Run a post-build script from brunch - brunch

I need to run a system script after a brunch build (either manually built or with brunch watch). Is there a good way to do that?

An alternative solution is to install the after-brunch NPM package that exposes a config point where you can insert command line scripts.

Create a plugin that will have onCompile method.
See example plugin


How to make a Nodejs distributable command line application

I'm making a command line application with commander, inquirer and nightwatch as top dependencies. The main purpose of the app is for automation and testing.. Is there any way i can make this distributable instead of publishing it as npm package. I want the same functionality as those cli made with python, where it can be setup, and run on a target machine. is this possible? Thank you
Here are two open source projects (PKG and Nexe) that enable you to package your Node.js project into an executable:
You can use either one to make an executable of your project.

Lint node.js code on save

I want to lint my node.js code when saving the file (so I don't have to to run npm run eslint manually). If I were to write the frontend, I'd use webpack to bundle and lint my files on save. However, as I currently don't need to bundle my Node.js code (or do I?), I'm not sure if this is the way to go or if I have any other alternative?
How is this usually done with Node.js? I wasn't able to find any answer to that question using Google's or Stackoverflow's search but I might have looked for the wrong thing.
You could use gulp or grunt or any other build tool to watch your project and run es-lint on save.
Or you could just use a text-editor or ide with a js-lint plugin.

Is there a way to generate a list of dependencies automatically for nodejs script

I have downloaded some nodejs script and there is no package.json inside. It works with a lot of npm_modules but this directory is huge and I'm pretty sure it does not use ALL of them.
Is there a way I can list all dependencies ACTUALLY used by this node script ?
in nodejs itself.
Create a simple package.json for your script (without any dependencies). After that you can npm module dependency-check ( with the --missing option.
Hope this helps.

What is the proper workflow of starting a new project with grunt

So i started using grunt, ran through some tutorials but somehow i haven't found an easy way of initialising a new project with all the predefined plugins in your default gruntfile.js?
So, yeah, i got that everytime you have to reinstall grunt locally with cd your-working-dir and then npm install grunt --save-dev?
Then i have my gruntfile.js which, i guess, i can copy and use just like my default grunt file? I guess the main question of mine is this: do i have to install each of grunt plugins manually whenever i start a new project?
for example if i have sass task in my gruntfile.js and when i start this new project i have to npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev every single time?
You have at least several options, ordered by complexity ascending:
Create your default projects on disk, and a shell script to automate the bootstrapping.
Use Github, and create a default project that you can bootstrap with GIT on your box.
Use Yeoman scaffolding, and create a custom yeoman generator as a NPM package.
Shell automation can apply to the second and third approach as well.
Yeoman, is def. the cool option, but also takes the most time, and requires more maintenance than the other options.

Is it possible to run an script when installing a cordova plugin?

I know when I install a cordova plugin the native files are copied into the platform folder and will be compiled when I build that platform. But is it possible to execute an script to for example download additional binary files, or build custom frameworks?
What I am looking for is a way to specify in plugin.xml to execute a particular shell script or install an npm module when the plugin is first installed into a Cordova project. Is this possible?
That is not possible using the 'cordova plugin add' command (not what they were designed to do) but definitely possible if you use task manager tools like Grunt to automate your process.
You can combine tasks to run in order, such as running your own shell scripts before/after you make a call to install plugins.
Check out npm grunt for more info.
Yes, you can
check this:
You only have to make a folder, called "after_plugin_add", inside the hooks folder of the project, and add there your script.
