How the setup the environment of MIT-Scheme with slimv in windows 7? - slimv

I read the source code of slimv\ftplugin\scheme\slimv-scheme.vim
if exists( 'g:scheme_builtin_swank' ) && g:scheme_builtin_swank
" MIT Scheme contains a built-in swank server since version 9.1.1
return 'scheme --eval "(let loop () (start-swank) (loop))"'
There's no scheme.exe in my system, only find one c:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\bin\mit-scheme.exe
When I tried to run C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\bin>mit-scheme.exe --eval "(let loop () (start-
swank) (loop))", there's an error
MIT/GNU Scheme terminating
scheme: can't find a readable default for option --band.
searched for file in these directories:
Reason for termination:
Inconsistency detected.
I have tried to load one .scm in Vim and type this command:
:echo SlimvSwankCommand()
And the autodetection was unsuccessful:(

You need to build a command that runs a swank server inside MIT Scheme.
Let's suppose that Scheme is installed in the MIT-GNU Scheme directory on Windows.
You also need a swank server for MIT Scheme, e.g. swank-mit-scheme.scm in slimv (taken from SLIME).
Then you start MIT Scheme from the command prompt and load the swank server this way:
"C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\mit-scheme" --band "C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\lib\" --library "C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\lib" --load "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\slime\contrib\swank-mit-scheme.scm"
If you want slimv to run it for you upon pressing ,c then you need to embed the above command in '!start /MIN ...' and pass it to g:slimv_swank_scheme in your _vimrc (remember to enclose each path that contains space in double quotes):
let g:slimv_swank_scheme='!start /MIN "C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\mit-scheme" --band "C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\lib\" --library "C:\Program Files\MIT-GNU Scheme\lib" --load "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\slime\contrib\swank-mit-scheme.scm"'
Of course you can use another swank server as well. The main point is to pass the full path to each component in the above command. I suggest that first you try to run the swank server manually from the command prompt. When it's okay you can put it into '!start /MIN ...'.


npm is not recognized as an internal or external command in windows

When I try to run npm install on windows, I get the following error. How can get rid of it?
D:\Xampp\htdocs\laravelchat>npm install
'CALL "C:\Program Files\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" prefix -g' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
As you can see C:\Program Files\nodejs\\node.exe has two slashes \. You need to remove \ from the end of C:\Program Files\nodejs\ which is defined in environment variable. Follow following steps to set up path for nodejs and npm
Open the system properties (enter sysdm.cpl in command prompt), and click Advanced tab.
Click Environmental Variables. A pop-up window will open displaying Path under System Variables. Check whether the Path is determined as C:\Program Files\nodejs or C:\Program Files (*86)\nodejs. Remember not to include \ at the end. If Path is not determined, append the path manually by clicking Edit.
You must install NodeJs if you didn't install it yet.

Running npm in cmd giving me errors, I just installed nodejs msi on windows

I installed nodejs in Windows system from official website and npm giving errors:
CALL "C:\Program Files\node js\\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" prefix -g' is not
recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have given all sorts of paths. Please help me.
Add the following paths to your PATH environment variable
C:\Program Files\nodejs\
(note that i have windows 10, where your programs are installed can differ as per your windows version)
To permanently set PATH environment variable, follow these steps:
This PC/ My Computer Properties
Advanced System Settings, (right side)
from popup, click environment variable
select PATH environment variable under system variable, (not user variable) then click edit
Click new, and copy and paste one of the path (given) there.
new again and paste second path
to check if its set or not, goto terminal, and type PATH
note: if you type PATH, its value will be displayed, but if you type %PATH% , each of its value will act as a command input to terminal (windows terminal -_-).
Start the process by being an administrator.
Open up your command prompt as an administrator.
And if you are using older version of node say 6.9, please upgrade to 6.10, it may solve your problem.

Is it possible to change default path of node.js command prompt?

Just the same as title, I want to change the default path of node.js command prompt from c:\user\"my username" to C:\nodejs, but not to affect that one(I mean default path) of windows command prompt.
Does anyone know if it is possible?
Node.js command prompt default path pic
Yes, it is possible to change default path of node.js command prompt, when you launch it, then (Windows case)
go the directory where NodeJS was installed
find file nodevars.bat
open it with editor as administrator
change the default path in the row which looks like
if "%CD%\"=="%~dp0" cd /d "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
with your path. It could be for example
if "%CD%\"=="%~dp0" cd /d "c://MyDirectory/"
if you mean to change directory once when you launched "Node.js command prompt", then execute the following command in the Node.js command prompt:
cd c:/MyDirectory/
If you mean changing the current directory once you start node on the command line, you can use:
Alternatively, you can cd to the target directory first, then launch node.
If that's not what you mean, please be more specific.

What's the difference between the "Node.js command prompt" and the Windows command prompt?

What's the difference between the "Node.js command prompt" and the Windows command prompt?
Or, more to the point, why does it even exist when you can run node programs from the Windows command prompt?
Note: I'm asking about this guy, not the REPL:
Read the property of the shortcut. It simply executes cmd.exe with an argument that executes a .bat file and then returns to the prompt.
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files\nodejs\nodevars.bat"
All it really does is ensure that the path is setup properly for using node and npm. I've never needed to use this because my path is setup to include these paths already (yours likely is too.)

How to disable an extra window to restart system even after selecting not to do so in files in use dialog in installshield

I am doing an upgrade for the existing exe file using installshield. when installing the update , in files in use dialog I select the option to automatically close and restart the application instead of the other option to reboot the system.
But I get an extra window which tells me to restart the system again after installation is complete. How to disable this window? Please help :)
You can try to run the installation silently with REBOOT=ReallySuppress (update the paths). Please note that I haven't had the chance to test all these command lines:
msiexec.exe /I "C:\IsWiX.msi" /QN /L*V "C:\msilog.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppress
/I is for install
/QN is silent mode
/L* is verbose logging
If you have an EXE file instead of an MSI file I would extract the MSI to an administrative image (file extract from setup.exe basically) using the following command:
setup.exe /a
Then specify an extract location for the files in the EXE file. You can also run it directly with the Installshield command lines for EXE files. Something like:
Setup.exe /v"REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
Or silently with logging:
Setup.exe /v"/l*v c:\test.log REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
There are also some simplified command line macros from Microsoft. Most of the time these can be used. Other times you need the full command line interface.
