Get value of a randomly generated jsf Table - jsf

I am new to this , i am using primefaces and generating a dynamic table, this datatable gets its vaules from a list created by a managed bean.
I need to set the property of another managed bean with the value of the column generated by the datatable.
Eg: Col1, has a particular value, i want to click on that value and a dialog box should appear displaying that col1 value
<p:dataTable id="dataTable" var="c" value="#{databaseSearch.customerList}"
paginator="true" rows="10" paginatorAlwaysVisible="false"
paginatorTemplate="Page {CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} Rows per page {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Machine" />
<p:commandButton id="xxx" value="#{c.machine}" action="#{updateEntry.setMachine(c.machine)}" ajax="true" onclick=";" styleClass="ui-Machinebutton"/>
<!-- styleClass="ui-Machinebutton" -->
The managed bean 'updateEntry' has getter and setter methods.
public class UpdateEntry implements Serializable {
public Long Machine;
public Long getMachine() {
return Machine;
public void setMachine(Long Machine) {
this.Machine = Machine;
Dialog Box
<p:dialog id="modalDialog" header="Modal Dialog" widgetVar="dlg1" modal="true" height="100" dynamic="True">
<h:outputText value="#{updateEntry.machine}" />
I do understand that in order to pass a parameter to the dialog box i would need the help of a managed bean. However, the datatable is generated randomly and i am not able to pass that particular random value. So how do i pass the random value of a command button and set the managed bean when it is clicked ?
When the command button is clicked, i want its value to be passed to a managed bean, since this is randomly generated dataTable, i am not sure how i can achieve that.
It Works ! The same code updates updateEntry.machine but the problem is since clicking on the button opens the dialog box first before the updateEntry.machine is updated to a new value, the dialog box displays the previously clicked option. Does the 'Action' happen before the 'Onclick' ? or is it the other way around ? I need to update the bean first and then open the dialog box for it to show the newer value. I have tried both True & False of the dynamic property of the dialog box, not sure what is that for.
Also i need to refresh the page to get the new value loaded in dialog box, else no matter which command button i click it shows me the value of the command button i first clicked, post the page refresh, it shows the value of the command button last clicked.

u can declare a new object for updateEntry inside your current class, c
then in your action button, call a method in c to change updateEntry machine value such as:
<p:commandButton id="xxx" value="#{c.machine}" action="#{c.change()}" ajax="true" onclick=";" styleClass="ui-Machinebutton"/>
while in c class
private void change(){
//set updateEntry.machine value here
so your dialog box should look like
<p:dialog id="modalDialog" header="Modal Dialog" widgetVar="dlg1" modal="true" height="100" dynamic="False">
<h:outputText value="#{c.updateEntry.machine}" />

I found the problem ...
I changed the code to below and it worked !
<p:commandButton id="basic" value="#{c.machine}" action="#{updateEntry.setMachine(c.machine)}" ajax="true" oncomplete=";" styleClass="ui-Machinebutton"/>
The trick here was to first set the 'Machine' variable and upon completion load the dialog box which reads back the same 'Machine' variable


How to stop Validation from firing when I open modal dialog with required fields on Primefaces

I cannot comprehend JSF lifecycle for this particular case.
I'm trying to develop a simple modal CRUD with Primefaces 6.0, and I'm having problems with the beheaviour of the add/edit modal.
What I'm trying to accomplish is:
Click add button
Add/Edit dialog opens
InputText "field1" is disabled=false
Click edit button
Add/Edit dialog opens
InputText "field1" is disabled=true
So for this I linked "field1" disabled property to editMode variable on my bean.
When I click Add Button, linked action initAddRubro gets fired and sets editMode = false (let's say that by default is true).
The thing is when I click on Add button without immediate=true, validations gets fired for the Add/Edit modal window (Field1 is required=true).
If I use immediate=true on my Add Button then disabled property does not get refreshed.
Faces Bean
public class RubrosFacesBean implements Serializable{
private boolean editMode = true;
public String initAddRubro(){
editMode = false;
return null;
<p:commandButton value="Add" icon="ui-icon-plusthick"
oncomplete="PF('addPanelDialog').show();" style="float: right"
immediate="true" ajax="true" action="#{rubrosFacesBean.initAddRubro}"/>
<p:dialog header="Rubro" widgetVar="addPanelDialog" height="200" style="margin-left: auto;" modal="true" id="addPanelDialog" >
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" />
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="addPanel">
<h:outputLabel for="field1" value="Field 1: " />
<p:inputText id="field1" value="#{rubrosFacesBean.field1}" label="Field1" required="true" disabled="#{rubrosFacesBean.editMode}"/>
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can keep immediate="true" on your Add Button and just add following attribute to it
you can set immediate="false" and add following attributes
process="#this" update="addPanel"
Whatever option you choose, after you press Add button validation will be skipped, Ajax will be executed and finally p:panelGrid will be updated refreshing disable property of p:inputText.
Do not forget to do the same with your Edit button.

How to update a specific cell on a PrimeFaces dataTable

In my dataTable I am linking each article with a specific task.
On the click of a commandButton a list of tasks shows up, so I want on the select of a task, update a specific cell in the dataTable (outputText with id="columnTache") without updating the rest of my dataTable.
<p:dataTable value="#{myController.articleList}"
rowKey="#{}" >
<p:column headerText="quantite" >
<pe:inputNumber value="#{article.quantite}" />
<p:column headerText="taches" >
<h:outputText value="#{article.tache.libelleTache}" id="columnTache" />
<p:column headerText="taches" >
<p:commandButton oncomplete="PF('dialogTasks').show();" update=":formSelectAffecterTache">
<p:ajax event="click" listener="#{myController.setArticle(article)}" />
<p:dialog header="#{bundleTech.lbl_taches}" widgetVar="dialogTasks" >
<h:panelGrid columns="1" >
<h:form id="formSelectAffecterTache">
<ui:include src="/pages/listTacheSelect.xhtml">
<ui:param name="bean" value="#{myController}" />
<ui:param name="action" value="affecterTache" />
The update of my dataTable is in the managed bean:
public void affecterTache() {
A dataTable is a naming container, so components within it will be prepended with the dataTable's id. Also, each iteration of data presented in the table (each row) will have effect of the generated ids. Since a form is also a naming container, your outputText component ids will be generated as formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache in the first row, formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache in the second row, etc.
If you would set an id on your commandButton you will get formId:tabArticle:0:myButton, formId:tabArticle:1:myButton etc. You can use this id in your click handler to create the corresponding inputText clientId. But, since you pass article to a method, you are not able to check which button was clicked. So first of all change the click listeners method to:
public void useArticle(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
UIComponent component = event.getComponent();
Now, you know which button was clicked (event.getComponent()), but you need your article as well. You can set that as an attribute to your button in XHTML:
<p:commandButton id="myButton"
<p:ajax event="click"
listener="#{myController.useArticle}" />
<f:attribute name="article"
value="#{article}" />
This attribute can be read in your listener:
Article article = (Article) component.getAttributes().get("article");
Now, for updating the inputText, simply use the button's clientId:
String update = component.getClientId().replace(":myButton", ":columnTache");
Store it in your bean, and when you are ready to do so, update:
See also:
How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression "foo" referenced from "bar"
Send additional parameter to Ajax event listener

Primefaces' commandLink works only on the first page of a dataTable

I have a column with p:commandLink inside p:dataTable, which has a paginator. When user clicks on a commandLink, a dialog opens, displaying data of that row.
datatable html code:
<p:dataTable id="dtSample" value="#{sessionBean.sampleList}"
paginator="true" paginatorPosition="bottom"
paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
currentPageReportTemplate="({startRecord} of {totalRecords})"
var="item" emptyMessage="No entries." rows="10" rowKey="#{}">
<p:column headerText="Id">
<p:commandLink id="lnkSample"
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:column headerText="Code">
<h:outputText value="#{item.code}" />
<p:column headerText="Description">
<h:outputText value="#{item.descr}" />
Request bean:
public class RequestBean {
private SessionBean sessionBean;
private DataTable dtSampleList;
public void init() {
// load samle list
public String onLinkClick(Sample sample) {
return "success";
private void loadSampleList() {
List<Sample> list = new ArrayList<Sample>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Sample tmp = new Sample();
tmp.setId(new BigDecimal(i + 1));
tmp.setCode("code" + (i + 1));
tmp.setDescr("desc" + (i + 1));
// getters and setters
Session bean:
public class SessionBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List<Sample> sampleList;
private Sample selectedSample;
// getters and setters
dialog html code:
<p:dialog id="dlgSample" closeOnEscape="true" widgetVar="dlgSample"
styleClass="dialogClass" modal="true">
<p:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:outputText value="Id: #{}" />
<h:outputText value="Code: #{sessionBean.selectedSample.code}" />
<h:outputText value="Description: #{sessionBean.selectedSample.descr}" />
When I click on a link on the first page of a datatable, link action is executed and a dialog, displaying row data, is properly refreshed. But when I move to any of the following pages of a datatable, clicking a link doesn't refresh the data in a dialog (the link action is not called, so the data in a dialog is wrong - selectedSample variable has old value). Of course when I go back to the first page of the datatable, command link works again (action method is called and data is refreshed).
What am I doing wrong? Why is action method not called on any datatable page?
I'm using Primefaces 5.2.
Looks like the problem was in a PF dataTable component. There were first and rows attributes missing and after adding them, commandLinks on all pages work as expected.
What am I doing wrong? Why is action method not called on any datatable page?
A common misstake leading to that behaviour is that your state is not consistent: To process the form submit, JSF will recreate the exact same view as in the prior request, and then apply the changes (execute the action)
If this new view is now different than the view before the submit was, every action is aborted and not invoked. (Different in terms of involved elements. I.e. if your commandLink was rendered="true" before submitting, it needs to be rendered="true" during the APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES-Phase).
So, from your description I would assume, that your table is falling back to page 1, which will remove any link on page 2 from the view and abort it's view action, because the element is no longer rendered.
For the same reason, links on page 1 are working, because even if your table looses track of the current page - it will render page 1, so you have the same view as before, so the submission works.
You could easily verify this, by increasing the number of elements per page and see that every link moved from page 2 to page 1 is now working.
But without seeing the whole bean I can only assume this. For easy testing, set your bean to #SessionScoped and see if this resolves it.
For more ideas, see this post: commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
When putting components such as p:commandLink in a p:dataTable row, you should always specify
So, in your case, I would try :
<p:commandLink id="lnkSample"
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
Doing so, you are sure that only the click on the link will be processed, and no other submission will be performed.

Blocking a p:commandButton displayed on a p:confirmDialog in addition to displaying a dynamic message on the dialog

I'm trying to block a <p:commandButton> which is displayed on a <p:confirmDialog> as follows.
<p:confirmDialog id="confirmDeleteDialog" widgetVar="confirmDelete" message="Message" closeOnEscape="true" appendTo="#(body)" closable="true">
<p:blockUI block="confirm" widgetVar="blockUI">
<h:outputText value="Demo"/>
<p:commandButton id="confirm" value="Yes" onstart="PF('blockUI').show()" oncomplete="PF('blockUI').hide();"/> <!--Use PF('confirmDelete').hide() to dismiss the dialog.-->
<p:commandButton id="decline" value="No" onclick="PF('confirmDelete').hide()" type="button" />
<p:commandButton oncomplete="PF('confirmDelete').show()"/>
This blocks Yes button (one with the id="confirm") held by <p:confirmDialog>.
The message to be displayed on the confirm dialog is dynamic. It is fetched from the associated backing bean based on certain conditions. Therefore, the dialog is required to be updated before it is displayed.
To update the dialog before it is displayed, the update attribute of <p:commandButton> is set as follows.
<p:commandButton oncomplete="PF('confirmDelete').show()" update="confirmDeleteDialog"/>
This of course, displays a desired message on the dialog dynamically (which is not demonstrated here for the sake of simplicity) but doing so prevents the <p:blockUI> from functioning - it does not block the <p:commandButton>, if the dialog is updated by it.
Neither errors on the browser console nor exceptions on the server terminal are seen.
What is the way of blocking a button held by a in addition to displaying a dynamic message on the dialog?
EDIT :- the answer provided by me is cross-mark.
As noted in the answer given by me, <p/pe:blockUI> needs to be updated, when the <p:commandButton> held by the confirm dialog is clicked, it takes some time to block the button - <p:commandButton> after it is clicked. In the meanwhile, the button can be clicked (either deliberately or accidently) before the initial request completes that may cause duplicate submits which is certainly against the use of <p/pe:blockUI>.
Nothing is preventing a user in my workaround, from clicking the button multiple times before it is blocked by <p/pe:blockUI>. Therefore, the answer provided by me is considered to be cross-mark.
Perhaps the way to meet this requirement is completely different.
EDIT 2:- the actual scenario.
//A view scoped bean.
//A list of selected rows in <p:dataTable>.
private List<WishUtils>selectedValues;
//The actual message to be displayed on the dialog.
private String deleteMsg;
//Associated with the rendered property of the "Yes" button on the dialog.
private boolean renderedYesButtonDelete=true;
//The header message/text of the dialog.
private String messageBoxHeader;
//The no button text (its value).
private String noButtonTextDelete="No";
//Getters and setters as required.
public void confirmDelete(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if(selectedValues!=null && !selectedValues.isEmpty()) {
deleteMsg="A long message about a delete prompt from a resource bundle";
messageBoxHeader="Confirm Delete";
} else {
deleteMsg="Please select the rows you want to delete";
messageBoxHeader="Confirm Item Select";
public void delete(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if(actionEvent.getComponent().getId().equals("confirmDeleteMultiple")) {
//Delete the selected rows.
} else {
//Notify an error (generally never going to be executed).
The message box goes here :
<p:confirmDialog id="confirmDialogDeleteMultiple" widgetVar="confirmDeleteUIWidget" header="#{wishManagedBean.messageBoxHeader}" closeOnEscape="true" appendTo="#(body)" closable="true">
<p:blockUI id="blockDelete" block="confirmDeleteMultiple" widgetVar="blockDeleteUIWidget"/>
<p:remoteCommand name="blockDeleteCommand" update="blockDelete" process="#this"/>
<p:commandButton id="confirmDeleteMultiple"
update="a list of components to be updated"/>
<p:commandButton id="declineDeleteMultiple"
<f:facet name="message">
<h:outputFormat value="#{wishManagedBean.deleteMsg}" escape="false"/>
The <p:blockUI> indeed fails when the entire dialog is updated. Looks like just another bug. It works when you explicitly call the "create widget" script of the <p:blockUI> component (exactly that script which you see in generated HTML output representation of <p:blockUI>) on complete of the dialog update.
Given those IDs,
<h:form id="formId">
<p:confirmDialog id="confirmDialogId">
<p:blockUI id="blockId" ... />
<p:commandButton id="confirmButtonId" ... />
The following oncomplete should do it:
<p:commandButton update="confirmDialogId"
oncomplete="'BlockUI','blockUI',{id:'formId:blockId',block:'formId:confirmId'});PF('confirmDialogId').show()" />
That explains why the <p:remoteCommand> trick works as it under the covers basically re-generates the <p:blockUI> component along with that call, although it fires an unnecessary ajax request. It might be worth reporting an issue to PrimeFaces guys, telling that of <p:blockUI> isn't properly executed when the confirm dialog widget is updated.
Another workaround would be to explicitly ajax-update only the parts you'd like to update instead of the entire dialog. That works for me. The header and the message attributes of the <p:confirmDialog> (and those of many other PrimeFaces components) supports being defined via <f:facet> on the attribute name. This allows you to wrap it in a <h:outputText> (or <h:panelGroup>) so that you can just update it individually. This way you don't need to update the entire dialog and the block UI keeps working as intented.
<p:confirmDialog ...>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText id="confirmDeleteDialogHeader" value="#{bean.header}" />
<f:facet name="message">
<h:outputText id="confirmDeleteDialogMessage" value="#{bean.message}" />
<h:panelGroup id="confirmDeleteDialogContent">
<p:blockUI ... />
<p:commandButton ... />
<p:commandButton ... />
<p:commandButton ...
update="confirmDeleteDialogHeader confirmDeleteDialogMessage confirmDeleteDialogContent"
oncomplete="PF('confirmDelete').show()" />
This requires the <p/pe:blockUI> to be updated, when the <p:commandButton> displayed on the confirm dialog is clicked.
The <p:blockUI> can be updated onclick using the <p:remoteCommand> (onstart also works).
The code goes here.
<p:confirmDialog id="confirmDeleteDialog" widgetVar="confirmDelete" message="Message" closeOnEscape="true" appendTo="#(body)" closable="true">
<p:blockUI id="blockConfirm" block="confirm" widgetVar="blockUI"/>
<p:remoteCommand name="confirmCommand" update="blockConfirm"/>
<!--Add PF('confirmDelete').hide() to oncomplete to dismiss the dialog, when this button is clicked.-->
<p:commandButton id="confirm" value="Yes" onclick="confirmCommand();" onstart="PF('blockUI').show()" oncomplete="PF('blockUI').hide()"/>
<p:commandButton id="decline" value="No" onclick="PF('confirmDelete').hide()" type="button" />
<p:commandButton oncomplete="PF('confirmDelete').show()" update="confirmDeleteDialog" value="Submit"/>

Firefox retain the content of an array inside JSF-Viewscoped-Managed-Bean even after refresh the page

This odd behavior only happen in Firefox (specifically Firefox 8). So I have a dataTable that I can do multiple selection. A submit button, that will display a list of selected items to a dataList and to a dialog. If the user did not select anything, then a error msg come up asking the user to select something. The dialog will not appear if the user select nothing. The below code does all that. However FireFox behaves oddly if you do these follow:
Click to select an item on the dataTable
Then refresh (F5 or Ctl + R) the page (you can see the selection got clear off)
Then click submit, it show whatever I just selected.
This is unexpecting, since the refresh should clear out whatever you just select due to nature of #ViewScoped bean. This behavior only happen in Firefox. IE 8 behave correctly for me. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong here?
Mojarra 2.1 + PrimeFaces3.0 Final + Tomcat 7
UPDATE: I did some debugging, when I refresh page, the value of the array selectedFoods become null, but for some odd reason, when it get to public void checkSelection(), it hold the value of the previous selection. So odd.
Here is my code.
<p:growl id="messages" showDetail="true" />
<p:messages id="msgs"/>
<h:form id="form">
<p:dataTable value="#{viewBean.foodList}" var="item"
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton value="Submit" update=":form:display :dataList"
<p:dataList id="display" value="#{viewBean.selectedFoods}" var="item"
<p:dialog id="dialog1" widgetVar="dialog1" dynamic="true" width="200">
<p:dataList id="dataList" value="#{viewBean.selectedFoods}" var="item"
Here is my managed bean
public class ViewBean implements Serializable {
private List<String> foodList;
private String[] selectedFoods;
public void init() {
foodList = new ArrayList<String>();
public void checkSelection(){
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
if(selectedFoods.length > 0){
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Error", "Please select"));
//setter, getter
Your code is fine. What you're seeing is because of something that is supposed to be a feature of Firefox (I was able to reproduce this on FF4). The selection model for p:dataTable is implemented with a hidden form field. When reloading a page, Firefox tries to save and restore form field values that have changed so that you don't lose what you entered. You can observe this by adding a <h:inputText/> to your view, typing something in the input, and reloading.
I'm not sure that the Firefox team meant for this to apply to hidden form fields, but I figure there's a decent chance that they did. I plan to file a bug report with Primefaces to either initialize the hidden input or to read the input on load to make the p:dataTable selection match. Either solution should result in the rendered selection and the hidden selection model to be in sync.
