How to write into XML file in Haxe? - haxe

I am using Haxe and OpenFL and I got a program that generates a Xml file.
However, I can't figure out how to save that file. I can create Xml tree and check it's valid, but for my life I can't figure out how to write the file.
So, in simple, how to do I write(and create) a file in Haxe? I want to be able to save my newly created Xml File (they serve as sort of settings file and initialization files for my program) on computer, so that I can load it later?

Found the solution right after writing this question.
Solution is to first to use to create the file, then File.saveContent() to save the data in. You can get string from Xml with toString function, the ultimate solution looks like this:
if (!FileSystem.exists("maps"))
var number:Int = 1;
if (FileSystem.exists("maps/" + filename + ".xml"))
while(FileSystem.exists("maps/" + filename + number +".xml"))
filename = filename + number;
File.write("maps/" + filename + ".xml", false);
File.saveContent("maps/" + filename + ".xml", root.toString());
This checks if the directory exist and if not, create it and if the file exist, create a new numbered file rather than override it (for the moment, still working on the save feature)
This solution only works on c++, haven't tested others much yet but Flash does not work


How to add object to file in nodejs?

title pretty much explains it all. I'm trying to add objects into a nodejs file and cant seem to get it working.
Each file essentially looks like this
[{"name":name,"date":date},{"name":name,"date":date}] (in simplest terms)
I want to be able to add an object, to that array that is in that file. Here is the code I came up with
for(o in collections){
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/HowIsCollections/"+collections[o].mintDate,'utf8',function(err,data){
const dat = JSON.parse(data)
const existedData = []
for(i in dat){
const project = JSON.stringify(collections[o])
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + "/HowIsCollections/"+collections[o].mintDate,JSON.stringify(dat))
Its pretty self explanatory. From the top, its reading the file, getting the data, taking all of the objects found in the file and putting it into an array.
the second half of the code, stringifys each object, it then compares against the array to see if that object exists in the array (existedData, the data from the file). If it doesnt, it adds it. Then at the end im just resaving the file.
dat.push(project) is the array in the file.
I have similar setups like this in other parts of my code, which work. this however does not, i get no errors, nothing, it just doesnt work. All of my console.log's show, but thats it.
I tried looking on here mostly for solutions, but most of them were just talking about stringifying an object in fs.writefile, which isnt what i need here.

How can I turn a txt file into a string just using its path?

So I have a program that turns a .txt file into a string to then send it via bluetooth to a printer, the problem is that right now I'm doing it using the file name but I wanted to do it only using the path of the file, this has to do with the fact that I need to search on the folder for any existing txt files and if there are any I need to print the first one and then delete it, so I can't be doing it by using the file's name. This is my code so far:
private fun readFile() String {
val file = File(storage/emulated/0/IS4-PDF-RDP/00233116695912019091310005913BLUETOOTH.txt)
var ins InputStream = file.inputStream()
read contents of IntputStream to String
var content = ins.readBytes().toString(Charset.defaultCharset())
return content
You can find the first file in the folder read it and then delete it as per your requirements
File("/storage/emulated/0/IS4-PDF-RDP/").walk().find {
it.extension == "txt"
}?.apply {

Google Apps Script creates sheets version of excel file. Issue with multiple creation of versions.

I found a solution for my original question in another post Google Apps Script creates sheets version of excel file.
Testing with the code provided in the answer I ran into another issue. Every time I run the script it creates the Spreadsheets version of the .xlsx files again even if they already exist. I have tried modifying the code withing the last If with no results. Then went back to run your code as posted in case I have missed something but it keeps creating versions of the same files.
Any idea of what could I do to fix this will be really appreciated.
The code provided int he answer is the following.
// Convert the user's stored excel files to google spreadsheets based on the specified directories.
// There are quota limits on the maximum conversions per day: consumer #gmail = 250.
function convertExcelToGoogleSheets()
var user = Session.getActiveUser(); // Used for ownership testing.
var origin = DriveApp.getFolderById("origin folder id");
var dest = DriveApp.getFolderById("destination folder id");
// Index the filenames of owned Google Sheets files as object keys (which are hashed).
// This avoids needing to search and do multiple string comparisons.
// It takes around 100-200 ms per iteration to advance the iterator, check if the file
// should be cached, and insert the key-value pair. Depending on the magnitude of
// the task, this may need to be done separately, and loaded from a storage device instead.
// Note that there are quota limits on queries per second - 1000 per 100 sec:
// If the sequence is too large and the loop too fast, Utilities.sleep() usage will be needed.
var gsi = dest.getFilesByType(MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS), gsNames = {};
while (gsi.hasNext())
var file =;
if(file.getOwner().getEmail() == user.getEmail())
gsNames[file.getName()] = true;
// Find and convert any unconverted .xls, .xlsx files in the given directories.
var exceltypes = [MimeType.MICROSOFT_EXCEL, MimeType.MICROSOFT_EXCEL_LEGACY];
for(var mt = 0; mt < exceltypes.length; ++mt)
var efi = origin.getFilesByType(exceltypes[mt]);
while (efi.hasNext())
var file =;
// Perform conversions only for owned files that don't have owned gs equivalents.
// If an excel file does not have gs file with the same name, gsNames[ ... ] will be undefined, and !undefined -> true
// If an excel file does have a gs file with the same name, gsNames[ ... ] will be true, and !true -> false
if(file.getOwner().getEmail() == user.getEmail() && !gsNames[file.getName()])
{title: file.getName(), parents: [{"id": dest.getId()}]},
{convert: true}
// Do not convert any more spreadsheets with this same name.
gsNames[file.getName()] = true;
You want to convert Excel files in origin folder to Google Spreadsheet and put the converted Spreadsheet to dest folder.
When the filename of converted file is existing in dest folder, you don't want to convert it.
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification?
if(file.getOwner().getEmail() == user.getEmail() && !gsNames[file.getName()])
if(file.getOwner().getEmail() == user.getEmail() && !gsNames[file.getName().split(".")[0]])
In this modification, when the filename of converted file is found in the dest folder, the file is not converted.
When the filename has the extension like ###.xlsx and it is converted to Google Spreadsheet, it seems that the extension is automatically removed. I think that this is the reason that the duplicated files are created. So I used split(".")[0] for this situation.

Text Reader Classes in Hadoop

I have a directory OUTPUT where I have the output files from a Map Reduce job. The output files are Text files written with a TextOutputFormat.
Now I want to read the key value pairs from the output file. How can I do so using some existing classes in hadoop. One way I could do it was as follows
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
FileStatus[] files = fs.globStatus(new Path(OUTPUT + "/part-*"));
for(FileStatus file:files){
if(file.getLen() > 0){
FSDataInputStream in =;
BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String s = bin.readLine();
s = bin.readLine();
This approach would work but increases my task to a great deal as I now need to manually parse the key value pairs out of each individual line. I am looking for something more handy that directly lets me read key and value in some variables.
Are you forced to use TextOutputFormat as your output format in the previous job?
If not then consider using SequenceFileOutputFormat, then you can use a SequenceFile.Reader to read back the file in Key / Value pairs. You can also still 'view' the file using hadoop fs -text path/to/output/part-r-00000
EDIT: You can also use the KeyValueLineRecordReader class, you'll just need to pass in a FileSplit to teh constructor.

Reading/Editing XLIFF using C#

I need to parse an XLIFF file using C#, but I'm having some trouble. These files are fairly complex, containing a huge amount of nodes.
Basically, all I need to do is read the source node from each trans-unit node, do some processing on it, and insert the processed text into the corresponding target node (which will always be present, but empty).
An example of one of the nodes I need to parse would be (the whole file may contain 100s of these):
<trans-unit id="0000000002" datatype="text" restype="string">
<source>Windows Update is not installed</source>
<iws:segment-metadata tm_score="0.00" ws_word_count="6" max_segment_length="0">
<iws:status target_content="placeholders_only"/>
<iws:boundary-seg sequence="bs20721"/>
<iws:markup-seg sequence="0000000001">
The trans-unit nodes can be buried deep in the files, the header section contains a lot of data. I'd like to use LINQ to XML to read the data, but I'm not having any luck getting it to work. Here's my current code (just trying to read and output the source nodes from the file:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path);
Console.WriteLine("Before loop");
foreach (var transUnitNode in doc.Descendants("trans-unit"))
Console.WriteLine("In loop");
XElement sourceNode = transUnitNode.Element("source");
XElement targetNode = transUnitNode.Element("target");
Console.WriteLine("Source: " + sourceNode.Value);
I never see 'In loop' and I don't know why, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here, or suggest a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do here?
XNamespace df = doc.Root.Name.Namespace;
foreach (XElement transUnitNode in doc.Descendants(df + "trans-unit"))
XElement sourceNode = transUnitNode.Element(df + "source");
// and so one, use the df namespace object to qualify any elements names
See also
