perl not executing in cron - linux

Ok I'm about to pull my hair out. I have a perl script that just will not run in the crontab however I have a previously written perl script that runs just fine every day on the same box. I have checked all of the given solutions on this site and others around the web and nothing seems to make a difference. Here is my cron and the first part of my script
55 13 * * * su oracle; cd /u02/oraclebackup;./ >> /u02/oraclebackup/move_em_backup.log > move_em_bkup.dbg 2>$1
It touches the .dbg file but does not put anything in there. There are no errors or anything that I can use to go by.
use Strict;
use Archive::Tar;
use Net::SCP qw/ scp /;
use Net::SCP::Expect;
use DateTime;
Can anybody help?

The command you're running is:
su oracle; cd /u02/oraclebackup; ...
su oracle normally launches an interactive shell under the oracle account (assuming you have permission to do so). I'm not sure what that would do in a non-interactive cron environment, but even assuming it works, the cd /u02/oraclebackup and following sub-commands will be executed after that shell terminates, i.e., under the account that owns the crontab. The su oracle will either block the rest of the command or do nothing.
You can use su -c command to run a command as a specified user. In you case, you'd want something like:
su -c oracle sh -c 'cd /u02/oraclebackup; ...'
Or change su to su - if you need the oracle account's login environment.
Better yet, drop the su and put the whole thing in the oracle account's crontab. You might still need to play some more tricks to get the environment right; cron jobs run with a limited set of environment variables by default.


How do I run 1 instance of rsync / rclone script using flock as a cron job?

I'm trying to run only one instance of my back up script as a cron job.
I know I can do it with a function that checks if the process is running:
if pgrep -x rclone >/dev/null
# rclone is still running, backup is not done yet, exit.
# rclone is not running.
# start backup.
But after some research, I found out flock should be used instead of looking for process ID, in crontab -e, in this case, run the script every 30 minutes:
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /var/lock/myjob.lock /path/to/rclone/
Running the command above requires sudo. Therefore, the script asks for sudo password, and never runs. (I ran the command above manually, that's how I found out).
How exactly do I use flock? Do I type a variable in my script that injects the sudo password when flock asks for it? (I know it's not secure, so there must be a different way to do this).
I tried to research this subject but couldn't find any good answers that explain how to use it properly.
Thank you.

linux difference between "sudo crontab -e" and just "crontab -e"

I noticed that when I typed sudo crontab -e I dont see my cron command, but when I do only crontab -e there is my command.
Is there a difference between the 2? If there is, where should I put my cron command, should it be in sudo or without the sudo?
Is there a difference between the 2?
Yes, indeed they are different.
The difference is that with sudo crontab -e the commands are schedule with root user's credentials. So that the commands in the sudo's cron table are executed as root user.
But with crontab -e, the commands are scheduled with the regular user who is logged in.
Where should I put my cron command, should it be in sudo or without the sudo?
Well, the answer to this depends on the type of command you want to run.
If the command required sudo access then sudo crontab -e should be used.
Else if the cron command doesn't require any special permission then use crontab -e.
If the ethernet network interface eth0 should be disabled or enabled at specific time then you would use the command
ifconfig eth0 up or ifconfig eth0 down
As the above commands require special permission (sudo), these commands are supposed to added to sudo's cron tab
Any other command which require minimal permission or no permission like removing a file from tmp directory like $ rm /tmp/somefile use the regular user's crontab.
Main part of the problem is to take care of the user with whom you wanna make your things done. Otherwise it will not trigger your cron job. And do make sure that you write output of your command in any file. It will help you to debug the problem which most probably might relate to your relative paths.
That's what I faced difficulties in. You can move forward following the below step:
identify your username with which you wanna go. Use whoami command.
Turn to your selected user mode and type crontab -e.
And append line < cron-schedule your-command >> output_filename.cron 2>&1 >
That's it.

How do I run a bash script (that resides on a remote server) in windows task scheduler?

Scenario: I am a beginner in bash script, windows task scheduler and such. I am able to run a local bash script in my Windows Task Scheduler successfully.
Problem: I need to do this on many computers, thus I think storing just 1 copy of the bash script on a remote server may be of help. What my Task Scheduler needs to do is just to run the script and output a log. However, I can't get the correct syntax for the argument.
The below is what I have currently:
Program/Script: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe
Argument (works successfully):
-l -c "ssh -p 222 "httpdocs/" >> /cygdrive/c/Users/ME/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d`.log 2>&1"
Start in: C:\cygwin64\bin
Also had to make sure that the user account under Properties in Task Scheduler is correct, as mine was incorrect before. And need key authentication for too.
For the password issue, you really should use ssh keys. I think your command would simply be ssh -p 222 I.e., just get rid of the --rsh stuff. – chrisaycock

cron job fails to restart services

I have a simple script that stops and starts the services (of Oracle Hyperion)
sleep 1200
I have scheduled it for every night and it does run, however there is an issue with database connectivity afterwards. But when i run and manually, there is no such issue. Obviously the job had not run completely.
Here's the output from crontab -l
00 02 * * * /export/home/oracle/
Could someone please advise on the problem? Thanks.
The usual cause for cron jobs to differ from command line during execution of the exact same code is environment, specifically the variables like ORACLE_SID, TWO_TASK, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and so on.
Assuming the oracle user own the crontab:
When a job is run by crond it does the equivalent of su oracle, not su - oracle. Try doing something to ensure that the command sources everything the oracle user would normally source during login.
To see what is going on:
/export/home/oracle/ && set > /tmp/my_variables.txt
You do not need the /bin/sh if the /export/home/oracle/ file is executable.
It should have a shebang on line 1. ex: #!/bin/ksh for korn shell or whatever shell you use.

Shell script to log server checks runs manually, but not from cron

I'm using a basic shell script to log the results of top, netstat, ps and free every minute.
This is the script:
export TERM
top -b -n 1 > /var/log/systemCheckLogs/$min
netstat -an >> /var/log/systemCheckLogs/$min
ps aux >> /var/log/systemCheckLogs/$min
free >> /var/log/systemCheckLogs/$min
echo "Message Content: $min" | mail -s "Ran System Check script"
exit 0
When I run this script directly it works fine. It creates the files and puts them in /var/log/systemCheckLogs/ and then sends me an email.
I can't, however, get it to work when trying to get cron to do it every minute.
I tried putting it in /var/spool/cron/root like so:
* * * * * /scripts/logtop > /dev/null 2>&1
and it never executes
I also tried putting it in /var/spool/cron/myservername and also like so:
* * * * * /scripts/logtop > /dev/null 2>&1
it'll run every minute, but nothing gets created in systemCheckLogs.
Is there a reason it works when I run it but not when cron runs it?
Also, here's what the permissions look like:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 326 Jul 21 01:53 logtop
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 21 01:51 systemCheckLogs
Normally crontabs are kept in "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/". Also, normally, you update it with the crontab command as this HUPs crond after you're done and it'll make sure the file gets in the correct place.
Are you using the crontab command to create the cron entry? crontab to import a file directly. crontab -e to edit the current crontab with $EDITOR.
All jobs run by cron need the interpreter listed at the top, so cron knows how to run them.
I can't tell if you just omitted that line or if it is not in your script.
For example,
echo "Test cron jon"
When running from /var/spool/cron/root, it may be failing because cron is not configured to run for root. On linux, root cron jobs are typically run from /etc/crontab rather than from /var/spool/cron.
When running from /var/spool/cron/myservername, you probably have a permissions problem. Don't redirect the error to /dev/null -- capture them and examine.
Something else to be aware of, cron doesn't initialize the full run environment, which can sometimes mean you can run it just fine from a fully logged-in shell, but it doesn't behave the same from cron.
In the case of above, you don't have a "#!/bin/shell" up top in your script. If root is configured to use something like a regular bourne shell or cshell, the syntax you use to populate your variables will not work. This would explain why it would run, but not populate your files. So if you need it to be ksh, "#!/bin/ksh". It's generally best not to trust the environment to keep these things sane. If you need your profile run the do a ". ~/.profile" up front as well. Or a quick and dirty way to get your relatively full env is to do it from su as such "* * * * * su - root -c "/path/to/script" > /dev/null 2>&1
Just some things I've picked up over the years. You're definitely expecting a ksh based on your syntax, so you might want to be sure it's using it.
Thanks for the tips... used a little bit of each answer to get to the bottom of this.
I did have the interpreter at the top (wasn't shown here), but may have been wrong.
Am using #!/bin/bash now and that works.
Also had to tinker with the permissions of the directory the log files are being dumped in to get things working.
