Performace Evaluation between Semaphore and R/W Semaphore - linux

I have been asked to write the test cases to show practically the performance of semaphore and read write semaphore in case of more readers and less writers and vice versa.
I have implemented the semaphore (in kernel space we were asked actually) but not getting how to write the use cases and do a live practical evaluation ( categorically ) of same.

Why don't you just write your two versions of the code (Semaphore / R/W Semaphore) to start. The use cases will depend on the actual feature being tested. Is it a device driver? Is it IO related at all? Is it networking related? It's hard to come up with use cases without knowing this.
Generally what I would do for something like an IO benchmark would be running multiple simulations over an increasing memory footprint for a set of runs. Another set of runs might be over an increasing process load. Another may be over different block sizes. I would compare each one of those against something like aggregate bandwidth and see how performance (aggregate bandwidth in this case) changed over those tests.
Again, your use cases might be completely different if you are testing something like a USB driver.

Using your custom semaphores, write the following 2 C programs and compile them
As a simple rudimentary test, write a shell script and add your commands to load the test binaries as follows.
./reader &
./reader &
./reader &
./reader &
./writer &
Launching the above shell script as ./ will launch 4 readers and 1 writer. Customise this to your test scenario.
Ensure that your programs are operating properly i.e. verify data is being exchanged properly first before trying to profile the performance.
Once you are sure that IPC is working as expected, profile the cpu usage. Prior to launching, run the top command in another terminal. Observe the cpu usage patterns for varying number of readers/writers during the run-time of test script.
Also you can launch the individual binaries(or in the test-script) with :
time <binary>
To print the total lifetime and time spent waiting on the kernel driver.
perf record <binary>
and after completion, run perf annotate main
To obtain the relative amount of time spent in various sections of the code.


The number of times to run a profiling experiment

I am trying to profile a CUDA Application. I had a basic doubt about performance analysis and workload characterization of HPC programs. Let us say I want to analyse the wall clock time(the end-to-end time of execution of a program). How many times should one run the same experiment to account for the variation in the wall clock time measurement?
How many times should one run the same experiment to account for the
variation in the wall clock time measurement?
The question statement assumes that there will be a variation in execution time. Had the question been
How many times should one run CUDA code for performance analysis and workload characterization?
then I would have answered
Let me explain why ... and give you some reasons for disagreeing with me ...
Fundamentally, computers are deterministic and the execution of a program is deterministic. (Though, and see below, some programs can provide an impression of non-determinism but they do so deterministically unless equipped with exotic peripherals.)
So what might be the causes of a difference in execution times between two runs of the same program?
Do the bits move faster between RAM and CPU as the temperature of the components varies? I haven't a clue but if they do I'm quite sure that within the usual temperature ranges at which computers operate the relative difference is going to be down in the nano- range. I think any other differences arising from the physics of computation are going to be similarly utterly negligible. Only lesson here, perhaps, is don't do performance analysis on a program which only takes a microsecond or two to execute.
Note that I ignore, for the purposes of this answer, the capability of some processors to adjust their clock rates in response to their temperature. This would have some (possibly large) impact on a program's execution time, but all you'd learn is how to use it as a thermometer.
Contention for System Resources
By which I mean matters such as other processes (including the operating system) running on the same CPU / core, other traffic on the memory bus, other processes using I/O, etc. Sure, yes, these may have a major impact on a program's execution time. But what do variations in run times between runs of your program tell you in these cases? They tell you how busy the system was doing other work at the same time. And make it very difficult to analyse your program's performance.
A lesson here is to run your program on an otherwise quiet machine. Indeed one of the characteristics of the management of HPC systems in general is that they aim to provide a quiet platform to provide a reliable run time to user codes.
Another lesson is to avoid including in your measurement of execution time the time taken for operations, such as disk reads and writes or network communications, over which you have no control.
If your program is a heavy user of, say, disks, then you should probably be measuring i/o rates using one of the standard benchmarking codes for the purpose to get a clear idea of the potential impact on your program.
Program Features
There may be aspects of your program which can reasonably be expected to produce different times from one run to the next. For example, if your program relies on randomness then different rolls of the dice might have some impact on execution time. (In this case you might want to run the program more than once to see how sensitive it is to the operations of the RNG.)
However, I exclude from this third source of variability the running of the code with different inputs or parameters. If you want to measure the scalability of program execution time wrt input size then you surely will have to run the program a number of times.
In conclusion
There is very little of interest to be learned, about a program, by running it more than once with no differences in the work it is doing from one run to the next.
And yes, in my early days I was guilty of running the same program multiple times to see how the execution time varied. I learned that it didn't, and that's where I got this answer from.
This kind of test demonstrates how well the compiled application interacts with the OS/computing environment where it will be used, as opposed to the efficiency of a specific algorithm or architecture. I do this kind of test by running the application three times in a row after a clean reboot/spinup. I'm looking for any differences caused by the OS loading and caching libraries or runtime environments on the first execution; and I expect the next two runtimes to be similar to each other (and faster than the first one). If they are not, then more investigation is needed.
Two further comments: it is difficult to be certain that you know what libraries and runtimes your application requires, and how a given computing environment will handle them, if you have a complex application with lots of dependencies.
Also, I recommend avoiding specifying the application runtime for a customer, because it is very hard to control the customer's computing environment. Focus on the things you can control in your application: architecture, algorithms, library version.

Why do we need semaphores on single cpu?

I have read that we use semaphores inside the linux kerenl,and i have read that semaphores has advantages even in one single cpu (we can run only one process\thread). Can anyone please give me an example of a problem that semaphore solves(inside the kernel)?
In my view, there can be a problem only if we have more than one cpu, because two process may call system calls that use the same data structure, and probablly cause problems.
Thank you for your help!
You don't really need more than one CPU for concurrency. The multiple CPUs are really "an implementation detail," a piece of hardware quirkiness that you can abstract away from. Concurrency is a logical property of programs. You can have concurrency without multiple CPUs, and use multiple CPUs without "real concurrency".
Consider a web server. It has to be "concurrent," in the sense that it must serve multiple clients at once, hold information about multiple connections and once, and process multiple requests at once. You can have it literally do this, by having multiple CPUs all working at the same time. Yet, the program only has to appear to do multiple things at once. It could just as well be running on one CPU and context switching to fairly service all the work put to it. The fact that a web-server does multiple things at once is part of its interface: the I/O for the connections are interleaved, if a request has exclusively locked a resource, another request won't start trying to manipulate that same resource, etc. Writing a web server without concurrency produces a program that is wrong.
Semaphores help you with concurrency, by letting you control the way processes access resources. You asked, if you had one process running, how another could run at the same time with only a single core. Well, as I said, concurrency doesn't need multiple cores. The first process can be paused, and the second one started while the first one is still unfinished. This is just an implementation detail; logically, to the program writer, the two processes are running simultaneously, whether there are multiple cores or not. If the program was written without semaphores (or had broken concurrency in some other way), it would be wrong, even on a single core. Physically, this will be because context switching can abruptly pause one computation and start another at any time, and, without semaphores, the newly live thread won't know what resources it can and cannot access. Logically, this will be because the processes are running simultaneously, once you abstract yourself away from the implementation, and, in general, processes running simultaneously can walk over each other if not properly synchronized.
For an example applicable to an OS kernel, consider that every process is logically running concurrently with every other process. A kernel provides the implementation that makes this concurrency work. A resource that two processes may want simultaneously is a hard drive. A semaphore might be used in the kernel to track whether a given drive is currently busy with a read or write. A process trying to read or write to the same disk will ask the kernel to do so, and the kernel can check the semaphore to see that the disk is still busy and force the offending process to wait. Now, an operating system does count as low level code, so in some places, yes, you might want to omit some otherwise vital concurrency safeguards when running on a single CPU, because your job is to handle such implementation details, but higher level parts may still use them.
In contrast, consider a number-crunching program. Let's say it's processing each element of a huge array of data into an equal-sized array of modified data (a functional map operation). It can use multiple CPUs to do this more quickly, but it can also work one CPU. The observable behavior of the program is the same, and you never get any idea that it's doing multiple things at once from its behavior. Numbers go in, numbers come out, who cares what happens in the middle? Writing such a program without the ability to do multiple things at once does not produce a logically incorrect program, just a slow one. Such a program probably does not need semaphores when running on a single CPU, because it didn't need concurrency in the first place.

Consistent use of CPU by Java Process

I am running a Java program which does a heavy load work and needs lots of memory and CPU attention.
I took the snapshot of task manager while that program was running and this is how it looks like
Clearly this program is making use of all 8 cores available on my machine but if you see the CPU usage graph, you can see dips in the CPU usage and these dips are consistent across all cores.
My question is, Is there some way of avoiding these dips? Can i make sure that all my cores are being used consistently without any dip and come to rest only after my program has finished?
This looks so familiar. Obviously, your threads are blocking for some reason. Here are my suggestions:
Check to see if you have any thread blocking (synchronization). Thread synchronization is easy to do wrong and can stop computation for extended periods of time.
Make sure you aren't waiting on I/O (file, network, devices, etc). Often the default for network or other I/O is to block.
Don't block on message passing or remote procedure calls.
Use a more sophisticated profiler to get a better look. I use Intel VTune, but then I have access to it. There are other low-level profiling tools that are just as capable but more difficult to use.
Check for other processes that might be using the system. I've had situations where that other process doesn't use the processor (blocks) but doesn't give the context up (doesn't swap out and allow another process to run).
When I say "don't block", I don't mean that you should poll. That's even worse as it consumes processing without doing anything useful. Restructure your algorithm to hide latency. Use a new algorithm that permits more latency hiding. Find alternate ways of thread synchronization that minimizes or eliminates blocking.
My two cents.

Two processes on two CPUs -- is it possible that they complete at exactly the same moment?

This is sort of a strange question that's been bothering me lately. In our modern world of multi-core CPUs and multi-threaded operating systems, we can run many processes with true hardware concurrency. Let's say I spawn two instances of Program A in two separate processes at the same time. Disregarding OS-level interference which may alter the execution time for either or both processes, is it possible for both of these processes to complete at exactly the same moment in time? Is there any specific hardware/operating-system mechanism that may prevent this?
Now before the pedants grill me on this, I want to clarify my definition of "exactly the same moment". I'm not talking about time in the cosmic sense, only as it pertains to the operation of a computer. So if two processes complete at the same time, that means that they complete
with a time difference that is so small, the computer cannot tell the difference.
EDIT : by "OS-level interference" I mean things like interrupts, various techniques to resolve resource contention that the OS may use, etc.
Actually, thinking about time in the "cosmic sense" is a good way to think about time in a distributed system (including multi-core systems). Not all systems (or cores) advance their clocks at exactly the same rate, making it hard to actually tell which events happened first (going by wall clock time). Because of this inability to agree, systems tend to measure time by logical clocks. Two events happen concurrently (i.e., "exactly at the same time") if they are not ordered by sharing data with each other or otherwise coordinating their execution.
Also, you need to define when exactly a process has "exited." Thinking in Linux, is it when it prints an "exiting" message to the screen? When it returns from main()? When it executes the exit() system call? When its process state is run set to "exiting" in the kernel? When the process's parent receives a SIGCHLD?
So getting back to your question (with a precise definition for "exactly at the same time"), the two processes can end (or do any other event) at exactly the same time as long as nothing coordinates their exiting (or other event). What counts as coordination depends on your architecture and its memory model, so some of the "exited" conditions listed above might always be ordered at a low level or by synchronization in the OS.
You don't even need "exactly" at the same time. Sometimes you can be close enough to seem concurrent. Even on a single core with no true concurrency, two processes could appear to exit at the same time if, for instance, two child processes exited before their parent was next scheduled. It doesn't matter which one really exited first; the parent will see that in an instant while it wasn't running, both children died.
So if two processes complete at the same time, that means that they complete with a time difference that is so small, the computer cannot tell the difference.
Sure, why not? Except for shared memory (and other resources, see below), they're operating independently.
Is there any specific hardware/operating-system mechanism that may prevent this?
Anything that is a resource contention:
memory access
disk access
network access
explicit concurrency management via locks/semaphores/mutexes/etc.
To be more specific: these are separate CPU cores. That means they have computing circuitry implemented in separate logic circuits. From the wikipedia page:
The fact that each core can have its own memory cache means that it is quite possible for most of the computation to occur as interaction of each core with its own cache. Once you have that, it's just a matter of probability. That's not to say that algorithms take a nondeterministic amount of time, but their inputs may come from a probabilistic distribution and the amount of time it takes to run is unlikely to be completely independent of input data unless the algorithm has been carefully designed to take the same amount of time.
Well I'm going to go with I doubt it:
Internally any sensible OS maintains a list of running processes.
It therefore seems sensible for us to define the moment that the process completes as the moment that it is removed from this list.
It also strikes me as fairly unlikely (but not impossible) that a typical OS will go to the effort to construct this list in such a way that two threads can independently remove an item from this list at exactly the same time (processes don't terminate that frequently and removing an item from a list is relatively inexpensive - I can't see any real reason why they wouldn't just lock the entire list instead).
Therefore for any two terminating processes A and B (where A terminates before B), there will always be a reasonably large time period (in a cosmic sense) where A has terminated and B has not.
That said it is of course possible to produce such a list, and so in reality it depends on the OS.
Also I don't really understand the point of this question, in particular what do you mean by
the computer cannot tell the difference
In order for the computer to tell the difference it has to be able to check the running process table at a point where A has terminated and B has not - if the OS schedules removing process B from the process table immediately after process A then it could very easily be that no such code gets a chance to execute and so by some definitions it isn't possible for the computer to tell the difference - this sutation holds true even on a single core / CPU processor.
Yes, without any OS Scheduling interference they could finish at the same time, if they don't have any resource contention (shared memory, external io, system calls). When either of them have a lock on a resource they will force the other to stall waiting for resource to free up.

Faster forking of large processes on Linux?

What's the fastest, best way on modern Linux of achieving the same effect as a fork-execve combo from a large process ?
My problem is that the process forking is ~500MByte big, and a simple benchmarking test achieves only about 50 forks/s from the process (c.f ~1600 forks/s from a minimally sized process) which is too slow for the intended application.
Some googling turns up vfork as having being invented as the solution to this problem... but also warnings about not to use it. Modern Linux seems to have acquired related clone and posix_spawn calls; are these likely to help ? What's the modern replacement for vfork ?
I'm using 64bit Debian Lenny on an i7 (the project could move to Squeeze if posix_spawn would help).
On Linux, you can use posix_spawn(2) with the POSIX_SPAWN_USEVFORK flag to avoid the overhead of copying page tables when forking from a large process.
See Minimizing Memory Usage for Creating Application Subprocesses for a good summary of posix_spawn(2), its advantages and some examples.
To take advantage of vfork(2), make sure you #define _GNU_SOURCE before #include <spawn.h> and then simply posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, POSIX_SPAWN_USEVFORK)
I can confirm that this works on Debian Lenny, and provides a massive speed-up when forking from a large process.
benchmarking the various spawns over 1000 runs at 100M RSS
user system total real
fspawn (fork/exec): 0.100000 15.460000 40.570000 ( 41.366389)
pspawn (posix_spawn): 0.010000 0.010000 0.540000 ( 0.970577)
Outcome: I was going to go down the early-spawned helper subprocess route as suggested by other answers here, but then I came across this re using huge page support to improve fork performance.
Having tried it myself using libhugetlbfs to simply make all my app's mallocs allocate huge pages, I'm now getting around 2400 forks/s regardless of the process size (over the range I'm interested in anyway). Amazing.
Did you actually measure how much time forks take? Quoting the page you linked,
Linux never had this problem; because Linux used copy-on-write semantics internally, Linux only copies pages when they changed (actually, there are still some tables that have to be copied; in most circumstances their overhead is not significant)
So the number of forks doesn't really show how big the overhead will be. You should measure the time consumed by forks, and (which is a generic advice) consumed only by the forks you actually perform, not by benchmarking maximum performance.
But if you really figure out that forking a large process is a slow, you may spawn a small ancillary process, pipe master process to its input, and receive commands to exec from it. The small process will fork and exec these commands.
This function, as far as I understand, is implemented via fork/exec on desktop systems. However, in embedded systems (particularly, in those without MMU on board), processes are spawned via a syscall, interface to which is posix_spawn or a similar function. Quoting the informative section of POSIX standard describing posix_spawn:
Swapping is generally too slow for a realtime environment.
Dynamic address translation is not available everywhere that POSIX might be useful.
Processes are too useful to simply option out of POSIX whenever it must run without address translation or other MMU services.
Thus, POSIX needs process creation and file execution primitives that can be efficiently implemented without address translation or other MMU services.
I don't think that you will benefit from this function on desktop if your goal is to minimize time consumption.
If you know the number of subprocess ahead of time, it might be reasonable to pre-fork your application on startup then distribute the execv information via a pipe. Alternatively, if there is some sort of "lull" in your program it might be reasonable to fork ahead of time a subprocess or two for quick turnaround at a later time. Neither of these options would directly solve the problem but if either approach is suitable to your app, it might allow you to side-step the issue.
I've come across this blog post:
pid = clone(fn, stack_aligned, CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, arg);
The system call clone() comes to the rescue. Using clone() we create a
child process which has the following features:
The child runs in the same memory space as the parent. This means that no memory structures are copied when the child process is
created. As a result of this, any change to any non-stack variable
made by the child is visible by the parent process. This is similar to
threads, and therefore completely different from fork(), and also very
dangerous – we don’t want the child to mess up the parent.
The child starts from an entry function which is being called right after the child was created. This is like threads, and unlike fork().
The child has a separate stack space which is similar to threads and fork(), but entirely different to vfork().
The most important: This thread-like child process can call exec().
In a nutshell, by calling clone in the following way, we create a
child process which is very similar to a thread but still can call
However I think it may still be subject to the setuid problem: "setuid and vfork"
Now we get to the worst of it. Threads and vfork allow you to get in a
situation where two processes are both sharing memory space and
running at the same time. Now, what happens if another thread in the
parent calls setuid (or any other privilege-affecting function)? You
end up with two processes with different privilege levels running in a
shared address space. And this is A Bad Thing.
Consider for example a multi-threaded server daemon, running initially
as root, that’s using posix_spawn, implemented naively with vfork, to
run an external command. It doesn’t care if this command runs as root
or with low privileges, since it’s a fixed command line with fixed
environment and can’t do anything harmful. (As a stupid example, let’s
say it’s running date as an external command because the programmer
couldn’t figure out how to use strftime.)
Since it doesn’t care, it calls setuid in another thread without any
synchronization against running the external program, with the intent
to drop down to a normal user and execute user-provided code (perhaps
a script or dlopen-obtained module) as that user. Unfortunately, it
just gave that user permission to mmap new code over top of the
running posix_spawn code, or to change the strings posix_spawn is
passing to exec in the child. Whoops.
