Docusign Modify Existing Tabs Request - Unable to Modify Existing Radio Tab - docusignapi

We are trying to set a Radio button to be selected initially when an envelope is created based on certain conditions outside of Docusign.
Testing using the following URL and request body.
Even though we only have 1 radio tab, we receive this response:
"message": "The Tab specified is not valid for the requested operation. Attempt to create 'text' tab from invalid tab type."}
Why are we getting this response? We have checked and the RadioGroup, tabId, envelopeId, accountId are all valid.

Thanks for your post, looks like you've identified an api bug with the platform. In testing I've found that I can modify other tabs just fine (such as dateSigned for instance) but there seems to be a problem modifying existing radio button tabs.
I've logged a bug with DocuSign, not sure when it will be fixed though. The August release just came out so hopefully by the September release. Will post here once resolved.


docuSign - envelopeViews : createRecipient

ERROR: Content Type specified is not supported.
Hi there, I am new to DocuSign and I am trying to learn the implementation from last couple of days. What I did so far is, created a developer account and created a QuickStart project.
I want to integrate the DocuSign API's in my application, but I don't really want the user to leave my application. I just want to make use of DocuSign within my app. - Embedded Signing
What I did?
I successfully created an envelope with a sample document and after that I have to get that URL to view (for Recipient).
So I called the below API:
** EnvelopeViews: createRecipient**
** POST - {{baseUrl}}/v2.1/accounts/{{accountId}}/envelopes/{{envelopeId}}/views/recipient**
All the details, like accountId, envelopeId are correct, along with that the request body that I pass with this is:
Request Body
"authenticationMethod": "none",
"clientUserId": "bcc49234-f30b-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"recipientId": "007",
"userName": "user name"
Note: * clientUserId is my Integration Key (please let me know if this is what I need to pass here or something else).*
"message": "Content Type specified is not supported."
Note: Apart from the solution, please provide any link(s) to resources where I can easily see the implementation(as in my use case).
First clientUserId is a bit of a confusing term, it's not the IK (Integration Key) but any string you want. It is unique to the signer and the envelope. You choose it.
You can find a detailed example of this with code in 8 languages on the DocuSign Developer Center How To Request Signature Through your app page.
I'm not clear how you make the API calls, if you are using postman, there are headers that needs to be set. One of them is called Content-Type and it has to be set to text/plain.

How to implement a DocuSign template natively into a Webflow site?

I have a webflow site with an order form. Once the prospect completes the order form and presses submit, the goal is to redirect the prospect to another page on the webflow site (not redirect to a DocuSign page).
On the next page, the prospect would see our customer agreement with their data from the order form already prefilled. We have a DocuSign template already with tabs already placed visually, we can map those labels to the form labels on the order form. All that should be left for prospects to do is to add their signature and submit the agreement.
If I understood the explanation above correctly, then the following steps would work our use case as well. Is this correct?
Step 1 When a prospect fills in and submits the order form on the website, the website button click will trigger a GET API request. ie. GET
Step 2 Next, a POST API request will be sent to DocuSign to create an envelope based on our template agreement. i.e. POST In this POST request, we will also send in the request body the data labels in the template and map those to the data entered in the form submission. i.e.
"tabs": {
"textTabs": [
"tabLabel": "address",
"value": "Code for pulling the value from the relevant form field"
"tabLabel": "email",
"value": "Code for pulling the value from the relevant form field"
Step 3 Call the following GET request to display the DocuSign agreement directly on our site. --> Should this be in an iframe or another implementation? i.e. Get DocuSign Recipient View
Thank you in advance for your support!

DocuSign API - Reset/Unlock RecipientAuthenticationStatus

I'm using the DocuSign API to electronically sign documents within my app. I'm using the access code authentication feature, for some additional security; however, I am trying to 'Unlock' a signer (via the API) that has input the wrong access code too many times, without voided and creating a new envelope, or using the DocuSign Admin interface.
I don't care if I have to resend the initial email, I just want to be able to conserve my client's total envelope count. It's also important (if there are multiple signers) that I don't force one signer to have to sign multiple times, if they completed their signatures prior to signer2's authentication error.
I have attempted a POST to:
I have also sought a solution using the docusign-java-client:
Recipients recipients = envelopesApi.listRecipients(accountId, envelopeId);
List<Signer> signers = recipients.getSigners();
for (Signer signer : signers) {
I still get the below response
"recipientAuthenticationStatus": {
"accessCodeResult": {
"status": "Failed",
"eventTimestamp": "2018-01-15T23:49:15.8600000Z"
I'm able to "Resend" via the DocuSign admin GUI, and everything works as expected...
Is there any way that I'm able "reset/unlock" this authentication feature programatically, through the API?
You can use below PUT endpoint
PUT /restapi/v2/accounts/<accountId>/envelopes/<envelopeId>?resend_envelope=true
Body as:
This should send another email to the signer who failed the authentication, and that user will again get option to enter the access code.
I think you will need to delete and then re-add the recipient (signer). That makes the signer become a new recipient.
However, doing so means you'll need to re-create everything about the signer: their document tabs/fields, etc.
I can't imagine that it is less expensive to simply void/resend the envelope than to spend a developer's time to work on this issue.
If this scenario is occurring a lot, then perhaps think about providing better training to your signers with respect to using the access code feature.
Per the documentation found here
I must include the json or xml with the request (if the authentication method failed). I assumed incorrectly that if there was only one recipient, then I would NOT have to specify. If you just want to resend the envelope, you don't need to include and signer data.
Such as:
{"signers" :
"name":"FirstName LastName",
You should then get something like the below response:
"recipientId": "1",
"errorCode": "SUCCESS",
"message": ""

GTM - pushing events/data to gtm dataLayer not sending anything to

I have added this gtm code in my chrome extension page(injected by the content script in and iframe)
// <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
// <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
I confimred the gtm.js file loaded successfully.
Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 (from disk cache)
I have a button and below code has been attached to the click event of the button
'event': 'tab click',
'user id' : 123,
'description' : "Social"
When I click the button dataLayer.push worked with success but nothing is being sent to
no activities in the "Network" tab of developer toolbar window.
Can anybody help me resolving this? Thanks in advance!
Adding screenshot of the tag setup.
I have spent a lot of time this weekend on reading gtm and Google chrome extension.
Finally I got this blog post by Simo Ahava. He discussing the exact same problem with solution. Thanks to Simo.
Here is partial paste of his blog post. We must add checkProtocolTask : false to each gtm tag in order to send track them from
Google Chrome Extension.
Add checkProtocolTask : false to Fields to Set
Scroll down to Fields to Set, and add a new field:
Field Name: checkProtocolTask
Value: false
Normally, Google Analytics requires that the request to GA originate from either HTTP or HTTPS. If the requests originate from anywhere else, the process is cancelled. By setting the task named checkProtocolTask to false, we can prevent this check from happening, since the extension uses the custom chrome-extension:// protocol.
Posting this so others an find this answers helpful if they face same issues. Thanks!

Creating new task through WebHook with Asana API

I am working with a form system very similar to WUFOO that allows me to send data to an external website using WebHooks.
I have been able to connect my form to my ASANA system through Zapier but I cannot seem to get the API system to operate correctly. Can someone please advise or assist me on what I am doing incorrectly here?
In the screenshot note the following:
- Web URL functions for any web URL (https or http)
- HTTP method has POST, PUT, or GET options
- Data format allows me to input virtually anything so I can match up form fields with any necessary names for ASANA.
I simply cannot get the system to connect to ASANA. Please help me.
Screen shot of WebHook Options
I don't have access to your exact form builder but assuming it does what it says it is doing you can try the following. I'll use creating a task as an example.
Create a personal access token in Asana. To do this log in to Asana, click the icon in the top right corner and open "My profile settings". Go to the apps tab and create a personal access token. You will only ever see this token once so create a new one if you lose it. Also retrieve your workspace id, you can get it by opening while logged in.
Now back to your form. For the website url place the specific endpoint you want to hit at Asana. For example, lets create a new task:
Under the HTTP Method you want to select POST
Under the HTTP Headers you want to specify something like (replace 0/1234abcd with your access token):
"Authorization": "Bearer 0/1234abcd",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
You can use Send Raw Data and specify something like the following in the raw data section (replace 1234 with your workspace id):
"data": {
"workspace": 1234,
"name": "The name of the task"
You can of course add other fields- please see the API reference for more information:
Let me know if that works for you.
