Frame per second in apportable's version of GLKit does not changes. - apportable

How I can change frame rate for GLKViewController in apportable framework?
I've tried just setup [self setPreferredFramesPerSecond:30]; , but not helped. Always 60.

setPreferredFramesPerSecond was not yet implemented.
We added the implementation today and it will be available in one of the next two SDK updates.
If you post a sample that demonstrates the issue, we'll test it out.


Kivy MapView offline

I'm planning to write a Kivy app containing a (small) offline map. Kivy's Mapview widget seems to be a good choice to display maps but before I start diving into it further one question that I couldn't figure out: Is it possible to use Mapview offline, by using locally stored tiles?
I managed to do it, it turns out it is not that complicated to do but it took some research (at least for a beginner like me). Here is a rough outline:
1. MapView supports mbtiles as source as detailed in the documentation - mbtiles can be created in TileMill
2. I wanted a map in Openstreetmap style, so I downloaded openstreetmap-carto from github. The installation manual explains quite well what needs to be done in order to obtain a map in this style
4. There the biggest challenge was to set up and manipulate a PostGIS database. This link helped:
There were some additional issues along the way but all could be solved by combing through the internet.

Screen capture on failure (Mac OS using Cucumber/Capybara/Selenium-webdriver for Android & iOS)

There seems to be a lot of information on screen capture on failure when using Selenium-webdriver however a lot of it differs and all (of what i've tried) does not work. I am testing on iOS and android using Capybara/web-driver. I understand that when using Capybara it has the capabilities of screen capture by accessing the underlying selenium-driver for example page.driver.browser.save_screenshot('file.png').
An example of my code:
After do |scenario|
embed("#{scenario._id_}.png", "image/png", "SCREENSHOT")
The above correctly creates the HTML report however the screenshot is missing. From doing a bit of research it seems like it may be because I am using a scenario outline and its not supported? At least thats what ive found with Watir-webdriver.
Has anyone actually managed to get this working? Any help appreciated, thanks.
I have similar code working with a Scenario and am about to refactor to a Scenario Outline (so I haven't tried a solution I found here). HTH.

MonoTouch AVFoundation Puzzle

I'm new with MonoTouch.
I want to pick frames from video (I found this page, but it's written in Object-C, I've never learned that. Can Someone give me a MonoTouch sample. Appreciated.
Today I wrote a sample, but the APIs in MonoTouch 4.0 were not very good, they were fairly hard to use. We made some changes to MonoTouch today, and the next alpha release in the next few days will have these changes in.
The sample code has been ported and lives now in module most of the code is in Main.cs

Monotouch Augmented Reality

I'm trying to use the code posted here:
however - when i try to overlay it on a camera - it seems to behave really strangely.
I'm guess that it's because the camera view only does portrait?
Has anyone succesfully used this? Or maybe know's how to get this working?
The code on the blog entry you linked to is ported from the open source iPhone ARKit:
iPhone ARKit was updated after this port was posted (to quote the author "My version of code may be outdated"). You may want to examine the source on github to pick up any changes/fixes.

YUI Uploader 2.6.0 example

I'm trying to simply use some of the examples and instructions regarding the YUI-Uploader, and I'm being frustrated by a number of issues.
The "YUI Library: Uploader" cheat sheet's simple use case doesn't work for me because all the listed methods except addListener() do not exist on the myUploader object.
The example is for version 2.5.1 and includes a method called browse(), which not only was removed in version 2.6.0 but I cannot find any documentation for how to use the 2.5.1 version if I so choose.
I can't find the source FLA to the uploader.swf file so that I could theoretically diagnose all these issues.
Has anyone successfully used the 2.6.0 YUI Uploader, and if so is there some common interfering JavaScript I should avoid, or a better example to follow? Thank you.
Thanks for the replies.
I might note that I finished my "uploader" project before receiving any responses to this.
Part of my problems were due to some of the examples being for v2.5.1 and another part were due to not using an event listener to see when the component was ready. I got the most help from just dissecting what Flickr did.
You can find the source to uploader.swf here at now that the YUI source is available on GitHub.
You've got the wrong link for the simple example, here's the correct one.
YUI Uploader Simple Example
You could also take a look at my implementation if you'd like, it's pretty barebones and works fine using YUI 2.6.0. YUI Uploader Implementation
It sounds like for #1 that you're trying to call methods on the uploader immediately. You should instead add listeners for all the events it can fire and do any configuration once the "contentReady" event fires. All the YUI examples & mine do that, so you can check there for a code sample.
