Collapse all xml comments in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I have recently been given an existing project to work with that is very comment heavy, especially in terms of XML comments. In many cases the methods are short and simple and the XML comments take up more than half of the lines in the file. As much as I'd like to blow them all away with a quick find/replace, I'm not in a position to do so.
Is there a command, extension, macro, anything that will collapse all XML comment blocks in a couple of clicks/keystrokes? My Googling has only yielded solutions for older versions of VS.

Check out this blog post, the macro provides two functionalities - one is collapse all XML comments, the other one is toggle all XML comments.
The blog post mentioned that the macro should work for Visual Studio 2005 and above so I suppose it will work in VS 2012 too. I am using VS 2010 and it is working great for me even after I hook the macro up with keyboard shortcuts. I am glad that I found the blog post link in one of the answer in another stack overflow question =)


Android Studio using Kotlin - is there a way to automatically fold multiline comments?

Been getting into Android Studio (and Android development in general) lately, mostly a personal challenge to make a modern version of an app my mum loves but hasn't been updated in ages. But my life story isn't the point, and that's not just because it's not that interesting.
The actual question:
Is there a way to make Android Studio do automatic folding for block comments (i.e. /* to */) in Kotlin files? In Settings > Editor > Code Folding there's options for documentation (in general) and multiline comments for C or Java, but no settings specific to Kotlin, and just one for Android in general (which has nothing to do with comments).
The reasoning: Because I'm still pretty new at this, there's a lot of things I've tried but haven't worked, and comment out instead of deleting because I still might be able to learn something from them later. There's also some big blocks of logging code for debugging that are great when I'm trying to debug but in the way (given I usually write them in the middle of classes or methods) when I'm not, so I comment them out. It's just annoying having to fold several sections of comments whenever I open a file.
The "well duh" solution?: I could set them as documentation comments, which would hopefully get automatically folded, but if I start writing documentation (like I really should get around to) they'll get mixed in and that would be annoying.
What I've tried so far: Going through all the settings with a fine tooth comb (and I'll freely admit I could have gone over something obvious) and searched for plugins for code folding, about the only one I could find is which doesn't seem to do anything about this particular problem.
Can anyone help me out here, other than maybe "be less of a newbie in general"?
With Android Studio Arctic Fox I found that if you highlight a region that has the comments in question, you can right-click on it and one of the options will be Folding. From the expanded options select Fold Selection / Remove Region and the selected comments will fold.

Any way to apply an exclude list to the Visual Studio "Navigate To"-list?

I'd like to exclude code-generated files from the Edit > Navigate To-list which appears when hitting Ctrl+, in Visual Studio 2013, as these files are never to be modified by me manually and in those rare cases where I want to see the contents of them, I'll use the solution browser. Is there any way to do this? They produce a lot of noise in my search and greatly reduces the value of the Navigate to-function.
Edit Nov 2016: added an image for illustration in VS 2015. Very much an issue still. The first search hit is a .g.cs file in the obj-folder:
I assume that by "code-generated files" you are referring to files such as .designer that are also part of the solution (and found in solution explorer). After quite a bit of research into Navigate To I was unable to find any reference to such a configuration option. Currently there appears to be only 3 options for configuration (discussed in the MSDN blog below). A possible work around would be to leverage the built in filtering features of Navigate To (#, Capitalization and Whitespace) that are new to VS2013 as outlined in this MSDN blog:
Another article I found in my research:
UPDATE: I use the ReSharper plugin and only after posting this answer realized there is a Filter results from generated files feature to exclude generated files and is discussed at the link below. Though it does not pertain to Navigate To, it may provide a satisfactory alternative:
UPDATE (12/1/2015): Now that some time has passed I decided to do a little more research and found a similar request posted on SO here. I found this to work pretty well, and VS will even save the list for you.

How to get XML comments to appear in Visual Studio Class Wizard decriptions

I have put XML comments in a C++ source file that IntelliSense appears to pick up and use. It creates a project xml file, and IntelliSense works when I edit the original source file (showing me comments when I'm selecting a member function or entering parameters).
But, when I go to the Class Wizard in Visual Studio 2012 Express, the entered descriptions don't appear anywhere (on the methods, for example, down at the bottom of the dialog, where description remains sadly empty). For that matter, IntelliSense only works in the original file(s), so when using a call in a separate file, none of my XML comments get picked up. Why does it only work in the original source file? What have I neglected to do?
I don't think you've neglected to do anything, unfortunately.
The Class Wizard was built long before Visual Studio supported XML doc comments, so it's more likely that no one remembered/cared to go back add support for them to the Class Wizard dialog.
In my experience, although it sounds like you've had slightly better luck, XML doc comments are not particularly well supported when using C++. For example, VS 2012 was the first version to support them in IntelliSense (and even that is incomplete). You get nothing in VS 2010 and earlier versions, despite the fact that they'll happily output a project XML file. That pathetic lack of support, combined with the angle bracket tax, drove me to switch to Doxygen when writing C++ code.

wysiwyg editor for aptana studio beginners

I am a new web designer. I have learned HTML5 and CSS3. However, I find it difficult to burst forward without a WYSIWYG editor.
I want to be able to type in the code I have learned, or carefully gathered, but I also want to be able to see it working, immediately, so that I can be assured that I am on the right track.
QUESTION: Is there a way for me to combine Aptana Studio (or Notepad++) with a WYSIWYG view, as I type in the code and build the new website?
Please help me. Thank you for your time.
Currently, no way to combine Aptana Studio(or Notepad++) has get WYSIWYG editor. But you can try the others free WYSIWYG editors to fulfill your desire. Below software may be very useful for you.
Since this is a popular post:
As of Dec 2016, the most popular and useful solution seems to be Adobe Brackets.
It has the Live Preview feature, where you can see changes in browser immediately as you type.

Dreamweaver vs aptana studio (for those who don't know coding)?

I am a web designer and developer but I don't know any scripting language. And I am looking for a robust web development WYSIWYG like software that can write code for me automatically in javascript and php.
Id go with dreamweaver because is has the design view as well as the code view. Aptana is more for developers rather than designers and developers. Dreamweaver will write some code for you (and you'll find out later that its crap!) so it'll get you used to the languages.
I used to work in Dreamweaver when I first started but now I can't get enough of Aptana.
WYSIWYG will only generate HTML page and a little JS at best. You need to know coding to offer interactive functionality.
You'll hate this answer but take some time to learn PHP and JavaScript - I stated off as a designer and tried to avoid code. Then instead of copying and pasting code hoping that it works I got to grips with the fundamentals of both languages and realised how easy it is and how there was nothing to fear.
Good resources are, stackoverflow (obviously) and my fav JavaScript books are DOM scripting by Jeremy Keith and Jeffrey Sambells and once you feel confident to learn some of the more advanced features of JavaScript, JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov was helpful to me.
Like I say this doesn't actually answer your question. However Dreamweaver automatically produced a 700 line JS file for an interface action I wanted, using the resources above I did the same in an unobtrusive manner with 16 lines of code!
I realize this is an old thread but im sure the debate still rages on LOL... i've been a devote DW user for many many many years (Like since 2000 or so). I am a coder/developer... I never use DW auto complete or anything like that. Primarily the reason i've stuck with it is because my FTP is RIGHT THERE!... HOWEVER, LOL, I just ran into a problem where I needed to recover a file (all these years and i've never needed this feature). Anyway I just ran across this thread Recover Deleted Files in Aptana Studio 3? "By default Aptana Studio stores a history of up to 7 days if the file was within a project."... I guess i can live without having my ftp right there in the same program and just use filezilla. sigh lol. Also DW doesnt recognize keys which is a big let down but yea... anyway... I just started using Aptana Studio 3 so I hope I fall in love with it quickly lol I'm building my projects now :P
Well, just to clarify some stuff. Aptana does have ftp, and i even think it's easier to use than dreamweaver's ftp module...
