Compiling and Installing Yate from SVN on Debian - linux

I am trying to install Yate from SVN on my Raspberry Pi through the command line via this tutorial:
When I get to this step:
cd /usr/src
svn checkout yate
I get an error saying "svn: E000013: Can't make directory '/usr/src/yate': Permission denied"
Any help would be appreciated!

the easy way to fix this, is to run it as root. this seems ok, as the later steps seem to require root privileges as well. in general it might be possible to run the commands as a normal user in another directory.


NVM issue after recovery/reinstall ubuntu

Over the weekend I had to performed a fresh install on Ubuntu on my laptop.
I was restoring my files from my backup, but I used the wrong username.
I've tried to change the username and the $PATH but I'm still getting the same error
t0m#asuntu:~$ wget -qO- | bash
=> Downloading nvm from git to '/home/ubut0m/.nvm'
=> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/ubut0m’: Permission denied
ls: cannot access '/home/ubut0m/.nvm': No such file or directory
fatal: could not create leading directories of '/home/ubut0m/.nvm': Permission denied
Failed to clone nvm repo. Please report this!
t0m#asuntu:~$ vim .bashrc
I've tried removing and reinstalling everthing (NPM, Node, NVM), but don't know why I can't get the script to work. Any help is appreciated.
Check that you're $HOME environment variable matches that of the user you are currently running as, which you can check with whoami. Sometimes, some tools that elevate privileges (such as sudo) preserve the old user's home directory environment variable while running as the new user.
If that's not the problem, check that your home directory exists and has the correct permissions. Usually, if that's the problem, all sorts of other issues pop up (but I can understand a tendency to ignore such things on a newly restored machine).
If it's neither of those things, you can try making sure that you are in your home directory when running the wget | bash command although that really shouldn't be necessary (and if that turns out to be the issue, I would definitely file a bug with nvm about it).

Error when running emacs make install on remote machine

I am trying to install emacs on a machine that I'm accessing through ssh.
I downloaded the emacs-24.5.tar.gz which I transferred to the root directory of my remote machine.
I ran the ./configure command and then navigated to the emacs-24.5 folder and ran the make install command
I unfortunately ran into this error
/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/share/icons': Permission denied
/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/emacs.png': No such file or directory
make: *** [install-etc] Error 1
How do I get emacs working on the remote machine now?
Your description of what steps you took make it a little difficult to know if you missed anything. For example, I'm assuming you ran tar on the tarball before you ran configure or make? Also, little concerned when you say you ran configure and THEN navigated to the 24.5 directory? You should be running make install from the same directory/folder where you ran configure. You also didn't indicate you had run make bootstrap.
The steps should be
scp emacs-24.5.tar.gz user#remote-host:~
ssh user#remote-host
tar xzf emacs-24.5.tar.gz
cd emacs-24.5
make bootstrap
sudo make install
Notice in the output from the make install there are directions on an additional command you need to run to set movemail permissions. This command also needs to be run under sudo
I'm assuming your not ssh'ing intot the remote host as root as this would be a bad practice. This means that when you do the make install, you need to run the process with root privileges, so you need to use sudo.
You should also check the output from configure and make sure there are no errors. Configure will also list emacs features which are turned on/off depending on whether you have various supporting libraries installed. If you scroll the terminal output from configure up a couple of pages, you will see the printout. If there are features listed with a 'no' which you want/expect, you will need to go through the documentation and work out which additional supporting libraries you need. However, most of the time, with modern linux distros setup for desktop use, everything will likely already be there. Might be different on a server and I can't speak about Windows and what it might require.

jenkins svn run as root

I'm new to jenkins.
I got jenkins intalled with
sudo apt-get install jenkins
on a linux system.
I've got a project(s) with svn checkout.
Every time when jenkins checkout the svn-repo, the files ownership get root ownership ( root / root ).
But the jenkins is not an root user.
In some projects it make "mvn clean" impossible, or delete a folder.
I google about it
svn checkout as root
can do this.
I think about it, that i will run jenkins (service) as another user.
Manualy i set the workspace folder in jenkins to jenkins user / group.
But in some project after svn update is get back to "root / root" ownership.
I don't know the real reason for "svn as root".
I look for the answer, and I would appreciate help
It is very, very unlikely the checkout would create files owned by root if Jenkins was not running as root. Practically the only explanation is that Jenkins really running as root and you did not check it from a reliable source. The user which Jenkins reports under $JENKINS_URL/systemInfo might be wrong. (How did you check Jenkins is not running as root?)
Please check again by running something like
ps axu | grep java
and look for the java process and see who is the user running it.
How exactly to fix your installation depends how you installed Jenkins. Please provide more information if you need more help.

Trouble when running

I have downloaded R tree from
Since on running ./ I was getting file/folder not found, therefore I downloaded the file from the github repository given below:
Now when I run ./ I am getting "Permission denied"
And if I run sh ./ I am getting:
glibtoolize or libtoolize not found. Giving up!
Please suggest what should I do now
EDIT:Also I want to use libspatialindex inside my C++ project. I am using netbeans. I mean I want to use the functions inside libspatialindex inside my netbeans project. How should I use the same. Right now I have run the config and make command in a separate directory. I am not getting as to how to use them inside my project.
Install libtool from your package manager.
To fix the 'Permission Denied' error you need to edit the permissions of your file. Run this command:
chmod +x
I got this error after restoring a library from a Backup to a NTFS directory.
I discovered that another reason this can occur is if the mounted partition has noexec flag on it.
Run mount to see if noexec has been set on the partition.
Update /etc/fstab or add -o exec to the mount command.
Hope, it helps others in the same situation as me.

bash: gitolite: command not found

I am trying to make a new branch in Gitlab by using Gitolite. I complete the installation steps. when i come across "setting up gitolite" section i have a trouble. I followed this link.
When i run
gitolite setup -pk
command i got "bash: gitolite: command not found" error message. I don't know what is the problem.. Any one please help me.
This step comes after the Gitolite installation, which supposes you have chosen one of three possibilities:
Keep the sources anywhere and use the full path to run the gitolite command.
Keep the sources anywhere and symlink just the gitolite program to some directory on your $PATH.
Copy the sources somewhere and use that path to run the gitolite command.
So make sure gitolite is in your PATH, and that command will work.
I prefer a local installation of gitolite (in a local directory, as opposed to /usr/local, which requires root privileges.).
See, for illustration, ""
"${github}/install" -to "${gtl}/bin" # Note: "${gtl}/bin" is in my $PATH
GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME= gitolite setup -pk "${H}/.ssh/"
Note that for gitolite setup to properly work, you might want to set GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME to an empty string first.
As I also faced the same problem, I found the solution(s) as below.
First way is ...,
Open your terminal and key in below code
$ PATH=$PATH:~/bin
It is because the value of $PATH variable is point to incorrected path.
So I just modify this variable.
To be more detail click here.
Second way is ...,
Edit .bashrc file going to the end and insert below line.
To be more detail click here.
On debian, there is no /usr/bin/gitolite
Linux debian-srv 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux ls: cannot access /home/gitolite/bin: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /usr/bin/gito*: No such file or directory
Here installing gitolite3 helped:
apt-get install gitolite3
root#debian-srv:# which gitolite
