ServiceStack.OrmLite CreateTable method ignores StringLength and DecimalLength attributes - attributes

I tried it with PostgreSql provider. Digging into code I see that:
OrmLiteDialectProviderBase.ToCreateTableStatement() method strangely always passes null as scale parameter to GetColumnDefinition().
PostgreSQLDialectProvider.GetColumnDefinition() ignores all parameters except fieldType
Is this intended to be so? Is there a workaround to make CreateTable consider fields length?
P.S. Is there an active issue tracker for ServiceStack? Link at is broken.


IBM ODM cannot generate a valid WADL

I've been plagued for months with an error in ODM.
It doesn't prevent my services from working, it only prevents ODM from automatically generating the JSON input payload when I test a service through the Rule Execution Server (the Retrieve HTDS Description File).
I attached a screenshot of the error.
What is puzzling is that:
if I move my variable from Input to Output, then the JSON gets generated in the Server Response section
if I manually enter my own JSON, the service executes correctly and I get back a decision
Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be wrong here?
Very likely your variable is not being deserialized properly. This would explain both the error you are getting and why you get it only as an input variable.
We get a similar error using a java.tim.ZonedDateTime with ODM 8.9.1, which does not support the java.time package. We just ignore the error -- and are hoping we can avoid it when we move to ODM 8.10.2.
hard to help as some of the context is missing. However the symptoms you describe tells there is a serialization issue one of the class of the HTDS interface.
It could be :
a getter/setter missing
a dependency missing in the XOM (classloader)
or a #jsonIgnore missing on a non getter/setter method whose name starts by get or set.

Binding Exception with Ninject

We have a central logging component which I am now trying to use in a WebJob that I am developing. I am basically following this example. My Activator is identical, I have the bindingModule that has my Bind statements in it. One thing I have done differently here is to use the method versions:
instead of the generic versions in the example. I currently have constructor injection implemented but I have also set up the parameter injection as per the example. Which ever way I try to do this I end up with the error:
Error indexing method 'Functions.ProcessQueueMessage' ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot bind parameter
a null reference exception (with parameter injection). Further into the error I am told that
Make sure the parameter Type is supported by the binding
which is the part that I am finding it difficult to resolve. I have looked at the available method calls on the config object available in WebJob.program but none seems to work. What is it I need to call so that I am correctly resolving my type when I am using a QueueTrigger or BlobTrigger?

ServiceStack ORMLite encoding issue after upgrade

We have just upgraded some software we have from ServiceStack 4.0.62 to ServiceStack
For some reason ormlite's encoding management seem to have changed.
Code that simply saves a DTO with a string field containing special characters (e.g Ø ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕~ Σ ∂ φ) that used to work in 4.0.62 now saves ? in the DB.
Has anything changed that could cause that breaking change. We did not change the save code, and breakpoint just before save clearly shows the correct characters.
This is basicaly the code we are executing:
I was going through ServiceStack ORMlite code and found out about this:
So I trying that calling
just before the DB.Save call returned false, which would explain the issue, as this would set the dbCmd to use VARCHAR instead of NVARCHAR
I set
var stringConverter = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetStringConverter();
stringConverter.UseUnicode = true;
at AppHost initial configuration and that fixed the issue.
Apparently I cannot read documentation properly as it was described here
The major change that may have affected this is switching to paramaterized queries in v4.0.60. OrmLite typically itself doesn't do any encoding for normal string properties, i.e. it just passes the string value into the ADO.NET DB parameter.
The main time it transforms strings values is when it serializes complex types into blobs.
The issue may be end up being in using an upgraded version of the ADO .NET provider.

How to get query string in case CQLStatement,QueryState and QueryOptions is given

Cassandra has org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryHandler interface which provide apis to handle external queries from client.
Below api which handles prepared statment:
public ResultMessage processPrepared(CQLStatement statement, QueryState state, QueryOptions options) throws RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException;
I want to log queryString and value passed to it, in case CQLStatement,QueryState and QueryOptions is given . How can i get it?
I Believe a person who has worked on cassandra code can help me out in this.
This would be very difficult in 2.1. With newer versions where for logging they needed this they just recreate it as well as possible. You can see how in the ReadCommand implementations, theres a name() or toCQLString() used in things like slow query logging. You could backport this and the 2 implementations of appendCQLWhereClause for ability to do similar and then build one for modification statement.
in getPrepared() you can get the rawCQLStatement from the ParsedStatement.Prepared and stash it in the thread local.
You may want to alternatively consider using a custom implementation of tracing (example) or using triggers and building a mutation logger.
Do the following:
create a class that would implement the QueryHandler interface and make Cassandra aware of it
in that class you can maintain a list of the queries (add to this list when prepare method is being called) and the current query that you will get from the list when getPrepared it's called; you can get it from the list using the MD5Digest id
when processPrepared is called you can replace the ? in the query string with the values in the QueryOptions options.getValues().

NonProxyHosts usage with Groovy HttpBuilder

If I create my httpBuilder as shown below (assume that a proxyUsername IS set, so setCredentials is called), then calls to httpAddress-es that are passed in properly are routed through the proxy. However, the Application has some http calls that are within the local network. Can http.nonProxyHosts be used to work around this and bypass the Proxy? If so, how? Use System.setProperty? Or something on HttpBuilder?
HTTPBuilder httpBuilder = new HTTPBuilder(httpAddress)
httpBuilder.setProxy(webProxyHost, webProxyPort, webProxyProtocol)
if (proxyUsername) {
new AuthScope(webProxyHost, webProxyPort),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUsername, proxyPassword))
In the code above, all of the various named elements (webProxyHost, etc) are declared as String and set accordingly.
In answer to the question in the above comment, our primary 'nonProxyHost' need was for 'localhost' which is there by default. Thus this ceased to be an issue. Did not ever really find out how to accomplish this as it is somewhat version-specific on HttpClient.
You can set the System property:
System.setProperty('http.nonProxyHosts', myNonProxyHosts)
However, if you call 'setProxy' on HttpBuilder, even if you call 'useSystemProperties' it will not. This is in their documentation, just not obvious!
Finally, you might be able to call:
httpBuilder.client.params.setParameter('http.nonProxyHosts', myNonProxyHosts)
But I do not know for sure if that is the property name and documentation of those properties is hard to find. Worse - those 'params' are deprecated - you are supposed to use the better 'config' classes, though once again finding comprehensive documentation on all the parameters for that is not the easiest! Wish I could have been of more help!
