Chromecast "StartApplicationRequest failed with status: -4" - google-cast

I've set up the Chromecast SDK, whitelisted my device, and am running web servers at the URLs I provided in the whitelist request.
The chromecast tic tac toe app works fine with the default app id "TicTacToe", however changing it to my own: "1813060e-33c5-41dc-b356-0d2bad12497f" or "1813060e-33c5-41dc-b356-0d2bad12497f_1" does not work.
The server url is up and running at, but no requests are being made to it by Chromecast. The chromecast doesn't display anything. However I get a few errors in the log.
Here is the logcat.
W/StartSessionTask(15590): StartApplicationRequest failed with status:
-4 E/ApplicationSession(15590): StartSessionTask failed with error: failed to start application: request failed D/GameActivity(15590):
start session failed: failed to start application: request failed
I've also tried using the internal app id with the dev url I had provided,

I found the answer here:
unable to cast to personal whitelisted receiver app
Using the Chromecast app on my Macbook, I went into Settings.
Send serial number when Checking for updates
Reboot device the device using the Mac update app
This resolved the error for me. The chromecast doesn't know if it is whitelisted unless you send the serial during update checks.

I think I see what's missing! In your receiver you gave a link to, you have:
var receiver = new cast.receiver.Receiver(
But it should be (fill in the 'YOUR APP ID HERE' with your App ID)
var receiver = new cast.receiver.Receiver(

I am running into the same error as well. I after setting the Chromecast to send the serial when checking for updates I was finally able to access the debugger one port 9222. Unfortunately, I don't see anything happen on the Chromecast at all when I select it from the device list on my Nexus and try sending one of the demo videos.
Something I noticed and I don't know it makes difference or not but if you whitelist a domain in the GoogleCast extension for Chrome and you include the "http://" it will cause the injection to not work. I wonder if this is the problem with the look up that the Chromecast performs as I submitted my URLs to Google with the http:// prepended. Again I am not sure this should really make a difference but I plan on trying to resubmit the URLs just to see.

Install cURL in your windows machine from here
Now make sure that your device and laptop are in same network.
Now go to command prompt, type curl -d "" http://:8008/apps/YouTube
there If it gets casted automatically to TV then instead of YouTube put your appid and try.
If not then your router is blocking some traffic.


passport-apple inexplainable invalid_client on nodejs backend -- using clean example repository with fresh set of credentials

I've cloned and replaced the config with this:
clientID: "com.myname.web",
teamID: "myteamid",
callbackURL: "",
keyID: "mykeyid",
privateKeyLocation: path.join(__dirname, "../apple-key.p8")
I've also added SSL certificate on my machine and starting the server with https, all works fine & is recognized by my browser. I'm also starting the app on port 443 and proxying using my hosts file ->
I have the same auth setup for facebook, google & microsoft and everything works fine.
I have:
Created a new APP identifier and enabled Sign in with Apple for it, named it:
Created a new SERVICE identifier and enabled Sign in with apple, called it: com.myname.web
Added "" to the "Reply URLS" on the service identifier com.myname.web
Set my app identifier as the main app identifier my service to be grouped with.
Created a private key and enabled sign in with apple, interface confirmed the presence of grouped ID com.myname.web bundled with for which the key was created.
I have confirmed using console.log that the private key is indeed at the path being passed as parameter.
converted the .p8 file to base64 & then back to UTF-8 in an attempt to use the string for privateKeyString
successfully implemented Apple Oauth several times in the past using passport-apple
This time around, for some reason, auth simply doesn't work.
If I set the clientID as the APP identifier, not the service, I'm getting
Invalid web redirect url.
instead of invalid_client
Any advice on debugging this is highly appreciated. Thank you.
EDIT #1:
I have dug a bit deeper into the passport-apple package to figure out if anything goes against apple's docs around token generation, but the flow never reaches that part, indicating things go wrong on the actual configuration in Apple's console & what I'm trying to use for my project.
2 of the app Ids I have created always throw "wrong redirect uri" because they're not service IDs so I can't configure redirect_uri, this will change if to "required" if I pass undefined as a redirect_uri.
One of the app ids throws only invalid client_id instead, regardless if I pass undefined or good value for redirect_uri.
Went full vanilla through the OAuth code flow process and just created a url & redirected the user it, failing with this method is consistent with what is happening when using the passport-apple module.
const url = new URL("");
url.searchParams.append("state", "fdbd287b1f");
url.searchParams.append("response_type", "code");
url.searchParams.append("scope", "name email");
url.searchParams.append("response_mode", "form_post");
url.searchParams.append("client_id", "com.myname.web");
return res.redirect(url.toString());
[Creator of the library here.]
Did it stop working in development too? I feel this is a configuration error because the actual thing is working live on my website:
Please follow up on this Github issue. Thanks!

MS Teams | Microsoft bot framework - Returns 502 error on task/fetch

I have an MS Teams adapter written using the botframeworks sdk v4 for node js which works perfectly for normal conversations. But when I try to do a task/fetch, it returns an error message "Unable to reach app. Please try again." on the task module popup
I can see from the inspector that it returns 502 response for the request to invoke the task module
The task module returns a simple adaptive card and I can see that I get a callback on my handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch function from the logs
The adapter runs on a docker container with an nginx proxy and the nginx logs shows that, it returns a 200 response whenever I click on the task module launch button
I have a similar setup in my dev and taskmodule works perfect there
Any help is highly appreciated
I have tried hardcoding the adaptive card. That doesnt help either
Eventually it was found that there was a problem with one of the csp headers and microsoft was not happy about it.
I removed the CSP headers and the taskmodule started working
Thanks to #gousia-msft for your help in debugging the issue

Sending email using nodemailer doesn't works on internet service but on local server

I am trying to send email from my node.js app using nodemailer. I am successful in sending email from my local server after enabling less secure apps on google account.
But when I deployed my code to heroku, it is unable to send email because google is blocking my login attempts. So I logged in to my account and clicked on the option that the login attempt was from me indeed. However it still is not working. I then set up a project on and got the same sign in prevented. I did the same for this and accepted it as my sign in attempt. However I am still not able to send emails.
The error that is coming is this :
Server listening on port 80
Failed in sending mail
{ success: false, existing: false, sendError: true }
{ [Error: Invalid login]
code: 'EAUTH',
response: '534-5.7.14 <\n534-5.7.14 LiCfP8u0IX20V3Y1nFt7iYuwJCPg4LVgRxVvEPO5y4-XOjzSsm_xa0XIBE3NP2bM5euv4A\n534-5.7.14 m6LSg0_DQ
Qj9kOm_JuwykQxVyYSKaLGyeibhi_cHtx3Pu4I4UISJCPt3TvHdxCUebMzTbu\n534-5.7.14 2F9wLa-IFpKHf9HPap4Aeu11Nup9ZAlpOCGAmcnbERFeAufeIgAsExtGkrmV2X7mktJ5nq\n534-5.7.14 epNHDpwg2EwMVwzOrpt8rGZahYvs> Please log i
n via your web browser and\n534-5.7.14 then try again.\n534-5.7.14 Learn more at\n534 5.7.14 a76sm5828252oig.11 - gsmtp',
responseCode: 534 }
Please Help. I am in desperate need of getting it running.
I have the same issue, grap the link on your respone message "\n534-5.7.14" and paste to browser, you will see an announcement that showing google just blocked your sign-in request by cause it perform from strange device, then you can follow google instruction to accept that device.
It's work in my case. But I don't know what happen if heroku dynos sleep then waked up again, maybe it change the machine and you would got this problem again.
In this case, considering using a vps for hosting your mailing app.

ChromeCast(google cast) can't find app name

ChromeCast (google cast) can't find my app name.
I already registered the app in the whitelist.
I can find and launch apps/YouTube, apps/ChromeCast, apps/OldAppName,
but not apps/NewAppName.
Why so? How can I do any thing?
thanks a lot.
Hi Ali Naddaf,
Thanks you for your reply.
I already checked each step by your link again, My app ID is already in whitelist.
I used "//"
in my receiver app.
but when I Invoke receiver use new app ID, It's return below Error on receiver source code.
(google default)enter code here
return new Message(
On ChromeCast "receiver/1.0/cast_receiver.js",
I can found my app use app ID, such as "",
This rule is still can work???
Thanks a lot.
The error source code is in home screen,
"message.js" file,
This is ChromeCast default home screen source code
I use below receiver:
1 //
2 our iOS app sender, (google sample)
ps. default app is normal work, YouTube/ChromeCast/old app-ID(version 1.0 js)
and I can found below page use browser,
" app-ID"
but can't found
" app-ID"
Thanks a lot,
Most likely your device is not whitelisted. You need to register your chromecast device for your appid and then, follow the instructions in this post to troubleshoot. Also read the development site for chromecast; it has valuable info.

Sharepoint Lists.asmx: The request failed with an empty response

I'm writing a very small app to create and test caml querys for sharepoint. While executing the GetListItems method I'm receiving the following exception;
System.Net.WebException: "The request failed with an empty response."
The service is located on a https address (ssl). I setup the service as follows;
result = new ListService.Lists();
result.Url = siteUrl;
result.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtDomain.Text);
I invoke the GetListItems() method as follows;
xmlResult = spList.GetListItems(listName, string.Empty, camlQuery, null, string.Empty, null, string.Empty);
I'm trying to find out why I'm getting the empty result message. I've also tried other methods (i.e. GetListCollection) but to no avail.
At first I thought that the problem might be the URL (http instead of https), but that is not the case. I even checked it with wireshark to make sure the right URL is used.
Did someone come accross this problem and how did you solve it?
OMG...! I've solved it after all. After posting this question, I tried to get hold of the wsdl the check the service itself. When I checked it via internet explorer all was ok. When I tried to add it as a reference in VS it went wrong. So something was not ok. Then it occured to me that there was a new login screen for our company network.
After some quick phonecalls I learned what the problem was; IT Services installed a ISA 2006 server and 'forgot' to tell me. The ISA server was blocking all trafic on the HTTPS port (443) for unkown programs and or clients. That's why internet explorer presented me with a new and shiny login dialog.
