Copy duplicate values from one column to a separate sheet - excel

I have a list of names in one column in sheetA. I want to copy the duplicate names from sheet A to sheet B and also provide a count of those duplicate names beside each copied name in sheet B.

I’m guessing it is ‘manually’ so would suggest a helper column in sheetA with =COUNTIF(A:A,A1) copied down (assuming your list of names starts in A1. For each row this should count the number of rows that contain that row’s name.
Copy ColumnA:B into your sheetB with Paste Special Values, then use Data > Data Tools – Remove Duplicates and filter and delete all rows with 1 in the count column.

easiest method I can think of would be a pivot table, rows=names, columns=count of names, filter table for counts greater than 0? then when you want to run a fresh report, past in the original information and refresh the table?
Probably way too late to be helpful, but maybe for the next person...


How to delete duplicates within a large database on a column by column basis

I have a large set of data (over 3000 columns) for work, with text in every cell. Each column is unrelated to each other. Within each column there are potentially duplicates and I need to keep only the first instance , but there is no way to highlight the cells with duplicates on a column by column basis as when the whole data set is highlighted excel treats the rows as related data and looks for duplicates on a row by row basis. I have tried using macros (I am a total novice) but the macros don't work.
Image shows the columns of data with some duplicates in the columns.
If you use the modern Excel, you could use the UNIQUE function, which returns the array of unique elements.
Just duplicate the sheet and in the copy delete everything below the lines with "Processor 1" and "Processor 2". Then in the first column use UNIQUE referring to the first respective column of the original sheet.
Just fill the formula right (Ctrl + R) and in the new sheet each column will have only the unique elements.
You can then paste the whole resulting table as values and delete the original one.

Copy data from a table to another in Excel

I'm new in Excel and I have a little problem.
I have a table with some names and their age, names are sorted alphabetically, and I have another table with same names, but they're random, and what I want is to copy the age from the first table to this second table for every name. The thing is that I can't with copy paste, because when I have 1000 names in my table.
As you can see, I want to copy the numbers from the first table from "Venit" to column "Venit februarie" for every name in the column "Nume".
Any solution?
Assuming that these are in the same sheet itself we will use this command.
The lookup_value just mean what are we looking for? What cell or static input are we going to reference?
loopup_vector just means from what SINGLE column OR SINGLE row will we use? What cells are we going to use?
result_vector means IF we find a matching value, what the location of that data should we pull from?
This formula was designed for you to paste into I4 and drag and drop the formula in the other cells.

Excel 2007. How can I convert names into unique IDs?

Currently I am forming a dataset in excel. With the dataset, I am going to do the panel regression using stata(fixed effect model).
However, I cannot change people's names into their unique IDs. In my dataset, I have name in column B, and I want to generate a new column A with corresponding numbers to names in column B. Doing manually is not an option for me since the number of data is larger than 1,000. Two particular problems I encounter are that names are in Korean so the number of characters are mostly the same, and there are same people in different rows. Is there any method that I could use?
If I understand you question correctly, I would do following.
Step 1: Used the Advanced Filter to filter on unique names
You can place these results on the same sheet or on a different sheet (as per Scott Craner's comment). Both options are listed below
Filter Names on the same sheet
Select all the data in column B, then click Data > Sort & Filter > Advanced.
Select the option to Copy to another location, Select a blank cell in column B location at the very bottom of your worksheet, several rows away from your data (since you won't be able to paste the results to a new sheet), and then select Unique records only. Then Click OK
Filter Names on a different sheet
Add a new sheet and the click Data > Sort & Filter > Advanced.
Select the option to Copy to another location
Set the "List range" to the column on your dataset sheet containing the names, and Set the "Copy to" range to B1 on your new sheet
Select Unique records only and then Click OK
This will paste a new range that has all the unique names in your list.
Step 2: Assign unique IDs to the names in the unique list
This can easily be done by entering '1' in the Column C cell next to the first name in the unique list, '2' next to the second name, selecting those two cells, and then clicking the bottom right corner of the selected cells and dragging it down to the bottom of the unique names list
Now you have a range (i.e. unique names and IDs) that you can use VLOOKUP to populate an ID column in your data set
Step 3: Use VLOOKUP to populate IDs for the rows in your dataset
For example, If your unique names and ID is in the range B1200:C1500, then you can enter the following formula in the first row of your dataset in column A (what you want to be the column with your unique IDs)
=VLOOKUP(B2, $B$1200:$C$1500,2,0)
After you drag this formula down your entire dataset, you'll now have the correesponding unique ID for each name.
Step 4: Cleanup
Copy your column A (should be all VLOOKUP formulas) and paste Values only so you don't have the formulas there anymore
Delete the unique data and IDs range at the bottom of sheet (or the new sheet you created to do this)

Adding in information from one spreadsheet to another

Good Morning,
I have a spreadsheet with 40,000 products and a spreadsheet with 35,000 products all with item ID's
Is there anyway I can add in the missing 5,000 ITEM ID's using a forumla? I dont want to manually go through each item and see what is missing
Thank you very much for your time and help
If ColumnA holds the unique ID's in each sheet please try:
in Sheet2 and
in Sheet1, both copied down to suit.
Then sort both on the results of these columns and copy those that result in 0 from one sheet to the other to ensure complete sets in both sheets and to check whether either sheet has duplicates.
next to column "A" in your longer list, put a formula in cell B1 assuming your data starts from A1:
=if(isna(VLOOKUP(A1,**column A of first shorter list**,1,false)),"Missing","Exists")
and populate down until the end of the list, the entries reading "missing" are the ones that are missing from the first list.
I assume your list of source IDs lays in Sheet1!A2:A40001, row 1 is for headers. The target IDs are in Sheet2!A2:A35001
Detect which are missing.
Use the following formula in Sheet1!B2:
Copy down to Sheet1!B2:B40001.
Filter out those already present.
Select row Sheet1!1:1. Use Data -> Filter. Go to the drop-down arrow in cell B1, and select only #N/A.
Copy those missing.
Select all values shown in column Sheet1!A:A. Copy, and paste below the last value in column Sheet2!A:A.
It is easy to figure out how to do the same if you have adjacent columns with relevant data that you want to copy as well.

Trying add up values but have multiple entries

I am trying to look up the value in one column and pull the number from another column.
Of course, I could use the simple V-lookup or Match.
However, the first column of data has multiple entries that are the same. If I Vlookup it is just going to pull the first number in the second column.
I need to pull each number from the second column and somehow add them together. Despite the fact I have multiple entries.
If there is a way to consolidate the multiple entries in 1st column while also summing up the numbers in the 2nd, that would be great.
I would recommend a Pivot Table. To create one, select a cell in your data range (which needs to have column names in the first row. Choose Insert / Pivot Table from the Ribbon and select the New Worksheet option for the location.
In the Pivot Table list on the new worksheet, drag the name of the first column to the Row Labels box and the name of the second column to the Values box. The name in the Values box should turn to Sum of <2nd column name>.
The Pivot Table will now show a sorted list of the column 1 values and the summed values of column 2. In the example, you'll see that
Does SUMIF do what you are looking for?
