ui:repeat with a list sending right object to a p:dialog - jsf

I currently have a giant ui:repeat. Within this ui:repeat, some of the repeated objects have a url to a popup image associated with them. When someone clicks display under that particular object, I need the url to popup in a p:dialog.
<ui:repeat var="thing" value="#{bean.thingList}">
<p:commandLink value="details" onclick="miniImage.show();"
and at the bottom of the page:
<p:dialog id="chart" widgetVar="miniImage" >
<h:graphicImage value="#{bean.currentImg}"/>
And in the backing bean I tried using a simple setter and getter for currentImg.
I am a bit confused on this now and would like to accomplish this without having to submit the entire form as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.

If you're using PrimeFaces 3.3 or newer, you could just add partialSubmit="true" to the command component. You can then control the to-be-processed components in process attribute. In this particular case, just the current component (the command component itself) is sufficient, thus so process="#this":
<p:commandLink ... process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />
This way only the request parameters which are really necessary for the process will be sent.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I suggest to use oncomplete instead of onclick to open the dialog. Otherwise the dialog is opened before update takes place and may cause poor user experience as the enduser would see the image instantly changing.


Primefaces : update dialog content and keep it open

I'm working with JSF and PrimeFaces, and I can't handle the following situation:
I have a dialog, and I placed a dataTable on it. In one of the cells of the table I would like to display given data in 3 different ways, and I'd like to switch between them. So far I managed to switch between these rendering types via commandLink, but my problem is that when I click on one of the 3 links, the dialog closes! Can I update the content of the dialog, and be able to keep it open the same time? (I'm updating which render type to use via myMethod)
my commandLink looks like this:
<p:commandLink id="id" update=":myForm:myDialog" ajax="false"
action="#{myBean.myMethod}" oncomplete="dialog.show()">
If i don't use the ajax=false attribute, the method is not called, and I also tried imediate=true, but that's not it either.
You need to define an p:outputPanel inside your dialog and update the outputpanel, not the dialog itself (that's why your dialog closes):
<p:dialog id="myDialog" ...>
<p:outputPanel id="myOutputPanel">
... your dialog content goes here
and change your commandlink
<p:commandLink id="id" update=":myForm:myDialog:myOutputPanel" ajax="true"
action="#{myBean.myMethod}" oncomplete="dialog.show()">
Regarding the oncomplete="dialog.show()" - I'm not entirely sure if you need that. A precise answer can be given if you provide more code regarding your table and code.
I had the same problem, and solution is to update a form instead of dialog. For example:
<p:dialog id="id_dialog" ...>
<h:form id="id_form">
... content
and commandLink:
<p:commandLink update=":id_form" process="#all" ...>
This worked for me!

onchange="submit()" reloads my PrimeFaces Mobile page

I am having a problem with my JSF project, where I am using PrimeFaces Mobile. This page has several pm:views
I have a list of radio buttons, which looks like this:
<p:selectOneRadio value="#{bean.currentElement}" converter="omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter"
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.currentItem.elements}" var="element"
itemLabel="#{element.elementName}" itemValue="#{element}" />
My valueChangeListener looks like this:
public void elementChanged(ValueChangeEvent e) {
currentElement = (Element) e.getNewValue();
The problem is, whenever I click on a radio button element, my page completely reloads to the start view, which has to do with the onchange="submit()". I have also tried f:ajax elements, but this doesn't seems to be working with my radio buttons, because I can't click them when I use this.
Is there a possiblty to just submit my current form or pm:view (without the f:ajax)?
PS: I have also tried exactly this on a single PrimeFaces Mobile page, which completely worked, since the application just consisted of one page.
When using PrimeFaces components, you should be using <p:ajax> instead of <f:ajax>. Just get rid of the onchange="submit()". This indeed invokes a synchronous (non-ajax) form submit which totally explains the page reload. You also need to replace valueChangeListener by <p:ajax listener>. The valueChangeListener is the wrong tool for the job whereby you're merely interested in invoking a JSF action method when the newly selected value is being set.
All in all, the rewrite should look like this:
<p:selectOneRadio value="#{bean.currentElement}" converter="omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.currentItem.elements}" var="element"
itemLabel="#{element.elementName}" itemValue="#{element}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.elementChanged}" />
Don't forget to remove the ValueChangeEvent argument from the elementChanged() method. In order to access the selected value, just access the currentElement property directly.
See also:
When to use valueChangeListener or f:ajax listener?

PrimeFaces autocomplete: itemSelect versus change events

I need to trigger an ajax update upon change to a text box, which is a <p:autoComplete> component. I have observed that if the user opts to type the text manually, the event is a change, whereas if the user clicks one of the suggestions for the autocomplete, the event is itemSelect. So I added two <p:ajax> children to the input, each calling the same method and having the same update list, but one having event="change" and the other event="itemSelect".
However, I now discover something odd. For example, while in normal server mode I opened my page and typed "12". The autocomplete offered "1233" and "1234" as suggestions. I clicked "1233" and seemingly nothing happened. I clicked again and everything else filled in.
Repeat this in the debugger with a breakpoint on the event handler, and I can see that after the first click, the value is "12" and on the second click, it becomes "1233".
By switching commenting out the two different <p:ajax> I can see the different consequences. Without the "change" one, the handler is never called if the user selects an autocomplete suggestion, and without the "itemSelect" one, the handler is never called if the user types manually. But with both of them, there are two calls, and I'm sure there will be complaints about the double-click.
Some pseudo-code for those that like, first the xhtml:
<p:autoComplete id="itemId" value="#{myBacker.myBean.itemNumber}"
required="true" completeMethod="#{myBacker.idAutoComplete}">
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" update="beanDetails"
listener="#{myBacker.idChangeEventListener()}" />
<p:ajax event="change" update="beanDetails"
listener="#{myBacker.idChangeEventListener()}" />
<h:panelGroup id="beanDetails">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{not empty myBacker.myBean.institutionName}">
<h:outputText value="#{myBacker.myBean.institutionName}" />
<!-- Continues with address, phone, etc.. -->
Then the Java backing bean code:
public void idChangeEventListener() {
myBean = myDAO.getDetails(myBean);
// another couple of init-type method calls
Give the parent tag a widgetVar attribute, then add this little attribute to the <p:ajax event="change" ...> child tag:
onstart="if(widgetVarName.panel.is(':visible')) return false;"
When the question was written, we were on PrimeFaces version 3.5, if I recall correctly. Since then, we need to update the solution to:
onstart="if(PF('widgetVarName').panel.is(':visible')) return false;"
with thanks to mwalter for pointing out the change.

commandButton inactive after ajax rendering

I have a problem with these two commandButton : Join and Leave.
I want to hide Join if I click on leave and vice-versa.
When I put ajax on false, there is no problem (but all the page is refresh and I don't find this optimal).
But when ajax attribut is on true with specific updating (cf comment in the code), the rendering is good but the new button whitch appear become inactive. If I click on it, nothing happens (well it's seems the actionListener trigger but the view is not refreshed, I have to manual refresh to see the difference)
Thanks for reading.
<h:form id="formWaitingList" rendered="#{connexion.connected}" >
<p:commandButton id="Join"
actionListener = "#{connexion.joinWaitingList()}"
<!-- ajax="true"
<p:commandButton id="Leave"
<!-- ajax="true"
actionListener ="#{connexion.leaveWaitingList()}" />
It seems that you're not entirely familiar with HTML/JavaScript. You know, JSF is basically a HTML/JavaScript(/CSS) code generator. Ajax updating works basically like this in JavaScript:
After sending the ajax request to JSF via XMLHttpRequest, retrieve a XML response which contains all elements which needs to be updated along with their client IDs.
For every to-be-updated element, use document.getElementById(clientId) to find it in the current HTML DOM tree.
Replace that element by new element as specified in ajax XML response.
However, if a JSF component has not generated its HTML representation because of rendered="false", then there's nothing in the HTML DOM tree which can be found and replaced. That totally explains the symptoms you're "seeing".
You basically need to wrap conditionally rendered JSF components in a component whose HTML representation is always rendered and then reference it instead in the ajax update.
For example,
<h:panelGroup id="buttons">
<p:commandButton ... update="buttons" rendered="#{condition}" />
<p:commandButton ... update="buttons" rendered="#{not condition}" />
See also:
Why do I need to nest a component with rendered="#{some}" in another component when I want to ajax-update it?

Setting bean property before opening Primefaces dialog

I would like to achieve this functionality.
<p:commandLink value="prihlasit" oncomplete="dlg.show();"
action="#{signForProjectBean.setProjectForDetail(item)}" />
I think is pretty clear what I am trying to do, I would like to display detail of the row in dataTable on which user have clicked. So my approach is to set property of current row to bean and then show the detail in dialog. But it is not working and I am feeling that I am doing something really wrong:-)
If the dialog component is supposed to display the selected item, then you need to ajax-udpate the dialog's content before opening it. Otherwise it will still display the old content as it was when the page is rendered for the first time.
<p:commandLink value="prihlasit" update=":dlg" oncomplete="dlg.show();"
action="#{signForProjectBean.setProjectForDetail(item)}" />
<p:dialog id="dlg" ...>
