start windows phone application analysis - visual-studio-2012

I finished a windows phone project. And try to do Debug->Start windows phone application analysis on visual studio 2012 (also 2013), but it doesn't work, and a dialog box pops up:
now I want to start windows phone application analysis on my project. how can I do this??
PS: I tried create new app from the windows phone template, it has the same error!

I had the same issue and alternatively i had error when opening .sap files too with :
This last error point me that you have to install SDK Update for Windows Phone 7.8 and everything work now.
Surprising that this prerequisite is not specified.


visual studio 2012 - publish windows forms app for windows 8.1

I created a very simple windows form app in visual studio 2012 on a Windows 7 machine that has been working on Windows 7 for a few years with no issues. The user upgraded to Windows 8.1 recently and when I tried to install the app, there is no error message but it doesn't work. It appears to install and creates the desktop shortcut but the application won't launch. What I can I do to make it work on Windows 8.1? I've tried using the 'run application made for previous versions of windows" but the app doesn't appear on the list and I can't seem to find the location when I try to browse to it. It seems like it should be a simple fix but I'm very inexperienced and need some help. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Run appxbundle on a simulator

I have a maybe a small problem.
My task is to test a windows 8.1 tablet app. I have no tablet here, so I installed the Visual Studio 2013 Express and the Windows Phone SDK.
If I start the "windows phone application deployment" and try to start the *.appxbundle file, I get an error
a packaging error prevented this application from installing
I sent this back to the developer, he means the app is made for tablets and have to be tested on tablets.
So my question:
Is it somehow possible to simulate windows 8.1 tablet on a windows 8.1 system?
How to install the .appxbundle file?
If you want to test the app in a tablet then there is no need of a Windows Phone SDK or any simulator. You can install the app in your Windows 8.1 pc/desktop, and it will be the same as it will be on a tablet, because a windows store app is common for tablet and pc.
And to install the .appxbundle you can refer to this link (from step 6).
Found a solution, install the app with windows power shell
add-appxpackage C:\myapp.appx

Windows phone 8.1 Emulator launching issue

While launching the sample application in windows phone 8.1 emulator I am getting this error.
**Error 1 Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - App deployment failed. Please try again. AccelerometerCS.WindowsPhone
Error 2 Error : DEP6200 : Boostrapping 'Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB' failed. Device cannot be found. App deployment failed. Please try again.
Any possible solutions?
Thanks in advance.
I have had the same problem and have found a solution that might work for you as well. Here is what I did:
close Visual Studio
open Hyper-V Manager
delete all Windows Phone Emulator VMs
in the Virtual Switch Manager (link is located in the navigation bar
on the right) delete all Windows Phone related virtual switches
open Visual Studio and try to deploy the application again (Visual
Studio will create a fresh virtual machine for you)
I hope that helps.
Based on a quick search and Sumesh Thomas's blog, you might be trying to deploy a Windows Phone 8.1 app to a device with older version of Windows Phone (probably 8.0).
That won't work. Windows Phone apps targeting Windows Phone 8.1 need that version of OS as a minimum requirement.
Also, another possibility is that there's a pending Windows Update reboot which is causing the issue when deploying to emulator. According to the provided link, getting the latest updates from Windows Update and rebooting your machine might help.

Which version of Windows and Visual Studio do i need to download for building Windows 8 Phone apps

I have purchased Windows 8.1 pro and downloaded Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone.
But when I try to run a simple app in the emulator but it says You need to Update Visual Studio Express 2012 to update 3 since it has some compatibility issues,i have downloaded the ISO file from the below link.
But when I try to install I get these errors:
What is the issue here ?
Setup Failed
1) The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider.
2) The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider.
So how to solve this issue here ?
If you want to create Windows 8.1 apps you should install Visual Studios 2013.

Cannot create Windows Phone 8 project in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate

I have a copy of Visual Studio 2102 installed on my computer. Since my computer met all the requirements for the emulator (SLAT, Hardware Assisted Virtualization etc.), i downloaded the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK and proceeded to install it.
Unfortunately, i cannot create a new Windows Phone application. Project templates (Windows phone application, Pivot application, Panorama application etc) do not appear in VS2012 main page. The only available option is "Discover Windows phone tools" (which redirects you to the download page of the SDK).
I tried to uninstall everything and repeat the process, but the result is the same.
I'm still able to open projects made with the old Windows phone SDK 7.1 and test them on the new emulator. This should be enough to prove that the installation was successfully completed.
I can't understand what went wrong. May you help me?
I had a similar bug because my Visual Studio Pro is in French. When you install Windows phone SDK, an express version of vs is already installed, you can create phone project in this version and open these projects in vs pro but you cannot create phone project directly in vs pro, that's right ?
Go to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Windows Phone
You should have a folder called 1033, it contains phone template for english version of visual studio. Copy and paste it then rename the copy in your code language ( , for me it's 1036).
After that, close visual studio, launch C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat with admin rights and type : devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates /ResetSettings
Relaunch visual studio pro, and you should have a Windows phone entry.
Parallels provides a very good knowledge-base article on fixing this problem:
KB: Running Windows 8 Phone emulator in the Windows 8 virtual machine
Copy lang files also in:
It helped me!
