Solr: How to specify field relevancy/weight - search

I'm currently indexing data using Solr that consists of about 10 fields. When I perform a search I would like certain fields to be weighted higher. Could anyone help point me in the right direction?
For example, searching across all fields for a term such as "superman" should return hits in the "Title" field before the "Description" field.
I've found documentation on how to make one field score higher from the query, but I would prefer to set this in a configuration file or similar. The following would require all searches to specify the weight. Is it possible to specify this in the solr config file?
q=title:superman^2 description:superman

Try using qf with ExtendedDisMax your query then would look like that:
While your config will look like:
<str name="qf">title^2 description</str>
You can get some working examples here

The qf parameter introduces a list of fields, each of which is assigned a boost factor to increase or decrease that particular field's importance in the query. For example, the query below:
qf="fieldOne^2.3 fieldTwo fieldThree^0.4"
Assigns fieldOne a boost of 2.3, leaves fieldTwo with the default boost (because no boost factor is specified), and fieldThree a boost of 0.4. These boost factors make matches in fieldOne much more significant than matches in fieldTwo, which in turn are much more significant than matches in fieldThree."
Source: Apache Lucene
In your case: qf="title^100 description" may do the trick - if you're using Solr in a library I'd love to chat.

By using edismax we can achieve what you looking for.
Try adding these two fields in your request handler by changing the fields.
You can remove a particular field completely, if you don't want it.
<str name="defType"> edismax </str>
<str name="qf"> YourField^50 YourAnotherField^30 YetAnotherField</str>
The more the power(^) increases, the more priority that field gets.


Solr Fuzzy search (max 2 edits)

I am using Solr 6.0.0
I am using data-driven-configuration for my configuration related purpose. Most of the configuration is standard.
I have a document in Solr with
Now if I do a fuzzy search like:
It lists out the record in the results.
But if I do a search like:
It does not list the record.
Does it have to do something with the maxEdits in solrconfig.xml which is set to 2 ?
I tried increasing it. But I could not create a collection with this configuration. It gave an error:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'my-search': Unable to create core
[my-search] Caused by: Invalid maxEdits
Max 2 Edits seems to be a serious limitation. I wonder what is the use of passing the fractional value after the ~ operator.
My Usecase:
I have a contact database. I am supposed to detect the duplicates based on three parameters : Name, Email and Phone. So I rely on Solr for Fuzzy search. Email and Phone are relatively easy to work with simple assumptions. Name seems to be a bit tricky. For each word in the Name, I plan to do a fuzzy search. I expected the optional parameter after ~ to work without the maxEdit distance limitation.
The documentation no longer suggests using a fractional value after the tilde - see for more information.
However, you are correct that only 2 changes are allowed to be made to the search string in order to carry out a fuzzy search. I would guess this limitation strikes a balance between efficiency and usefulness.
The maxEdits parameter in solrconfig.xml applies to the DirectSpellChecker configuration, and doesn't affect your searching, unless you're using the spell checker.
For your use case, your best approach may be to index the name field twice, using different field configurations: one using a simple set of analyzers and filters (ie. StandardTokenizerFactory, StandardFilterFactory, LowerCaseFilterFactory), and the other using a phonetic matcher such as the Beider-Morse filter. You can use the first field to carry out fuzzy searches, and the second version to look for names which may be spelled differently but sound the same as the name being checked.

What is the meaning of "must match" in Solr?

I have an requirement to modify the must match parameter in Solr.
<str name="mm">
2<-1 5<-2 6<50%
I'm not able to understand the logic behind this syntax.
mm stands for Minimum should match parameter.
It helps you configure the number of the query terms that should match for the document to be returned in the search results.
You can configure it as a fixed number or as the Percentage of the Number of the Query terms that should match.
For detailed explanation and example check link

Why did they create the concept of "schema.xml" in Solr?

Lucene does searching and indexing, all by taking "coding"... Why doesn't Solr do the same ? Why do we need a schema.xml ? Whats its importance ? Is there a way to avoid placing all the fields we want into a schema.xml ? ( I guess dynamic fields are the way to go, right ? )
That's just the way it was built. Lucene is a library, so you link your code against it. Solr, on the other hand, is a server, and in some cases you can just use it with very little coding (e.g. using DataImportHandler to index and Velocity plugin to browse and search).
The schema allows you to declaratively define how each field is analyzed and queried.
If you want a schema-less server based on Lucene, take a look at ElasticSearch.
If you want to avoid constantly tweaking your schema.xml, then dynamic fields are indeed the way to go. For an example, I like the Sunspot schema.xml — it uses dynamic fields to set up type-based naming conventions in field names.
Based on this schema, a field named content_text would be parsed as a text field:
<dynamicField name="*_text" stored="false" type="text" multiValued="true" indexed="true"/>
Which corresponds to its earlier definition of the text fieldType.
Most schema.xml files that I work with start off based on the Sunspot schema. I have found that you can save a lot of time by establishing and reusing a good convention in your schema.xml.
Solr acts as a stand-alone search server and can be configured with no coding. You can think of it as a front-end for Lucene. The purspose of the schema.xml file is to define your index.
If possible, I would suggest defining all your fields in the schema file. This gives you greater control over how those fields are indexed and it will allow you to take advantage of copy fields (if you need them).

Search Against Series Of Fields - Solr

Lets consider a product catalog with fields Category, Brand, BrandAndCategory And default search field.
If i search for "dell laptops" at first solr should search against Category field, if no results are found then against Brand field and then BrandAndCategory field and finally against the default search field.Right now i am making four different calls one by one to the solr from my Java Code to achieve this.It might affect the performance eventually.Is there any other way to achieve this from solr itself?.
Please help me on this issue.Thanks in Advance.
I believe you can use the DisMaxQueryParser for this.
If getting the best results at the top is enough and lower priority results towards the bottom of the result set are acceptable, then something like this may work for you:
q=dell laptops&qf=Category^100 Brand^50 BrandAndCategory^10 Default

How to implement faceted search suggestion with number of relevant items in Solr?

I have a very specific need in my company for the system's search engine, and I can't seem to find a solution.
We have a SOLR index of items, all of them have the same fields, with one of the fields being "Type", (And ofcourse, "Title", "Text", and so on).
What I need is: I get an Item Type and a Query String, and I need to return a list of search suggestion with each also saying how meny items of the correct type will that suggested string return.
Something like, if the original string is "goo" I'll get
Goo 10
Google 52
Goolag 2
and so on.
now, How do I do it?
I don't want to re-query SOLR for each different suggestion, but if there is no other way, I just might.
Thanks in advance
you can try edge n-gram tokenization
You can try facets. Take a look at my more detailed description ('Autocompletion').
This was implemented at with Solr ... now using ElasticSearch but the Solr sources are still available and the idea is also the identical
The SpellCheckComponent of Solr (that gives the suggestions) have extended results that can give the frequency of every suggestion in the index -
However, the .Net component SolrNet, does not currently seem to support the extendedResults option: "All of the SpellCheckComponent parameters are supported, except for the extendedResults option" -
This is implemented using a facet field query with a Prefix set. You can test this using the xml handler like this:
