ANTLR4: How to inject tokens - lexer

I'm trying to implement a preprocessor for a DSL, modeled after the CPP example in code/extras. However, I'm not using token factory. Is one required? Calling emit(token) does not inject the tokens into the tokens stream as expected.
Here's the lexer:
// string-delimited path
SPATH : '"' (~[\n\r])*? '"'
emit(); // inject the current token
// launch another lexer on the include file, get tokens,
// emit them all at once here
List<CommonToken> tokens = Preprocessor.include(getText());
if (null != tokens) {
for (CommonToken tok : tokens) {
Here's the include method:
public static List<CommonToken> include(String filename) {
List<CommonToken> tokens = null;
try (FileReader fr = openFile(filename.substring(1, filename.length() - 1));
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr)) {
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(br);
PreprocessorLexer lexer = new PreprocessorLexer(input);
tokens = (List<CommonToken>) lexer.getAllTokens();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.error("Can't load ~{}~", ioe.getLocalizedMessage());
return tokens;

You need to override Lexer.nextToken to provide this feature. In your lexer, keep a Deque<Token> of injected tokens that have not yet been returned by nextToken. When the queue is empty, your implementation of nextToken should return the next token according to the superclass implementation.
Here's some sample code. I have not tried to compile or run it so it might not be perfect.
private final Deque<Token> pendingTokens = new ArrayDeque<>();
public Token nextToken() {
Token pending = pendingTokens.pollFirst();
if (pending != null) {
return pending;
Token next = super.nextToken();
pending = pendingTokens.pollFirst();
if (pending != null) {
return pending;
return next;


Trigger notification after Computer Vision OCR extraction is complete

I am exploring Microsoft Computer Vision's Read API (asyncBatchAnalyze) for extracting text from images. I found some sample code on Microsoft site to extract text from images asynchronously.It works in following way:
1) Submit image to asyncBatchAnalyze API.
2) This API accepts the request and returns a URI.
3) We need to poll this URI to get the extracted data.
Is there any way in which we can trigger some notification (like publishing an notification in AWS SQS or similar service) when asyncBatchAnalyze is done with image analysis?
public class MicrosoftOCRAsyncReadText {
private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = “key”;
private static final String ENDPOINT = "";
private static final String URI_BASE = ENDPOINT + "/vision/v2.1/read/core/asyncBatchAnalyze";
public static void main(String[] args) {
CloseableHttpClient httpTextClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpClient httpResultClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();;
try {
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(URI_BASE);
URI uri =;
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(uri);
request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
request.setHeader("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", SUBSCRIPTION_KEY);
String image = "/Users/xxxxx/Documents/img1.jpg";
File file = new File(image);
FileEntity reqEntity = new FileEntity(file);
HttpResponse response = httpTextClient.execute(request);
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 202) {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
String jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);
String operationLocation = null;
Header[] responseHeaders = response.getAllHeaders();
for (Header header : responseHeaders) {
if (header.getName().equals("Operation-Location")) {
operationLocation = header.getValue();
if (operationLocation == null) {
System.out.println("\nError retrieving Operation-Location.\nExiting.");
/* Wait for asyncBatchAnalyze to complete. In place of this wait, can we trigger any notification from Computer Vision when the extract text operation is complete?
// Call the second REST API method and get the response.
HttpGet resultRequest = new HttpGet(operationLocation);
resultRequest.setHeader("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", SUBSCRIPTION_KEY);
HttpResponse resultResponse = httpResultClient.execute(resultRequest);
HttpEntity responseEntity = resultResponse.getEntity();
if (responseEntity != null) {
String jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);
} catch (Exception e) {
There is no notification / webhook mechanism on those asynchronous operations.
The only thing that I can see right know is to change the implementation you mentioned by using a while condition which is checking regularly if the result is there or not (and a mechanism to cancel waiting - based on maximum waiting time or number of retries).
See sample in Microsoft docs here, especially this part:
// If the first REST API method completes successfully, the second
// REST API method retrieves the text written in the image.
// Note: The response may not be immediately available. Text
// recognition is an asynchronous operation that can take a variable
// amount of time depending on the length of the text.
// You may need to wait or retry this operation.
// This example checks once per second for ten seconds.
string contentString;
int i = 0;
response = await client.GetAsync(operationLocation);
contentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
while (i < 10 && contentString.IndexOf("\"status\":\"Succeeded\"") == -1);
if (i == 10 && contentString.IndexOf("\"status\":\"Succeeded\"") == -1)
Console.WriteLine("\nTimeout error.\n");
// Display the JSON response.

Search for users by Forgerock ClientSDK tools

I'm trying to search for the users using ClientSDK tools of Forgerock OpenAM-12.0.0 by sunIdentityServerPPCommonNameSN.
Look my code.
I found out that I can search the users by AMIdentityRepository.searchIdentities of the filter argument.
However, I don't find out the format.
Please give me your help.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
AuthContext ac = new AuthContext("/");
AuthContext.IndexType indexType =
String indexName = "DataStore";
ac.login(indexType, indexName);
Callback[] callback = ac.getRequirements();
for (int i =0 ; i< callback.length ; i++) {
if (callback[i] instanceof NameCallback) {
NameCallback name = (NameCallback) callback[i];
} else if (callback[i] instanceof PasswordCallback) {
PasswordCallback pass = (PasswordCallback) callback[i];
String password = "adAdmin00";
if(ac.getStatus() == AuthContext.Status.SUCCESS){
SSOToken token = ac.getSSOToken();
AMIdentityRepository amIr = new AMIdentityRepository(token, "/");
// I want to search for the users by sunIdentityServerPPCommonNameSN;
String filter = "sunIdentityServerPPCommonNameSN=*";
IdSearchResults isr = amIr.searchIdentities(IdType.USER,
new IdSearchControl());
Set<AMIdentity> results = isr.getSearchResults();
if ((results != null) && !results.isEmpty()) {
IdSearchResults specialUsersResults =
for (Iterator<AMIdentity> i = results.iterator();
i.hasNext(); ) {
AMIdentity amid =;
System.out.println("dn: "+ amid.getDN());
System.out.println("realm: "+ amid.getRealm());
System.out.println("uid: "+ amid.getUniversalId());
System.out.println("type: "+ amid.getType());
} catch (AuthLoginException e) {
} catch (L10NMessageImpl e) {
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
You are strongly encouraged to use the ForgeRock REST APIs in preference to the Java SDK.
Have a look at the OpenAM developers guide
The best alternative is to query the data store directly. For example, if you are using OpenDJ you could use the OpenDJ LDAP SDK, or the OpenDJ REST interface.

Delegates, lambdas and Func

I have a case where I need to call several different web endpoints and need to do the same setup and tear down for every call. I am trying to write a more generic method where I can pass in the method I want to execute along with the package to send to the endpoint and expect a string return.
From my code I can make this call:
var ret = WebServiceHandler.Execute(WebServiceHandler.LoadNewAsset(package));
The definition of Execute looks like:
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<T, string> executeThisAction)
Func<T, string> resp;
resp = executeThisAction;
return resp.ToString();
This is one of the methods I want to execute:
internal static Func<CarsWS_AssetLoad, string> LoadNewAsset(AssetLoad package)
string resp;
// Make the web service call...
var assetLoadReturn = _service.LoadNewAsset(new LoadNewAssetRequest {UserCredentialsHeader = _credentials, asset = package});
// Evaluate results...
if (assetLoadReturn.LoadNewAssetResult.responseType == "Success")
resp = (result != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.asset.assetID))
? "Got assetID: " + result.asset.assetID
: "No assetID returned.";
resp = result.responseDescription.Trim();
catch (Exception ex)
resp = "Error calling LoadNewAsset()." + Environment.NewLine + ex.GetFullMessage();
return resp; // <== THIS IS NOT A VALID RETURN <== //
My brain is shutting off at this point. How do I return the string back up the call stack correctly???
I assume that in your LoadNewAsset method the CarsWS_AssetLoad class is actually the same as AssetLoad and it was just a editing issue with your question.
That being the case, I think this is what you want:
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<T, string> executeThisAction, AssetLoad package)
string resp;
resp = executeThisAction(package);
return resp;
internal static Func<AssetLoad, string> LoadNewAsset()
return package =>
string resp;
var assetLoadReturn = _service.LoadNewAsset(new LoadNewAssetRequest {UserCredentialsHeader = _credentials, asset = package});
if (assetLoadReturn.LoadNewAssetResult.responseType == "Success")
resp = (result != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.asset.assetID))
? "Got assetID: " + result.asset.assetID
: "No assetID returned.";
resp = result.responseDescription.Trim();
return resp;
The use of the variable result in the LoadNewAsset is a little confusing too. Did you mean to use LoadNewAsset instead?
The above code should be able to workable for you, but it's really not the right way to go about coding this.
I assume that the Setup & CleanUp code is all about instantiating the _service that you're calling?
So the key is to code it this way:
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<IAssetService, T, string> serviceCall, AssetLoad package)
string resp;
var service = Setup();
resp = serviceCall(service, package);
return resp;
internal static Func<IAssetService, AssetLoad, string> GetLoadNewAssetFunc()
return (service, package) =>
string resp;
var assetLoadReturn = service.LoadNewAsset(new LoadNewAssetRequest {UserCredentialsHeader = _credentials, asset = package});
if (assetLoadReturn.LoadNewAssetResult.responseType == "Success")
resp = (result != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.asset.assetID))
? "Got assetID: " + result.asset.assetID
: "No assetID returned.";
resp = result.responseDescription.Trim();
return resp;
Ideally if you would bring the Setup & CleanUp code into the Execute method so that the only way to call the set-up and clean-up code is thru the Execute method.
Even better, if the service class implements IDisposable then your execute code would look like this:
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<IAssetService, T, string> serviceCall, AssetLoad package)
using (var service = Setup())
return serviceCall(service, package);
Let me know if I've missed anything.
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<T, string> executeThisAction)
internal static string Execute<T>(Func<T, string> executeThisAction, T argument)
then replace:
internal static Func<CarsWS_AssetLoad, string> LoadNewAsset(AssetLoad package)
internal static string LoadNewAsset(AssetLoad package)
then to call it:
var ret = WebServiceHandler.Execute(WebServiceHandler.LoadNewAsset, package);

Plugin code to update another entity when case is created mscrm 2011

Im new with plugin. my problem is, When the case is created, i need to update the case id into ledger. What connect this two is the leadid. in my case i rename lead as outbound call.
this is my code. I dont know whether it is correct or not. Hope you guys can help me with this because it gives me error. I manage to register it. no problem to build and register but when the case is created, it gives me error.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Services;
* Purpose: 1) To update case number into lejar
* Triggered upon CREATE message by record in Case form.
namespace UpdateLejar
public class UpdateLejar : IPlugin
/*public void printLogFile(String exMessage, String eventMessage, String pluginFile)
DateTime date = DateTime.Today;
String fileName = date.ToString("yyyyMdd");
String timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString();
string path = #"C:\CRM Integration\PLUGIN\UpdateLejar\Log\" + fileName;
//open if file exist, check file..
if (File.Exists(path))
//if exist, append
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
sw.Write(timestamp + " ");
sw.WriteLine(pluginFile + eventMessage + " event: " + exMessage);
//if no exist, create new file
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
sw.Write(timestamp + " ");
sw.WriteLine(pluginFile + eventMessage + " event: " + exMessage);
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
//for update and create event
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") &&
context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
// Obtain the target entity from the input parmameters.
Entity targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
// Verify that the entity represents a connection.
if (targetEntity.LogicalName != "incident")
//triggered upon create message
if (context.MessageName == "Create")
Guid recordid = new Guid(context.OutputParameters["incidentid"].ToString());
EntityReference app_inc_id = new EntityReference();
app_inc_id = targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_outboundcalllid");
Entity member = service.Retrieve("new_lejer", ((EntityReference)targetEntity["new_outboundcallid"]).Id, new ColumnSet(true));
//DateTime createdon = targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("createdon");
if (app_inc_id != null)
if (targetEntity.Attributes.Contains("new_outboundcallid") == member.Attributes.Contains("new_outboundcalllistid_lejer"))
member["new_ringkasanlejarid"] = targetEntity.Attributes["incidentid"].ToString();
tracingService.Trace("Lejar updated.");
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
//printLogFile(ex.Message, context.MessageName, "UpdateLejar plug-in. ");
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred in UpdateLejar plug-in.", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
//printLogFile(ex.Message, context.MessageName, "UpdateLejar plug-in. ");
tracingService.Trace("UpdateLejar: {0}", ex.ToString());
Please check,
is that entity containing the attributes or not.
check it and try:
if (targetEntity.Contains("new_outboundcallid"))
member["new_ringkasanlejarid"] = targetEntity.Attributes["incidentid"].ToString();
What is new_ringkasanlejarid's type? You're setting a string to it. If new_ringkasanlejarid is an entity reference, this might be causing problems.
You might want to share the error details or trace log, all we can do is assume what the problem is at the moment.

Non-unique ldap attribute name with Unboundit LDAP SDK

I am attempting to retrieve objects having several attributes with the name from netscape LDAP directory with LDAP SDK from Unboundit. The problem is that only one of the attributes are returned - I am guessing LDAP SDK relays heavily on unique attribute names, is there a way to configure it to also return non-distinct attributes as well?
public void testRetrievingUsingListener() throws LDAPException {
long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
LDAPConnection connection = new LDAPConnection("", 389,
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(
SearchScope.SUB, "(uid=xxx)", SearchRequest.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES );
LDAPEntrySource entrySource = new LDAPEntrySource(connection,
searchRequest, true);
try {
while (true) {
try {
Entry entry = entrySource.nextEntry();
if (entry == null) {
// There are no more entries to be read.
} else {
Collection<Attribute> attributes = entry.getAttributes();
for (Attribute attr : attributes)
System.out.println (attr.getName() + " " + attr.getValue());
} catch (SearchResultReferenceEntrySourceException e) {
// The directory server returned a search result reference.
SearchResultReference searchReference = e
} catch (EntrySourceException e) {
// Some kind of problem was encountered (e.g., the
// connection is no
// longer valid). See if we can continue reading entries.
if (!e.mayContinueReading()) {
} finally {
System.out.println("Finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis));
Non-unique LDAP attributes are considered multivalued and are reperesented as String array.
Use Attribute.getValues() instead of attribute.getValue.
