Where to find apk build using apportable - apportable

So, I have made the tweejump iOS application successfully for android using apportable. And apportable also installed the application on the devices. But the mysterious thing is, I am not able to find the tweejump-debug.apk in the tweejump folder.
Also, I am using the free sdk.
Please suggest.

Apportable builds are stored separately from the project itself - in $HOME/.apportable/SDK/build.
For example, to see the .apk files for the Spin example:
$ cd $HOME/.apportable/SDK/build
$ find . | grep "debug.apk$"


Failed to re-package resources from android studio to unity

I need to use some .jar. So I use Android Studio to creat an empty application project. Then I have built the project. And copy the .arr and the AndroidManifest.xml to the Unity's /Plugins/Android. But when I bulit the apk in the unity, something goes wrong.
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources.
D:\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\25.0.0\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "D:/Android/android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.example.lizhi.last_try -S "C:\Users\lizhi\Documents\Unity\Homony\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\app-debug\res"
I have deleted the classes.jar from the .arr. So it may not its problem.
And I have alerady put the in the into AndroidManifest.xml.
So please help me. How could I fix this error. It drives me crasy.
If the above suggestion failed and you are still looking for a fix, go into your build tools directory of Android studio, cut + paste the 24.0.0 tools to your desktop or something and try it again, worked for me. I guess the 24 build tools aren't functioning with Unity
Yap, I had delt with that. It's just beacuse the Android Studio's JDK doesn't match with the unity's. Just change the unity's JDK. It works.

Android Studio 2.3 Windows: AVDManager and SDkManager UI are gone?

I've just downloaded the latest version of Android Studio (23.2) and apparently the AVD Manager and SDK Manager applications aren't available anymore:
They used to be in \Android\sdk . But now in the \Android\sdk\tools\bin folder there are multiple .bat files:
However neither by running the files as administrator or with the command line starts the graphical interface, they're just command line tools.
Were these apps removed in the last version? Do i need to handle the SDK and Virtual Devices through the command line now?
After some research, it seems that the old apps aren't available anymore. Instead you should use the manager inside Android Studio:
And the same should be done with the AVD Manager (Tools > Android > AVD Manager).
As a i work with Cordova, I did not think of it before. I hope that this help the people that have the same problem that i had.
If you, just like me, don't want to use Android Studio, you have two alternatives:
Use this Windows-only GUI some 3rd-party developers made.
Deal with the CLI.
To install stuff via the CLI the easiest way I found was:
./sdkmanager --update
./sdkmanager --list > log.txt
(Find the packages you want reading log.txt)
./sdkmanager --install "package_name_in_quotes"
These are Linux instructions, but the only real difference on Windows is that you'll use sdkmanager.bat instead of ./sdkmanager.
Don't forget to actually go to the directory before running these commands, in my case that would be cd /opt/android/tools/bin.

Apache cordova how to generate release apk

Before i start, i will warn you guys that im not an app developer and that i did not code this app, and that i have no expirience with apache cordova.
So i'm using apache cordova in visual studio 2013 and i'm here trying to get the release .apk but when i try to run a release build on a device i get the following error.
"Android packages must be signed when debugging using the Release or Distribution configurations." I've been googling solutions to this but i could not find any, though i did find that i need to change several things to get the .apk file i want.
So the first step would be making a keystore for the app right? Well, i have no clue on how to do this, and all the answers i found where using the cordova cli which i don't even know how to open. Can anyone tell me what a keystore is and how do i get it. If i need to use the cordova cli how do i open it.
After this, what should i do?

Phonegap 3.4.0 fails to build new projects and update old projects

I recently updated phonegap, node, and npm. I have an existing project I previously built with Phonegap version 3.3.0. I then attempted to update my existing project using phonegap platform update ios and received an error stating that the '/platforms' directory does not exist.
I don't think it makes any difference, but I also tried to use the cordova command instead of the phonegap command, but I just get the same error as above. I even created a completely new project with phonegap create Test and I am able to get a project built successfully, but when I try to run/build I get a similar error: Error: /platforms does not exist. Please specify an existing parent folder. [error] /Users/mftcmbp1/.cordova/lib/ios/cordova/3.4.0/bin/create: Command failed with exit code 1 Even stranger, I am able to successfully create a project with the cordova command, build ios and android platforms, and emulate the project, yet I can't do this with the phonegap command like I could before I updated.Any help or suggestions of why this would be occurring will be helpful.
Not sure if there is a bug with Phonegap 3.4.0, but I fixed my issue by uninstalling the latest Phonegap version and installing Phonegap version 3.3.0-0.19.4.
1- you need to 'cd' to your project and add platform first before build
cd Test
2- then add platform
phonegap platform add ios
phonegap platform add android
3- then you can build your project
phonegap build ios
phonegap build android
I ran into this over the weekend, have you tried:
$ mkdir project_directory/platforms
As I remember it, that solved the issue as a hotfix.
The error occured after a project was cloned from github without the platforms directory.
I ran into the same issue, and it looks like an error in the update script, and specifically this file:
The quick fix is, in the function isRootDir, to change "config.xml" to ".cordova", i.e.:
- if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, 'config.xml'))) {
+ if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, '.cordova'))) {
The old version identified the base project directory via the existence of the .cordova directory. The new version is incorrectly looking for a directory that contains these three items:
config.xml should not be in the base directory, it's under www/, which is why it fails.
The script does have fail-safe, which is to look for www/config.xml. However, the way it does this is to continue traversing the tree towards root, and if at any time it finds another www/config.xml, will assume this is a better candidate for the project directory.
In your situation, I'm guessing you have a /www/config.xml off of your root directory, and PhoneGap is erroneously thinking that is your project directory.

PhoneGap 3.1 Local Build WP8

I'm trying to play with new phonegap-cli main focus is to setup wp8 platform
and when running command:
phonegap build wp8
It tries to use PhoneGap Build, which I presume happens because it hasn't found
my installed SDK in any path.
I tried to test my thesis and ran this command:
phonegap local build wp8
And it returns this error:
I have .NET Framework v4.0 installed, so this path exists:
So the only thing I think happens is that phonegap can't find where SDK is installed,
so I have been searching through the documentation and I couldn't find anything regarding which Environment Variable PhoneGap checks.
So I would really appreciate any kind of help here.
Please make sure that you have added the framework path to the system PATH variable.
In my case it was the above reason and also related to Ant installed and configuration.
Alternatively you can use phonegap's online build service:
It works like a charm and is free for 1 private project.
