Windows versions of both.


Oracle Linux new files written on share do not inherit correct group in production environment

We have an issue regarding groups and files not being found by our application that are written on a share.
Our company wants to have a certain paper form signed digitally, our solution to this question is to make our application running on Oracle Forms mail these digital forms. We got it working in our test environment but not our production environment. We have our Oracle Report writer write the filled in form as an PDF to a directory on our application server, this is a nfs share hosted by our IT collegue's. Our database server then reads the mounted share and sends the PDF as an attachment per mail. This all happens from a database trigger which is copy/pasted over to production.
In our production environment we get the Report writer to write the PDF in the shared directory but then our database server generates an error log message saying the server can not find the file. I notice that the test environment writes down the PDF file as user:group and the production environment as user:1000, I have a feeling this is causing the database server to not find the file.
It is an Oracle Linux machine running Database 12.2 and Forms/Reports 12.2
Report Writer on App server 1 writes 1.pdf > /dir/test/share
Database server 1 reads 1.pdf from /dir/test/share
Report Writer on App server 2 writes 2.pdf > /dir/prod/share
Database server 2 reads 2.pdf from /dir/prod/share > cannot find 2.pdf
Group id changes to "1000"
directory shared group
Does anyone have an idea what this might be, this has to go live very soon but I am out of ideas.
Any help would be greatly apprieciated!
Best regards,

How to import data from excel file to oracle database by using oracle forms

I want to import data of excel file to oracle database by using oracle forms 10g . I try to use WebUtil but it is so slow.
Can any one help me to find another way?
Big Thanks
The easiest way is to get the file on the database server.
If the file is on the client side, you can do this by using a shared drive between your application server and db server and then transfer the file using webutil.
When the file is on the db server read the file using an external table.
See this link for more information on external tables

Moving neo4j database from Windows to Ubuntu

I created neo4j database using cypher queries through browser and some python (py2neo) routines.
Now, I have to transfer this database to another neo4j instance on my Linux desktop.
What I did-
Zip the contents of folder default.graphdb.
Unzipped the contents of the zip file to data/graph.db in my linux installation.
Also the user:pass of the database are same.
But when I goto the browser, I can't find any of that data. The directory does point to the folder that I extracted to (/home/goelakash/neo4j-community-2.3.0/data/graph.db).
How do I get that database?
EDIT - messages.log
The data files should be located directly in data/graph.db. So check e.g. if there is a file called neostore.nodestore.db. If so, check the permissions - the system user running Neo4j needs to have full recursive read/write permission on the graph.db folder.
Also make sure that you're using the same version of Neo4j on Windows and Linux (or upgrade the store following the reference manual).
For more insight attach the startup sequence form data/graph.db/messages.log.

Connect to remote dbf file with lazarus on linux

I need migrate a windows application made with delphi xe3 to a linux platform using Lazarus.
This application connect to dbf files hosted on a windows server 2008.
I'm trying to connect tdbf component to the server but i can't.
The documentation does not tell anything about remote connections.
Can you recommend me some other options to do that?
Dbf1.filePath := ''; This looks like an NFS path which I don't believe TDBF supports. You will need to mount the relevant folder containing your DBF files on your local file system for TDBF to be able to access it properly.
However, I would strongly recommend you migrate your application away from DBF files and to a proper SQL-based client/server DBMS like Firebird, mySQL or PostgreSQL. There really is no valid reason for using 25+ year old desktop databases nowadays.

How do I get Sybase File Path, Transaction Log, & installation details?

I need to Retirve the following Details using Sybase SQL Query.
1) Database Data File Path
2) Database Transaction Log File Path
3) Path where SybaseSoftware Installed
4) Patch Installed on Sybase
That info is easy for a DBA to obtain in 30 seconds; with a GUI Admin tool in a few clicks.
Why do you want to obtain the details of the server installation VIA SQL ? If you are a coder you do not need that info to do your job; that info is the domain of the DBA, and changes as they administer the server. More important, the changes are transparent to the coder. Even if you did know it, it will not help or hinder you in your work.
Online Sybase Manuals
The "data and log file paths" in particular, are protected from direct access by developers (it is a secured ANSI SQL RDBMS).
Evidently you did not bother to look up the manuals.
Open a session with the server, so that you can execute SQL commnands via "Sybase SQL Query". From your PC, Run either isql (character) or DBISQL (GUI); they are both on the Sybase PC Installation CD, you can also download them free.
Devices ("Data File Paths"):
There are many Databases per server. There are many Devices per server. You will have to figure out (a) which Devices contain the Database you are interested in (b) Data Devices vs Log Devices.
Log Devices ("Database Transaction Log File Path")
(same as (1) )
"Sybase Installation" or $HOME directory (on the server). There are two methods, the first is much easier:
via host system
Log into the host system of the server, as the sybase user
You are already located in the sybase $HOME directory
It is the installation directory
(the original installer may have created directory trees for each version or EBF ("patch level"), but that is easy to figure out using Unix/DOS commands)
via islq/DBISQL
sp_configure "configuration file"
This will give you the path to the configuration file. It is almost always, the file path to the $SYBASE or sybase>$HOME directory. You can move up or sideways in the directory tree, using Unix/DOS commands, and figure it out from there.
The version of the Sybase ASE is the only item from your list that is relevant to coders. It (including current EBF ("patch level") is obtained via:
