Android Studio becoming unresponsive - android-studio

Just moved from Eclipse to Android Studio a few days ago and everything seemed fine. Now after using it for a while I've noticed that it sometimes, seemingly at random, becomes completely unusable. The UI seems to hang for five or so seconds, then everything is alright for a couple of seconds, then hangs again. The "wheel" animation at the top right of the package explorer is spinning constantly too, but again this happens even when I've just left it for a while (No coding, no running projects etc...)
Update: Seems to start the wheel animation when I use the Full Screen mode and slowly gets more sluggish. Switching back to windowed mode after does not solve the problem.

I had a similar issue with Android Studio. In my case I opened up Activity Monitor and force quit both Android Studio and adb. Post that on restart Android studio is working fine.

I have found that closing and restarting Android Studio solved that problem.
In my case it became sluggish after about one week of intensive use without ever closing it. At first I thought it was because my app had grown too complex... The problem is probably caused by some memory leak inside Android Studio. After a restart it became ligthning-fast again.


I'm having to invalidate cache and restart android studio multiple times to get log functionality. Why?

I heavily depend on Logcat for debugging my code, as do most of you. However, I'm able to generate logs only for about 3 times in a given session. The emulator works fine and I can still reinstall the app with changed functionality and all. But to get the Logcat working, I need to invalidate cache and restart Android Studio multiple times in a day. The restart takes about 5-10 minutes which is wasted time.
Does my Studio have some issues and/or is there any alternative?

Android Studio 3.0 VERY VERY VERY slow on run

I have a very big problem using Android Studio.
Every time I make a code changing, I have to check if all has gone well launching my app; but as soon as I click the "Run app" or the "Apply changes", it's the end: it starts the Gradle build process, which take even 30 minutes to complete, and furthermore Android Studio take the full control of my computer, not allowing to do nothing anymore (like open the browser, open notepad++, and so on...).
Can anyone help me?
If you use Eclipse you won't have this problem anymore. but if you want to stick with android studio and gradle you can run your emulator and gradle once and whenever you want to compile your code run it on the already built gradle. this means that do not close the emulator and run your program on it again and again. this way you will not have to spent alot of time on loading the emulator and gradle
Android Studio is not a very light software.It uses a lot of your system RAM and CPU power.So if you are using an old system then it is obvious that android studio will run slow.If possible then upgrade your system.
And one more thing it's better to use actual device rather than Virtual Emulator for our application working test.

Android studio doesn't launch in Elementary OS (Freya)

Alright, so yesterday I was writing code in Android studio, and when I saw that the autocomplete function wasn't working properly, I did the "Invalidate and Restart" function, that closed the Android Studio. And now, when I try to start Android Studio, simply nothing happens, I can spam the shortcut like crazy, nothing pops up, nothing. I was working on a project so I really need this fixed ASAP, but Google offers no clues.
I'd really appreciate any clues or fixes.
Ended up reinstalling the OS after running into some more issues with removing and reinstalling the Studio a couple of times.

Android Studio Gradle editor runs very slow

The Gradle editor of my Android Studio ( is painfully slow.
Every time I type a few characters it freezes for a few moments.
Under Preferencs->Editor->Inspections I already deactivated everything in the gradle section in the hope that this would speed it up again.
My colleague has the same issue, we're working with AS+Gradle for about a week now.

Android Emulator failed to launch, might caused by not supporting extended desktop

I have been frustrated with Android Emulator for weeks after using x86 emulator. The emulator showed with blank screen for hours even if the LogCat indicate it is running, but I am afraid the application was trapped in a dead loop.
To correct this problem, I have re-installed all my computer and android developing environment, and follow every instructions I could get by searching the internet; while the result was frustrating: there was only one "system_process" running on the emulator.
Then today I noticed there is a SystemUI error, thus I guess if this is caused by the PC configuration when I was using extended desktop. So I detached my laptop from the dock and re-launched the emulator, this time it cost only about 10 seconds to get all the processes ready to simulate android phone.
So I guess there is a bug to handle PC with extended desktop enabled. If you have got similar problem when launching Android Emulator, please try detach your PC from the second display first.
