I am getting an error I can't figure out:
After I run the macro below, two certain string values are pasted into the same two cells in ALL sheets, although I am sure that the sheets are not grouped or do not contain individual code of their own. Specifically, the items "B12" and "B25" are pasted on all pages at the same cells (A29 and A30) (See code). "B12" and "B25" have nothing to do with a cell location but are just identifiers unique to my application. They are values which are copied+pasted from one sheet into another. If it is a copy+paste error in the code, then I would expect all the items to have the same error because the "algorithm" subroutine is called for every sheet.
Sometimes, this also occurs without execution of the macro. And when I try to edit my workbook back to how it was before fields were pasted over (by clicking each cell and typing what used to be there), it still makes those changes to all sheets, even though I am sure they are not grouped or running code.
' Title: DSR AutoFill Macro
Sub autofill_DSR()
' Variable Declarations:
Dim x_count As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim item_a As String
Dim item_b As String
'Dim test_string As String
' Variable Initializations:
x_count = 0
Process_Control_NumRows = 15
Electrical_NumRows = 8
Environmental1_NumRows = 17
Env2_Regulatory_NumRows = 14
FIRE_NumRows = 15
Human_NumRows = 16
Industrial_Hygiene_NumRows = 16
Maintenance_Reliability_NumRows = 10
Pressure_Vacuum_NumRows = 16
Rotating_n_Mechanical_NumRows = 11
Facility_Siting_n_Security_NumRows = 10
Process_Safety_Documentation_NumRows = 3
Temperature_Reaction_Flow_NumRows = 18
Valve_Piping_NumRows = 22
Quality_NumRows = 10
Product_Stewardship_NumRows = 20
fourB_Items_NumRows = 28
'test_string = "NN"
' Main Data Transfer Code:
Sheets(Array("SUMMARY P.1", "SUMMARY P.2", "Process Control", _
"Electrical", "Environmental1", "Env.2 - Regulatory", "FIRE", _
"Human", "Industrial Hygiene", "Maintenance_Reliability", _
"Pressure_Vacuum", "Rotating & Mechanical", _
"Facility Siting & Security", "Process Safety Documentation", _
"Temperature-Reaction-Flow", "Valve-Piping", "Quality", _
"Product Stewardship", "4B ITEMS")).Select 'Create Array of all Sheets
'Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select ' For testing
' Process Control Sheet:
For n = 0 To (Process_Control_NumRows - 1) 'Cycle 16 times for each
'item row in process controls tab
Sheets("Process Control").Activate 'Choose specific sheet
Range("D15").Select 'Choose starting cell of "Yes" column
Call Module2.algorithm(n, x_count) 'Call on subroutine (see algorithm code)
Next n 'increment index to account for offset
' Electrical Sheet:
For n = 0 To (Electrical_NumRows - 1)
Call Module2.algorithm(n, x_count)
If (x_count > 21) Then 'Abort autofill if too many items to hold
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Activate 'on both summary pages put together (21 count)
GoTo TooMany_Xs
End If
Next n
This continues for all the sheets...
' 4B ITEMS Sheet:
For n = 0 To (fourB_Items_NumRows - 1)
Sheets("4B ITEMS").Activate
Range("D16").Select ' NOTE: Starting cell is "D16"
Call Module2.algorithm(n, x_count)
If (x_count > 21) Then
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Activate
GoTo TooMany_Xs
End If
Next n
If (x_count > 5) Then 'Bring user back to last logged sheet
Sheets("SUMMARY P.2").Activate
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Activate
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Msg = "you put more than 21 Items on the Summary Pages." & Chr(13) & _
"Consider editing your DSR or taking some other action."
MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End If
End Sub
And then this following macro is located in Module2:
Sub algorithm(n As Long, x_count As Long)
'If an "x" or "X" is marked in the "Yes" column,
'at descending cells down the column offset by the for loop index, n
If (ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "x" Or ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "X") Then
item_a = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -3).Value ' Store Letter value
item_a = Replace(item_a, "(", "") ' Get rid of "(", ")", and " " (space)
item_a = Replace(item_a, ")", "") ' characters that are grabbed
item_a = Replace(item_a, " ", "")
item_b = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -2).Value ' Store number value
item_b = Replace(item_b, "(", "") ' Get rid of "(", ")", and " " (space)
item_b = Replace(item_b, ")", "") ' characters that are grabbed
item_b = Replace(item_b, " ", "")
x_count = x_count + 1 ' increment the total x count
If (x_count > 5) Then ' If there are more than 5 "x" marks,
Sheets("SUMMARY P.2").Activate ' then continue to log in SUMMARY P.2
Range("A18").Select ' Choose "Item" column, first cell
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 6), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
'Insert cocatenated value of item_a and item_b
'(for example "A" & "1" = "A1")
'at the cells under the "Item" column, indexed by x_count
Else ' If there are less than 5 "x" marks,
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Activate ' log in SUMMARY P.1
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 1), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
End If
End If
End Sub
By selecting all the sheets in your array, you are grouping them, and anything you write to a cell in any sheet will be written to all sheets.
This is the culprit:
Sheets(Array("SUMMARY P.1", "SUMMARY P.2", "Process Control", _
"Electrical", "Environmental1", "Env.2 - Regulatory", "FIRE", _
"Human", "Industrial Hygiene", "Maintenance_Reliability", _
"Pressure_Vacuum", "Rotating & Mechanical", _
"Facility Siting & Security", "Process Safety Documentation", _
"Temperature-Reaction-Flow", "Valve-Piping", "Quality", _
"Product Stewardship", "4B ITEMS")).Select
The fact that your issue occurs even if the code you posted hasn't been run makes me think there is something else going on after you've selected all the sheets.
Note that selecting and activating are a really bad idea. Declare variables for the objects you want to work with and interact with them that way instead of selecting them.
Here is a quick example of how you can loop through all the sheets in a workbook and modify them without selecting or activating. You can modify your code to use this pattern:
Sub LoopThroughAllSheets()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In wb.Sheets
ws.Range("D15").Value = ws.Name
Next ws
End Sub
Please read the following to get you started on writing cleaner, more efficient VBA code:
Beginning VBA: Select and Activate
Excel macro - Avoid using Select
Sheets(Array("SUMMARY P.1", "SUMMARY P.2", "Process Control", _
"Electrical", "Environmental1", "Env.2 - Regulatory", "FIRE", _
"Product Stewardship", "4B ITEMS")).Select
is grouping all these worksheets. At some point you need to Ungroup them by selecting a single worksheet:
You should also examine your code to check whether grouping the worksheets is actually necessary.
I've got a workbook containing a Summary sheet and 200 numbered sheets that the user fills in one after the other.
The following macro checks about 125 cell values on every numbered sheet, and fills in the Summary, one line per numbered sheet.
If a numbered sheet hasnt been used yet, the macro fills in every column from column D to column DV with the minus sign "-" and goes on to check every numbered sheet one after the other till there's no more to check.
Is there a way to set it so that if an arbitrary number (let's say 10 lines) of the newly generated lines contain only the minus sign "-" from D to DV (Iw,4 to Iw, 126), then the macro would reach its end as it means all the remaining numbered sheets aren't used yet?
Sub SummaryMacro()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Iw = 2 ' Index Write
For Each Sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If Sh.Name = "Summary" Then GoTo EndConsolidation
Cells(Iw, 1).Select
With Selection
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & Sh.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to"
End With
Cells(Iw, 2) = Sh.Name
If Sh.Range("D8") = "" Then
Cells(Iw, 3) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 3) = Sh.Range("D8")
End If
'Here the rest of the process (Iw, 4 till Iw, 125)
'The process also includes a few variations:
'Something like 20 of those with various text
If Sh.CheckBoxes("Check Box 1").Value = 1 Then Cells(Iw, 40) = "Declared" Else Cells(Iw, 40) = "-"
'Something like 30 of those with various text
If Sh.Range("H33") = "Issued" Then
Cells(Iw, 42) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 42) = Sh.Range("H33")
End If
'But all in all they are mostly like that
If Sh.Range("C134") = "" Then
Cells(Iw, 126) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 126) = Sh.Range("C134")
End If
Iw = Iw + 1
Next Sh
End Sub
Try adding this code to your For loop at the end:
If (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D" & Iw & ":DV" & Iw), "-") = 123) Then
Cntr = Cntr + 1 'Blank sheet found
Cntr = 0 'Not blank - Restart counter
End If
If (Cntr = 10) Then Exit For
This counts the number of - in your row and if it equals 123 (D-DV) then it increments the counter otherwise it clears the counter. When Cntr reaches 10 it exits the loop.
Add this code before your For loop ends
Dim counter As Integer
Dim previousRowBlank As Boolean
counter = 0
previousRowBlank = True
'count if all the 123 cells contain - string
If (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Summary").Range("D" & Iw & ":DV" & Iw), "-") = 123) Then
If (counter = 0) Then
counter = counter + 1
previousRowBlank = True
If (previousRowBlank = True) Then
counter = counter + 1
End If
End If
previousRowBlank = False
counter = 0
End If
'assuming you want to exit when 10 consecutive rows are blank
If (counter = 10) Then
Exit Sub
End If
When I have something like this I Dim a Boolean variable (perhaps call it isPopulated) which only gets switched to true when one of the cells has a value to act on. Then for your case after 10 (or however many you choose) lines, insert an If isPopulated = False Then Exit For to skip the remaining sheets.
EDIT; another idea I just had for you - if all the cells you're checking are supposed to have numeric values then you could use the below;
If Not WorksheetFunction.Concat(Range("D8"), Range("C134"), etc) Like "*#*" Then
'Code here to skip this and remaining sheets.
Obviously you'd need to add the relevant ranges inside the concat() brackets. What that will do is join the contents of those cells together, then check the result for any numbers "*#*" (you could also check for any letters using "*?*"). That gives you a one-code-line answer to the basic question 'is this sheet populated or not'.
I'm sure it's a bad idea to terminate the macro prematurely, based on such an imprecise criterion as the number of "empty" sheets in series. If data starts again on the 11th, 15th or 30th sheet, then you will not process it, you will lose it.
Your macro is not very complex, it shouldn't take longer than a few seconds. For modern Excel, 25K cells are very few
Your code can be shortened a little, simplified. After all, you know all the addresses of the cells that you need to check on each sheet, you enter them in the macro code sequentially, right? Write them on one line separated by commas and put them in a constant.
After that, the whole code will become much shorter:
Sub SummaryMacro()
Const REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS As String = "D8,...<all other source cells>...,B6"
Const SUM_SHEETNAME As String = "Summary"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsSum As Worksheet
Dim rCell As Range
Dim oTargetCell As Range
Dim oSumCell As Range
Dim aAddress As Variant
Dim i As Integer
aAddress = Split(REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS, ",")
Set wsSum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SUM_SHEETNAME)
wsSum.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
Set oTargetCell = wsSum.Range("A1")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> SUM_SHEETNAME Then
Set oTargetCell = oTargetCell.Offset(1, 0)
wsSum.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oTargetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to"
oTargetCell.Resize(1, 123).Value = "-"
Set oSumCell = oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1)
oSumCell.Value = ws.Name
For i = LBound(aAddress) To UBound(aAddress)
Set rCell = ws.Range(aAddress(i))
Set oSumCell = oSumCell.Offset(0, 1)
If Not IsEmpty(rCell) Then oSumCell.Value2 = rCell.Value2
Next i
End If
Next ws
End Sub
Update Everyone knows that working with an array in RAM is much faster than working with sheet cells. Therefore, the outer loop - iterating over the sheets of the book - remains the same, but we change the code inside the loop in this way:
Sub SummaryMacro()
Const SUM_SHEETNAME As String = "Summary"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsSum As Worksheet
Dim oTargetCell As Range
Dim aResData As Variant
aAddress = Split(REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS, ",")
Set wsSum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SUM_SHEETNAME)
wsSum.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
Set oTargetCell = wsSum.Range("A1")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> SUM_SHEETNAME Then
Set oTargetCell = oTargetCell.Offset(1, 0)
wsSum.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oTargetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to " & ws.Name
aResData = validateData(ws.Range("A1:L140").Value2) ' Or "D8:C134" or any other
oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aResData) + 1).Value = aResData
End If
Next ws
End Sub
The main trick is hidden in this line aResData = validateData(ws.Range("A1:L140").Value2)
We call our function and pass it as a parameter an array of cell values from the entire next sheet. Further work on analysis and processing will be carried out with the elements of this array. However, this is not the whole trick.
The validateData() function is very simple and looks like this:
Function validateData(aD As Variant) As Variant
validateData = validateValues(aD(1, 5), aD(2, 8), aD(3, 1), aD(2, 11), _
........ , _
aD(111, 3), aD(112, 8), aD(123, 9), aD(126, 10))
End Function
In other words, we select from the entire large array of aD (the name is deliberately made short, because in this function it will have to be repeated 123 times) only those values that need to be analyzed and we pass on to the next function. Despite the seeming simplicity, this is the most time-consuming part - you need to select from the sheet all cells "D8", "C134", etc. and write down their coordinates (row, column) as numbers aD(4,8), aD(3,134), etc.
Perhaps can help in this the mode R1C1 of displaying the sheet. Or some kind of helper function that will be used when preparing the code (not when executing - we agreed that we will no longer access cells for get values or for .Row and .Column properties!)
What will the validateData() function get? A long one-dimensional array aData(0 To 122) of cell values in the listed order. That is, as many values as there are cells to be filled in the Summary row for this sheet.
The last trick is the process of processing values. It would seem that we have gained nothing from all these transformations. But you claim that there are three groups of checks - for an empty value, for a boolean value (checkbox) and for text lines. This is how it is handled:
Function validateValues(ParamArray aData() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Variant
Dim aResult As Variant
ReDim aResult(LBound(aData) To UBound(aData))
For i = LBound(aData) To UBound(aData)
Select Case i
Case 1, 5, 7, 9 ' Checking cells empty / value
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "", "-", aData(i))
Case 4, 6, 10 ' Checking cells boolean True / "not True" (False or blank)
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i), "Declared", "-")
Case 0, 3, 8 ' Checking cells string "Issued" / other
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "Issued", "-", aData(i))
Case 2, 91, 118 ' Checking cells string "Pending" / other
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "Issued", "-", aData(i))
Case Else ' In a real macro, this line is not needed, it will never be executed because all the cells of the array are already listed above, this is useful only for debugging while all conditions will be written
aResult(i) = "-"
Debug.Print "Cell #" & i & " not processed yet"
End Select
Next i
validateValues = aResult
End Function
And now - again, in just one call! - we write a whole row of results:
oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aResData) + 1).Value = aResData
I am sure that these tricks will reduce the time it takes to form the summary sheet many times over. Please try this and let me know if it gets better?
I have a file which is modified through VBA.
It is concatenating three columns in the sheet to create a name.
However, another information needs to be concatenated to create the new data.
The data needs to be created by deducing something from data in another workbook.
In a scpecific column, with always the same name (but whose location can change, however in the sheet), the macro needs to look for a specific information. There can be four possibilities.
Once this possibility is identified, once the term is matched from either of these four, the VBA should increment the number in the end of the term in the workbook needs to be incremented.
The structure of is as follows in the first workbook:
Nip Nup Noupx
For "Noup" there are four cases : Noupx, Noupy, Noupu, Noupa
The VBA concatentes : NipNupNoupa
(or possibly NipNupNoupx, NipNupNoupu...)
Then the VBA should go in the other workbook, look for either the term "Noupa", "Noupu", "Noupx", "Noupy".
For each of these the specific number comming after "Noupa" (or the other) should be identified and should increment it by adding "+1".
Thus the result would be:
Noupa002 (resulting from the identification of Noupa001)
Noupu034 (resulting from the identificiation of Noupu033)
For the time being, I have the following VBA code, I do not know how to look for data in another workbook and increment it.
Sub TralaNome()
Const q = """"
' get source data table from sheet 1
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
' check if data exists
If .Rows.Count < 2 Or .Columns.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "No data table"
Exit Sub
End If
' retrieve headers name and column numbers dictionary
Dim headers As Dictionary
Set headers = New Dictionary
Dim headCell
For Each headCell In .Rows(1).Cells
headers(headCell.Value) = headers.Count + 1
' check mandatory headers
For Each headCell In Array(("Costumer", "ID", "Zone“, "Product Quali", "Spec A", "Spec B", "Spec_C", "Spec_D", "Spec_1", " Spec_2", " Spec_3", " Spec_4", " Spec_5", " Spec_6", " Spec_7", "Chiavetta", "Tipo_di _prodotto", "Unicorno_Cioccolato", “cacao tree“)
If Not headers.Exists(headCell) Then
MsgBox "Header '" & headCell & "' doesn't exists"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim data
' retrieve table data
data = .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).Value
End With
' process each row in table data
Dim result As Dictionary
Set result = New Dictionary
Dim i
For i = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
MsgBox "Empty row"
Exit For
result(result.Count) = _
q & "ID " & data(i, headers("ID ")) & _
q & " Tipo_di _prodotto " & data(i, headers("Tipo_di _prodotto")) & _
q & " cacao tree " & data(i, headers("Nupu")) & _
End Select
' output result data to sheet 2
If result.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No result data for output"
Exit Sub
End If
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
.Cells(1, 1).Resize(result.Count).Value = _
End With
MsgBox "Completed"
End Sub
The columns are grouped through this macro, but I need to now look in the other worksheet, increment the various Noupu, Noupy etc etc etc...
I think that a VBA of that sort should be used to add an incremented value :
Function GetLastRowWithData(WorksSheetNoupa As Worksheet, Optional NoupaLastCol As Long) As Long
Dim lCol, lRow, lMaxRow As Long
If NoupaLastCol = 0 Then
NoupaLastCol = wsSheet.Columns.Count
End If
lMaxRow = 0
For lCol = NoupaLastCol To 1 Step -1
lRow = wsSheet.Cells(wsSheet.Rows.Count, lCol).End(xlUp).Row
If lRow > lMaxRow Then
lMaxRow = lRow
End If
GetLastRowWithData = lMaxRow
End Function
(sorry, this probably should be a comment but I don't have enough reputation as yet).
However even without checking through your code in detail, I'm seeing an exit for in the middle of a for loop without an If to avoid it in certain conditions. Presumably this means that whatever's written below that line in the loop, never gets done - nor is the loop any good for anything but the first instance. (it's the loop that's annotated 'process each row in table data)
Have you tried running this step by step? (go into the VBEditor with a test dataset open, and hit F8 or the 'step into' button in debug toolbar )
I'm attempting to create a form for data entry of lab results, which validates an answer based on the specification of the product tested. The user enters the following information: Product Code and SG result etc
My source data is a table with 4 columns,
Product Code, Description, SG low, SG high
When the user enters the Product Code and SG in the form I would like it to validate based on the specific range allowed for that product (from the source data), and have a dialogue box asking the user to reconsider the result entered (if it were outside of the range).
Easy enough to flag with conditional formatting in the results sheet, but I don't want my users to have access to it.
I need to refer to separate Range VLOOKUP to return the specs.
Thanks in advance!
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
While ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value <> ""
i = i + 1
Dim losg, loph, hisg, hiph As Double
losg = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ProdCode.Text, Sheet1.Range("A1:F24"), 3, False)
hisg = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ProdCode.Text, Sheet1.Range("A1:F24"), 4, False)
loph = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ProdCode.Text, Sheet1.Range("A1:F24"), 5, False)
hiph = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ProdCode.Text, Sheet1.Range("A1:F24"), 6, False)
If SGresult.Text < losg Then
MsgBox "SG result " & SGresult.Text & " too low"
ElseIf SGresult.Text > hisg Then
MsgBox "SG result " & SGresult.Text & " too high"
Else: MsgBox "SG result " & SGresult.Text & " just right"
End If
If pHresult.Text < loph Then
MsgBox "ph result " & pHresult.Text & " too low"
ElseIf pHresult.Text > hiph Then
MsgBox "ph result " & pHresult.Text & " too high"
Else: MsgBox "ph result " & phresult.Text & " just right"
End If
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = ProdCode.Value 'Enter Code in Column A
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C" & i).Value = BNenter.Value 'Enter BN in Column C
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D" & i).Value = DOMenter.Value 'Enter DOM in Column D
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("E" & i).Value = SGresult.Value 'Enter SG result in Column E
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & i).Value = pHresult.Value 'Enter pH result in Column F
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("K" & i).Value = BatcherID.Value 'Enter Batcher ID in Column K
End Sub
Save Products in column "K" and valid result for respective product in column "L". Below code will give you desired output
Dim result, prod As String
Dim rng As Range
result = Val(resultText.Value)
prod = prodText.Value
On Error GoTo step:
Set rng = Range("K:K").Find(What:=prod, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If rng.Offset(0, 1).Value <> result Then
MsgBox "The result entered is out of valid range!"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Invalid Product"
Exit Sub
edited after OP clarified the "form" was a "UserFom"
You may want to check user input while he/she's editing/exiting any control instead of waiting for the CommandButton1_Click event and check them all together
Such a "modular" approach should keep code more easy to control and maintain
For example the TextBox Exit event could be used to check the user input as he/she's leaving it and have him/her come back to it in case of wrong input
since "Product Code" must be chosen between those listed in "Source" worksheet column "A"
you may want to use a ComboBox control and have the user choose one out of a list
since "Product Name" must be the one corresponding to the chosen "Product Code"
you may want to use a Label control and have the user simply looks at what name corresponds to the product code he just chose
Following what above and assuming "ProductNameLbl" as the label name, your userform code could be something like follows:
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.ProdCodeCB.List = GetSourceData(1) '<--| fill Product Name combobox list with "Source" worksheet column 1 data
End Sub
Private Sub ProdCodeCB_Change() '<--| fires when the user change the combobox selection
Me.ProdNameLbl.Caption = Worksheets("Source").Cells(Me.ProdCodeCB.ListIndex + 2, 2) '<--| update Product Name label with the name corresponding to the chosen Product Code
End Sub
Private Sub SGresultTB_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) '<--| fires upon exiting the SGresult textbox
Dim msgErr As String
With Me '<--| reference the Userform
If .ProdCodeCB.ListIndex <> -1 Then '<--| if a valid selection has been made in 'ProductCode' combobox
If Not IsValueInRange(.SGresultTB, GetProdCodeRange(.ProdCodeCB.ListIndex + 1), msgErr) Then '<-- if value out of range then...
With .SGresultTB
MsgBox "SG value " & .Value & msgErr _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please reconsider the value you input in 'SG' texbox"
Cancel = True
.SetFocus '<--| get the user back to the textbox
' following two lines select the textbox text so that the user can delete it
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
' helper functions
Function GetSourceData(colIndex As Long)
' this function returns an array with "Source" worksheets data in passed column from its row 2 to last not empty one
With Worksheets("Source") '<--| reference "Source" worksheet
GetSourceData = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(2, colIndex), .Cells(.Rows.Count, colIndex).End(xlUp)).Value)
End With
End Function
Function IsValueInRange(tb As MSForms.TextBox, rangeArr As Variant, msgErr As String) As Boolean
' this function returns a boolean (true/false) with the result of the checking whether the passed texbox (tb) text exceeds the passed range (rangeArr)
' msgErr is also set to some text if the range is exceeded
With tb
Select Case CDbl(.Value) '<-- prepare to act accordingly to its value
Case Is < rangeArr(1) '<--| if it's smaller than "SG Low" value
msgErr = " is lower than 'SG Low' = " & rangeArr(1) '<-- build the final part of the error message correspondingly
Case Is > rangeArr(2) '<--| while if it's greater than "SG High" value
msgErr = " is greater than 'SG High' = " & rangeArr(2) '<-- build the final part of the error message correspondingly
End Select
End With
IsValueInRange = msgErr = ""
End Function
Function GetProdCodeRange(iProd As Long)
' this function returns an array of the SG minimum and maximum values in "Source" worksheet corresponding to the chosen product
With Worksheets("Source") '<--| reference "Source" worksheet
With .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its column "A" cels from row 2 down to last not empty one
GetProdCodeRange = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.Cells(iProd, 1).Offset(, 2).Resize(, 2).Value)) '<--| return an array with "SG low" and "SG high" values corresponding to the product index passed
End With
End With
End Function
as you may see, I named controls after the names you chose for them except for adding a suffix to tell what kind of control they are:
ProdCodeCB: "CB" -> it's a ComboBox control name
SGresultTB: "TB" -> it's a TextBox control name
ProdNameLbl: "Lbl" -> it's a Label control name
I have some number in a column in excel like this:
when I sort this column, sorted column is like below:
How do I sort this column? I want the sorted column becomes like this:
One option is a hidden column, say if your values listed above were in A2:A5, insert a column to the right and in B2 enter the formula below and copy this down to the other B cells:
or alternative suggested by #Gary'sStudent that handles values after the hyphen as well by converting to decimals:
This strips out the number up to the first hyphen. Select all of the values in the two columns, select sort and then sort by columnB. you can then right click on column B and select hide.
If you do not want to use hidden columns then I think your only option would be to write some VBA to do a custom sort procedure. You would then also need a way of triggering this such as a control in the spreadsheet or just a keyboard shortcut.
I have had a go at the VBA procedure, it was not as straight forward as I expected so it may be that there is an easier way to do this.
The basic steps I went through are to prompt the user for a cell range (you just have to select the cells when prompted), store the values to an array of strings, create an equivalent numeric array where the hyphens are replaced by decimal points, sort the numeric array and then loop through the initial range pasting in the values in order.
I was surprised to find out that VBA does not have a built in method for sorting an array, but found some code that could be used here. This creates a temp worksheet and uses the worksheet function, there is also code there for a pure VBA solution but it's pretty lengthy.
To create the VBA procedure you will need to open the VBA editor with alt F11 and create a new module then paste the code below into a module (create a new module - right click on modules on right and insert) then paste in the code below.
The procedure that you need to call is sort_with-hyphens.
You will need to create a control or create a keyboard short cut to trigger this. For either you will need to enable the developer ribbon tab through File>Options. For the control do developer>control>button and right click to assign a macro. For the keyboard short cut developer>Macros select the VBA procedure name from the list of macros and select options.
Sub sort_with_hyphens()
On Error GoTo sort_with_hyphens_err
Dim vRange As Range
Dim vCell As Variant
Dim vStrArray(), vNumArray()
Dim i As Long, vStart As Long, vEnd As Long
Dim vStep As String: vStep = "Initialising values"
' prompt user to specify range
Set vRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range to be sorted", _
"Obtain Range Object", _
vStrArray = vRange.Value
vStart = LBound(vStrArray)
vEnd = UBound(vStrArray)
ReDim vNumArray(vStart To vEnd)
vStep = "Populating Numeric Array"
' loop through array copying strings with hyphen to decimal equivalent
For i = vStart To vEnd
vNumArray(i) = Val(Replace(vStrArray(i, 1), "-", "."))
Debug.Print i, vNumArray(i)
Next i
' sort numeric array
vStep = "Sorting Numeric Array"
SortViaWorksheet vNumArray
' write out sorted values
vStep = "Writing out Sorted Values"
For i = vStart To vEnd
' convert back to string and switch periods back to hyphens
vRange.Cells(i, 1).Value = Replace(CStr(vNumArray(i)), ".", "-")
Exit Sub
If vStep = "Writing out Sorted Values" Then
MsgBox ("An error has occurred, the original values will " & _
"be restored. Error in Step: " & vStep & vbCrLf & _
"Error Details:" & vbCrLf & err.Number & " - " & _
For i = vStart To vEnd
' replace with original value incase of error
vRange.Cells(i, 1).Value = vStrArray(i)
MsgBox ("An error has occurred in Step: " & vStep & vbCrLf & _
"Aborting sort procedure." & vbCrLf & _
"Error Details:" & vbCrLf & err.Number & " - " & _
End If
End Sub
Sub SortViaWorksheet(pArray)
Dim WS As Worksheet ' temporary worksheet
Dim R As Range
Dim N As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' create a new sheet
Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
' put the array values on the worksheet
Set R = WS.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(pArray) - LBound(pArray) + 1, 1)
R = Application.Transpose(pArray)
' sort the range
R.Sort key1:=R, order1:=xlAscending, MatchCase:=False
' load the worksheet values back into the array
For N = 1 To R.Rows.Count
pArray(N) = R(N, 1)
Next N
' delete the temporary sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' test/debug/confirmation
Debug.Print vbCrLf & "Sorted Array:" & vbCrLf & "------------"
For N = LBound(pArray) To UBound(pArray)
Debug.Print N, pArray(N)
Next N
End Sub
Let me know if you have any questions.
In the following program, what I am trying to do is scan the "yes" column of a specific range of sheets in a workbook that a user fills out, and wherever the user puts an "x" within that specific "Yes" column range, it will identify the associated item of the question marked in that row and copy the item code associated with that question (e.g. C3) into a Summary page for logging purposes.
The problem is that the code does not copy the item onto the summary page as intended when the for loop iterates through the desired range of sheets. However, if I comment out the for loop code and write Sheets(6).Select instead of Sheets(i).Select, for example, it will copy the "x" marked items onto the summary page for sheet index #6 as intended. This leads me to believe my copy+paste part of the code works (between the while loop statements), but the for loop fails somehow.
Can somebody please help me identify the source of the error? I understand that this code is not efficient, such as the excessive use of .select and non-dynamic declarations, but if I wanted to keep as much of the code the same as possible, how could I modify it to make it loop through all the sheets as I intended?
Sub DSR_Autofill()
' Variable Declarations:
Dim x_count As Long 'keeps track of how many "x"s you have
Dim i As Long 'for loop index
Dim n As Long 'while loop index
Dim item_a As String 'Letter part of Item
Dim item_b As String 'Number part of Item
' Variable Initializations:
x_count = 0 'start x count at zero
' Clear Previous Data:
Sheets(2).Range("A25:A29").ClearContents 'Clear Summary Pages before scanning through
' Main Data Transfer Code:
For i = 5 To i = 20 'Starts at "Process Control" and ends on "Product Stewardship"
Sheets(i).Select 'Select current indexed worksheet and...
Range("D15").Select '...the first item cell in the "Yes" Column
n = 0 'initialize n to start at top item row every time
Do While ActiveCell.Offset(n, -3) <> Empty 'Scan down "YES" column until Item Column (just "A" Column)...
'...has no characters in it (this includes space (" "))
If (ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "x" _
Or ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "X") Then 'If an "x" or "X" is marked in the "YES" column at descending...
'...cells down the column, at an offset specified by the for loop index n
item_a = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -3).Value ' Store Letter value
item_a = Replace(item_a, "(", "") ' Get rid of "(", ")", and " " (space)
item_a = Replace(item_a, ")", "") ' characters that are grabbed
item_a = Replace(item_a, " ", "")
item_b = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -2).Value ' Store number value
item_b = Replace(item_b, "(", "") ' Get rid of "(", ")", and " " (space)
item_b = Replace(item_b, ")", "") ' characters that are grabbed
item_b = Replace(item_b, " ", "")
x_count = x_count + 1 ' increment the total x count
If (x_count > 5) Then ' If there are more than 5 "x" marks...
Sheets("SUMMARY P.2").Activate ' ...then continue to log in SUMMARY P.2 and...
Range("A18").Select ' ...choose "Item" column, first cell
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 6), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
'Insert concatenated value of item_a and item_b (for example "A" & "1" = "A1")
'at the cells under the "Item" column, indexed by x_count
Else ' If there are less than 5 "x" marks...
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Activate ' ...log in SUMMARY P.1 and...
Range("A25").Select ' ...choose "Item" column, first cell
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 1), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
End If
End If
n = n + 1
Sheets(i).Select 'Return back to current sheet before running again
Loop 'syntax for continuation of while loop
Next i 'syntax for continuation of for loop
If (x_count > 5) Then 'Bring user back to the Summary Page where the last Item was logged
Sheets("SUMMARY P.2").Select
Sheets("SUMMARY P.1").Select
End If
End Sub
Take out the second "i = " in your For line:
For i = 5 To 20