Google Sites Gadget with Javascript - google-sites

I created a simple slideshow script to include on a Google Site for Google+ albums (it uses a library found at: The test version worked except for the fact that if publish for anonymous access, it displays that aweful "This application was not created by Google" nonsense at the top. As this is a slideshow, I tried finding a way to avoid this. Thus I decided to try my hand at a Gadget. I opted to use Google Gadget Editor and combed through the internet to see how to do this (I am a complete noob with regards to gadgets, so excuse my ignorance...)
In the end I came up with this:
Once I insert the gadget, I do not get any error messages and the frame does display on my google site (without the warning message, as far as I can tell), but nothing else happens. And I have no idea why.
Some notes:
the javascript works when it is a google apps script, published and then inserted in my site (but the warning message is ugly)
I have no idea whether it is even possible to call typical GAS calls such as Ui.App in XML gadget - if not, then I will have to learn, but don't know where.
Obviously the library that I am using needs to be loaded - I researched as much as I could but cannot find any way to load the library. The only option I could find was to include specific predefined libraries with the Required tag.
I hope you have all the info and that someone can help! Thanks in advance.

Do you get any Cross-Domain warnings in your console?
I would try and include the external library in your gadget-name.xml file. You're free to include (mostly) whatever JS you like under
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Content type="html">
<script type="text/javascript">
function my-slide-show(){
//Dump your lib JS here
<div class="slideshowHtml"></div>
This will at least avoid any scoping / Cross origin worries you might be having


Javascript fast load does not work in Liferay on WebLogic

I have deployed Liferay 6.2 GA4 portal on WebLogic server If the property is enabled, the packed javascript version is not got (downloaded) from /combo url. In web browser console the following errors are displayed:
GET 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined
Due to this for example dockbar doesn't work. From source code it looks like ComboServlet can't get servlet resources found in /combo url parameters. If is disabled, portal seems to work.
Does anybody know what could be the problem? Some WebLogic or Liferay settings? Thanks for any idea or help.
I've had a comparable problem long ago on tomcat when there were problems with the temporary file path - e.g. it growing too long. This might happen in a deeply nested filesystem, or when the total path length is limited.
One of the path-length-limiting factors that I'm aware of is an encrypted home folder on Linux. Also, if the temporary filesystem runs full, the compressed file won't be written and consequently can't be served to the browser.
Check something along those lines, and please report back.
After several days of solving the problem I found the main cause of this problem was this:
Because the customer didn't want to have portal dependencies (portal-service.jar, portlet-api.jar, ...) as domain libraries, I deployed it as Java EE Shared Libraries. Obviously it works differently than I expected. So after persuasion of customer, I put liferay dependencies to domain lib folder and suddenly everything started to work.

How to run content script code on an HTML file locally hosted by Google Chrome Extension? [duplicate]

I want to run a content script on an iframe with a chrome-extension:// URL. I added a line to my manifest.json that I copied out of the documentation
But when I reload my extension I get an alert:
Could not load extension from '/work/sirius/extension'.
Invalid value for 'content_scripts[2].matches[0]': Invalid scheme.
Any idea how to get this to worK?
No. Only ftp:, file:, http: and https: can be matched by a content script declaration.
Invalid URL patterns at any of the matches and exclude_matches fields are rejected (generating an error when trying to load the extension).
Invalid patterns at the permissions option in the manifest file are ignored.
If you want to run a script on a tab from your extension, use chrome.extension.getViews in your background script.
Even better, design your extension's pages such that they effectively communicate with each other (example).
I'm having the exact same problem, look at the API it says clearly that they accept chrome-extension://*/* yet they don't.
They need to update the API so as not to confuse people.
It seems that Chrome authors have silently removed the ability for content scripts to be injected into chrome-extension: pages. Documentation still says that it works and even contains examples with chrome-extension: scheme but actually it doesn't work. So now only http:, https: and ftp: work "from the box" and file: can work if user of your extension has enabled this on Extensions (chrome://extensions/) page.
Update: now documentation referred above is updated and says nothing about ability to inject content scripts to chrome-extension: pages.
You can inject js to your iframe html(chrome-extension: pages) without declaring it in manifast.json. The injected js can visit Chrome APIs directly.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="iframe.js"></script>
console.log(chrome); // {loadTimes: ƒ, csi: ƒ, …}

"" tracking downloads ""

I had this Google floodlight code on a secure page in one of the websites I maintain. This content is inside and iframe which in turn is inside :
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write ('<IFRAME src=";src=XXXXX;type=12312;cat=084;qty=1;cost=$iTotal;?" width="1" height="1" frameborder="1" style="display:none"
recently IE issued a message stating the page has insecure content. Inspecting the page with fiddler I can see that now the Google server that receives the floodlights also sends back a javascript library:
which is causing the insecure content message.
Has this happened to you too? Any idea how to fix it?
I found a tag I didn't knew on doubleclick:
<img src="" width=1 height=1>
but It's not very clear if it does the same thing.
In the corrosponding Google Floodlight activity, you'll want to check the box that says "Secure Servers Only (https)".

How to use Google Apps Script to serve a Google Calendar/Email gadget?

I would like to develop a calendar/gmail gadget for our Google Apps for Business domain using Apps Script to leverage all of the benefits it affords.
When replicating the Hello World gadget example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ModulePrefs title="hello world example" />
<Content type="html">
Hello, world!
Using a template XML doGet():
function doGet(e) {
var output = ContentService.createTextOutput();
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n<Module>\n<ModulePrefs title="Calendar Gadget" />\n<Content type="html"><![CDATA[\nHello, world!\n]]></Content>\n</Module>';
return output;
The resultant served content is identical to the example Gadget which installs fine, but served from GAS it isn't recognised as valid. Calendar ignores it and GMail declares it invalid.
Invalid gadget specification. Ensure that URL is correct and the gadget does not contain errors.
Is part of the requirement for a Google Apps Gadget that it be served using an *.xml filename?
doGet() does not return the XML (or HTML) verbatim. There is a difference in the exact content provided to the browser and the content returned by doGet().
So, the answer to your question is - yes, you need to have an XML file for a Google Gadget and cannot use Apps Script. What you can perhaps do is use Apps Script to write out the XML file.
The content served using the ContentService should be identical to the input provided. Please ensure that the web app is configured to allow anonymous access.

Does content_scripts matches "chrome-extension://*/*" work?

I want to run a content script on an iframe with a chrome-extension:// URL. I added a line to my manifest.json that I copied out of the documentation
But when I reload my extension I get an alert:
Could not load extension from '/work/sirius/extension'.
Invalid value for 'content_scripts[2].matches[0]': Invalid scheme.
Any idea how to get this to worK?
No. Only ftp:, file:, http: and https: can be matched by a content script declaration.
Invalid URL patterns at any of the matches and exclude_matches fields are rejected (generating an error when trying to load the extension).
Invalid patterns at the permissions option in the manifest file are ignored.
If you want to run a script on a tab from your extension, use chrome.extension.getViews in your background script.
Even better, design your extension's pages such that they effectively communicate with each other (example).
I'm having the exact same problem, look at the API it says clearly that they accept chrome-extension://*/* yet they don't.
They need to update the API so as not to confuse people.
It seems that Chrome authors have silently removed the ability for content scripts to be injected into chrome-extension: pages. Documentation still says that it works and even contains examples with chrome-extension: scheme but actually it doesn't work. So now only http:, https: and ftp: work "from the box" and file: can work if user of your extension has enabled this on Extensions (chrome://extensions/) page.
Update: now documentation referred above is updated and says nothing about ability to inject content scripts to chrome-extension: pages.
You can inject js to your iframe html(chrome-extension: pages) without declaring it in manifast.json. The injected js can visit Chrome APIs directly.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="iframe.js"></script>
console.log(chrome); // {loadTimes: ƒ, csi: ƒ, …}
